29,570 research outputs found

    Investigations using data in Alabama from ERTS-A

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    "Building" exact confidence nets

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    Confidence nets, that is, collections of confidence intervals that fill out the parameter space and whose exact parameter coverage can be computed, are familiar in nonparametric statistics. Here, the distributional assumptions are based on invariance under the action of a finite reflection group. Exact confidence nets are exhibited for a single parameter, based on the root system of the group. The main result is a formula for the generating function of the coverage interval probabilities. The proof makes use of the theory of "buildings" and the Chevalley factorization theorem for the length distribution on Cayley graphs of finite reflection groups.Comment: 20 pages. To appear in Bernoull

    Role of atrial receptors in the control of sodium excretion

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    Responses of an innervated and a contralateral chronically denervated kidney to mild positive pressure breathing are compared for saline volume expansions in chloralose anesthetized dogs. It is shown that mild pressure breathing significantly reduces sodium excretion, urine flow, free water clearance, and PAH clearance. After 20 minutes of positive pressure breathing, both kidney responses are identical suggesting the release of natriuretic hormone which reduces renal function in addition to the demonstrated change in renal nerve activity. Increase of the left atrial pressure through balloon obstruction of the mitral orifice increases urine flow, sodium excretion and PAH clearance; inflation of the balloon and positive pressure breathing again depresses renal function. Preliminary evidence indicates that receptors in the right atrium are more severely affected by pressure breathing than those in the left atrium

    Use of data from space for earth resources exploration and management in Alabama

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    The University of Alabama, the Geological Survey of Alabama, and the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center are involved in an interagency, interdisciplinary effort to use remotely sensed, multispectral observations to yield improved and timely assessment of earth resources and environmental quality in Alabama. It is the goal of this effort to interpret these data and provide them in a format which is meaningful to and readily usable by agencies, industries, and individuals who are potential users throughout the State

    Ultrafast dynamics of neutral superexcited Oxygen: A direct measurement of the competition between autoionization and predissociation

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    Using ultrafast extreme ultraviolet pulses, we performed a direct measurement of the relaxation dynamics of neutral superexcited states corresponding to the nl\sigma_g(c^4\Sigma_u^-) Rydberg series of O_2. An XUV attosecond pulse train was used to create a temporally localized Rydberg wavepacket and the ensuing electronic and nuclear dynamics were probed using a time-delayed femtosecond near-infrared pulse. We investigated the competing predissociation and autoionization mechanisms for superexcited molecules and found that autoionization is dominant for the low n Rydberg states. We measured an autoionization lifetime of 92+/-6 fs and 180+/-10 fs for (5s,4d)\sigma_g and (6s,5d)\sigma_g Rydberg state groups respectively. We determine that the disputed neutral dissociation lifetime for the \nu=0 vibrational level of the Rydberg series is 1100+/-100fs.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The minimum free-stream wind speed for initiating motion of surface material on Mars

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    Estimates of the minimum free-stream wind speed that is required for initiating the motion of surficial material on Mars have ranged from 30 to about 200 meters per second. Thus the best value for this quantity is not well established. Graphical comparison of much of the pertinent data taken in the laboratory and in the field on Earth provides a minimum value for the Bagnold coefficient of 0.08 and this in turn provides a minimum value for the threshold friction velocity of 1.3 meters per second for initiating motion of particulate matter on Mars at low elevations where the pressure is 7 millibars. The most appropriate value of the ratio of friction velocity to free-stream velocity for putative unstable condition appears to be 0.026. Thus the minimum free-stream wind speed for initiating motion is obtained as 50 meters per second. If the surface material on Mars, however, is less cohesive than that on earth, the minimum value may be smaller

