949 research outputs found

    Hole and Electron Contributions to the Transport Properties of Ba(Fe_(1-x)Ru_x)_2As_2 Single Crystals

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    We report a systematic study of structural and transport properties in single crystals of Ba(Fe_(1-x)Ru_x)_2As_2 for x ranging from 0 to 0.5. The isovalent substitution of Fe by Ru leads to an increase of the a parameter and a decrease of the c parameter, resulting in a strong increase of the AsFeAs angle and a decrease of the As height above the Fe planes. Upon Ru substitution, the magnetic order is progressively suppressed and superconductivity emerges for x > 0.15, with an optimal Tc ~ 20K at x = 0.35 and coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity between these two Ru contents. Moreover, the Hall coefficient RH which is always negative and decreases with temperature in BaFe2As2, is found to increase here with decreasing T and even change sign for x > 0.15. For x_Ru = 0.35, photo-emission studies have shown that the number of holes and electrons are similar with n_e = n_h ~ 0.11, that is twice larger than found in BaFe2As2 [1]. Using this estimate, we find that the transport properties of Ba(Fe_0.65Ru_0.35)_2As_2 can be accounted for by the conventional multiband description for a compensated semi-metal. In particular, our results show that the mobility of holes is strongly enhanced upon Ru addition and overcomes that of electrons at low temperature when x_Ru > 0.15.Comment: new version with minor correction

    Conditional nationally determined contributions in the Paris Agreement: foothold for equity or Achilles heel?

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    The Paris Agreement’s success depends on parties’ implementation of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) towards the Paris Agreement’s goals. In these climate action plans, most developing countries make their mitigation and adaptation contributions conditional upon receiving international support (finance, technology transfer and/or capacity building). While provision of support for NDC implementation could enhance equity among countries, the feasibility of NDC implementation might be challenged by the large number of conditional NDCs. This paper addresses the implications of this tension based on an analysis of all 168 NDCs. We find that feasibility is challenged because conditions applied to NDCs are often not well defined. Moreover, the costs of implementing all conditional contributions are too high to be covered by existing promises of support from developed countries, even if the entire annual $100 billion of climate finance were earmarked for NDC implementation. Consistent with principles of equity and the prioritization in the Paris Agreement, a higher proportion of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) have conditional NDCs than do other countries. However, differences between the distribution of countries requesting support and those currently receiving support, in particular among middle-income countries, demonstrates potential tensions between feasibility and equity. The article concludes with recommendations on how cost estimates and updated NDCs can be strengthened to ensure support for NDC implementation is targeted more equitably and cost-effectively. Key policy insights -Support requested by developing countries to implement conditional NDCs far exceeds existing funding pledges. -Differences between existing patterns of financial assistance, and those implied by requests under conditional NDCs, mean that supporting NDCs may require a significant shift in provider countries’ priorities for allocating climate finance. This may challenge feasibility. -The Paris Agreement’s provisions on prioritizing LDCs and SIDS offer valuable guidance in making difficult choices on allocating support. -To increase the likelihood of attracting support, developing countries (assisted by capacity building as needed), should include credible cost estimates in future NDCs and formulate investment plans. -By outlining plans to mobilize support in their NDCs, developed countries can reassure developing countries that raising the ambition of NDCs is feasibl

    Characterization of transport and magnetic properties in thin film La(0.67)(Ca(x)Sr(1-x))(0.33)MnO(3) mixtures

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    We have grown thin films of (100) oriented La_{0.67}(Ca_{x}Sr_{1-x})_{0.33}MnO_{3} on (100) NdGaO_{3} substrates by off-axis sputtering. We have looked at the changes in the resistivity and magnetoresistance of the samples as the Ca/Sr ratio was varied. We find that as the calcium fraction is decreased, the lattice match to the substrate decreases, and the films become more disordered, as observed in transport measurements and the variation in Curie and peak resistance temperatures. We find a correlation between the temperature independent and T^2 terms to the low temperature resistivity. The room temperature magnetoresistance exhibits a maximum as the peak temperature is increased by the substitution of Sr for Ca, and a change in the field dependence to the resistivity at room temperature is observed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 eps figures, to be published in Journal of Applied Physic

    Generalized four-point characterization method for resistive and capacitive contacts

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    In this paper, a four-point characterization method is developed for resistive samples connected to either resistive or capacitive contacts. Provided the circuit equivalent of the complete measurement system is known including coaxial cable and connector capacitances as well as source output and amplifier input impedances, a frequency range and capacitive scaling factor can be determined, whereby four-point characterization can be performed. The technique is demonstrated with a discrete element test sample over a wide frequency range using lock-in measurement techniques from 1 Hz - 100 kHz. The data fit well with a circuit simulation of the entire measurement system. A high impedance preamplifier input stage gives best results, since lock-in input impedances may differ from manufacturer specifications. The analysis presented here establishes the utility of capacitive contacts for four-point characterizations at low frequency.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Optimized fabrication of high quality La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films considering all essential characteristics

