43 research outputs found

    Shrimp Culture of Penaeus Monodon with Zero Water Exchange Model (Zwem) Using Molasses

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    One of the main obstacles to develop an intensive aquaculture is the accumulation of toxic inorganic nitrogenwhich should be kept very low by frequent water exchange or recycling of the water through a biofilter.This study describes another method of removing inorganic nitrogen using heterotrophic bacteria populationof which was augmented by the addition of a carbonaceous substance, molasses, to increase the feed C:Nratio under laboratory condition. The principal aim of study was to establish correlation C:N ratio levelwith levels of ammonia, nitrite, dissolved oxygen, pH and shrimp growth in Penaeus monodon shrimpculture with Zero Water Exchange Model (ZWEM) using molasses as carbon resource. It was found thataddition of molasses to shrimp farming with ZWEM had a role in removing ammonia and nitrite. Also,application of molasses to laboratory tanks increased the growth and percentage weight gain of shrimps andincreased the population of heterotrophic bacteria

    Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Turnaround pada Perusahaan yang Mengalami Financial Distress

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi turnaround Perusahaan yang mengalami financial distress. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi turnaround adalah variabel severity of financial distress, ukuran Perusahaan, free asset, efficiency oriented strategy, expense retrenchment, dan senior management turnover. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan non keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2007 – 2010. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 48 sampel setelah dieliminasi menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi logistik. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, ditemukan bahwa free asset berpengaruh positif terhadap turnaround Perusahaan. Severity of financial distress dan efficiency oriented strategy berpengaruh negatif terhadap terhadap turnaround Perusahaan. Sedangkan, ukuran Perusahaan, expense retrenchment dan senior management turnover tidak berpengaruh terhadap terhadap turnaround Perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, Perusahaan yang memiliki free asset yang besar dan tidak memiliki severity of financial distress yang tinggi serta tidak melakukan efficiency oriented strategy akan berhasil melakukan turnaround

    A dynamic theory of parliamentary democracy

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    This paper presents a dynamic model of election, government formation, and legislation in a parliamentary democracy with proportional representation in which the policy chosen in one period becomes the status quo for the next period. The electorate votes strategically by taking into account the likely governments that parties would form and the policies they would choose as a function of the status quo. The status quo thus affects both the election outcomes and the bargaining power of the parties during government formation. A formateur party thus has incentives to strategically position the current policy to gain an advantage in both the next election and the subsequent bargaining over government formation and policy choice. These incentives can give rise to centrifugal forces that result in policies that are outside the Pareto set of the parties

    Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Biji Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Sebagai Antibakteri Dalam Berbagai Konsentrasi pada Streptococcus Pyogenes

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    ABSTRAK Biji kakao adalah buah yang dikenal sejak dahulu sebagai buah yang memiliki peran penting dalam bidang kesehatan, salah satunya sebagai antibakteri. Biji kakao mengandung senyawa flavonoid, tanin, dan alkaloid yang memiliki efek antimikroba. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak biji kakao terhadap bakteri Streptococcus pyogenes, yaitu dengan cara mengukur zona hambat menggunakan metode difusi Kirby-Beuer dengan konsentrasi ekstrak biji kakao 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% dan 100%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ekstrak biji kakao dapat efektif memberikan efek antibakteri mulai dari konsentrasi terkecil 20% dengan rata-rata diameter zona hambat 8.07 mm sampai konsentrasi terbesar 100% dengan rata-rata diameter zona hambat 10.98 mm. Sedangkan rata-rata diameter zona hambat antibiotik Ampisilin sebagai kontrol (+) lebih besar dari konsentrasi ekstrak biji kakao. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan ekstrak biji kakao dapat efektif menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus pyogenes  Kata kunci: Kirby-Bauer, Zona Hambat, Antimikroba ABSTRACT Cocoa Seed is a fruit that has been known for a long time as a fruit that has an important role in health, which is as an antibacterial. Cocoa seeds contain a high composition of flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids which have antimicrobial effects. The aim of this research was to study the effect of cocoa seed extracts against Streptococcus pyogenes, by measuring the inhibition zone using the Kirby-Bauer diffusion method using concentrations of cocoa seed extract 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. The results showed that chocolate seed extract could effectively provide an antibacterial effect ranging from a concentration of 20% with an average diameter of inhibition zone of 8.07 mm to the largest concentration of 100% with an average zone diameter of inhibition of 10.98 mm. While the average diameter of the inhibitory zone of antibiotic ampicillin as a control (+) is greater than the concentration of cocoa seed extract. Based on these data, it can be concluded that cocoa seed extract can effectively inhibit the growth of Streptococcus pyogenes. Keywords: Kirby-Bauer, Inhibitory zone, Antimicrobia

