16 research outputs found

    Comparison of expenditure of using experimental models of carcinogenesis

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    Despite significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of oncopathology, the main epidemic indicators have a negative trend.Based on the above, a very relevant topic is the development of experimental models of carcinogenesis. The importance of scientific work in this area is increasing because in experimental conditions it is better to test new methods, diagnostics and treatment. Thus, it becomes possible to study the peculiarities of the pathogenesis of any tumor at different stages.The purpose of the work – to study and demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of the main experimental models of carcinogenesis for further selection of the most appropriate.Results The main directions of carcinogenesis modeling are presented in the article. Initially, the problem was justified. The next step is described in chronological order of using the models.Of course, the achievements of clinical and experimental oncology played an important role in the emergence of models. Thus, the first model was the effect of physical and chemical carcinogens on a laboratory animal. The latest achievement of experimental oncology is the use of stem cells in combination with genetic engineering.No less important is the fact of comparing experimental models. We present the strengths and weaknesses of all these models.Conclusions1. To date, there are a large number of experimental models of carcinogenesis.2. When planning a study, you need to calculate all the goals to be achieved and select the appropriate model.3. The most effective and common model for ascites ovarian tumor is the transplantation of atypical cells to laboratory animals

    Еndothelial dysfunction due to sodium nitrite

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    In the report of the World Health Organization from 1990 to 2016 to this day, Ukraine continues to occupy first place in the European region in morbidity and mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system. One of the predictors and key links in the development of CVD is endothelial dysfunction. In this work, it was shown that chronic loading with sodium nitrite provokes the development of oxidative stress (an increase in 2,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid), inflammation (an increase in the level of interleukin-1-beta, which, in turn, causes a sharp increase in iNOS activity), the development of endothelial dysfunction (increase in von Willebrand factor). L-arginine alone, and in conjunction with the drug “Vin-Vita” cause a decrease in the negative effect of sodium nitrite


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    Волога повітря, що видихається, привертає увагу як матеріал для вивчення біологічних компонентів. Пов'язано це з тим, що конденсат вологи повітря, що видихається (КВВП), формується в альвеолах легеневої тканини і його складові відображають стан місцевого гомеостазу системи дихання. Крім того, метод отримання КВВП належить до неінвазивних, що також привертає увагудослідників.У попередніх дослідженнях нами була показана діагностична цінність методу лазерної кореляційної спектроскопії (ЛКС) у дослідженнях біофізичних властивостей КВВП при захворюваннях органів дихання

    Cognitive impairment restoration in patients suffered with stroke during the post-COVID period

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    Frequency of vascular complications, including strokes, in patients suffered from COVID-19 infection is known to be increased up to 8 times, especially compared with influenza. The purpose: to investigate the fundamental mechanisms of brain ischemia in the patients with mnestic dysfunctions who previously underwent COVID-19 through pharmacocorrection via Phenibut (γ-amino-β-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride) and magnetic therapy in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke. The authors describe the possibilities of cognitive rehabilitation for people who have had ischemic stroke in the post-COVID period. Considering that the presence of mnestic dysfunctions has a negative impact on the process of rehabilitation of cerebral accidents, the fundamental mechanisms of brain ischemia in patients with mnestic dysfunctions in the early recovery period in patients who have undergone COVID-19 have been studied through pharmacocorrection via Phenibut (γ-amino- β-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride) and magnetic therapy. 46 patients aged 40 to 60 years were examined. A comparative study of three randomized clinical groups of patients with separate and complex use of Phenibut and magnetic stimulation. The effectiveness of the proposed therapy in restoring executive functions was established on the basis of indicators of the MMSE scale, the test for the study of frontal dysfunction – FAB, regression of depressive symptoms and is characterized by a decrease in the score on the GDS scale. The authors conclude that mnestic disorders are a functional "target" in cerebral ischemia in the postCOVID period, which requires close attention in relation to pharmacocorrection methods and comprehensive rehabilitation and further research, including the elucidate the pathogenetic mechanisms of cerebral ischemia

