1,367 research outputs found
Saturation effects in forward-forward dijet production in p+Pb collisions
We study saturation effects in the production of forward dijets in
proton-lead collisions at the Large Hadron Collider, using the framework of
High Energy Factorization. Such configurations, with both jets produced in the
forward direction, probe the gluon density of the lead nucleus at small
longitudinal momentum fraction, and also limit the phase space for emissions of
additional jets. We find significant suppression of the forward dijet azimuthal
correlations in proton-lead versus proton-proton collisions, which we attribute
to stronger saturation of the gluon density in the nucleus than in the proton.
In order to minimize model dependence of our predictions, we use two different
extensions of the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation for evolution of the gluon
density with sub-leading corrections.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; v2: added figure 4, several clarifying sentences
and a reference; version accepted by PR
Forward di-jet production in p+Pb collisions in the small-x improved TMD factorization framework
We study the production of forward di-jets in proton-lead and proton-proton
collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. Such configurations, with both jets
produced in the forward direction, impose a dilute-dense asymmetry which allows
to probe the gluon density of the lead or proton target at small longitudinal
momentum fractions. Even though the jet momenta are always much bigger than the
saturation scale of the target, , the transverse momentum imbalance of the
di-jet system may be either also much larger than , or of the order ,
implying that the small- QCD dynamics involved is either linear or
non-linear, respectively. The small- improved TMD factorization framework
deals with both situation in the same formalism. In the latter case, which
corresponds to nearly back-to-back jets, we find that saturation effects induce
a significant suppression of the forward di-jet azimuthal correlations in
proton-lead versus proton-proton collisions.Comment: 6 figure
Improved TMD factorization for forward dijet production in dilute-dense hadronic collisions
We study forward dijet production in dilute-dense hadronic collisions. By
considering the appropriate limits, we show that both the
transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) and the high-energy factorization formulas
can be derived from the Color Glass Condensate framework. Respectively, this
happens when the transverse momentum imbalance of the dijet system, , is
of the order of either the saturation scale, or the hard jet momenta, the
former being always much smaller than the latter. We propose a new formula for
forward dijets that encompasses both situations and is therefore applicable
regardless of the magnitude of . That involves generalizing the TMD
factorization formula for dijet production to the case where the incoming
small- gluon is off-shell. The derivation is performed in two independent
ways, using either Feynman diagram techniques, or color-ordered amplitudes.Comment: The improved version of the manuscript. 37 pages, 8 figures, several
Extra-metabolic energy use and the rise in human hyper-density
Humans, like all organisms, are subject to fundamental biophysical laws. Van Valen predicted that, because of zero-sum dynamics, all populations of all species in a given environment flux the same amount of energy on average. Damuth’s ’energetic equivalence rule’ supported Van Valen´s conjecture by showing a tradeoff between few big animals per area with high individual metabolic rates compared to abundant small species with low energy requirements. We use metabolic scaling theory to compare variation in densities and individual energy use in human societies to other land mammals. We show that hunter-gatherers occurred at densities lower than the average for a mammal of our size. Most modern humans, in contrast, concentrate in large cities at densities up to four orders of magnitude greater than hunter-gatherers, yet consume up to two orders of magnitude more energy per capita. Today, cities across the globe flux greater energy than net primary productivity on a per area basis. This is possible by importing enormous amounts of energy and materials required to sustain hyper-dense, modern humans. The metabolic rift with nature created by modern cities fueled largely by fossil energy poses formidable challenges for establishing a sustainable relationship on a rapidly urbanizing, yet finite planet
L-Lactate protects neurons against excitotoxicity: implication of an ATP-mediated signaling cascade.
