108 research outputs found

    The unacknowledged legacy

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    This paper presents a critical discussion of the treatment of mimetic art, and particularly poetry and the theatre, in the work of the Athenian philosopher Plato (427-347 BC). It centres on Plato's discussion of the corrupting powers of the arts in the Republic, and the implications that his fierce attack on poetry and theatre have for his construction of the ideal polity. The legacy of Platonic ideas in later elaborations of the corrupting power of the arts is discussed. Furthermore, the paper investigates the relationship between current debates on cultural policy and the Platonic idea that the transformative powers of the arts ought to be harnessed by the state to promote a just society. The conclusion thus reached is that “instrumental cultural policy”, rather then being a modern invention, was in fact first theorized precisely in Plato's Republic


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    We present the first three-dimensional hybrid simulations of the evolution of ion-scale current sheets, with an investigation of the role of temperature anisotropy and associated kinetic instabilities on the growth of the tearing instability and particle heating. We confirm the ability of the ion cyclotron and firehose instabilities to enhance or suppress reconnection, respectively. The simulations demonstrate the emergence of persistent three-dimensional structures, including patchy reconnection sites and the fast growth of a narrow-band drift-kink instability, which suppresses reconnection for thin current sheets with weak guide fields. Potential observational signatures of the three-dimensional evolution of solar wind current sheets are also discussed. We conclude that kinetic instabilities, arising from non-Maxwellian ion populations, are significant to the evolution of three-dimensional current sheets, and two-dimensional studies of heating rates by reconnection may therefore over-estimate the ability of thin, ion-scale current sheets to heat the solar wind by reconnection

    The role of epigenetics in renal ageing

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    An ability to separate natural ageing processes from processes specific to morbidities is required to understand the heterogeneity of age-related organ dysfunction. Mechanistic insight into how epigenetic factors regulate ageing throughout the life course, linked to a decline in renal function with ageing, is already proving to be of value in the analyses of clinical and epidemiological cohorts. Noncoding RNAs provide epigenetic regulatory circuits within the kidney, which reciprocally interact with DNA methylation processes, histone modification and chromatin. These interactions have been demonstrated to reflect the biological age and function of renal allografts. Epigenetic factors control gene expression and activity in response to environmental perturbations. They also have roles in highly conserved signalling pathways that modulate ageing, including the mTOR and insulin/insulin-like growth factor signalling pathways, and regulation of sirtuin activity. Nutrition, the gut microbiota, inflammation and environmental factors, including psychosocial and lifestyle stresses, provide potential mechanistic links between the epigenetic landscape of ageing and renal dysfunction. Approaches to modify the renal epigenome via nutritional intervention, targeting the methylome or targeting chromatin seem eminently feasible, although caution is merited owing to the potential for intergenerational and transgenerational effects

    Weaning practices in phenylketonuria vary between health professionals in Europe

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    Background: In phenylketonuria (PKU), weaning is considered more challenging when compared to feeding healthy infants. The primary aim of weaning is to gradually replace natural protein from breast milk or standard infant formula with solids containing equivalent phenylalanine (Phe). In addition, a Phe-free second stage L-amino acid supplement is usually recommended from around 6 months to replace Phe-free infant formula. Our aim was to assess different weaning approaches used by health professionals across Europe. Methods: A cross sectional questionnaire (survey monkey (R)) composed of 31 multiple and single choice questions was sent to European colleagues caring for inherited metabolic disorders (IMD). Centres were grouped into geographical regions for analysis. Results: Weaning started at 17-26 weeks in 85% (n=81/95) of centres, > 26 weeks in 12% (n=11/95) and 26 weeks. First solids were mainly low Phe vegetables (59%, n=56/95) and fruit (34%, n=32/95). A Phe exchange system to allocate dietary Phe was used by 52% (n=49/95) of centres predominantly from Northern and Southern Europe and 48% (n=46/95) calculated most Phe containing food sources (all centres in Eastern Europe and the majority from Germany and Austria). Some centres used a combination of both methods. A second stage Phe-free L-amino acid supplement containing a higher protein equivalent was introduced by 41% (n=39/95) of centres at infant age 26-36 weeks (mainly from Germany, Austria, Northern and Eastern Europe) and 37% (n=35/95) at infant age > 1y mainly from Southern Europe. 53% (n=50/95) of centres recommended a second stage Phe-free L-amino acid supplement in a spoonable or semi-solid form. Conclusions: Weaning strategies vary throughout European PKU centres. There is evidence to suggest that different infant weaning strategies may influence longer term adherence to the PKU diet or acceptance of Phe-free L-amino acid supplements; rendering prospective long-term studies important. It is essential to identify an effective weaning strategy that reduces caregiver burden but is associated with acceptable dietary adherence and optimal infant feeding development.Peer reviewe

