506 research outputs found

    The Freiheitssatz for generic Poisson algebras

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    We prove the Freiheitssatz for the variety of generic Poisson algebras

    Міжнародний досвід засудження тоталітарних режимів та встановлення кримінальної відповідальності за їх пропаганду

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    Purpose: the main task of this scientific research is to study the international experience of condemnation totalitarian regimes. The article also covers the issues of criminal responsibility prosecution for the propagation of totalitarian regimes in European countries and in Ukraine. Methods: the using of international experience to improve blighty legislation, providing criminal responsibility for a perpetration. Results: suggestions for the prevention of totalitarian regimes renewal, which resulted in violations of civil rights, as one of the priorities of state political people, aimed to protect national interests and to insure Ukrainian citizens in safety. Discussion: based on comparison of the main international regulations issues aimed to totalitarian regimes conviction, harmonization of the norms of national criminal legislation with international norms and standards in the relevant sphere.Цель: основной задачей этого научного исследования является изучение международного опыта осуждения тоталитарных режимов. Также в этой статье раскрываются вопросы привлечения к уголовной ответственности за пропаганду тоталитарных режимов в Европейских странах и в Украине. Методы исследования: использование международного опыта для совершенствования отечественного законодательства, предусматривающего уголовную ответственность за это преступление. Результаты: предложения по предотвращению возобновления тоталитарных режимов, которые приводили к нарушениям гражданских прав, являются одним из приоритетов государственной политики, направленных на защиту национальных интересов и гарантирование в Украине безопасности граждан. Обсуждение: сравнение положений основных международных нормативных актов, направленных на осуждение тоталитарных режимов, согласования норм национального уголовного законодательства с международными нормами и стандартами в соответствующей сфере.Мета: основним завданням цього наукового дослідження є вивчення міжнародного досвіду засудження тоталітарних режимів. Також у цій статті розкриваються питання притягнення до кримінальної відповідальності за пропаганду тоталітарних режимів у Європейських країнах та в Україні. Методи дослідження: використання міжнародного досвіду для вдосконалення вітчизняного законодавства, що передбачає кримінальну відповідальність за це злочин. Результати: пропозиції щодо запобігання поновлення тоталітарних режимів, які призводили до порушень громадянських прав, що є одним із пріоритетів державної політики, спрямованих на захист національних інтересів і гарантування в Україні безпеки громадян. Обговорення: порівняння положень основних міжнародних нормативних актів, спрямованих на засудження тоталітарних режимів, узгодження норм національного кримінального законодавства з міжнародними нормами та стандартами у відповідній сфері

    Simulations of isoprene: Ozone reactions for a general circulation/chemical transport model

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    A parameterized reaction mechanism has been created to examine the interactions between isoprene and other tropospheric gas-phase chemicals. Tests of the parameterization have shown that its results match those of a more complex reaction set to a high degree of accuracy. Comparisons between test runs have shown that the presence of isoprene at the start of a six day interval can enhance later ozone concentrations by as much as twenty-nine percent. The test cases used no input fluxes beyond the initial time, implying that a single input of a biogenic hydrocarbon to an airmass can alter its ozone chemistry over a time scale on the order of a week

    Development of a simple unified volatility-based scheme (SUVS) for secondary organic aerosol formation using genetic algorithms

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    A new method is proposed to simplify complex atmospheric chemistry reaction schemes, while preserving SOA formation properties, using genetic algorithms. The method is first applied in this study to the gas-phase α-pinene oxidation scheme. The simple unified volatility-based scheme (SUVS) reflects the multi-generation evolution of chemical species from a near-explicit master chemical mechanism (MCM) and, at the same time, uses the volatility-basis set speciation for condensable products. The SUVS also unifies reactions between SOA precursors with different oxidants under different atmospheric conditions. A total of 412 unknown parameters (product yields of parameterized products, reaction rates, etc.) from the SUVS are estimated by using genetic algorithms operating on the detailed mechanism. The number of organic species was reduced from 310 in the detailed mechanism to 31 in the SUVS. Output species profiles, obtained from the original subset of the MCM reaction scheme for α-pinene oxidation, are reproduced with maximum fractional error at 0.10 for scenarios under a wide range of ambient HC/NO<sub>x</sub> conditions. Ultimately, the same SUVS with updated parameters could be used to describe the SOA formation from different precursors

    Holomorphic automorphisms of Danielewski surfaces II -- structure of the overshear group

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    We apply Nevanlinna theory for algebraic varieties to Danielewski surfaces and investigate their group of holomorphic automorphisms. Our main result states that the overshear group which is known to be dense in the identity component of the holomorphic automorphism group, is a free amalgamated product.Comment: 24 page

    Young children's explorations of average through informal inferential reasoning

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    This study situates children's early notions of average within an inquiry classroom to investigate the rich inferential reasoning that young children drew on to make sense of the questions: Is there a typical height for a student in year 3? If so, what is it? Based on their deliberations over several lessons, students' ideas about average and typicality evolved as meaning reasonable, contrary to atypical, most common (value or interval), middle, normative, and representative of the population. The case study reported here documents a new direction for the development of children's conceptions of average in a classroom designed to elicit their informal inferential reasoning about data

    Affine modifications and affine hypersurfaces with a very transitive automorphism group

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    We study a kind of modification of an affine domain which produces another affine domain. First appeared in passing in the basic paper of O. Zariski (1942), it was further considered by E.D. Davis (1967). The first named author applied its geometric counterpart to construct contractible smooth affine varieties non-isomorphic to Euclidean spaces. Here we provide certain conditions which guarantee preservation of the topology under a modification. As an application, we show that the group of biregular automorphisms of the affine hypersurface XCk+2X \subset C^{k+2} given by the equation uv=p(x1,...,xk)uv=p(x_1,...,x_k) where pC[x1,...,xk],p \in C[x_1,...,x_k], acts mm-transitively on the smooth part regXX of XX for any mN.m \in N. We present examples of such hypersurfaces diffeomorphic to Euclidean spaces.Comment: 39 Pages, LaTeX; a revised version with minor changes and correction

