266 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic single-port sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity: preliminary series

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    Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy has been recently proposed as a sole bariatric procedure because of the resulting considerable weight loss in morbidly obese patients. Traditionally, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy requires 5-6 skin incisions to allow for placement of multiple trocars. With the introduction of single-incision laparoscopic surgery, multiple abdominal procedures have been performed using a sole umbilical incision, with good cosmetic outcomes. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic single incision sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity

    Neurocognitive and Psychopathological Predictors of Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery: A 4-Year Follow-Up Study

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    Twenty to thirty percent of patients experience weight regain at mid and long-term follow- up. Impaired cognitive functions are prevalent in people suffering from obesity and in those with binge eating disorder, thereby, affecting the weight-loss outcomes. The aim of our study was to investigate neurocognitive and psychopathological predictors of surgical efficacy in terms of percentage of excess weight loss (%EWL) at follow-up intervals of one year and 4-year. Psychosocial evaluation was completed in a sample of 78 bariatric surgery candidates and included psychometric instruments and a cognitive battery of neuropsychological tests. A schedule of 1-year and 4-year follow-ups was implemented. Wisconsin Sorting Card Test total correct responses, scores on the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test, and age predicted %EWL at, both, early and long-term periods after surgery while the severity of pre-operative binge eating (BED) symptoms were associated with lower %EWL only four years after the operation. Due to the role of pre-operative BED in weight loss maintenance, the affected patients are at risk of suboptimal response requiring ongoing clinical monitoring, and psychological and pharmacological interventions when needed. As a result of our findings and in keeping with the latest guidelines we encourage neuropsychological assessment of bariatric surgery candidates. This data substantiated the rationale of providing rehabilitative interventions tailored to cognitive domains and time specific to the goal of supporting patients in their post-surgical course

    Bariatric and metabolic surgery during COVID-19 outbreak phase 2 in Italy. Why, when and how to restart

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    In Italy elective bariatric and metabolic surgery was cancelled on February 21,2020 at the beginning of the so-called phase 1 of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Gradually it was restarted on May 4,2020 at the beginning of the so-called phase 2, when epidemiological data showed containment of the infection. Before the outbreak in eight high-volume bariatric centers 840 patients were surgically treated developing a Covid-19 infection, during phase 1, in only 5 cases (0.6%) without mortality. The post-operative complication rate was similar when compared to the 836 subjects submitted to bariatric surgery the year before. Since the high prevalence of infection in subjects with BMI > 30, it was argued that early intervention on obesity during phase 2 could help to minimize the effects of the disease in the event of a possible reversion to a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak phase 1. At the same time a prospective observational study from July 1 till the WHO declaration of the end of the pandemic has started in the eight high volume centers to monitor the post-operative outcome and its effect on SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Prevalence of Defaecatory Disorders in Morbidly Obese Patients Before and After Bariatric Surgery

