183 research outputs found

    The Role of Structural Biology Task Force: Validation of the Binding Mode of Repurposed Drugs Against SARS-CoV-2 Protein Targets: Focus on SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease (Mpro): A Promising Target for COVID-19 Treatment

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    The main protease (Mpro) of SARS-CoV-2, a cysteine protease that plays a key role in generating the active proteins essential for coronavirus replication, is a validated drug target for treating COVID-19. The structure of Mpro has been elucidated by macromolecular crystallography, but owing to its conformational flexibility, finding effective inhibitory ligands was challenging. Screening libraries of ligands as part of EXaSCale smArt pLatform Against paThogEns (ExScalate4CoV) yielded several potential drug molecules that inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in vitro. We solved the crystal structures of Mpro in complex with repurposed drugs like myricetin, a natural flavonoid, and MG-132, a synthetic peptide aldehyde. We found that both inhibitors covalently bind the catalytic cysteine. Notably, myricetin has an unexpected binding mode, showing an inverted orientation with respect to that of the flavonoid baicalein. Moreover, the crystallographic model validates the docking pose suggested by molecular dynamics experiments. The mechanism of MG-132 activity against SARS-CoV-2 Mpro was elucidated by comparison of apo and inhibitor-bound crystals, showing that regardless of the redox state of the environment and the crystalline symmetry, this inhibitor binds covalently to Cys145 with a well-preserved binding pose that extends along the whole substrate binding site. MG-132 also fits well into the catalytic pocket of human cathepsin L, as shown by computational docking, suggesting that it might represent a good start to developing dual-targeting drugs against COVID-1

    Molecular cloning and chemical synthesis of a novel antibacterial peptide derived from pig myeloid cells

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    A group of myeloid precursors of defense peptides has recently been shown to have highly homologous N-terminal regions. Using a strategy based on this homology, a novel cDNA was cloned from pig bone marrow RNA and found to encode a 153-residue polypeptide. This comprises a highly conserved region encompassing a 29-residue signal peptide and a 101-residue prosequence, followed by a unique, 23-residue, cationic, C-terminal sequence. A peptide corresponding to this C-terminal sequence was chemically synthesized and shown to exert antimicrobial activity against both Gram positive and negative bacteria at concentrations of 2-16 microM. The activity of this potent and structurally novel antibacterial peptide appears to be mediated by its ability to damage bacterial membranes, as shown by the rapid permeabilization of the inner membrane of Escherichia coli

    Topoisomerase II beta mediates the resistance of glioblastoma stem cells to replication stress-inducing drugs

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    Background: Glioblastoma stem cells (GSC) have been extensively recognized as a plausible cause of glioblastoma resistance to therapy and recurrence resulting in high glioblastoma mortality. Abnormalities in the DNA repair pathways might be responsible for the inability of the currently used chemotherapeutics to eliminate the (GSC) subpopulation. Methods: In this work, we compared the expression of sixty DNA repair related genes between primary glioblastoma cell cultures and the glioblastoma enriched stem cell primary cultures. MTT test was used to analyze the effect of selected drugs and immunofluorescence to evaluate the load of DNA damage. Results: We found several differentially expressed genes and we identified topoisomerase II beta (Top2 beta) as the gene with highest up-regulation in GSC. Also among the tested cell lines the expression of Top2 beta was the highest in NCH421k cells, a well-characterized glioblastoma cell line with all the stemness characteristics. On the other hand, Top2 beta expression markedly decreased upon the induction of differentiation by all trans-retinoic acid. Depletion of Top2 beta increased the sensitivity of NCH421k cells to replication stress inducing drugs, such as cisplatin, methyl-methanesulfonate, hydrogen peroxide, and temozolomide. Consistently, we found an increased load of DNA damage and increased Chk1 activation upon Top2 beta depletion in NCH421k cells. Conclusion: We suggest that Top2 beta may represent a new target for gene therapy in glioblastoma. In addition, the other genes that we found to be up-regulated in GSC versus glioblastoma primary cells should be further investigated as glioblastoma theranostics

    L-serine biosynthesis in the human central nervous system: Structure and function of phosphoserine aminotransferase