    Modelling the impacts of ammonia emissions reductions on North American air quality

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    A unified regional air-quality modelling system (AURAMS) was used to investigate the effects of reductions in ammonia emissions on regional air quality, with a focus on particulate-matter formation. Three simulations of one-year duration were performed for a North American domain: (1) a base-case simulation using 2002 Canadian and US national emissions inventories augmented by a more detailed Canadian emissions inventory for agricultural ammonia; (2) a 30% North-American-wide reduction in agricultural ammonia emissions; and (3) a 50% reduction in Canadian beef-cattle ammonia emissions. The simulations show that a 30% continent-wide reduction in agricultural ammonia emissions lead to reductions in median hourly PM<sub>2.5</sub> mass of <1 μg m<sup>−3</sup> on an annual basis. The atmospheric response to these emission reductions displays marked seasonal variations, and on even shorter time scales, the impacts of the emissions reductions are highly episodic: 95th-percentile hourly PM<sub>2.5</sub> mass decreases can be up to a factor of six larger than the median values. <br><br> A key finding of the modelling work is the linkage between gas and aqueous chemistry and transport; reductions in ammonia emissions affect gaseous ammonia concentrations close to the emissions site, but substantial impacts on particulate matter and atmospheric deposition often occur at considerable distances downwind, with particle nitrate being the main vector of ammonia/um transport. Ammonia emissions reductions therefore have trans-boundary consequences downwind. Calculations of critical-load exceedances for sensitive ecosystems in Canada suggest that ammonia emission reductions will have a minimal impact on current ecosystem acidification within Canada, but may have a substantial impact on future ecosystem acidification. The 50% Canadian beef-cattle ammonia emissions reduction scenario was used to examine model sensitivity to uncertainties in the new Canadian agricultural ammonia emissions inventory, and the simulation results suggest that further work is needed to improve the emissions inventory for this particular sector. It should be noted that the model in its current form neglects coarse mode base cation chemistry, so the predicted effects of ammonia emissions reductions shown here should be considered upper limits

    Aircraft study of the impact of lake-breeze circulations on trace gases and particles during BAQS-Met 2007

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    High time-resolved aircraft data, concurrent surface measurements and air quality model simulations were explored to diagnose the processes influencing aerosol chemistry under the influence of lake-breeze circulations in a polluted region of southwestern Ontario, Canada. The analysis was based upon horizontal aircraft transects conducted at multiple altitudes across an entire lake-breeze circulation. Air mass boundaries due to lake-breeze fronts were identified in the aircraft meteorological and chemical data, which were consistent with the frontal locations determined from surface analyses. Observations and modelling support the interpretation of a lake-breeze circulation where pollutants were lofted at a lake-breeze front, transported in the synoptic flow, caught in a downdraft over the lake, and then confined by onshore flow. The detailed analysis led to the development of conceptual models that summarize the complex 3-D circulation patterns and their interaction with the synoptic flow. The identified air mass boundaries, the interpretation of the lake-breeze circulation, and the air parcel circulation time in the lake-breeze circulation (3.0 to 5.0 h) enabled formation rates of organic aerosol (OA/ΔCO) and SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup> to be determined. The formation rate for OA (relative to excess CO in ppmv) was found to be 11.6–19.4 μg m<sup>−3</sup> ppmv<sup>−1</sup> h<sup>−1</sup> and the SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup> formation rate was 5.0–8.8% h<sup>−1</sup>. The formation rates are enhanced relative to regional background rates implying that lake-breeze circulations are an important dynamic in the formation of SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup> and secondary organic aerosol. The presence of cumulus clouds associated with the lake-breeze fronts suggests that these enhancements could be due to cloud processes. Additionally, the effective confinement of pollutants along the shoreline may have limited pollutant dilution leading to elevated oxidant concentrations

    Improved Satellite Retrievals of NO2 and SO2 over the Canadian Oil Sands and Comparisons with Surface Measurements

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    Satellite remote sensing is increasingly being used to monitor air quality over localized sources such as the Canadian oil sands. Following an initial study, significantly low biases have been identified in current NO2 and SO2 retrieval products from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite sensor over this location resulting from a combination of its rapid development and small spatial scale. Air mass factors (AMFs) used to convert line-of-sight "slant" columns to vertical columns were re-calculated for this region based on updated and higher resolution input information including absorber profiles from a regional-scale (15 km 15 km resolution) air quality model, higher spatial and temporal resolution surface reflectivity, and an improved treatment of snow. The overall impact of these new Environment Canada (EC) AMFs led to substantial increases in the peak NO2 and SO2 average vertical column density (VCD), occurring over an area of intensive surface mining, by factors of 2 and 1.4, respectively, relative to estimates made with previous AMFs. Comparisons are made with long-term averages of NO2 and SO2 (2005-2011) from in situ surface monitors by using the air quality model to map the OMI VCDs to surface concentrations. This new OMI-EC product is able to capture the spatial distribution of the in situ instruments (slopes of 0.65 to 1.0, correlation coefficients of greater than 0.9). The concentration absolute values from surface network observations were in reasonable agreement, with OMI-EC NO2 and SO2 biased low by roughly 30%. Several complications were addressed including correction for the interference effect in the surface NO2 instruments and smoothing and clear-sky biases in the OMI measurements. Overall these results highlight the importance of using input information that accounts for the spatial and temporal variability of the location of interest when performing retrievals