462 research outputs found

    On-Farm Costos of Reducing environmental degradation under risk

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    Farmers respond to environmental regulations by adjusting production practices so as to comply while minimizing their loss in expected income. Ultimately the cost of agro environmental regulation is determined by farm level adjust¬ments. Our farm level simulation framework assesses economic and environmental impacts of hypothetical pesticide restrictions in the context of continuing soil conservation efforts.

    Teori Pendidikan Moral Menurut Emile Durkheim Relevansinya Bagi Pendidikan Moral Anak Di Indonesia

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    Morality is an asset in self development process. Morality has become a universal problem, both in developed or traditional society, since morality damages in a person would disturb another's peace. If there are so many people in society who has damaged morality, the society could be shocked. Morality education for children could change their behavior, thus, when they grow older, they'll become a responsible adult and has respect to the others and capable to meet the challenges of the world that rapidly changing. The increase of moral consideration in children which designed through school education could improve the formation of children personality. With the formation of morality consideration, the child would behave in accordance with his or her way of morality thought. Three elements which suggested by Durkheim to become a person with morality are discipline, group attachment, and autonomy. Each individual should have these three elements to be a morality personality. And morality act, in essential, is a central focus in morality world which form a responsible, discipline personality, as well as a good person in society who avoids bad behavior and act in accordance with given morality thought


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    The results of research on women's involvement in supporting agricultural household economic activities in rural areas have encouraged women to perform multiple functions. This dual role is a quite complex problem for women. On the one hand, they have to carry out their functions as wives and mothers, on the other hand, women have to earn a living helping their husbands support the family economy. The objectives of this study were: (1) To describe the allocation of female working time as farm laborers and as housewives; (2) Describing the size of women's income contributions; and (3) Describe how big the family of women agricultural workers has achieved family welfare. The research location was chosen deliberately and using snowball techniques involving 30 respondents as farm laborers with the criteria coming from a complete family (having a husband and income). The main motivation of housewives in rural areas is to leave their domestic sphere, to work as horticultural farm laborers because their husband's income is still insufficient to meet family needs, so he follows the invitation of his colleagues to work. Part-time from their activities as agricultural laborers, the contribution to the total family income reaches 46 percent (not deducted from food allowance) and 45 percent (deducted by food allowance). The percentage of working time spent on productive activities is around 4.21 hours/day, while for reproductive activities it reaches 19.79 hours/day. Meanwhile, from the results of this study, it was also revealed that 78 percent of the families of female agricultural laborers were still in the underprivileged category

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (Asi) Ekslusif pada Bayi

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    Exclusive breast-feeding (ASI exclusive) should be given to babies aged until four or six months. But until now the performance was only aboud 50% mothers practiced exclusive the breast-feeding. The main purpose of this research was to team influencing factors to the "ASI exclusive". Identified factors were mothers' age, children age, mother's education level, mother's working or not, number of family members, number of children in family, average of mother income every month, average of family expences every month, attendant at the first, attendant at the last delivery and the diferencies village-urban life. The data source as Modul of National Economic Survey 2001. The total babies sample 0-4 age-month were 1533 and 0-11 age-month were 5313, respectively. The data obtained were analyzed by bivariate test to determine differences and relationship of ASI exclusive as dependent variable with each independent variable identified in this research. Multiple logistic regression analysis was done to determine influencing factors to ASI exclusive. Results of descriptive analysis showed ASI exclusive according to infant's age, 42.2% were until 4 month-age, 41.2% were until 5 month-age and 36.7% were until 6 month-age babies. The differences and relationship of ASI exclusive proportions depend on mothers working or not, attendant at the last delivery, mother living in urban/rural and the average of family expences every month. Result of multivariate logistic regression analysis, showed two significant variables mothers living in urban/rural and mothers working or not. Whether the influences were weak may because not sufficient data analyzed in the multiple logistic regression only two significant variable identifed. The recommendation from this research results is to promote health education on exclusive breast-feeding among pregnant mothers

