760 research outputs found

    Current Problems of Interaction between Emergency Medical Service and Population: Organizational, Financial, and Supply Chain management.

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    At the current stage quality of emergency medical services (EMS) implies not only the professionalism of paramedics, but also the timeliness of their provision. The methods that allow for minimization of the patient’s waiting time for assistance are acquiring particular relevance. The purpose of this paper is to identify factors increasing the waiting time of EMS and prove the need to implement recommendations given on the reverse side of the first aid alert sheet for the citizens after calling an ambulance. The paper analyzes operation of Vladivostok EMS during 2016 – 2018 based on the data of the annual statistics report. In the process of solving these tasks of the thesis, the following research methods were used: analytical, descriptive, comparative, observation, simulation and generalization. nine ambulance crew shifts in Vladivostok city were studied with the help of observation and simulation methods. The results of this study were used as a basis for calculating time, which could be shortened in case if patients use our recommendations. The factors negatively affecting the delivery time of emergency medical service are drafted. The measures that can increase delivery of a quality medical service are offered. The developed recommendations can reduce time spent by an ambulance crew on the call, and improve efficiency of interaction between the ambulance crew and the patient


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    The article reveals that the system of masters’ in dentistry professional training in Ukraine does not sufficiently meet the international requirements and education levels regulated by the National Qualifications Framework. At the same time, the updated field standard of higher education in the specialty “Dentistry” (2019) contains a number of contradictory conditions, in particular: the availability of educational-professional training program and educational-scientific (optional for universities) one with different number of credits (300 and 360 correspondingly). The necessity to implement the levels of junior bachelor (dentist’s assistant) and bachelor (odontologist-hygienist) into the model of masters’ in dentistry professional training process was substantiated. This allows students of higher dental education institutions to start practical activity from the first year of studying, which can encourage them to increase the level of their professional competence and restore the preventive component of dental care to the population of Ukraine. It has been proved the expediency to prolong the period of masters’ in dentistry professional training to 6 years with the last year of practically oriented study to ensure compliance of dental education in Ukraine with the requirements of the World Federation for Medical Education in terms of the amount of academic load and the need to strengthen its practical component. A modern model of masters’ in dentisry professional training has been developed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and the requirements of the World Federation of Medical Education.У статті доведено, що система професійної підготовки магістрів-стоматологів в Україні не відповідає достатньою мірою міжнародним вимогам і регламентованим Національною рамкою кваліфікацій рівням освіти. Водночас оновлений галузевий стандарт вищої освіти за спеціальністю «Стоматологія» (2019) містить низку суперечливих положень, зокрема: наявність освітньо-професійної і освітньо-наукової (на вибір ЗВО) програм підготовки з різним об’ємом кредитів (300 і 360 відповідно). Обґрунтовано необхідність імплементації у модель процесу професійної підготовки магістрів-стоматологів рівнів молодшого бакалавра – асистента стоматолога, бакалавра – одонтолога-гігієніста і магістра – лікаря-стоматолога. Це дасть змогу студентам закладів вищої стоматологічної освіти розпочати практичну діяльність з молодших курсів, що сприятиме підвищенню рівня їх професійної компетентності і відновленню профілактичної складової стоматологічної допомоги населенню України. Для забезпечення відповідності стоматологічної освіти в Україні вимогам ВФМО у частині обсягу навчального навантаження і необхідності посилити її практичну складову доведено доцільність продовжити термін професійної підготовки магістрів до 6 років з останнім – практично-орієнтованим роком навчання. Розроблена модель професійної підготовки магістрів-стоматологів відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій і вимог Всесвітньої федерації медичної освіти

    SiC Nanofibers in Canals and Pores of Cordierite Honeycomb Material as a Support for Catalyst in CO-PROX Reaction

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    The Cu–Co oxide system supported on SiC nanofibers deposited on cordierite was studied in the CO oxidation reaction in the presence of hydrogen