Converging experimental data indicate a neuroprotective action of L-Lactate. Using Digital Holographic Microscopy, we observe that transient application of glutamate (100 μM; 2 min) elicits a NMDA-dependent death in 65% of mouse cortical neurons in culture. In the presence of L-Lactate (or Pyruvate), the percentage of neuronal death decreases to 32%. UK5099, a blocker of the Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier, fully prevents L-Lactate-mediated neuroprotection. In addition, L-Lactate-induced neuroprotection is not only inhibited by probenicid and carbenoxolone, two blockers of ATP channel pannexins, but also abolished by apyrase, an enzyme degrading ATP, suggesting that ATP produced by the Lactate/Pyruvate pathway is released to act on purinergic receptors in an autocrine/paracrine manner. Finally, pharmacological approaches support the involvement of the P2Y receptors associated to the PI3-kinase pathway, leading to activation of KATP channels. This set of results indicates that L-Lactate acts as a signalling molecule for neuroprotection against excitotoxicity through coordinated cellular pathways involving ATP production, release and activation of a P2Y/KATP cascade
A new strategy for faster urinary biomarkers identification by Nano-LC-MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>LC-MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis is a potent tool in biomarkers discovery characterized by its high sensitivity and high throughput capacity. However, methods based on MALDI-TOF/TOF for biomarkers discovery still need optimization, in particular to reduce analysis time and to evaluate their reproducibility for peak intensities measurement. The aims of this methodological study were: (i) to optimize and critically evaluate each step of urine biomarker discovery method based on Nano-LC coupled off-line to MALDI-TOF/TOF, taking full advantage of the dual decoupling between Nano-LC, MS and MS/MS to reduce the overall analysis time; (ii) to evaluate the quantitative performance and reproducibility of nano-LC-MALDI analysis in biomarker discovery; and (iii) to evaluate the robustness of biomarkers selection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A pool of urine sample spiked at increasing concentrations with a mixture of standard peptides was used as a specimen for biological samples with or without biomarkers. Extraction and nano-LC-MS variabilities were estimated by analyzing in triplicates and hexaplicates, respectively. The stability of chromatographic fractions immobilised with MALDI matrix on MALDI plates was evaluated by successive MS acquisitions after different storage times at different temperatures.</p> <p>Low coefficient of variation (CV%: 10–22%) and high correlation (R<sup>2 </sup>> 0.96) values were obtained for the quantification of the spiked peptides, allowing quantification of these peptides in the low fentomole range, correct group discrimination and selection of "specific" markers using principal component analysis. Excellent peptide integrity and stable signal intensity were found when MALDI plates were stored for periods of up to 2 months at +4°C. This allowed storage of MALDI plates between LC separation and MS acquisition (first decoupling), and between MS and MSMS acquisitions while the selection of inter-group discriminative ions is done (second decoupling). Finally the recording of MSMS spectra to obtain structural information was focused only on discriminative ions in order to minimize analysis time.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Contrary to other classical approaches with direct online coupling of chromatographic separation and on the flight MS and/or MSMS data acquisition for all detected analytes, our dual decoupling strategy allowed us to focus on the most discriminative analytes, giving us more time to acquire more replicates of the same urine samples thus increasing detection sensitivity and mass precision.</p
Consequences of strong fluctuations on high-energy QCD evolution
We investigate the behaviour of the QCD evolution towards high-energy, in the
diffusive approximation, in the limit where the fluctuation contribution is
large. Our solution for the equivalent stochastic Fisher equation predicts the
amplitude as well as the whole set of correlators in the strong noise limit.
The speed of the front and the diffusion coefficient are obtained. We analyse
the consequences on high-energy evolution in QCD.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, more detailed discussions added, version to appear
in Phys. Rev.
