645 research outputs found
Witten index and phase diagram of compactified N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the lattice
Owing to confinement, the fundamental particles of N=1 Supersymmetric
Yang-Mills (SYM) theory, gluons and gluinos, appear only in colourless bound
states at zero temperature. Compactifying the Euclidean time dimension with
periodic boundary conditions for fermions preserves supersymmetry, and
confinement is predicted to persist independently of the length of the
compactified dimension. This scenario can be tested non-perturbatively with
Monte-Carlo simulations on a lattice. SUSY is, however, broken on the lattice
and can be recovered only in the continuum limit. The partition function of
compactified N=1 SYM theory with periodic fermion boundary conditions
corresponds to the Witten index. Therefore it can be used to test whether
supersymmetry is realized on the lattice. Results of our recent numerical
simulations are presented, supporting the disappearance of the deconfinement
transition in the supersymmetric limit and the restoration of SUSY at low
energies.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium
on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2015), 14-18 July 2015, Kobe International
Conference Center, Kobe, Japa
Phase structure of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature
Supersymmetry (SUSY) has been proposed to be a central concept for the
physics beyond the standard model and for a description of the strong
interactions in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. A deeper
understanding of these developments requires the knowledge of the properties of
supersymmetric models at finite temperatures. We present a Monte Carlo
investigation of the finite temperature phase diagram of the N=1 supersymmetric
Yang-Mills theory (SYM) regularised on a space-time lattice. The model is in
many aspects similar to QCD: quark confinement and fermion condensation occur
in the low temperature regime of both theories. A comparison to QCD is
therefore possible. The simulations show that for N=1 SYM the deconfinement
temperature has a mild dependence on the fermion mass. The analysis of the
chiral condensate susceptibility supports the possibility that chiral symmetry
is restored near the deconfinement phase transition.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure
Structure of penetrable-rod fluids: Exact properties and comparison between Monte Carlo simulations and two analytic theories
Bounded potentials are good models to represent the effective two-body
interaction in some colloidal systems, such as dilute solutions of polymer
chains in good solvents. The simplest bounded potential is that of penetrable
spheres, which takes a positive finite value if the two spheres are overlapped,
being 0 otherwise. Even in the one-dimensional case, the penetrable-rod model
is far from trivial, since interactions are not restricted to nearest neighbors
and so its exact solution is not known. In this paper we first derive the exact
correlation functions of penetrable-rod fluids to second order in density at
any temperature, as well as in the high-temperature and zero-temperature limits
at any density. Next, two simple analytic theories are constructed: a
high-temperature approximation based on the exact asymptotic behavior in the
limit and a low-temperature approximation inspired by the exact
result in the opposite limit . Finally, we perform Monte Carlo
simulations for a wide range of temperatures and densities to assess the
validity of both theories. It is found that they complement each other quite
well, exhibiting a good agreement with the simulation data within their
respective domains of applicability and becoming practically equivalent on the
borderline of those domains. A perspective on the extension of both approaches
to the more realistic three-dimensional case is provided.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables: v2: minor changes; published final
Gribov no-pole condition, Zwanziger horizon function, Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion, boundary conditions, BRST breaking and all that
We aim to offer a kind of unifying view on two popular topics in the studies
of nonperturbative aspects of Yang-Mills theories in the Landau gauge: the
so-called Gribov-Zwanziger approach and the Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion.
Borrowing results from statistical thermodynamics, we show that imposing the
Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion as a boundary condition leads to a modified
yet renormalizable partition function. We verify that the resulting partition
function is equivalent with the one obtained by Gribov and Zwanziger, which
restricts the domain of integration in the path integral within the first
Gribov horizon. The construction of an action implementing a boundary condition
allows one to discuss the symmetries of the system in the presence of the
boundary. In particular, the conventional BRST symmetry is softly broken.Comment: 5 pages. v2 matches version to appear in PhysRevD (RC
Finite Size Effects in Fluid Interfaces
It is shown that finite size effects in the free energy of a rough interface
of the 3D Ising and three--state Potts models are well described by the
capillary wave model at {\em two--loop} order. The agreement between
theoretical predictions and Monte Carlo simulations strongly supports the idea
of the universality of this description of order--order interfaces in 3D
statistical systems above the roughening temperature.Comment: 3 pages, uuencoded .ps file, figures included. (Proceeding of Lattice
Agenda 21 local como herramienta de desarollo sostenible : La situación en Suiza
1999an Suitzak bere konpromisoa bete zuen, garapen iraunkorra Konstituzioan barneratu baitzuen. Herrialde hau Tokiko Agenda 21 delakoaren moduko prozesu zehatzak sustatzeko hainbat estrategia ari da probatzen. 2005eko uztailean, Suitzako udalerrien % 4 baino ez zegoen prozesu honetan sartuta; hau da, biztanleriaren % 29. Suitzako tokiko agintaritzek, sistema federala dela eta, autonomia handia izan dute aspalditik; gainera, biztanleek demokrazia zuzeneko sistema suitzarraren bidez, Europako beste herrialde batzuetan baino zuzenago parte har dezakete erabaki politikoak hartzerakoan. Epe luzera, Garapen Iraunkorreko Estrategia Nazionalaren helburua garapen iraunkorra agintari publikoen jarduera eta politika guztietan barneratzea da.In 1999, Switzerland made good its pledge by writing sustainable development into its Constitution. Different strategies and programs are going on to promote Agenda 21-like processes. In July 2005, just 4% of municipalities were involved in the process, though this does represent 29% of the population. In Switzerland, under the country¿s federal system, local authorities have for a long time enjoyed considerable autonomy and, under the Swiss system of direct democracy, citizens are able to participate more fully in all political decision-making than in other countries. In the longer term, the aim of the National Sustainable development Strategy is to include sustainable development in all the policies and activities of public authorities.En 1999, Suiza cumplió con su compromiso al incluir el desarrollo sostenible en la Constitución. Este país está ensayando diferentes estrategias para fomentar determinados procesos del estilo de la Agenda 21 Local. En julio de 2005, tan sólo un 4% de los municipios suizos se habían involucrado en este proceso, si bien representan un 29% de la población. Las autoridades locales suizas, bajo un sistema federal, han disfrutado durante mucho tiempo de una autonomía considerable. Y los ciudadanos, mediante el sistema suizo de democracia directa, pueden participar de una manera más activa que en otros países europeos en la toma de decisiones políticas. A largo plazo, el objetivo de la Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo Sostenible es incluir el desarrollo sostenible en todas las actividades y políticas de las autoridades pública
Interaction effects in the spectrum of the three-dimensional Ising model
The two-point correlation functions of statistical models show in general
both poles and cuts in momentum space. The former correspond to the spectrum of
massive excitations of the model, while the latter originate from interaction
effects, namely creation and annihilation of virtual pairs of excitations. We
discuss the effect of such interactions on the long distance behavior of
correlation functions in configuration space, focusing on certain time-slice
operators which are commonly used to extract the spectrum. For the 3D Ising
model in the scaling region of the broken-symmetry phase, a one-loop
calculation shows that the interaction effects on time-slice correlations is
non negligible for distances up to a few times the correlation length, and
should therefore be taken into account when analysing Monte Carlo data.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX file + 1 ps figure, uses axodraw.st
Microscopic expressions for the thermodynamic temperature
We show that arbitrary phase space vector fields can be used to generate
phase functions whose ensemble averages give the thermodynamic temperature. We
describe conditions for the validity of these functions in periodic boundary
systems and the Molecular Dynamics (MD) ensemble, and test them with a
short-ranged potential MD simulation.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, Revtex. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
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