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide and has lately reached epidemic proportions in western countries. Several epidemiological studies have consistently shown that both overweight and obesity are important risk factors for the development of various functional defaecatory disorders (DDs), including faecal incontinence and constipation. However, data on their prevalence as well as effectiveness of bariatric surgery on their correction are scant. The primary objective of this study was to estimate the effect of morbid obesity on DDs in a cohort of patients listed for bariatric surgery. We also evaluated preliminary results of the effects of sleeve gastrectomy on these disorders. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A questionnaire-based study was proposed to morbidly obese patients having bariatric surgery. Data included demographics, past medical, surgical and obstetrics histories, as well as obesity related co-morbidities. Wexner Constipation Score (WCS) and the Faecal Incontinence Severity Index (FISI) questionnaires were used to evaluate constipation and incontinence. For the purpose of this study, we considered clinically relevant a WCS ≥5 and a FISI score ≥10. The same questionnaires were completed at 3 and 6 months follow-up after surgery. RESULTS: A total of 139 patients accepted the study and 68 underwent sleeve gastrectomy and fully satisfied our inclusion criteria with a minimum follow-up of 6 months. Overall, mean body mass index (BMI) at listing was 47 ± 7 kg/m(2) (range 35-67 kg/m(2)). Mean WCS was 4.1 ± 4 (range 0-17), while mean FISI score (expressed as mean±standard deviation) was 9.5 ± 9 (range 0-38). Overall, 58.9% of the patients reported DDs according to the above-mentioned scores. Twenty-eight patients (20%) had WCS ≥5. Thirty-five patients (25%) had a FISI ≥10 while 19 patients (13.7%) reported combined abnormal scores. Overall, DDs were more evident with the increase of obesity grade: Mean BMI decreased significantly from 47 ± 7 to 36 ± 6 and to 29 ± 4 kg/m(2) respectively at 3 and 6 months after surgery (p < 0.0001). According to the BMI decrease, the mean WCS decreased from 3.7 ± 3 to 3.1 ± 4 and to 1.6 ± 3 respectively at 3 and 6 months (p = 0.02). Similarly, the FISI score decreased from 10 ± 8 to 3 ± 4 and to 1 ± 2 respectively at 3 and 6 months (p = 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Defaecatory disorders are common in morbidly obese patients. The risk of DDs increases with BMI. Bariatric surgery reduces DDs, mainly faecal incontinence, and these findings correlated with BMI reduction

    PAPER Long-chain fatty acid uptake is upregulated in omental adipocytes from patients undergoing bariatric surgery for obesity

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of obesity on adipocyte cell size and long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) uptake kinetics in human subjects undergoing laparoscopic abdominal surgery. SUBJECTS: A total of 10 obese patients (BMI 49.8711.9 (s.d.) kg/m 2 ) undergoing laparoscopic bariatric surgery, and 10 nonobese subjects (BMI 24.272.3 kg/m 2 ) undergoing other clinically indicated laparoscopic abdominal surgical procedures. MEASUREMENTS: Cell size distribution and [ 3 H]oleic acid uptake kinetics were studied in adipocytes isolated from omental fat biopsies obtained during surgery. Adipocyte surface area (SA) was calculated from the measured cell diameters. Plasma leptin and insulin concentrations were measured by RIA in fasting blood samples obtained on the morning of surgery. RESULTS: The mean SA of obese adipocytes (41 50875381 m 2 /cell) was increased 2.4-fold compared to that of nonobese adipocytes (16 92876529 m 2 /cell; Po0.01). LCFA uptake in each group was the sum of saturable and nonsaturable components. Both the V max of the saturable component (21.376.3 vs 5.171.9 pmol/s/50 000 cells) and the rate constant k of the nonsaturable component (0.01570.002 vs 0.006670.0023 ml/s/50 000 cells) were increased (Po0.001) in obese adipocytes compared with nonobese controls. When expressed relative to cell size, V max /m 2 SA was greater in obese than nonobese adipocytes (Po0.05), whereas k/m 2 SA did not differ between the groups. CONCLUSION: The data support the concepts that (1) adipocyte LCFA uptake consists of distinct facilitated (saturable) and diffusive processes; (2) increased saturable LCFA uptake in obese adipocytes is not simply a consequence of increased cell size, but rather reflects upregulation of a facilitated transport process; and (3) the permeability of adipocyte plasma membranes to LCFA is not appreciably altered by obesity, and increased nonsaturable uptake in obese adipocytes principally reflects an increase in cell SA. Regulation of saturable LCFA uptake by adipocytes may be an important control point for body adiposity

    Free-amino acid metabolic profiling of visceral adipose tissue from obese subjects