    Early feeding practices in infants with phenylketonuria across Europe

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    Background: In infants with phenylketonuria (PKU), dietary management is based on lowering and titrating phenylalanine (Phe) intake from breast milk or standard infant formula in combination with a Phe-free infant formula in order to maintain blood Phe levels within target range. Professionals use different methods to feed infants with PKU and our survey aimed to document practices across Europe. Methods: We sent a cross sectional, survey monkey (R) questionnaire to European health professionals working in IMD. It contained 31 open and multiple-choice questions. The results were analysed according to different geographical regions. Results: Ninety-five centres from 21 countries responded. Over 60% of centres commenced diet in infants by age 10 days, with 58% of centres implementing newborn screening by day 3 post birth. At diagnosis, infant hospital admission occurred in 61% of metabolic centres, mainly in Eastern, Western and Southern Europe. Breastfeeding fell sharply following diagnosis with only 30% of women still breast feeding at 6 months. 53% of centres gave pre-measured Phe-free infant formula before each breast feed and 23% alternated breast feeds with Phe-free infant formula. With standard infant formula feeds, measured amounts were followed by Phe-free infant formula to satiety in 37% of centres (n = 35/95), whereas 44% (n = 42/95) advised mixing both formulas together. Weaning commenced between 17 and 26 weeks in 85% centres, >= 26 weeks in 12% and <17 weeks in 3%. Discussion: This is the largest European survey completed on PKU infant feeding practices. It is evident that practices varied widely across Europe, and the practicalities of infant feeding in PKU received little focus in the PKU European Guidelines (2017). There are few reports comparing different feeding techniques with blood Phe control, Phe fluctuations and growth. Controlled prospective studies are necessary to assess how different infant feeding practices may influence longer term feeding development.Peer reviewe

    Plasma blob formation by ion kinetic Kelvin–Helmholtz and interchange instabilities

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    The near-edge region of a tokamak is observed to generate radially propagating, coherent filamentary structures ('blobs'), which transport particles and heat from the confined region and across the scrape-off layer. The distribution of blob sizes may include a currently unresolvable population with radii comparable to the ion gyro-radius. Here, we conduct large-scale numerical simulations to study mechanisms for the creation of ion gyro-scale blobs via the ion kinetic Kelvin–Helmholtz and interchange instabilities, using a hybrid (kinetic ion, fluid electron) model. We present statistics of the sizes of blobs created by these instabilities, and radial particle displacement data. We find that ion gyro-scale blobs constitute a significant portion of the blob population, and that an increase in ion gyro-radius results in an increase in radial transport. Results are contrasted for pure proton plasmas and for 50 : 50 deuterium–tritium mix, relevant to burning plasmas. We conclude that ion kinetic physics plays a significant role in the transport of energy and particles by ion gyro-scale blobs in the near-edge region of low-field tokamaks

    Plasma heating by ion gyro-scale blobs in the kinetic and fluid regimes

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    Strongly localized concentrations of plasma density ('blobs') are ubiquitous in the near-edge region of tokamak plasmas. They contribute significantly to heating and transport in that region, and therefore to overall energy confinement. The blob population may include some whose characteristic length scales are on the order of the ion gyro-scale, and cannot be resolved by contemporary diagnostics. Using simulations of ion gyro-scale blobs that include full ion kinetics, we perform the first comparison between the heating ability of ions in small, kinetic blobs and in larger, fluid ones. We find that, embedded in a flowing plasma, small scale blobs contribute more heating per ion than larger blobs, as a result of ion pick-up at the upstream blob-background boundary. This may result in significant excess plasma heating by an ion population that is not yet directly observable