624 research outputs found

    Scheduling of users with Markovian time-varying transmission rates

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    We address the problem of developing a well-performing and implementable scheduler of users with wireless connection to the base station. The main feature of such real-life systems is that the quality conditions of the user channels are time-varying, which turn into the time-varying transmission rate due to different modulation and coding schemes. We assume that this phenomenon follows a Markovian law and most of the discussion is dedicated to the case of three quality conditions of each user, for which we characterize an optimal index policy and show that threshold policies (of giving higher priority to users with higher transmission rate) are not necessarily optimal. For the general case of arbitrary number of quality conditions we design a scheduler and propose its two practical approximations, and illustrate the performance of the proposed index-based schedulers and existing alternatives in a variety of simulation scenarios

    Bistable molecular conductors with a field-switchable dipole group

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    A class of bistable "stator-rotor" molecules is proposed, where a stationary bridge (stator) connects the two electrodes and facilitates electron transport between them. The rotor part, which has a large dipole moment, is attached to an atom of the stator via a single sigma bond. Hydrogen bonds formed between the rotor and stator make the symmetric orientation of the dipole unstable. The rotor has two potential minima with equal energy for rotation about the sigma bond. The dipole orientation, which determines the conduction state of the molecule, can be switched by an external electric field that changes the relative energy of the two potential minima. Both orientation of the rotor correspond to asymmetric current-voltage characteristics that are the reverse of each other, so they are distinguishable electrically. Such bistable stator-rotor molecules could potentially be used as parts of molecular electronic devices.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    An Adversarial Algorithm for Delegation

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    Polyelectrolyte Multilayering on a Charged Planar Surface

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    The adsorption of highly \textit{oppositely} charged flexible polyelectrolytes (PEs) on a charged planar substrate is investigated by means of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. We study in detail the equilibrium structure of the first few PE layers. The influence of the chain length and of a (extra) non-electrostatic short range attraction between the polycations and the negatively charged substrate is considered. We show that the stability as well as the microstructure of the PE layers are especially sensitive to the strength of this latter interaction. Qualitative agreement is reached with some recent experiments.Comment: 28 pages; 11 (main) Figs - Revtex4 - Higher resolution Figs can be obtained upon request. To appear in Macromolecule

    The effect of size ratio on the sphere structure factor in colloidal sphere-plate mixtures

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Chemical Physics 137.20 (2012): 204909 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/137/20/10.1063/1.4767722Binary mixtures of colloidal particles of sufficiently different sizes or shapes tend to demix at high concentration. Already at low concentration, excluded volume interactions between the two species give rise to structuring effects. Here, a new theoretical description is proposed of the structure of colloidal sphere-plate mixtures, based on a density expansion of the work needed to insert a pair of spheres and a single sphere in a sea of them, in the presence or not of plates. The theory is first validated using computer simulations. The predictions are then compared to experimental observations using silica spheres and gibbsite platelets. Small-angle neutron scattering was used to determine the change of the structure factor of spheres on addition of platelets, under solvent contrast conditions where the platelets were invisible. Theory and experiment agreed very well for a platelet/sphere diameter ratio Dd 2.2 and reasonably well for Dd 5. The sphere structure factor increases at low scattering vector Q in the presence of platelets; a weak reduction of the sphere structure factor was predicted at larger Q, and for the system with Dd 2.2 was indeed observed experimentally. At fixed particle volume fraction, an increase in diameter ratio leads to a large change in structure factor. Systems with a larger diameter ratio also phase separate at lower concentrationsG. Cinacchi was supported by the EU through a Marie Curie Research Fellowship PIEF-GA-2008-220557 and now by the Ministry of Research of Spain through the Ramón y Cajal contract (Contract. No. RYC-2010-07475). N. Doshi was jointly supported by Imerys and EPSRC DTA. Experiments at ILL were supported by beamtime allocations 9-12- 216 and 9-10-1044. Materials were kindly donated by AZ Electronics (Klebosol) and Lubrizol (Solsperse 41000

    Bi-stable tunneling current through a molecular quantum dot

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    An exact solution is presented for tunneling through a negative-U d-fold degenerate molecular quantum dot weakly coupled to electrical leads. The tunnel current exhibits hysteresis if the level degeneracy of the negative-U dot is larger than two (d>2). Switching occurs in the voltage range V1 < V < V2 as a result of attractive electron correlations in the molecule, which open up a new conducting channel when the voltage is above the threshold bias voltage V2. Once this current has been established, the extra channel remains open as the voltage is reduced down to the lower threshold voltage V1. Possible realizations of the bi-stable molecular quantum dots are fullerenes, especially C60, and mixed-valence compounds.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. (v2) Figure updated to compare the current hysteresis for degeneracies d=4 and d>>1 of the level in the dot, minor corrections in the text. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum computing with antiferromagnetic spin clusters

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    We show that a wide range of spin clusters with antiferromagnetic intracluster exchange interaction allows one to define a qubit. For these spin cluster qubits, initialization, quantum gate operation, and readout are possible using the same techniques as for single spins. Quantum gate operation for the spin cluster qubit does not require control over the intracluster exchange interaction. Electric and magnetic fields necessary to effect quantum gates need only be controlled on the length scale of the spin cluster rather than the scale for a single spin. Here, we calculate the energy gap separating the logical qubit states from the next excited state and the matrix elements which determine quantum gate operation times. We discuss spin cluster qubits formed by one- and two-dimensional arrays of s=1/2 spins as well as clusters formed by spins s>1/2. We illustrate the advantages of spin cluster qubits for various suggested implementations of spin qubits and analyze the scaling of decoherence time with spin cluster size.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures; minor change