    Perumusan Strategi Bisnis Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Strategi Pemasaran (Studi Kasus Pada PT Bank Bri Syariah Cabang Denpasar Bali)

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    The purpose of this study was to the formulation of business strategies and the implications for marketing strategy at PT Bank BRI Syariah Subdivision Denpasar Bali. Respondents in this study are the planners of corporate strategy. PT Bank BRI Syariah Subdivision Denpasar is the Islamic Bank of Bank BRI which aims to serve the needs of Bali on Islamic banking. The data analysis technique used is Matrix Internal and External (IE) for addressing the problem of identifying various strategic factors and formulating marketing strategies. The results showed that the factor such as opportunity is variable purchasing power, government policies, community characteristics, political and security situation. The factor such as the threat is culturally variable, competition, credit risk and legal risk. Factor is the strength of the facility is operational, the products, the company\u27s capital, and brand image of the company. Factor is the weakness is variable promotion, research and development, the number of employees, employee performance and marketing processes. The strategy should be carried out by the company with internal and external environmental, conditions experienced is market penetration strategy and human resources development. From the results of this study suggested the company to conduct periodic evaluations of the internal and external factors that change, the Company may conduct market penetration strategies and human resource development in order to increase sale

    Rise of Local Economy: Emerging Phenomenon Ponggawa Aquaculture and Export Shrimp Processing Industry in the Mahakam Delta

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    Kegagalan sistem pengelolaan hutan di Dunia Ketiga telah menyebabkan kemerosotan hutan dan menciptakan kemiskinan pada desa-desa di pinggir hutan. Dalam hal tersebut, kegiatan pertambakan di kawasan Delta Mahakam dengan konversi Kawasan Budi daya Kehutanan, sangat menarik dicermati karena mampu menggerakkan kapitalisasi pertambakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan secara historis dan kontekstual, terjadinya penguasaan hutan mangrove oleh migran Bugis dan pengaruhnya terhadap proses pembentukan ekonomi lokal di kawasan Delta Mahakam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pembentukan ekonomi lokal terjadi akibat beroperasinya kegiatan industri perikanan ekspor pada 1974 yang membuka ruang bagi kehadiran pedagang perantara pada area-area yang tidak mampu ditangani langsung Perusahaan. Banyak diantara pengusaha lokal yang sukses adalah para ponggawa pengikut yang berhasil melakukan ekstensifikasi USAha, dengan memanfaatkan momentum “keunggulan pada kesempatan pertama untuk memulai”, pasca pelarangan trawl pada 1983. Meskipun aktivitas ekonomi tersebut berdampak pada Perubahan tatanan ekologi lokal, akibat “pembiaran negara” atas Kawasan Budi daya Kehutanan, yang menjadi ajang konversi pertambakan pribadi. Dengan hegemoni kulturalnya, para ponggawa mampu melakukan “eksploitasi” melalui penciptaan struktur pasar yang monopolistis atau monopsonistis, sehingga terjadi monopoli bahan mentah dan akumulasi kapital yang mendorong dilakukannya indutrialisasi perikanan ekspor oleh Ponggawa. Meskipun demikian, pola hubungan pertambakan masih menyisakan ruang resiprositas yang melekat pada tradisi passe', sehingga mereduksi pola hubungan yang cenderung ekploitatatif. Pola hubungan patron-klien yang adaptif seperti inilah yang kemudian menopang keberlangsungan ekonomi lokal-pertambakan yang sarat persaingan dan ketidakpastian

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Klinik dengan Layanan Online Report Menggunakan Pascal IDE dan MYSQL pada Klinik Mitra Anda

