324 research outputs found

    McMillan–Mayer theory for solvent effects in inhomogeneous systems: Calculation of interaction pressure in aqueous electrical double layers

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    We demonstrate how to use the McMillan–Mayer theory to include solvent effects in effective solute–solute interactions for inhomogeneous systems, extending a recent derivation [S. Marčelja, Langmuir 16, 6081 (2000)] for symmetric planar double layers to the general case. In the exact treatment, the many-body potential of mean force between the solute molecules can be evaluated for an inhomogeneous reference system in equilibrium with pure bulk solvent. The reference system contains only solvent and a finite number, n, of fixed solute molecules and it has an external potential that in some cases is different from that of the original system. It is discussed how the n-body potential of mean force between the ions for the relevant cases of large n values can be approximated by a sum of effective singlet and pair interactions evaluated in the presence of, on average, all n ions, i.e., at finite concentration. In examples considered in this work we use effective interionic pair potentials evaluated from bulk electrolyte calculations at finite electrolyte concentrations. We calculate the contribution to the double layer interaction pressure arising from the interaction between ions dissolved in aqueous electrolyte. In cases of moderate or high surface charge, calculations show several new effects. At small surface separations one finds attractive and then strongly repulsive contributions. For surface charge density around one negative charge per 70 Å2 the full results for pressures resemble “secondary hydration force” measured in classical experiments in 1980s. When there is a tendency for ions to adsorb at the surfaces there is a marked change in behavior. The force is then oscillatory, reminiscent of results obtained with the surface force apparatus at low electrolyte concentration

    Steric Effects in Electrolytes: A Modified Poisson-Boltzmann Equation

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    The adsorption of large ions from solution to a charged surface is investigated theoretically. A generalized Poisson--Boltzmann equation, which takes into account the finite size of the ions is presented. We obtain analytical expressions for the electrostatic potential and ion concentrations at the surface, leading to a modified Grahame equation. At high surface charge densities the ionic concentration saturates to its maximum value. Our results are in agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Hydration interactions: aqueous solvent effects in electric double layers

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    A model for ionic solutions with an attractive short-range pair interaction between the ions is presented. The short-range interaction is accounted for by adding a quadratic non-local term to the Poisson-Boltzmann free energy. The model is used to study solvent effects in a planar electric double layer. The counter-ion density is found to increase near the charged surface, as compared with the Poisson-Boltzmann theory, and to decrease at larger distances. The ion density profile is studied analytically in the case where the ion distribution near the plate is dominated only by counter-ions. Further away from the plate the density distribution can be described using a Poisson-Boltzmann theory with an effective surface charge that is smaller than the actual one.Comment: 11 Figures in 13 files + LaTex file. 20 pages. Accepted to Phys. Rev. E. Corrected typos and reference

    Charge-Reversal Instability in Mixed Bilayer Vesicles

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    Bilayer vesicles form readily from mixtures of charged and neutral surfactants. When such a mixed vesicle binds an oppositely-charged object, its membrane partially demixes: the adhesion zone recruits more charged surfactants from the rest of the membrane. Given an unlimited supply of adhering objects one might expect the vesicle to remain attractive until it was completely covered. Contrary to this expectation, we show that a vesicle can instead exhibit {\it adhesion saturation,} partitioning spontaneously into an attractive zone with definite area fraction, and a repulsive zone. The latter zone rejects additional incoming objects because counterions on the interior of the vesicle migrate there, effectively reversing the membrane's charge. The effect is strongest at high surface charge densities, low ionic strength, and with thin, impermeable membranes. Adhesion saturation in such a situation has recently been observed experimentally [H. Aranda-Espinoza {\it et al.}, {\sl Science} {\bf285} 394--397 (1999)]

    Counterion Condensation and Fluctuation-Induced Attraction

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    We consider an overall neutral system consisting of two similarly charged plates and their oppositely charged counterions and analyze the electrostatic interaction between the two surfaces beyond the mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann approximation. Our physical picture is based on the fluctuation-driven counterion condensation model, in which a fraction of the counterions is allowed to ``condense'' onto the charged plates. In addition, an expression for the pressure is derived, which includes fluctuation contributions of the whole system. We find that for sufficiently high surface charges, the distance at which the attraction, arising from charge fluctuations, starts to dominate can be large compared to the Gouy-Chapmann length. We also demonstrate that depending on the valency, the system may exhibit a novel first-order binding transition at short distances.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, to appear in PR

    Negative electrostatic contribution to the bending rigidity of charged membranes and polyelectrolytes screened by multivalent counterions

