2,558 research outputs found

    Energy dependence of ratios of multiplicities and their slopes for gluon and quark jets

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    The difference between the ratio of multiplicities and the ratio of their derivatives on energy for gluon and quark jets is calculated up to next-to-next-to leading order of perturbative QCD. Its non-zero value is uniquely defined by the running property of the QCD coupling constant. It is shown that this difference is rather small compared to values which can be obtained from experimental data. This disagreement can be ascribed either to strong non-perturbative terms or to experimental problems with a scale choice, jets separation and inadequate assignement of soft particles to jets.Comment: 5 pages, LATEX, no Figs; submitted to JETP Let

    Incorporating spatial correlations into multispecies mean-field models

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    In biology, we frequently observe different species existing within the same environment. For example, there are many cell types in a tumour, or different animal species may occupy a given habitat. In modeling interactions between such species, we often make use of the mean-field approximation, whereby spatial correlations between the locations of individuals are neglected. Whilst this approximation holds in certain situations, this is not always the case, and care must be taken to ensure the mean-field approximation is only used in appropriate settings. In circumstances where the mean-field approximation is unsuitable, we need to include information on the spatial distributions of individuals, which is not a simple task. In this paper, we provide a method that overcomes many of the failures of the mean-field approximation for an on-lattice volume-excluding birth-death-movement process with multiple species. We explicitly take into account spatial information on the distribution of individuals by including partial differential equation descriptions of lattice site occupancy correlations. We demonstrate how to derive these equations for the multispecies case and show results specific to a two-species problem. We compare averaged discrete results to both the mean-field approximation and our improved method, which incorporates spatial correlations. We note that the mean-field approximation fails dramatically in some cases, predicting very different behavior from that seen upon averaging multiple realizations of the discrete system. In contrast, our improved method provides excellent agreement with the averaged discrete behavior in all cases, thus providing a more reliable modeling framework. Furthermore, our method is tractable as the resulting partial differential equations can be solved efficiently using standard numerical techniques

    Roll-to-roll dip coating of three different PIMs for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration

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    PIM-1, PIM-7, and PIM-8 composite membranes have been fabricated for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration (OSN) on two different support membranes. Both support membranes, PAN and crosslinked Ultem 1000, displayed pore sizes within the range of 20–25 nm as characterised by gas liquid porometry. PIM layers of < 500 nm thickness were formed from dip coating on a roll-to-roll pilot line. The resultant composite membranes exhibited typical MWCOs in the region of 500–800 g mol−1. The quality of coating obtained on the crosslinked Ultem 1000 support membrane was consistently higher for all three PIMs than that obtained on the PAN membrane. The PIM composite membranes coated on to crosslinked Ultem 1000 were stable in a wider range of solvents than those on the PAN support. OSN testing in a model system with isomeric alkane solutes verified that manipulated changes to the molecular architecture of the polymer backbone resulted in a higher separation factor between straight and branched alkane isomers

    Unveiling the prehistoric landscape at Stonehenge through multi-receiver EMI

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    YesArchaeological research at Stonehenge (UK) is increasingly aimed at understanding the dynamic of the wider archaeological landscape. Through the application of state-of-the-art geophysical techniques, unprecedented insight is being gathered into the buried archaeological features of the area. However, applied survey techniques have rarely targeted natural soil variation, and the detailed knowledge of the palaeotopography is consequently less complete. In addition, metallic topsoil debris, scattered over different parts of the Stonehenge landscape, often impacts the interpretation of geophysical datasets. The research presented here demonstrates how a single multi-receiver electromagnetic induction (EMI) survey, conducted over a 22 ha area within the Stonehenge landscape, offers detailed insight into natural and anthropogenic soil variation at Stonehenge. The soil variations that were detected through recording the electrical and magnetic soil variability, shed light on the genesis of the landscape, and allow for a better definition of potential palaeoenvironmental and archaeological sampling locations. Based on the multi-layered dataset, a procedure was developed to remove the influence of topsoil metal from the survey data, which enabled a more straightforward identification of the detected archaeology. The results provide a robust basis for further geoarchaeological research, while potential to differentiate between modern soil disturbances and the underlying sub-surface variations can help in solving conservation and management issues. Through expanding this approach over the wider area, we aim at a fuller understanding of the human–landscape interactions that have shaped the Stonehenge landscape

    Laplaciens de graphes infinis I Graphes m\'etriquement complets

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    We introduce the weighted graph Laplacian and the notion of Schr\"odinger operator on a locally finite weighted graph . Concerning essential self-adjointness, we extend Wojciechowski's and Dodziuk's results for graphs with vertex constant weight. The main result in this work states that on any metrically complete weighted graph with bounded degree, the Laplacian is essentially self-adjoint and the same holds for the Schr\"odinger operator provided the associated quadratic form is bounded from below. We construct for the proof a strictly positive and harmonic function which allows us to write any Schr\"odinger operator as a weighted graph Laplacian modulo a unitary transform

    Lymphocyte reactivity in patients with carcinoma of the breast and large bowel.