    Observations of the diffuse UV radiation field

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    Spectra are presented for the diffuse UV radiation field between 1250 to 3100 A from eight different regions of the sky, which were obtained with the Johns Hopkins UVX experiment. UVX flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-61C) in January 1986 as part of the Get-Away Special project. The experiment consisted of two 1/4 m Ebert-Fastie spectrometers, covering the spectral range 1250 to 1700 A at 17 A resolution and 1600 to 3100 A at 27 A resolution, respectively, with a field of view of 4 x .25 deg, sufficiently small to pick out regions of the sky with no stars in the line of sight. Values were found for the diffuse cosmic background ranging in intensity from 300 to 900 photons/sq cm/sec/sr/A. The cosmic background is spectrally flat from 1250 to 3100 A, within the uncertainties of each spectrometer. The zodiacal light begins to play a significant role in the diffuse radiation field above 2000 A, and its brightness was determined relative to the solar emission. Observed brightnesses of the zodiacal light in the UV remain almost constant with ecliptic latitude, unlike the declining visible brightnesses, possibly indicating that those (smaller) grains responsible for the UV scattering have a much more uniform distribution with distance from the ecliptic plane than do those grains responsible for the visible scattering

    Quantum Locality?

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    Robert Griffiths has recently addressed, within the framework of a 'consistent quantum theory' that he has developed, the issue of whether, as is often claimed, quantum mechanics entails a need for faster-than-light transfers of information over long distances. He argues that the putative proofs of this property that involve hidden variables include in their premises some essentially classical-physics-type assumptions that are fundamentally incompatible with the precepts of quantum physics. One cannot logically prove properties of a system by establishing, instead, properties of a system modified by adding properties alien to the original system. Hence Griffiths' rejection of hidden-variable-based proofs is logically warranted. Griffiths mentions the existence of a certain alternative proof that does not involve hidden variables, and that uses only macroscopically described observable properties. He notes that he had examined in his book proofs of this general kind, and concluded that they provide no evidence for nonlocal influences. But he did not examine the particular proof that he cites. An examination of that particular proof by the method specified by his 'consistent quantum theory' shows that the cited proof is valid within that restrictive version of quantum theory. An added section responds to Griffiths' reply, which cites general possibilities of ambiguities that make what is to be proved ill-defined, and hence render the pertinent 'consistent framework' ill defined. But the vagaries that he cites do not upset the proof in question, which, both by its physical formulation and by explicit identification, specify the framework to be used. Griffiths confirms the validity of the proof insofar as that framework is used. The section also shows, in response to Griffiths' challenge, why a putative proof of locality that he has described is flawed.Comment: This version adds a response to Griffiths' reply to my original. It notes that Griffiths confirms the validity of my argument if one uses the framework that I use. Griffiths' objection that other frameworks exist is not germaine, because I use the unique one that satisfies the explicitly stated conditions that the choices be macroscopic choices of experiments and outcomes in a specified orde

    The 3D soft X-ray cluster-AGN cross-correlation function in the ROSAT NEP survey

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    X-ray surveys facilitate investigations of the environment of AGNs. Deep Chandra observations revealed that the AGNs source surface density rises near clusters of galaxies. The natural extension of these works is the measurement of spatial clustering of AGNs around clusters and the investigation of relative biasing between active galactic nuclei and galaxies near clusters.The major aims of this work are to obtain a measurement of the correlation length of AGNs around clusters and a measure of the averaged clustering properties of a complete sample of AGNs in dense environments. We present the first measurement of the soft X-ray cluster-AGN cross-correlation function in redshift space using the data of the ROSAT-NEP survey. The survey covers 9x9 deg^2 around the North Ecliptic Pole where 442 X-ray sources were detected and almost completely spectroscopically identified. We detected a >3sigma significant clustering signal on scales s<50 h70^-1 Mpc. We performed a classical maximum-likelihood power-law fit to the data and obtained a correlation length s_0=8.7+1.2-0.3 h_70-1 Mpc and a slope gamma=1.7$^+0.2_-0.7 (1sigma errors). This is a strong evidence that AGNs are good tracers of the large scale structure of the Universe. Our data were compared to the results obtained by cross-correlating X-ray clusters and galaxies. We observe, with a large uncertainty, that the bias factor of AGN is similar to that of galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure, proceedings of the Conference "At the edge of the Universe", Sintra Portugal, October 2006. To be published on the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series (ASPCS
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