2,704 research outputs found

    Social distancing strategies against disease spreading

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    The recurrent infectious diseases and their increasing impact on the society has promoted the study of strategies to slow down the epidemic spreading. In this review we outline the applications of percolation theory to describe strategies against epidemic spreading on complex networks. We give a general outlook of the relation between link percolation and the susceptible-infected-recovered model, and introduce the node void percolation process to describe the dilution of the network composed by healthy individual, i.ei.e, the network that sustain the functionality of a society. Then, we survey two strategies: the quenched disorder strategy where an heterogeneous distribution of contact intensities is induced in society, and the intermittent social distancing strategy where health individuals are persuaded to avoid contact with their neighbors for intermittent periods of time. Using percolation tools, we show that both strategies may halt the epidemic spreading. Finally, we discuss the role of the transmissibility, i.ei.e, the effective probability to transmit a disease, on the performance of the strategies to slow down the epidemic spreading.Comment: to be published in "Perspectives and Challenges in Statistical Physics and Complex Systems for the Next Decade", Word Scientific Pres

    On the Variation of Fourier Parameters for Galactic and LMC Cepheids at Optical, Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Wavelengths

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    We present a light curve analysis of fundamental-mode Galactic and Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) Cepheids based on the Fourier decomposition technique. We have compiled light curve data for Galactic and LMC Cepheids in optical ({\it VI}), near-infrared ({\it JHK}s_s) and mid-infrared (3.6 &\& 4.5-μ\mum) bands from the literature and determined the variation of their Fourier parameters as a function of period and wavelength. We observed a decrease in Fourier amplitude parameters and an increase in Fourier phase parameters with increasing wavelengths at a given period. We also found a decrease in the skewness and acuteness parameters as a function of wavelength at a fixed period. We applied a binning method to analyze the progression of the mean Fourier parameters with period and wavelength. We found that for periods longer than about 20 days, the values of the Fourier amplitude parameters increase sharply for shorter wavelengths as compared to wavelengths longer than the JJ-band. We observed the variation of the Hertzsprung progression with wavelength. The central period of the Hertzsprung progression was found to increase with wavelength in the case of the Fourier amplitude parameters and decrease with increasing wavelength in the case of phase parameters. We also observed a small variation of the central period of the progression between the Galaxy and LMC, presumably related to metallicity effects. These results will provide useful constraints for stellar pulsation codes that incorporate stellar atmosphere models to produce Cepheid light curves in various bands.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journa

    Slow epidemic extinction in populations with heterogeneous infection rates

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    We explore how heterogeneity in the intensity of interactions between people affects epidemic spreading. For that, we study the susceptible-infected-susceptible model on a complex network, where a link connecting individuals ii and jj is endowed with an infection rate βij=λwij\beta_{ij} = \lambda w_{ij} proportional to the intensity of their contact wijw_{ij}, with a distribution P(wij)P(w_{ij}) taken from face-to-face experiments analyzed in Cattuto et  al.et\;al. (PLoS ONE 5, e11596, 2010). We find an extremely slow decay of the fraction of infected individuals, for a wide range of the control parameter λ\lambda. Using a distribution of width aa we identify two large regions in the aλa-\lambda space with anomalous behaviors, which are reminiscent of rare region effects (Griffiths phases) found in models with quenched disorder. We show that the slow approach to extinction is caused by isolated small groups of highly interacting individuals, which keep epidemic alive for very long times. A mean-field approximation and a percolation approach capture with very good accuracy the absorbing-active transition line for weak (small aa) and strong (large aa) disorder, respectively

    Effect of degree correlations above the first shell on the percolation transition

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    The use of degree-degree correlations to model realistic networks which are characterized by their Pearson's coefficient, has become widespread. However the effect on how different correlation algorithms produce different results on processes on top of them, has not yet been discussed. In this letter, using different correlation algorithms to generate assortative networks, we show that for very assortative networks the behavior of the main observables in percolation processes depends on the algorithm used to build the network. The different alghoritms used here introduce different inner structures that are missed in Pearson's coefficient. We explain the different behaviors through a generalization of Pearson's coefficient that allows to study the correlations at chemical distances l from a root node. We apply our findings to real networks.Comment: In press EP

    Discrete surface growth process as a synchronization mechanism for scale free complex networks

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    We consider the discrete surface growth process with relaxation to the minimum [F. Family, J. Phys. A {\bf 19} L441, (1986).] as a possible synchronization mechanism on scale-free networks, characterized by a degree distribution P(k)kλP(k) \sim k^{-\lambda}, where kk is the degree of a node and λ\lambda his broadness, and compare it with the usually applied Edward-Wilkinson process [S. F. Edwards and D. R. Wilkinson, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A {\bf 381},17 (1982) ]. In spite of both processes belong to the same universality class for Euclidean lattices, in this work we demonstrate that for scale-free networks with exponents λ<3\lambda<3 this is not true. Moreover, we show that for these ubiquitous cases the Edward-Wilkinson process enhances spontaneously the synchronization when the system size is increased, which is a non-physical result. Contrarily, the discrete surface growth process do not present this flaw and is applicable for every λ\lambda.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Developing a Compton Polarimeter to Measure Polarization of Hard X-Rays in the 50-300 keV Energy Range

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    This paper discusses the latest progress in the development of GRAPE (Gamma-Ray Polarimeter Experiment), a hard X-ray Compton Polarimeter. The purpose of GRAPE is to measure the polarization of hard X-rays in the 50-300 keV energy range. We are particularly interested in X-rays that are emitted from solar flares and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Accurately measuring the polarization of the emitted radiation from these sources will lead, to a better understating of both the emission mechanisms and source geometries. The GRAPE design consists of an array of plastic scintillators surrounding a central high-Z crystal scintillator. We can monitor individual Compton scatters that occur in the plastics and determine whether the photon is photo absorbed by the high-Z crystal or not. A Compton scattered photon that is immediately photo absorbed by the high-Z crystal constitutes a valid event. These valid events provide us with the interaction locations of each incident photon and ultimately produces a modulation pattern for the Compton scattering of the polarized radiation. Comparing with Monte Carlo simulations of a 100% polarized beam, the level of polarization of the measured beam can then be determined. The complete array is mounted on a flat-panel multi-anode photomultiplier tube (MAPMT) that can measure the deposited energies resulting from the photon interactions. The design of the detector allows for a large field-of-view (>pi steradian), at the same time offering the ability to be close-packed with multiple modules in order to reduce deadspace. We plan to present in this paper the latest laboratory results obtained from GRAPE using partially polarized radiation sources.Comment: 10 pages; conference paper presented at the SPIE conference "UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV." To be published in SPIE Conference Proceedings, vol. 589

    Charge-coupled devices with fast timing for astrophysics and space physics research

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    A charge coupled device is under development with fast timing capability (15 millisecond full frame readout, 30 microsecond resolution for measuring the time of individual pixel hits). The fast timing CCD will be used in conjunction with a CsI microfiber array or segmented scintillator matrix detector to detect x rays and gamma rays with submillimeter position resolution. The initial application will be in conjunction with a coded aperture hard x ray/gamma ray astronomy instrument. We describe the concept and the readout architecture of the device