15,198 research outputs found

    Design of a composite wing extension for a general aviation aircraft

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    A composite wing extension was designed for a typical general aviation aircraft to improve lift curve slope, dihedral effect, and lift to drag ratio. Advanced composite materials were used in the design to evaluate their use as primary structural components in general aviation aircraft. Extensive wind tunnel tests were used to evaluate six extension shapes. The extension shape chosen as the best choice was 28 inches long with a total area of 17 square feet. Subsequent flight tests showed the wing extension's predicted aerodynamic improvements to be correct. The structural design of the wing extension consisted of a hybrid laminate carbon core with outer layers of Kevlar - layed up over a foam interior which acted as an internal support. The laminate skin of the wing extension was designed from strength requirements, and the foam core was included to prevent buckling. A joint lap was recommended to attach the wing extension to the main wing structure

    Solution to the Equations of the Moment Expansions

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    We develop a formula for matching a Taylor series about the origin and an asymptotic exponential expansion for large values of the coordinate. We test it on the expansion of the generating functions for the moments and connected moments of the Hamiltonian operator. In the former case the formula produces the energies and overlaps for the Rayleigh-Ritz method in the Krylov space. We choose the harmonic oscillator and a strongly anharmonic oscillator as illustrative examples for numerical test. Our results reveal some features of the connected-moments expansion that were overlooked in earlier studies and applications of the approach

    Neurotransmitter profile of saccadic omnipause neurons in nucleus raphe interpositus

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    Saccadic omnipause neurons (OPNs) are essential for the generation of saccadic eye movements. In primates OPNs are located near the midline within the nucleus raphe interpositus (rip). In the present study we used several different neuroanatomical methods to investigate the transmitters associated with OPNs in the monkey. Immunolabeling for the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin was employed to mark OPNs in the monkey and define the homologous cell group in cat and human. The use of antibodies against GABA, glycine (GLY), glutamate (GLU), serotonin (5-HT), and tyrosine hydroxylase revealed that the somata of OPNs are GLY immunoreactive, but they are devoid of GABA and 5-HT immunostaining. In situ hybridization with the GAD67 mRNA probe confirmed the negative GABA immunostaining of OPNs. 3H-GLY was injected into a projection field of OPNs, the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle (riMLF)--the vertical saccadic burst neuron area. This resulted in selective retrograde labeling of the OPNs in rip, while no labeling was found in the superior colliculus, which sends an excitatory projection to the riMLF. The somata and dendrites of putative burst neurons in the riMLF were contacted by numerous GLY- immunoreactive terminals. The quantitative analysis of immunoreactive terminal-like structures contacting OPNs revealed a strong input from GLY- and GABA-positive terminals on somata and dendrites, whereas GLU- positive puncta were mainly confined to the dendrites. Very few 5-HT and catecholaminergic terminals contacted OPN somata. Our findings suggest that OPNs use GLY as a neurotransmitter, and they receive numerous contacts from GABAergic, glycinergic, and glutaminergic afferents, and significantly fewer from monoaminergic inputs.</jats:p

    Better bound on the exponent of the radius of the multipartite separable ball

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    We show that for an m-qubit quantum system, there is a ball of radius asymptotically approaching kappa 2^{-gamma m} in Frobenius norm, centered at the identity matrix, of separable (unentangled) positive semidefinite matrices, for an exponent gamma = (1/2)((ln 3/ln 2) - 1), roughly .29248125. This is much smaller in magnitude than the best previously known exponent, from our earlier work, of 1/2. For normalized m-qubit states, we get a separable ball of radius sqrt(3^(m+1)/(3^m+3)) * 2^{-(1 + \gamma)m}, i.e. sqrt{3^{m+1}/(3^m+3)}\times 6^{-m/2} (note that \kappa = \sqrt{3}), compared to the previous 2 * 2^{-3m/2}. This implies that with parameters realistic for current experiments, NMR with standard pseudopure-state preparation techniques can access only unentangled states if 36 qubits or fewer are used (compared to 23 qubits via our earlier results). We also obtain an improved exponent for m-partite systems of fixed local dimension d_0, although approaching our earlier exponent as d_0 approaches infinity.Comment: 30 pp doublespaced, latex/revtex, v2 added discussion of Szarek's upper bound, and reference to work of Vidal, v3 fixed some errors (no effect on results), v4 involves major changes leading to an improved constant, same exponent, and adds references to and discussion of Szarek's work showing that exponent is essentially optimal for qubit case, and Hildebrand's alternative derivation for qubit case. To appear in PR