    Original method of the frontal abdominal wall defect reconstruction using the principle of the reconstructive-restorative surgery

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    The author srepresent the original clinical data devoting to the further progress in reconstructive surgery. The methodology of the staged anterior abdominal wall defect reconstruction using the Keystone method was used firstly. The aim of the work is to demonstrate the peculiarity of preoperative preparation of patients with the anterior abdominal wall wounds complicated by small intestinal fistulas. The article uses the clinical materials of the concrete patient treatment in the Department of surgical infection of the South Region Military Medical Clinical Centre (Odessa, Ukraine) using the principle of the reconstructive-restorative surgery. The clinical case of the successful surgical treatment of anterior abdominal wall eventration, resulting from numerous laparotomies with pronounced lateralization of the wound, has shown that the solution to this problem should be based on the principles of reconstructive surgery. Preoperative modelling of full-layer flaps using a combined technique (infrared camera FLIR and portable Doppler SONO Trax) reduces the risk of necrosis of the movable flap and accelerates the process of closing of the defect of the anterior abdominal wall. Staged (“step-by-step”) surgical treatment of the postoperative wound of the anterior abdominal wall by reconstruction via to the Keystone method showed a positive and rapid result of solving such a difficult problem as eventration complicated by small intestinal fistula. Restoration of the integrity of the anterior abdominal wall should be considered from the standpoint of reconstructive-restorative features

    Peculiarities of formation and clinical course of symptomatic epilepsy as a result of cranial injury

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    Post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) is a formidable and frequent consequence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the long term. 41 patients with PTE were examined, mostly men of working age. The time of formation of PTE after was 14.3 ± 1.4 months, which decreased depending on the severity of brain injury, the average frequency of seizures was 2.93 ± 0.8 per month.Focal seizures were mainly registered (63.4%, p &lt;0.05), and taking into account the focal onset in bilateral tonic-clonic seizures, this figure reached 90.2% (p &lt;0.05). Among the selected syndromes, except for direct PTE, autonomic dysfunctions (87.8%) with paroxysmal course (58.5%) prevailed, especially in persons with moderate trauma (r = 0.51, p &lt;0.05).Typical comorbid symptoms in people with PTE were cognitive deficits, which correlated with the severity of TBI, as well as depressive and anxiety symptoms. Depressive layers were more often observed in the presence of the focal component of seizures (94.7%, p &lt;0.05), temporal localization of the pathological process and predominant vagotonia. Anxiety manifestations affected all types of attacks on the background of sympathicotonia (83.3%, p &lt;0.05), which in our opinion improved the implementation of crisis conditions, which were observed in 66.7% of cases.</p

    Physiological peculiarities of dog’ blood erythrocytes in conditions of the Northern Black sea coast