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    In this article, an overview of the fabrication and properties of high quality La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) thin films is given. A high quality LSMO film combines a smooth surface morphology with a large magnetization and a small residual resistivity, while avoiding precipitates and surface segregation. In literature, typically only a few of these issues are adressed. We therefore present a thorough characterization of our films, which were grown by pulsed laser deposition. The films were characterized with reflection high energy electron diffraction, atomic force microscopy, x-ray diffraction, magnetization and transport measurements, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy. The films have a saturation magnetization of 4.0 {\mu}B/Mn, a Curie temperature of 350 K and a residual resistivity of 60 {\mu}{\Omega}cm. These results indicate that high quality films, combining both large magnetization and small residual resistivity, were realized. A comparison between different samples presented in literature shows that focussing on a single property is insufficient for the optimization of the deposition process. For high quality films, all properties have to be adressed. For LSMO devices, the thin film quality is crucial for the device performance. Therefore, this research is important for the application of LSMO in devices.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics D - Applied Physic

    Insulator-to-metal transition in sulfur-doped silicon

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    We observe an insulator-to-metal (I-M) transition in crystalline silicon doped with sulfur to non- equilibrium concentrations using ion implantation followed by pulsed laser melting and rapid resolidification. This I-M transition is due to a dopant known to produce only deep levels at equilibrium concentrations. Temperature-dependent conductivity and Hall effect measurements for temperatures T > 1.7 K both indicate that a transition from insulating to metallic conduction occurs at a sulfur concentration between 1.8 and 4.3 x 10^20 cm-3. Conduction in insulating samples is consistent with variable range hopping with a Coulomb gap. The capacity for deep states to effect metallic conduction by delocalization is the only known route to bulk intermediate band photovoltaics in silicon.Comment: Submission formatting; 4 journal pages equivalen

    Resistivity of dilute 2D electrons in an undoped GaAs heterostructure

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    We report resistivity measurements from 0.03 K to 10 K in a dilute high mobility 2D electron system. Using an undoped GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction in a gated field-effect transistor geometry, a wide range of densities, 0.16×1010cm20.16 \times 10^{10} {cm}^{-2} to 7.5×1010cm27.5 \times 10^{10} {cm}^{-2}, are explored. For high densities, the results are quantitatively shown to be due to scattering by acoustic phonons and impurities. In an intermediate range of densities, a peak in the resistivity is observed for temperatures below 1 K. This non-monotonic resistivity can be understood by considering the known scattering mechanisms of phonons, bulk and interface ionized impurities. Still lower densities appear insulating to the lowest temperature measured.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Anisotropy of the Optimally-Doped Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe0.926Co0.074)2As2

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    Anisotropies of electrical resistivity, upper critical field, London penetration depth and critical currents have been measured in single crystals of the optimally doped iron pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Cox_x)2_2As2_2, xx=0.074 and TcT_c \sim23 K. The normal state resistivity anisotropy was obtained by employing both the Montgomery technique and direct measurements on samples cut along principal crystallographic directions. The ratio γρ=ρc/ρa\gamma_{\rho} = \rho_c /\rho_a is about 4±\pm1 just above TcT_c and becomes half of that at room temperature. The anisotropy of the upper critical field, γH=Hc2,ab/Hc2,c\gamma_{H} = H_{c2,ab} /H_{c2,c} , as determined from specific heat measurements close to TcT_c, is in the range of 2.1 to 2.6, depending on the criterion used. A comparable low anisotropy of the London penetration depth, γλ=λc/λab\gamma_{\lambda}=\lambda_{c}/\lambda_{ab}, was recorded from TDR measurements and found to persist deep into the superconducting state. An anisotropy of comparable magnitude was also found in the critical currents, γj=jc,ab/jc,c\gamma_j=j_{c,ab}/j_{c,c}, as determined from both direct transport measurements (\sim1.5) and from the analysis of the magnetization data (\sim3). Overall, our results show that iron pnictide superconductors manifest anisotropies consistent with essentially three-dimensional intermetallic compound and bear little resemblance to cuprates

    Infrared signatures of charge stripes in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4)

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    The in-plane optical conductivity of seven La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) single crystals with x between 0 and 0.15 has been studied from 30 to 295 K. All doped samples exhibit strong peaks in the far-infrared, which closely resemble those observed in Cu-O "ladders" with one-dimensional charge-ordering. The behavior with doping and temperature of the peak energy, width, and intensity allows us to conclude that we are observing charge stripes dynamics in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) on the fast time scale of infrared spectroscopy.Comment: 9 pages including figs. in pdf forma

    Layer interdependence of transport in an undoped electron-hole bilayer

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    The layer interdependence of transport in an undoped electron-hole bilayer (uEHBL) device was studied as a function of carrier density, interlayer electric field, and temperature. The uEHBL device consisted of a density tunable, independently contacted two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) induced via field effect in distinct GaAs quantum wells separated by a 30 nm Al0.9_{0.9}Ga0.1_{0.1}As barrier. Transport measurements were made simultaneously on each layer using the van der Pauw method. An increase in 2DHG mobility with increasing 2DEG density was observed, while the 2DEG mobility showed negligible dependence on the 2DHG density. Decreasing the interlayer electric-field and thereby increasing interlayer separation also increased the 2DHG mobility with negligible effects on the 2DEG mobility. The change in interlayer separation as interlayer electric-field changed was estimated using 2DHG Coulomb drag measurements. The results were consistent with mobility of each layer being only indirectly dependent on the adjacent layer density and dominated by background impurity scattering. Temperature dependencies were also determined for the resistivity of each layer.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.