    StemNet: An Evolving Service for Knowledge Networking in the Life Sciences

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    Up until now, crucial life science information resources, whether bibliographic or factual databases, are isolated from each other. Moreover, semantic metadata intended to structure their contents is supplied in a manual form only. In the StemNet project we aim at developing a framework for semantic interoperability for these resources. This will facilitate the extraction of relevant information from textual sources and the generation of semantic metadata in a fully automatic manner. In this way, (from a computational perspective) unstructured life science documents are linked to structured biological fact databases, in particular to the identifiers of genes, proteins, etc. Thus, life scientists will be able to seamlessly access information from a homogeneous platform, despite the fact that the original information was unlinked and scattered over the whole variety of heterogeneous life science information resources and, therefore, almost inaccessible for integrated systematic search by academic, clinical, or industrial users

    Theory of impedance networks: The two-point impedance and LC resonances

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    We present a formulation of the determination of the impedance between any two nodes in an impedance network. An impedance network is described by its Laplacian matrix L which has generally complex matrix elements. We show that by solving the equation L u_a = lambda_a u_a^* with orthonormal vectors u_a, the effective impedance between nodes p and q of the network is Z = Sum_a [u_{a,p} - u_{a,q}]^2/lambda_a where the summation is over all lambda_a not identically equal to zero and u_{a,p} is the p-th component of u_a. For networks consisting of inductances (L) and capacitances (C), the formulation leads to the occurrence of resonances at frequencies associated with the vanishing of lambda_a. This curious result suggests the possibility of practical applications to resonant circuits. Our formulation is illustrated by explicit examples.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures; v4: typesetting corrected; v5: Eq. (63) correcte

    Potential Errors in a Scheme of Universal Quantum Gates in Kane's Model

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    We re--investigate a plausible proposal for universal quantum gates in Kane's model, in which the authors assumed that electron spin is always downward under a background magnetic field and the value of controlling parameters is varied instantaneously. We demonstrate that a considerable error appears, for example, in the X rotation. As result, the controlled operations don't work. Such a failure is caused by improper choice of the computational bases; actually, the electron spin is not always downward over time during quantum operations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; improved with typos corrected; Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Properties and nature of Be stars: 29. Orbital and long-term spectral variations of \gamma\ Cassiopei\ae

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    A detailed analysis of more than 800 electronic high-resolution spectra of gamma Cas, which were obtained during a time interval of over 6000 days (16.84 yrs) at several observatories, documents the smooth variations in the density and/or extend of its circumstellar envelope. We found a clear anticorrelation between the peak intensity and FWHM of the H alpha emission, which seems to agree with recent models of such emission lines. The main result of this study is a confirmation of the binary nature of the object, determination of a reliable linear ephemeris T_{min.RV} = HJD (2452081.9±\pm0.6) + (203.52±\pm0.08)*E, and a rather definitive set of orbital elements. We clearly demonstrated that the orbit is circular within the limits of accuracy of our measurements and has a semi-amplitude of radial-velocity curve of 4.30±\pm0.09 (km/s). No trace of the low-mass secondary was found. The time distribution of our spectra does not allow a reliable investigation of rapid spectral variations, which are undoubtedly present in the spectra. We postpone this investigation for a future study, based on series of dedicated whole-night spectral observations