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    Erythrocyte microscopy is an important step in the study of blood smears, which gives the researcher a lot of information and under certain conditions allows one to make a reliable diagnosis. This article presents new scientific data on the physiological characteristics of erythrocytes in dogs, the variability of their size and shape depending on age, sex and season of the year. The experiment was performed on 147 clinically healthy dogs of different ages, breeds and genders. Blood smears were stained by the Romanowski-Gimse method and subjected to light microscopy with oil immersion. It was found that physiological anisocytosis occurs in 34% of dogs, and 86% are unknown poikilocytosis, 10% – moderate and only 4% – severe. If we analyze the changes in cell size, macrocytic anisocytosis was observed more often in the blood smear of dogs (in 19% of cases), slightly less – macrocytic (14%) and only in one case megalocytic anisocytosis was detected. Every third case of anisocytosis was reported in dogs under 6 months of age. In spring, changes in the size of erythrocytes were detected in 59% of cases (in 10 dogs out of 17), in summer and autumn – 17-18% and in winter in 8% of the studied animals. Only 60% of the studied dogs were found to have normochromia by laboratory analysis. Moreover, hypochromia is 4.7 times more common than hyperchromia. Hyperchromia in dogs was more often recorded in spring (18%), hypochromia in autumn and spring (41–45%), and polychromia in summer (24% of the total number of studied dogs). Inclusions in the erythrocytes of dogs were found in 32% of experimental blood smears, with 85% of cases being Jolie bodies, 7.5% – Kebot rings, 5.6% – Heinz bodies and 1.9% – pseudo-inclusions. Physiological poikilocytosis was detected in 47.6% of blood smears of dogs, out of which in 35.4% of samples there was a slight poikilocytosis, in 11.6% – moderate and up to 1% – severe. The ones that were more frequently encountered were target cells and stomatocytes (14% each), acanthocytes (11%), echinocytes (5%), dacrinocytes (4%), spherocytes (3%), keratocytes (2%), schistocytes (2%), crescent-shaped cells (1% of the total number of studied smears). Poikilocytosis in dogs is more common in spring (82% of smears), slightly less in summer (up to 35%) and autumn (21%).</p

    The manner of interrelations between factors of immunity and antioxydant system in pulmonary tuberculousis patients

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    В работе представлены результаты анализа корреляционных связей между ферментами антиоксидантной системы (АОС) и лейкоцитарными индексами клеток периферической крови (ЛИ). Установлено, что угнетение ферментативной активности АОС и изменения ЛИ у больных туберкулезом приводит к дискоординации корреляционных связей между этими показателями, характеризующими функциональное состояние антиоксидантной и иммунной систем организма. Через 2 мес. после начала лечения не выявлено значимых закономерностей в корреляционных взаимосвязях этих систем.The paper presents the results of the analysis of correlations between the enzymes of the antioxidant system (AOS) and leukocyte indices of peripheral blood cells (LI). It has been established that the inhibition of the enzymatic activity of the AOS and the changes of the LI in tuberculosis patients lead to the incoordination of the correlation links between these indicators of the functional state of the antioxidant and immune systems. Two months after the start of the treatment no significant patterns in correlation links of these systems have been found

    The role of lipid peroxidation in the pathogenesis of experimental peritonitis

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    In the first hour simulated fecal peritonitis development in the rats blood revealed an increase in the level of diene conjugates and malondialdehyde (p &lt;0.001 compared with the results of intact animals. In second stage was detected more pronounced increase in the level of primary and secondary products of lipid peroxidation (p &lt;0.001) as compared with the data of the same hole in the first stage, and compared with the results of group No. 1). On the 3rd day of simulated peritonitis development in rats there is a marked deterioration of the animal condition, which was manifested in lipid peroxidation progression: the diene conjugates level increased at the level of significance p &lt;0,001, and the level of malondialdehyde compared to p &lt;0,05 data from the previous stage of the same group

    Laboratory and patient of Kyiv city clinical emergency hospital

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    The aim of the work is to analyze the activities of the clinical diagnostic laboratory of the Kyiv City Clinical Emergency Hospital (hereinafter – KCCEH) in comparison with the hospitals of Kyiv for 2017-2018 and determine the role of existing mechanisms to optimize the activities of this laboratory. The article uses the materials of statistical reports of KCCEH and treatment and prevention facilities of Kyiv for 2017-2018 using the method of systematic analysis of statistical materials, as well as systemic and structural-functional approaches. Analysis of the main performance indicators of the clinical diagnostic laboratory of the Kyiv City Clinical Emergency Hospital shows that in 2018 compared to 2017 there is an increase of 2.9% in the absolute number of laboratory tests due to increased highly informative research and introduction of innovative technologies in diagnosis. In the context of reforming the health care system under the conditions of social and economic crisis and our country's hybrid war, the only most appropriate way to optimize the laboratory department of the Kyiv City Clinical Emergency Hospital and similar hospitals in Ukraine is the centralization of clinical laboratory research and laboratory services