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    Bending rigidity of a charged membrane or a charged polyelectrolyte screened by monovalent counterions is known to be enhanced by electrostatic effects. We show that in the case of screening by multivalent counterions the electrostatic effects reduce the bending rigidity. This inversion of the sign of the electrostatic contribution is related to the formation of two-dimensional strongly correlated liquids (SCL) of counterions at the charged surface due to strong lateral repulsion between them. When a membrane or a polyelectrolyte is bent, SCL is compressed on one side and stretched on the other so that thermodynamic properties of SCL contribute to the bending rigidity. Thermodynamic properties of SCL are similar to those of Wigner crystal and are anomalous in the sense that the pressure, compressibility and screening radius of SCL are negative. This brings about substantial negative correction to the bending rigidity. For the case of DNA this effect qualitatively agrees with experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Ion size effects at ionic exclusion from dielectric interfaces and slit nanopores

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    A previously developed field-theoretic model [R.D. Coalson et al., J. Chem. Phys. 102, 4584 (1995)] that treats core collisions and Coulomb interactions on the same footing is investigated in order to understand ion size effects on the partition of neutral and charged particles at planar interfaces and the ionic selectivity of slit nanopores. We introduce a variational scheme that can go beyond the mean-field (MF) regime and couple in a consistent way pore modified core interactions, steric effects, electrostatic solvation and image-charge forces, and surface charge induced electrostatic potential. We show that in the dilute limit, the MF and the variational theories agree well with MC simulation results, in contrast to a recent RPA method. The partition of charged Yukawa particles at a neutral dielectric interface (e.g air-water or protein-water interface) is investigated. It is shown that as a result of the competition between core collisions that push the ions towards the surface, and repulsive solvation and image forces that exclude them from the interface, a concentration peak of finite size ions sets in close to the dielectric interface. We also characterize the role played by the ion size on the ionic selectivity of neutral slit nanopores. We show that the complex interplay between electrostatic forces, excluded volume effects induced by core collisions and steric effects leads to an unexpected reversal in the ionic selectivity of the pore with varying pore size: while large pores exhibits a higher conductivity for large ions, narrow pores exclude large ions more efficiently than small ones

    Density Fluctuations in an Electrolyte from Generalized Debye-Hueckel Theory

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    Near-critical thermodynamics in the hard-sphere (1,1) electrolyte is well described, at a classical level, by Debye-Hueckel (DH) theory with (+,-) ion pairing and dipolar-pair-ionic-fluid coupling. But DH-based theories do not address density fluctuations. Here density correlations are obtained by functional differentiation of DH theory generalized to {\it non}-uniform densities of various species. The correlation length Ο\xi diverges universally at low density ρ\rho as (Tρ)−1/4(T\rho)^{-1/4} (correcting GMSA theory). When ρ=ρc\rho=\rho_c one has Ο≈Ο0+/t1/2\xi\approx\xi_0^+/t^{1/2} as t≡(T−Tc)/Tc→0+t\equiv(T-T_c)/T_c\to 0+ where the amplitudes Ο0+\xi_0^+ compare informatively with experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX, 1 ps figure included with epsf. Minor changes, references added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Attraction between DNA molecules mediated by multivalent ions

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    The effective force between two parallel DNA molecules is calculated as a function of their mutual separation for different valencies of counter- and salt ions and different salt concentrations. Computer simulations of the primitive model are used and the shape of the DNA molecules is accurately modelled using different geometrical shapes. We find that multivalent ions induce a significant attraction between the DNA molecules whose strength can be tuned by the averaged valency of the ions. The physical origin of the attraction is traced back either to electrostatics or to entropic contributions. For multivalent counter- and monovalent salt ions, we find a salt-induced stabilization effect: the force is first attractive but gets repulsive for increasing salt concentration. Furthermore, we show that the multivalent-ion-induced attraction does not necessarily correlate with DNA overcharging.Comment: 51 pages and 13 figure

    Sex differences in condition dependence of natal dispersal in a large herbivore: dispersal propensity and distance are decoupled

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    International audienceEvolution should favour plasticity in dispersal decisions in response to spatial heterogeneity in social and environmental contexts. Sex differences in individual optimization of dispersal decisions are poorly documented in mammals, because species where both sexes commonly disperse are rare. To elucidate the sex-specific drivers governing dispersal, we investigated sex differences in condition dependence in the propensity and distance of natal dispersal in one such species, the roe deer, using fine-scale monitoring of 146 GPS-collared juveniles in an intensively monitored population in southwest France. Dispersal propensity increased with body mass in males such that 36% of light individuals dispersed, whereas 62% of heavy individuals did so, but there was no evidence for condition dependence in dispersal propensity among females. By contrast, dispersal distance increased with body mass at a similar rate in both sexes such that heavy dispersers travelled around twice as far as light dispersers. Sex differences in the strength of condition-dependent dispersal may result from different selection pressures acting on the behaviour of males and females. We suggest that females disperse prior to habitat saturation being reached, likely in relation to the risk of inbreeding. By contrast, natal dispersal in males is likely governed by competitive exclusion through male–male competition for breeding opportunities in this strongly territorial mammal. Our study is, to our knowledge, a first demonstration that condition dependence in dispersal propensity and dispersal distance may be decoupled, indicating contrasting selection pressures drive the behavioural decisions of whether or not to leave the natal range, and where to settle