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    The reactivity of lymphocytes from patients with either carcinoma of the breast or large bowel has been studied using the human to mouse normal lymphocyte transfer (NLT) reaction. It was found that, in the case of breast cancer, there was a direct correlation between the clinical stage and a reduced NLT reaction. Only patients with regional lymph node or generalized metastases showed significantly reduced lymphocyte reactivity. However, in the case of large bowel cancer there was a generalized reduction in NLT reactivity which was independent of the clinical stage. Incubation of lymphocytes from individuals without neoplastic disease in serum or plasma from breast cancer patients, showing reduced NLT reactivity, resulted in a reduced NLT reaction. This appears to be indicative of the presence of circulating "blocking factor" in such patients

    Divergences in the Effective Action for Acausal Spacetimes

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    The 1--loop effective Lagrangian for a massive scalar field on an arbitrary causality violating spacetime is calculated using the methods of Euclidean quantum field theory in curved spacetime. Fields of spin 1/2, spin 1 and twisted field configurations are also considered. In general, we find that the Lagrangian diverges to minus infinity at each of the nth polarised hypersurfaces of the spacetime with a structure governed by a DeWitt-Schwinger type expansion.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    Recent trends and advances in microbial electrochemical sensing technologies: An overview

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    Microbial electrochemical systems utilize the electrochemical interaction between microorganisms and electrode surfaces to convert chemical energy into electrical energy, offering a promise as technologies for wastewater treatment, bioremediation, and biofuel production. Recently, growing research attention has been devoted to the development of microbial electrochemical sensrs as biosensing platforms. Microbial electrochemical sensors are a type of microbial electrochemical technology (MET) capable of sensing through the anodic or the cathodic electroactive microorganisms and/or biofilms. Herein, we review and summarize the recent advances in the design of microbial electrochemical sensing approaches with a specific overview and discussion of anodic and cathodic microbial electrochemical sensor devices, highlighting both the advantages and disadvantages. Particular emphasis is given on the current trends and strategies in the design of low-cost, convenient, efficient, and high performing METs with different biosensing applications, including toxicity monitoring, pathogen detection, corrosion monitoring, as well as measurements of biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, and dissolved oxygen. The conclusion provides perspectives and an outlook to understand the shortcomings in the design, development status, and sensing applications of microbial electrochemical platforms. Namely, we discuss key challenges that limit the practical implementation of METs for sensing purposes and deliberate potential solutions, necessary developments, and improvements in the field

    Spatially Resolved Temperature and Water Vapor Concentration Distributions in Supersonic Combustion Facilities by TDLAT

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    Detailed knowledge of the internal structure of high-enthalpy flows can provide valuable insight to the performance of scramjet combustors. Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) is often employed to measure temperature and species concentration. However, TDLAS is a path-integrated line-of-sight (LOS) measurement, and thus does not produce spatially resolved distributions. Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Tomography (TDLAT) is a non-intrusive measurement technique for determining two-dimensional spatially resolved distributions of temperature and species concentration in high enthalpy flows. TDLAT combines TDLAS with tomographic image reconstruction. More than 2500 separate line-of-sight TDLAS measurements are analyzed in order to produce highly resolved temperature and species concentration distributions. Measurements have been collected at the University of Virginia's Supersonic Combustion Facility (UVaSCF) as well as at the NASA Langley Direct-Connect Supersonic Combustion Test Facility (DCSCTF). Due to the UVaSCF s unique electrical heating and ability for vitiate addition, measurements collected at the UVaSCF are presented as a calibration of the technique. Measurements collected at the DCSCTF required significant modifications to system hardware and software designs due to its larger measurement area and shorter test duration. Tomographic temperature and water vapor concentration distributions are presented from experimentation on the UVaSCF operating at a high temperature non-reacting case for water vitiation level of 12%. Initial LOS measurements from the NASA Langley DCSCTF operating at an equivalence ratio of 0.5 are also presented. Results show the capability of TDLAT to adapt to several experimental setups and test parameters

    Essential self-adjointness of magnetic Schr\"odinger operators on locally finite graphs

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    We give sufficient conditions for essential self-adjointness of magnetic Schr\"odinger operators on locally finite graphs. Two of the main theorems of the present paper generalize recent results of Torki-Hamza.Comment: 14 pages; The present version differs from the original version as follows: the ordering of presentation has been modified in several places, more details have been provided in several places, some notations have been changed, two examples have been added, and several new references have been inserted. The final version of this preprint will appear in Integral Equations and Operator Theor
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