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    Interest in adipose tissue pathophysiology and biochemistry have expanded considerably in the past two decades due to the ever increasing and alarming rates of global obesity and its critical outcome defined as metabolic syndrome (MS). This obesity-linked systemic dysfunction generates high risk factors of developing perilous diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer. Amino acids could play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of the MS onset. Focus of this study was to fully characterize amino acids metabolome modulations in visceral adipose tissues (VAT) from three adult cohorts: (i) obese patients (BMI 43-48) with metabolic syndrome (PO), (ii) obese subjects metabolically well (O), and (iii) non obese individuals (H). 128 metabolites identified as 20 protein amino acids, 85 related compounds and 13 dipeptides were measured by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy (UPLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-/mass spectrometry GC/MS, in visceral fat samples from a total of 53 patients. Our analysis indicates a probable enhanced BCAA (leucine, isoleucine, valine) degradation in both VAT from O and PO subjects, while levels of their oxidation products are increased. Also PO and O VAT samples were characterized by: elevated levels of kynurenine, a catabolic product of tryptophan and precursor of diabetogenic substances, a significant increase of cysteine sulfinic acid levels, a decrease of 1-methylhistidine, and an up regulating trend of 3-methylhistidine levels. We hope this profiling can aid in novel clinical strategies development against the progression from obesity to metabolic syndrome

    Free-amino acid metabolic profiling of visceral adipose tissue from obese subjects

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    Interest in adipose tissue pathophysiology and biochemistry have expanded considerably in the past two decades due to the ever increasing and alarming rates of global obesity and its critical outcome defined as metabolic syndrome (MS). This obesity-linked systemic dysfunction generates high risk factors of developing perilous diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer. Amino acids could play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of the MS onset. Focus of this study was to fully characterize amino acids metabolome modulations in visceral adipose tissues (VAT) from three adult cohorts: (i) obese patients (BMI 43-48) with metabolic syndrome (PO), (ii) obese subjects metabolically well (O), and (iii) non obese individuals (H). 128 metabolites identified as 20 protein amino acids, 85 related compounds and 13 dipeptides were measured by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy (UPLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-/mass spectrometry GC/MS, in visceral fat samples from a total of 53 patients. Our analysis indicates a probable enhanced BCAA (leucine, isoleucine, valine) degradation in both VAT from O and PO subjects, while levels of their oxidation products are increased. Also PO and O VAT samples were characterized by: elevated levels of kynurenine, a catabolic product of tryptophan and precursor of diabetogenic substances, a significant increase of cysteine sulfinic acid levels, a decrease of 1-methylhistidine, and an up regulating trend of 3-methylhistidine levels. We hope this profiling can aid in novel clinical strategies development against the progression from obesity to metabolic syndrome

    Inhibition of p85, the non-catalytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, exerts potent antitumor activity in human breast cancer cells

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    : The phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are heterodimers consisting of the catalytic subunit p110 and the regulatory subunit p85. The PI3K/Akt pathway is strongly deregulated in breast cancer (BC) representing one of the mechanisms of resistance to therapies. Therefore, the identification of inhibitors of PI3K components represents one of the main goals to produce therapeutic agents. Here, we evaluated the efficacy of a phosphopeptide 1257 (P-1257) that targeting p85 strongly inhibits PI3K activity. We tested the effects of P-1257 administration in vitro and in vivo using BC cells expressing different levels of ErbB-2 and resistant or responsive to Trastuzumab. We demonstrated that inhibition of p85 activity by P-1257 induces cell death and sensitizes JIMT-1 and KPL-4 ErbB-2-overexpressing BC cells to Trastuzumab treatment. It is noteworthy that P-1257 delivery in vivo by electroporation or liposomes significantly inhibits the proliferation of tumor cells engrafted at subcutaneous and visceral sites. Overall, our data indicate that the p85 subunit is a valid target for therapeutic approaches and suggest that the structure of the peptide used in our study could be utilized for the development of novel drugs to apply in combination with therapies that fail to cure BCs with high PI3K activity

    Early intrathecal infusion of everolimus restores cognitive function and mood in a murine model of Alzheimer's disease