Design and Manufacture of the Superconducting Bus-bars for the LHC Main Magnets
The main magnets of the LHC are series-connected electrically in different powering circuits by means of superconducting bus-bars, carrying a maximum current of 13 kA. These superconducting bus-bars consist of a superconducting cable thermally and electrically coupled to a copper profile all along the length. The function of the copper profile is essentially to provide an alternative path for the current in case the superconducting cable loses its superconducting state and returns to normal state because of a transient disturbance or of a normal zone propagation coming from the neighbouring magnets. When a superconducting bus-bar quenches to normal state its temperature must always stay below a safe values of about 100°C while the copper is conducting. When a resistive transition is detected, the protection systems triggers the ramping down of the current from 13000 A to 0. The ramp rate must not exceed a maximum value to avoid the transition of magnets series-connected in the circuit. This paper concerns the design and the manufacture of the high current superconducting bus-bars needed to interconnect the magnetic elements of the main dipoles, the main quadrupoles of the arcs and of the dispersion suppressors of the LHC
Cryogenic and vacuum sectorisation of the LHC arcs
Following the recommendation of the LHC TC of June 20th, 1995 to introduce a separate cryogenic distribution line (QRL), which opened the possibility to have a finer cryogenic and vacuum sectorisation of the LHC machine than the original 8 arcs scheme, a working group was set up to study the implications: technical feasibility, advantages and drawbacks as well as cost of such a sectorisation (DG/DI/LE/dl, 26 July 1995). This report presents the conclusions of the Working Group. In the LHC Conceptual Design Report, ref. CERN/AC/95-05 (LHC), 20 October 1995, the so-called "Yellow Book", a complete cryostat arc (~ 2.9 km) would have to be warmed up in order to replace a defective cryomagnet. Even by coupling the two large refrigerators feeding adjacent arcs at even points to speed up the warm-up and cool down of one arc, the minimum down-time of the machine needed to replace a cryomagnet would be more than a full month (and even 52 days with only one cryoplant). Cryogenic and vacuum sectorisation of an arc into smaller sectors is technically feasible and would allow to reduce the down-times considerably (by one to three weeks with four sectors of 750 m in length, with respectively two or one cryoplants). In addition, sectorisation of the arcs may permit a more flexible quality control and commissioning of the main machine systems, including cold testing of small magnet strings. Sectorisation, described in detail in the following paragraphs, consists essentially of installing several additional cryogenic and vacuum valves as well as some insulation vacuum barriers. Additional cryogenic valves are needed in the return lines of the circuits feeding each half-cell in order to complete the isolation of the cryoline QRL from the machine, allowing intervention (i.e. venting to atmospheric pressure) on machine sectors without affecting the rest of an arc. Secondly, and for the same purpose, special vacuum and cryogenic valves must be installed, at the boundaries of machine sectors, for the circuits not passing through the cryoline QRL. Finally, some additional vacuum barriers must be installed around the magnet cold masses to divide the insulation vacuum of the magnet cryostats into independent sub-sectors, permitting to keep under insulating vacuum the cryogenically floating cold masses, while a sector (or part of it) is warmed up and opened to atmosphere. A reasonable scenario of sectorisation, namely with four 650-750 m long sectors per arc, and each consisting of 3 or 4 insulation vacuum sub-sectors with two to four half-cells, would represent an additional total cost of about 6.6 MCHF for the machine. It is estimated that this capital investment would be paid off by time savings in less than three long unscheduled interventions such as the change of a cryomagnet
Територія Пониззя Присамар’я здавна привертала увагу дослідників, проте їх зацікавленість належала, переважно археологічним пам’яткам від доби каменю – бронзи та ранньозалізного часу. Пам’ятки пізніших часів, тим більш козацької епохи, переважно залишалися поза вивченням [28, с.28, 29- 33 с.214]. Винятковим явищем у цьому плані є роботи керованої Д.І.Яворницьким новобудівної Дніпрогесівської експедиції НКПросу 1927-1932 років [14, с.11-12], коли вперше на зазначених територіях були відкриті і досліджувалися не лише неолітичні і матеріали ранньобронзової доби, а й алано-болгарські пам’ятки, поселення доби Київської Русі, козацькі поховання XVII-XVIII ст. Д.І.Яворницький першим проводив археологічні розвідки на теренах Богородицької фортеці і її посаду під час робіт Дніпрогесівської експедиції 1927-1932 років [13; 19, с. 256-257] (у фондах ДІМ ім. Д.І.Яворницького знаходиться близько 80 натільних хрестів «із запорозьких поховань», зібраних вченим, але у матеріалах його розвідок місця знахідок часто не фіксувалися, через це знахідки не паспортизовувалися, що ускладнює ідентифікацію матеріалів). У повоєнні роки і до кінця 1980-х матеріали доби середньовіччя і козаччини з гирла Самари цікавили, переважно, краєзнавців і аматорів. У 1960-1970 рр. брати В.В. та Е.В.Бінкевичі знаходили монети й інші старожитності на Ігренському півострові: про ці знахідки з пониззя Самари лише стисло згадано в праці „Городок старинный запорожский Самарь с перевозом [1]. В цей же час і на цій же території краєзнавець з Придніпровська Є.Богуш збирав натільні хрести, колекція яких по смерті аматора була розпродана спадкоємцями частинами. У 2001 році науково-дослідною Лабораторією археології Подніпров’я ДНУ під керівництвом професора І.Ф.Ковальової на території Богородицьком фортеці і її посаду були розпочаті планомірні розвідки і розкопки
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