24 research outputs found

    A study of the local convergence of a fifth order iterative method

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    [EN] We present a local convergence study of a fifth order iterative method to approximate a locally unique root of nonlinear equations. The analysis is discussed under the assumption that first order Frechet derivative satisfies the Lipschitz continuity condition. Moreover, we consider the derivative free method that obtained through approximating the derivative with divided difference along with the local convergence study. Finally, we provide computable radii and error bounds based on the Lipschitz constant for both cases. Some of the numerical examples are worked out and compared the results with existing methods.This research was partially supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under grant PGC2018-095896-B-C21-C22.Singh, S.; Martínez Molada, E.; Maroju, P.; Behl, R. (2020). A study of the local convergence of a fifth order iterative method. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 51(2):439-455. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13226-020-0409-5S439455512A. Constantinides and N. Mostoufi, Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers with MATLAB Applications, Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey, (1999).J. M. Douglas, Process Dynamics and Control, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, (1972).M. Shacham, An improved memory method for the solution of a nonlinear equation, Chem. Eng. Sci., 44 (1989), 1495–1501.J. M. Ortega and W. C. Rheinboldt, Iterative solution of nonlinear equations in several variables, Academic Press, New-York, (1970).J. R. Sharma and H. Arora, A novel derivative free algorithm with seventh order convergence for solving systems of nonlinear equations, Numer. Algorithms, 67 (2014), 917–933.I. K. Argyros, A. A. Magreńan, and L. Orcos, Local convergence and a chemical application of derivative free root finding methods with one parameter based on interpolation, J. Math. Chem., 54 (2016), 1404–1416.E. L. Allgower and K. Georg, Lectures in Applied Mathematics, American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI) 26, 723–762.A. V. Rangan, D. Cai, and L. Tao, Numerical methods for solving moment equations in kinetic theory of neuronal network dynamics, J. Comput. Phys., 221 (2007), 781–798.A. Nejat and C. Ollivier-Gooch, Effect of discretization order on preconditioning and convergence of a high-order unstructured Newton-GMRES solver for the Euler equations, J. Comput. Phys., 227 (2008), 2366–2386.C. Grosan and A. Abraham, A new approach for solving nonlinear equations systems, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybernet Part A: System Humans, 38 (2008), 698–714.F. Awawdeh, On new iterative method for solving systems of nonlinear equations, Numer. Algorithms, 54 (2010), 395–409.I. G. Tsoulos and A. Stavrakoudis, On locating all roots of systems of nonlinear equations inside bounded domain using global optimization methods, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 11 (2010), 2465–2471.E. Martínez, S. Singh, J. L. Hueso, and D. K. Gupta, Enlarging the convergence domain in local convergence studies for iterative methods in Banach spaces, Appl. Math. Comput., 281 (2016), 252–265.S. Singh, D. K. Gupta, E. Martínez, and J. L. Hueso, Semi local and local convergence of a fifth order iteration with Fréchet derivative satisfying Hölder condition, Appl. Math. Comput., 276 (2016), 266–277.I. K. Argyros and S. George, Local convergence of modified Halley-like methods with less computation of inversion, Novi. Sad.J. Math., 45 (2015), 47–58.I. K. Argyros, R. Behl, and S. S. Motsa, Local Convergence of an Efficient High Convergence Order Method Using Hypothesis Only on the First Derivative Algorithms 2015, 8, 1076–1087; doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/a8041076.A. Cordero, J. L. Hueso, E. Martínez, and J. R. Torregrosa, Increasing the convergence order of an iterative method for nonlinear systems, Appl. Math. Lett., 25 (2012), 2369–2374.I. K. Argyros and A. A. Magreñán, A study on the local convergence and dynamics of Chebyshev- Halley-type methods free from second derivative, Numer. Algorithms71 (2016), 1–23.M. Grau-Sánchez, Á Grau, asnd M. Noguera, Frozen divided difference scheme for solving systems of nonlinear equations, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 235 (2011), 1739–1743.M. Grau-Sánchez, M. Noguera, and S. Amat, On the approximation of derivatives using divided difference operators preserving the local convergence order of iterative methods, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 237 (2013), 363–372