    Analisis Nilai Tambah dan Pemasaran Kopra (Kasus: Desa Silo Baru, Kecamatan Silau Laut, Kabupaten Asahan)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai tambah yang diperoleh petani dan pengolah kopra di daerah penelitian, menganalisis tata niaga kopra, menganalisis biaya pemasaran, marjin pemasaran, price spread, share margin dan menganalisis elastisitas transmisi harga pada masing-masing saluran pemasaran kopra, serta menganalisis tingkat efisiensi pemasaran kopra di daerah penelitian. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara purposive. Pengambilan sampel penelitian ini dilakukan secara Simple Random Sampling, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 80 orang, sampel pedagang dan konsumen digunakan metode Snowball Sampling. Untuk menganalisis nilai tambah digunakan metode Hayami. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai tambah yang diperoleh petani kelapa bulat menjadi kelapa kupas tergolong tinggi yakni sebesar 61,5%, nilai tambah yang diperoleh dari pengolahan kelapa kupas menjadi kopra tergolong rendah yakni sebesar 24%, nilai tambah yang diperoleh dari pengolahan kopra menjadi tepung tergolong rendah yakni sebesar 18,22%, nilai tambah yang diperoleh dari pengolahan kopra menjadi minyak tergolong tinggi yakni sebesar 64,69%. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 2 saluran pemasaran di daerah penelitian. Biaya pemasaran tertinggi terdapat pada saluran I (Petani-Pedagang Pengumpul– pedagang Besar) sebesar Rp. 2.172,24/kg, sedangkan biaya pemasaran terendah terdapat pada saluran pemasaran II (Petani-Pedagang Besar) sebesar Rp. 1.605,07/kg. Saluran tataniaga yang ada sudah efisien, dimana saluran pemasaran II lebih efisien dari saluran pemasaran I karena saluran pemasarannya lebih pendek dan biayanya lebih kecil daripada saluran pemasaran I

    Analysis Of Leading Sector In Solok Regency

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    One of the fundamental bases for assessing the development of a country is by using Gross Domestic Product (GDP). At the regional level within a country, development is calculated using Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). Kabupaten Solok is one of the well-known districts for its agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sectors, particularly in terms of rice cultivation. The purpose of this research is to identify the leading sectors and analyze sectoral shifts in Kabupaten Solok. The study utilizes secondary data on the GRDP of 17 sectors in Kabupaten Solok from 2017 to 2021. The research method employed is quantitative, using analytical tools such as Location Quotient, Dynamic Location Quotient, and Shift Share. The results of this research show that Kabupaten Solok does not yet have a leading sector based on the LQ and DLQ analyses. However, it has identified four sectors that exhibit rapid growth and competitiveness. The government's role is crucial in developing the economy based on the conditions of each sector. For future research, it is expected to delve deeper into the subject by utilizing input-output tables to examine the interrelationships between sectors in more detai


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    This research is aimed to examine the effect of audit committee effectiveness on companies accuracy in reporting their financial and annual reports on non-financial companies that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek Indonesia) in 2016. In measuring the effectiveness of the audit committee, the author follows the DeZoort index which divides 4 characteristics: composition, authority, resources, and diligence. According to those characteristics, there are several explanations on a few things namely members independence, background education of members, duties, and responsibilities, the size of the audit committee, and audit committee meeting. This research is conducted through the direct analysis method to financial report which is issued by the Indonesia Stock Exchange and existing web companies. The population of this study is the non-financial sector companies that are listed on the Stock Exchange Indonesia in 2016 with a total sample of 399 companies. The sampling technique in this study is used the purposive sampling. The result of this research shows that the effectiveness of the audit committee has had a significant negative impact on the timeliness of financial reporting. In addition, there are also control variables that support reporting punctuality, namely financial conditions, size of company, industry type, and type of auditor. In variables control, only the financial condition and the type of industry particularly construction that has a significant negative impact on the timeliness of financial reporting


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    Permintaan pasar ikan gurame meningkat membuat UPR Mekar Jaya membuka usaha budidaya ikan gurame guna menghasilkan produk benih unggul dan berkualitas. Kendala yang dihadai UPR Mekar Jaya adalah kurangnya pemahaman tentang manajemen kesehatan ikan sehingga ikan terinfeksi parasit seperti seperti metanauplius Lernea sp dan ucrit. Kehadiran parasit ini disebabkan karena tingginya sisa bahan organik didasarkan kolam dan kenaikan suhu pada kolam. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan manajemen kesehatan dan pendampingan manajemen kesehatan. Dari kegiatan penyuluhan diperoleh peningkatan pengetahuan peserta dimana sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan pengetahuan peserta tentang manajemen kesehatan hanya 21% dan setelah dilakukannya penyuluhan pengetahuan peserta tentang manajemen kesehatan menjadi 85%. Kelulushidupan ikan gurame di UPR Mekar Jaya selama pemeliharaan meningkat 99%. Kata Kunci : Penyuluhan, Pendampingan, Probioti