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    The discovery that mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibition increases lifespan in mice and restores/delays many aging phenotypes has led to the identification of a novel potential therapeutic target for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Among mTOR inhibitors, everolimus, which has been developed to improve the pharmacokinetic characteristics of rapamycin, has been extensively profiled in preclinical and clinical studies as anticancer and immunosuppressive agent, but no information is available about its potential effects on neurodegenerative disorders. Using a reliable mouse model of AD (3 × Tg-AD mice), we explored whether short-term treatment with everolimus injected directly into the brain by osmotic pumps was able to modify AD-like pathology with low impact on peripheral organs. We first established in non-transgenic mice the stability of everolimus at 37 °C in comparison with rapamycin and, then, evaluated its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics profiles through either a single peripheral (i.p.) or central (i.c.v.) route of administration. Finally, 6-month-old (symptomatic phase) 3 × Tg-AD mice were treated with continuous infusion of either vehicle or everolimus (0.167 μg/μl/day, i.c.v.) using the osmotic pumps. Four weeks after the beginning of infusion, we tested our hypothesis following an integrated approach, including behavioral (tests for cognitive and depressive-like alterations), biochemical and immunohistochemical analyses. Everolimus (i) showed higher stability than rapamycin at 37 °C, (ii) poorly crossed the blood-brain barrier after i.p. injection, (iii) was slowly metabolized in the brain due to a longer t 1/2 in the brain compared to blood, and (iv) was more effective in the CNS when administered centrally compared to a peripheral route. Moreover, the everolimus-induced mTOR inhibition reduced human APP/Aβ and human tau levels and improved cognitive function and depressive-like phenotype in the 3 × Tg-AD mice. The intrathecal infusion of everolimus may be effective to treat early stages of AD-pathology through a short and cyclic administration regimen, with short-term outcomes and a low impact on peripheral organs

    Ocular Manifestations in Juvenile Behçet’s Disease: A Registry-Based Analysis from the AIDA Network

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    Introduction: This study aims to characterize ocular manifestations of juvenile Behçet’s disease (jBD). Methods: This was a registry-based observational prospective study. All subjects with jBD from the Autoinflammatory Diseases Alliance (AIDA) Network BD Registry showing ocular manifestations before 18&nbsp;years were enrolled. Results: We included 27 of 1000 subjects enrolled in the registry (66.7% male patients, 45 affected eyes). The median (interquartile range [IQR]) age at ocular involvement was 14.2 (4.7) years. Uveitis affected 91.1% of eyes (anterior 11.1%, posterior 40.0%, panuveitis 40.0%), retinal vasculitis 37.8% and other manifestations 19.8%. Later onset (p = 0.01) and male predominance (p = 0.04) characterized posterior involvement. Ocular complications occurred in 51.1% of eyes. Patients with complications had earlier onset (p &lt; 0.01), more&nbsp;relapses (p = 0.02) and more prolonged steroidal treatment (p = 0.02). The mean (standard deviation [SD]) central macular thickness (CMT) at the enrolment and last visit was 302.2 (58.4) and 293.3 (78.2) μm, respectively. Fluorescein angiography was pathological in 63.2% of procedures, with a mean (SD) Angiography Scoring for Uveitis Working Group (ASUWOG) of 17.9 (15.5). At the last visit, ocular damage according to the BD Overall Damage Index (BODI) was documented in 73.3% of eyes. The final mean (SD) best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) logMAR was 0.17 (0.47) and blindness (BCVA logMAR &lt; 1.00 or central visual field ≤ 10°) occurred in 15.6% of eyes. At multivariate regression analysis, human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B51 + independently predicted a + 0.35 change in the final BCVA logMAR (p = 0.01), while a higher BCVA logMAR at the first assessment (odds ratio&nbsp;[OR] 5.80; p = 0.02) independently predicted blindness. Conclusions: The results of this study may be leveraged to guide clinical practice and future research on this rare sight-threatening condition
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