    Analysis of two-color photoelectron spectroscopy for attosecond metrology at seeded free-electron lasers

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    The generation of attosecond pulse trains at free-electron lasers opens new opportunities in ultrafast science, as it gives access, for the first time, to reproducible, programmable, extreme ultraviolet (XUV) waveforms with high intensity. In this work, we present a detailed analysis of the theoretical model underlying the temporal characterization of the attosecond pulse trains recently generated at the free-electron laser FERMI. In particular, the validity of the approximations used for the correlated analysis of the photoelectron spectra generated in the two-color photoionization experiments are thoroughly discussed. The ranges of validity of the assumptions, in connection with the main experimental parameters, are derived

    Local convergence of fourth and fifth order parametric family of iterative methods in Banach spaces

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    This paper deal with the study of local convergence of fourth and fifth order iterative method for solving nonlinear equations in Banach spaces. Only the premise that the first order Frechet derivative fulfills the Lipschitz continuity condition is needed.Under these conditions, a convergence theorem is established to study the existence and uniqueness regions for the solution for each method. The efficacy of our convergence study is shown solving various numerical examples as a nonlinear integral equation and calculating the radius of the convergence balls. We compare the radii of convergence balls and observe that by our approach, we get much larger balls as existing ones. In addition, we also include the real and complex dynamic study of one of the methods applied to a generic polynomial of order two

    Collinear setup for delay control in two-color attosecond measurements

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    We present a compact experimental setup for performing attosecond-pump-infrared-probe experiments with long-time delay stability. The robustness of the setup is demonstrated over a two-day acquisition time in two-photon photoionization of argon in the photon-energy range 17−33 eV. The propagation of the input infrared pulse, as driving pulse for the high-order harmonic generation process and for the generation of the sidebands of the main photoelectron peaks, through the main optical components is simulated and discussed. Our setup allows us to perform attosecond experiments with an overall stability of ± 40 as

    A detailed investigation of single-photon laser enabled Auger decay in neon

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    Single-photon Laser Enabled Auger Decay (spLEAD) is an electronic de-excitation process which was recently predicted and observed in Ne. We have investigated it using bichromatic phase-locked Free Electron Laser radiation and extensive angle-resolved photoelectron measurements, supported by a detailed theoretical model. We first used separately the fundamental wavelength resonant with the Ne+ 2s-2p transition, 46.17 nm, and its second harmonic, 23.08 nm, then their phase-locked bichromatic combination. In the latter case the phase difference between the two wavelengths was scanned, and interference effects were observed, confirming that the spLEAD process was occurring. The detailed theoretical model we developed qualitatively predicts all observations: branching ratios between the final Auger states, their amplitudes of oscillation as a function of phase, the phase lag between the oscillations of different final states, and partial cancellation of the oscillations under certain conditions

    A detailed investigation of single-photon laser enabled Auger decay in neon

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    Single-photon laser enabled Auger decay (spLEAD) is an electronic de-excitation process which was recently predicted and observed in Ne. We have investigated it using bichromatic phase-locked free electron laser radiation and extensive angle-resolved photoelectron measurements, supported by a detailed theoretical model. We first used separately the fundamental wavelength resonant with the Ne+ 2s-2p transition, 46.17 nm, and its second harmonic, 23.08 nm, then their phase-locked bichromatic combination. In the latter case the phase difference between the two wavelengths was scanned, and interference effects were observed, confirming that the spLEAD process was occurring. The detailed theoretical model we developed qualitatively predicts all observations: branching ratios between the final Auger states, their amplitudes of oscillation as a function of phase, the phase lag between the oscillations of different final states, and partial cancellation of the oscillations under certain conditions