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    Intisari---Klinik kesehatan sebagai salah satu fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat membutuhkan sistem informasi yang cepat dan akurat. Pengelolaan data secara manual memiliki beberapa kelemahan, di antaranya membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan terkadang tidak akurat. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pembuatan sistem informasi klinik yang diharapkan mampu membantu pengusaha klinik dalam menjalankan usaha klinik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain membangun sistem informasi yang dapat mengelola data klinik, menyediakan fasilitas pemantauan sistem informasi dalam bentuk  web, dan laporan keuangan dan perkembangan usaha klinik. Sistem infomasi ini dibuat berdasarkan kebutuhan dari Klinik Mitra Anda. Sistem informasi ini dibangun dengan metode “Modified Waterfall” dengan menggunakan IDE Pascal Embarcadero Delphi XE3, MySQL, dan komponen tambahan uniGui. Delphi XE3 digunakan untuk membuat dan mendesain sistem informasi berbasis desktop dengan bahasa pascal, MySQL digunakan sebagai DBMS, dan uniGUI digunakan untuk membuat dan mendesain online report. Implementasi yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan sistem informasi yang mampu mengelola data klinik, mengelola keuangan klinik, menangani kegiatan pasien klinik, menghasilkan laporan-laporan, menangani pembayaran dengan asuransi, rekam medik berdasarkan Permenkes No: 269/MENKES/PER/III/2008 dan menghasilkan fasilitas online report. Dari hasil pengujian diketahui bahwa sistem informasi masih memiliki kekurangan. Namun kekurangan tersebut telah teratasi dengan melakukan perbaikan sistem informasi pada tahap pemeliharaan. Kata Kunci---Sistem Informasi Klinik, IDE Pascal, Modified Waterfall   Abstract---Health clinic as one of the public health care facilities need information systems that are fast and accurate. The weakness of manual management are need many time consuming and less accuracy. This study discusses the making of clinical information systems that are expected to assist employers in business clinic. The aim of this study include building information systems that can manage clinical data, provide monitoring information systems facilities on web based, and financial reporting and business development of clinic. This information system is made based on requirement of Mitra Anda Clinic. This information systems are built with the method of " Modified Waterfall " by using Embarcadero Delphi Pascal XE3 IDE, MySQL, and uniGui. Delphi XE3 used to create and design a desktop and web-based information system with Pascal language, MySQL is used as the DBMS, and uniGUI used to create and design an online report. Implementation of information systems are capable to managing clinical data, manage financial of clinic, handling clinic patient activities, provide reports, take care of insurance payments, medical records based on Minister Regulation Number : 269/MENKES/PER/III/2008 and provide facilities online report. From the test results it is known that the information system still have shortcomings. But the shortage has been resolved by improving information systems on the maintenance phase. Keywords--- Clinical Information Systems, Pascal IDE, Modified Waterfal

    Sistem Pakar Berbasis Logika Fuzzy Tsukamoto untuk Mendiagnosa Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Tebu

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    Salah satu faktor utama penyebab menurunya hasil produksi gula karena adanya serangan dari hama dan penyakit pada tanaman tebu, sehingga terjadi nya penurunan hasil panen dan produksi gula nasional .petani tebu sebagai pemasok tebu kurang mengetahui gejala awal yang di timbul kan oleh penyakit yang menyerang tanamannya, hal ini cukup mempengaruhi hasil produksi gula dan menyebabkan tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan gula, sehingga tidak hanya petani yang mengalami kerugian tetapi pemerintah juga ikut dirugikan. Sistem pakar adalah bagian dari kecerdasan buatan,orang yang mempunyai pengetahuan,pengalaman dan ahli dalam bidang tertentu. Sistem pakar yang diharapkan bisa membantu para petani, rancangan dalam sistem ini memakai aturan If-THEN-RULE yang di bentuk dalam fungsi keangotaan dengan variabel Tunas,Batang dan Daun sebagai Refrentasi pengetahuan Fuzzy Tsukamoto .Berdasarkan data yang digunakan, sistem dapat medeteksi penyakit yang menyerang tanaman tebu dengan tingkat akurasi sebesar 88.889%. dengan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulakan sistem pakar yang sudah dibangun mengunakan metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto dapat digunakan dan berfungsi dengan bai
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