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    Organisms from all kingdoms of life synthesize L-serine (L-Ser) from 3-phosphoglycerate through the phosphorylated pathway, a three-step diversion of glycolysis. Phosphoserine aminotransferase (PSAT) catalyzes the intermediate step, the pyridoxal 5β€²-phosphate-dependent transamination of 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate and L-glutamate to O-phosphoserine (OPS) and Ξ±-ketoglutarate. PSAT is particularly relevant in the central nervous system of mammals because L-Ser is the metabolic precursor of D-serine, cysteine, phospholipids, and nucleotides. Several mutations in the human psat gene have been linked to serine deficiency disorders, characterized by severe neurological symptoms. Furthermore, PSAT is overexpressed in many tumors and this overexpression has been associated with poor clinical outcomes. Here, we report the detailed functional and structural characterization of the recombinant human PSAT. The reaction catalyzed by PSAT is reversible, with an equilibrium constant of about 10, and the enzyme is very efficient, with a kcat/Km of 5.9 Γ— 106 Mβˆ’1 sβˆ’1, thus contributing in driving the pathway towards the products despite the extremely unfavorable first step catalyzed by 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase. The 3D X-ray crystal structure of PSAT was solved in the substrate-free as well as in the OPS-bound forms. Both structures contain eight protein molecules in the asymmetric unit, arranged in four dimers, with a bound cofactor in each subunit. In the substrate-free form, the active site of PSAT contains a sulfate ion that, in the substrate-bound form, is replaced by the phosphate group of OPS. Interestingly, fast crystal soaking used to produce the substrate-bound form allowed the trapping of different intermediates along the catalytic cycle

    Insight into GEBR-32a: Chiral Resolution, Absolute Configuration and Enantiopreference in PDE4D Inhibition

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    Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, affecting millions of people worldwide. One of its main consequences is memory loss, which is related to downstream effectors of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). A well-established strategy to avoid cAMP degradation is the inhibition of phosphodiesterase (PDE). In recent years, GEBR-32a has been shown to possess selective inhibitory properties against PDE type 4 family members, resulting in an improvement in spatial memory processes without the typical side effects that are usually correlated with this mechanism of action. In this work, we performed the HPLC chiral resolution and absolute configuration assignment of GEBR-32a. We developed an efficient analytical and semipreparative chromatographic method exploiting an amylose-based stationary phase, we studied the chiroptical properties of both enantiomers and we assigned their absolute configuration by 1H-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance). Lastly, we measured the IC50 values of both enantiomers against both the PDE4D catalytic domain and the long PDE4D3 isoform. Results strongly support the notion that GEBR-32a inhibits the PDE4D enzyme by interacting with both the catalytic pocket and the regulatory domains

    Known drugs identified by structure-based virtual screening are able to bind sigma-1 receptor and increase growth of huntington disease patient-derived cells

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    Huntington disease (HD) is a devastating and presently untreatable neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressively disabling motor and mental manifestations. The sigma-1 receptor (Οƒ1R) is a protein expressed in the central nervous system, whose 3D structure has been recently determined by X-ray crystallography and whose agonists have been shown to have neuro-protective activity in neurodegenerative diseases. To identify therapeutic agents against HD, we have implemented a drug repositioning strategy consisting of: (i) Prediction of the ability of the FDA-approved drugs publicly available through the ZINC database to interact with Οƒ1R by virtual screening, followed by computational docking and visual examination of the 20 highest scoring drugs; and (ii) Assessment of the ability of the six drugs selected by computational analyses to directly bind purified Οƒ1R in vitro by Surface Plasmon Resonance and improve the growth of fibro-blasts obtained from HD patients, which is significantly impaired with respect to control cells. All six of the selected drugs proved able to directly bind purified Οƒ1R in vitro and improve the growth of HD cells from both or one HD patient. These results support the validity of the drug repositioning procedure implemented herein for the identification of new therapeutic tools against HD

    Broad-spectrum coronavirus 3C-like protease peptidomimetic inhibitors effectively block SARS-CoV-2 replication in cells: Design, synthesis, biological evaluation, and X-ray structure determination

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    Despite the approval of vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and restrictions during the pandemic, the demand for new efficacious and safe antivirals is compelling to boost the therapeutic arsenal against the COVID-19. The viral 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro) is an essential enzyme for replication with high homology in the active site across CoVs and variants showing an almost unique specificity for Leu-Gln as P2-P1 residues, allowing the development of broad-spectrum inhibitors.The design, synthesis, biological activity, and cocrystal structural information of newly conceived peptidomimetic covalent reversible inhibitors are herein described. The inhibitors display an aldehyde warhead, a Gln mimetic at P1 and modified P2-P3 residues. Particularly, functionalized proline residues were inserted at P2 to stabilize the beta-turn like bioactive conformation, modulating the affinity. The most potent compounds displayed low/sub-nM potency against the 3CLpro of SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV and inhibited viral replication of three human CoVs, i.e. SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, and HCoV 229 in different cell lines. Particularly, derivative 12 exhibited nM-low mu M antiviral activity depending on the virus, and the highest selectivity index. Some compounds were co-crystallized with SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro validating our design. Altogether, these results foster future work toward broad-spectrum 3CLpro inhibitors to challenge CoVs related pandemics

    The Ecm11-Gmc2 complex promotes synaptonemal complex formation through assembly of transverse filaments in budding yeast