    The Homogeneous Catalog of the Main Parameters of Open Star Clusters

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    A brief summary of the updated catalog of homogeneously estimated reddenings, distances from the Sun and ages for 367 open star clusters is given

    Chimera patterns under the impact of noise

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    We investigate two types of chimera states, patterns consisting of coexisting spatially separated domains with coherent and incoherent dynamics, in ring networks of Stuart-Landau oscillators with symmetry-breaking coupling, under the influence of noise. Amplitude chimeras are characterized by temporally periodic dynamics throughout the whole network, but spatially incoherent behavior with respect to the amplitudes in a part of the system; they are long-living transients. Chimera death states generalize chimeras to stationary inhomogeneous patterns (oscillation death), which combine spatially coherent and incoherent domains. We analyze the impact of random perturbations, addressing the question of robustness of chimera states in the presence of white noise. We further consider the effect of symmetries applied to random initial conditions

    Relations between general intelligence and sense of humor among students of medical speciality

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    The article deals such concepts as intelligence and sense of humor. Research of relations between general intelligence and sense of humor among students of medical speciality was conducted.В статье рассмотрены такие понятия, как интеллект и чувство юмора. Проведено исследование связи общего интеллекта и стилей юмора у студентов медицинских специальностей

    Surgical treatment of the ischemic heart disease with lowered contractility of left ventricle and mitral valve insufficiency

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    Objective. To determine the impact of the mitral valve insufficiency in patients, suffering ischemic heart disease with lowered contractility of left ventricle and methods of its treatment. Materials and methods. During 01.01.2015-31.12.2018 yrs period in the Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery there were conducted 2267 consecutive operations of coronary shunting, of them 190 (8.4%) - in patients, suffering the ischemic heart disease with lowered contractility of left ventricle. Reduction of the output fraction of left ventricle down to 35% and lower have served as criterion of inclusion of the patients into the Group. There were 170 (89.5%) men and 20 (10.5%) women. The patients’ age have constituted 29 - 83 yrs old, (61.1 ± 8.9) yrs old at average. Results. In 47.9% of the patients the lowering of the left ventricle contractility after myocardial infarction was followed by occurrence of regurgitation on a mitral valve. At the same time it was noted, that the regurgitation value have had correlated with degree of the left ventricle contractility lowered: in reduction of values of the left ventricle output fracture down to 25% and lower a moderate regurgitation on a mitral valve was registered up to 2 times, a significant one - in 2.5 times, and the pronounced one - in 1.5 times more frequently, than in values of the left ventricle output fracture, exceeding 25%. Occurrence of a mitral insufficiency in 18.7% patients was caused by direct damage of valvular apparatus, while in 81.3% patients the consequences of the heart cavities were present in disorder of contractile function of myocardium. Presence of postinfarction mitral insufficiency enhances the risk of an acute cardiac insufficiency in 1.7 times and necessitates intraoperative correction in values of the regurgitation fraction over 30%. Conclusion. The own data obtained witness, that noncorrected mitral insufficiency in the ischemic heart disease worsens significantly the postoperative period course after performance of coronary shunting, enhancing rate of an acute cardiac, respiratory and renal insufficiency. Thus, taking into account a negative impact of concomitant mitral valve insufficiency on efficacy of surgical interventions in the lowered contractility of left ventricle the need emerges to perform complex reconstructive intervention in patients, suffering ischemic heart disease with lowered contractility of left ventricle

    Self-healing polyurethane-polypropylene oxide copolymers for the protection of carbon and glass fiber-reinforced composites

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    Polyurethane-polypropylene oxide block copolymers containing fragments of an adduct capable of self-healing by the Diels-Alder reaction mechanism have been synthesized and studied for the first time. All obtained polyurethane copolymers were characterized by IR spectroscopy. The temperature transitions and thermal stability of copolymer melts were determined by using the methods of differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. The self-healing effect was confirmed using a thermal cycling procedure on pre-damaged samples of modified polyurethanes and surface morphology studies. The perspective of the work begun on the creation of self-healing protective polyurethane coatings are shown