22 research outputs found

    Higher dimensional Reidemeister torsion invariants for cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds

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    For an oriented finite volume hyperbolic 3-manifold M with a fixed spin structure \eta, we consider a sequence of invariants {\tau_n(M; \eta)}. Roughly speaking, {\tau_n(M; \eta)} is the Reidemeister torsion of M with respect to the representation given by the composition of the lift of the holonomy representation defined by \eta, and the n-dimensional, irreducible, complex representation of SL(2,C). In the present work, we focus on two aspects of this invariant: its asymptotic behavior and its relationship with the complex-length spectrum of the manifold. Concerning the former, we prove that for suitable spin structures, log(\tau_n(M; \eta)) grows as -n^2 Vol(M)/4\pi, extending thus the result obtained by W. Mueller for the compact case. Concerning the latter, we prove that the sequence {\tau_n(M; \eta)} determines the complex-length spectrum of the manifold up to complex conjugation

    Free and Residually Artinian Regular Rings

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    Nonstable K-Theory for graph algebras

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    We compute the monoid V (LK(E)) of isomorphism classes of finitely generated projective modules over certain graph algebras LK(E), and we show that this monoid satisfies the refinement property and separative cancellation. We also show that there is a natural isomorphism between the lattice of graded ideals of LK(E) and the lattice of order-ideals of V (LK(E)). When K is the field C of complex numbers, the algebra LC(E) is a dense subalgebra of the graph C -algebra C (E), and we show that the inclusion map induces an isomorphism between the corresponding monoids. As a consequence, the graph C*-algebra of any row-finite graph turns out to satisfy the stable weak cancellation propert

    Groups rings in which every left ideal is a right ideal (Addendum)

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    Stable range one for rings with many units

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