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    During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair at close proximity to form the synaptonemal complex (SC). This association is mediated by transverse filament proteins that hold the axes of homologous chromosomes together along their entire length. Transverse filament proteins are highly aggregative and can form an aberrant aggregate called the polycomplex that is unassociated with chromosomes. Here, we show that the Ecm11-Gmc2 complex is a novel SC component, functioning to facilitate assembly of the yeast transverse filament protein, Zip1. Ecm11 and Gmc2 initially localize to the synapsis initiation sites, then throughout the synapsed regions of paired homologous chromosomes. The absence of either Ecm11 or Gmc2 substantially compromises the chromosomal assembly of Zip1 as well as polycomplex formation, indicating that the complex is required for extensive Zip1 polymerization. We also show that Ecm11 is SUMOylated in a Gmc2-dependent manner. Remarkably, in the unSUMOylatable ecm11 mutant, assembly of chromosomal Zip1 remained compromised while polycomplex formation became frequent. We propose that the Ecm11-Gmc2 complex facilitates the assembly of Zip1 and that SUMOylation of Ecm11 is critical for ensuring chromosomal assembly of Zip1, thus suppressing polycomplex formation

    Noncanonical DNA Motifs as Transactivation Targets by Wild Type and Mutant p53

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    Sequence-specific binding by the human p53 master regulator is critical to its tumor suppressor activity in response to environmental stresses. p53 binds as a tetramer to two decameric half-sites separated by 0–13 nucleotides (nt), originally defined by the consensus RRRCWWGYYY (nβ€Š=β€Š0–13) RRRCWWGYYY. To better understand the role of sequence, organization, and level of p53 on transactivation at target response elements (REs) by wild type (WT) and mutant p53, we deconstructed the functional p53 canonical consensus sequence using budding yeast and human cell systems. Contrary to early reports on binding in vitro, small increases in distance between decamer half-sites greatly reduces p53 transactivation, as demonstrated for the natural TIGER RE. This was confirmed with human cell extracts using a newly developed, semi–in vitro microsphere binding assay. These results contrast with the synergistic increase in transactivation from a pair of weak, full-site REs in the MDM2 promoter that are separated by an evolutionary conserved 17 bp spacer. Surprisingly, there can be substantial transactivation at noncanonical Β½-(a single decamer) and ΒΎ-sites, some of which were originally classified as biologically relevant canonical consensus sequences including PIDD and Apaf-1. p53 family members p63 and p73 yielded similar results. Efficient transactivation from noncanonical elements requires tetrameric p53, and the presence of the carboxy terminal, non-specific DNA binding domain enhanced transactivation from noncanonical sequences. Our findings demonstrate that RE sequence, organization, and level of p53 can strongly impact p53-mediated transactivation, thereby changing the view of what constitutes a functional p53 target. Importantly, inclusion of Β½- and ΒΎ-site REs greatly expands the p53 master regulatory network

    RAD50 Is Required for Efficient Initiation of Resection and Recombinational Repair at Random, Ξ³-Induced Double-Strand Break Ends

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    Resection of DNA double-strand break (DSB) ends is generally considered a critical determinant in pathways of DSB repair and genome stability. Unlike for enzymatically induced site-specific DSBs, little is known about processing of random β€œdirty-ended” DSBs created by DNA damaging agents such as ionizing radiation. Here we present a novel system for monitoring early events in the repair of random DSBs, based on our finding that single-strand tails generated by resection at the ends of large molecules in budding yeast decreases mobility during pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). We utilized this β€œPFGE-shift” to follow the fate of both ends of linear molecules generated by a single random DSB in circular chromosomes. Within 10 min after Ξ³-irradiation of G2/M arrested WT cells, there is a near-synchronous PFGE-shift of the linearized circular molecules, corresponding to resection of a few hundred bases. Resection at the radiation-induced DSBs continues so that by the time of significant repair of DSBs at 1 hr there is about 1–2 kb resection per DSB end. The PFGE-shift is comparable in WT and recombination-defective rad52 and rad51 strains but somewhat delayed in exo1 mutants. However, in rad50 and mre11 null mutants the initiation and generation of resected ends at radiation-induced DSB ends is greatly reduced in G2/M. Thus, the Rad50/Mre11/Xrs2 complex is responsible for rapid processing of most damaged ends into substrates that subsequently undergo recombinational repair. A similar requirement was found for RAD50 in asynchronously growing cells. Among the few molecules exhibiting shift in the rad50 mutant, the residual resection is consistent with resection at only one of the DSB ends. Surprisingly, within 1 hr after irradiation, double-length linear molecules are detected in the WT and rad50, but not in rad52, strains that are likely due to crossovers that are largely resection- and RAD50-independent
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