174 research outputs found

    Isoaspartomic approach to identify PIMT protein substrate in stress response

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    On the two-dimensional state in driven magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    The dynamics of the two-dimensional (2D) state in driven tridimensional (3D) incompressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence is investigated through high-resolution direct numerical simulations and in the presence of an external magnetic field at various intensities. For such a flow the 2D state (or slow mode) and the 3D modes correspond respectively to spectral fluctuations in the plan k∥=0k_\parallel=0 and in the area k∥>0k_\parallel>0. It is shown that if initially the 2D state is set to zero it becomes non negligible in few turnover times particularly when the external magnetic field is strong. The maintenance of a large scale driving leads to a break for the energy spectra of 3D modes; when the driving is stopped the previous break is removed and a decay phase emerges with alfv\'enic fluctuations. For a strong external magnetic field the energy at large perpendicular scales lies mainly in the 2D state and in all situations a pinning effect is observed at small scales.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Finite dissipation and intermittency in magnetohydrodynamics

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    We present an analysis of data stemming from numerical simulations of decaying magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence up to grid resolution of 1536^3 points and up to Taylor Reynolds number of 1200. The initial conditions are such that the initial velocity and magnetic fields are helical and in equipartition, while their correlation is negligible. Analyzing the data at the peak of dissipation, we show that the dissipation in MHD seems to asymptote to a constant as the Reynolds number increases, thereby strengthening the possibility of fast reconnection events in the solar environment for very large Reynolds numbers. Furthermore, intermittency of MHD flows, as determined by the spectrum of anomalous exponents of structure functions of the velocity and the magnetic field, is stronger than for fluids, confirming earlier results; however, we also find that there is a measurable difference between the exponents of the velocity and those of the magnetic field, as observed recently in the solar wind. Finally, we discuss the spectral scaling laws that arise in this flow.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Méthode de Prédiction de la Capacité de Conservation des Semences

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    The invention relates to a method for the early evaluation of the preservation capacity of recently harvested seeds and/or of the resistance capacity thereof to an abiotic stress upon germination by quantifying L-isoaspartate residues in said seeds

    Spectral energy dynamics in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    Spectral direct numerical simulations of incompressible MHD turbulence at a resolution of up to 102431024^3 collocation points are presented for a statistically isotropic system as well as for a setup with an imposed strong mean magnetic field. The spectra of residual energy, EkR=∣EkM−EkK∣E_k^\mathrm{R}=|E_k^\mathrm{M}-E_k^\mathrm{K}|, and total energy, Ek=EkK+EkME_k=E^\mathrm{K}_k+E^\mathrm{M}_k, are observed to scale self-similarly in the inertial range as EkR∼k−7/3E_k^\mathrm{R}\sim k^{-7/3}, Ek∼k−5/3E_k\sim k^{-5/3} (isotropic case) and Ek⊥R∼k⊥−2E^\mathrm{R}_{k_\perp}\sim k_\perp^{-2}, Ek⊥∼k⊥−3/2E_{k_\perp}\sim k_\perp^{-3/2} (anisotropic case, perpendicular to the mean field direction). A model of dynamic equilibrium between kinetic and magnetic energy, based on the corresponding evolution equations of the eddy-damped quasi-normal Markovian (EDQNM) closure approximation, explains the findings. The assumed interplay of turbulent dynamo and Alfv\'en effect yields EkR∼kEk2E_k^\mathrm{R}\sim k E^2_k which is confirmed by the simulations.Comment: accepted for publication by PR

    Strong Imbalanced Turbulence

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    We consider stationary, forced, imbalanced, or cross-helical MHD Alfvenic turbulence where the waves traveling in one direction have higher amplitudes than the opposite waves. This paper is dedicated to so-called strong turbulence, which cannot be treated perturbatively. Our main result is that the anisotropy of the weak waves is stronger than the anisotropy of a strong waves. We propose that critical balance, which was originally conceived as a causality argument, has to be amended by what we call a propagation argument. This revised formulation of critical balance is able to handle the imbalanced case and reduces to old formulation in the balanced case. We also provide phenomenological model of energy cascading and discuss possibility of self-similar solutions in a realistic setup of driven turbulence.Comment: this is shorter, 5 page version of what is to appear in ApJ 682, Aug. 1, 200
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