39 research outputs found

    Rejets radioactifs et environnement du CERN en 2003

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    La radioactivitĂ© de l’environnement autour de l’Organisation EuropĂ©enne pour la Recherche NuclĂ©aire (CERN) et les doses de rayonnements qui en rĂ©sultent pour la population avoisinante sont contrĂŽlĂ©es par la Commission de SĂ»retĂ© du CERN et de maniĂšre indĂ©pendante par les autoritĂ©s compĂ©tentes des deux Etats HĂŽtes, l’Institut de Radioprotection et de SĂ»retĂ© NuclĂ©aire (IRSN) cĂŽtĂ© France et l’Office FĂ©dĂ©ral de la SantĂ© Publique (OFSP) cĂŽtĂ© Suisse. Dans ce rapport, les rĂ©sultats de mesures concernent en particulier le territoire suisse. L’ensemble des mesures effectuĂ©es en 2003 prouve que le fonctionnement des installations du CERN Ă©tait sans consĂ©quence radiologique sur l’environnement et la population. Le contrĂŽle des Ă©missions montre que les rejets effectifs se situent Ă©galement en 2003 nettement en dessous des limites rĂ©glementaires. Ce constat est confirmĂ© par le contrĂŽle des immissions dans l’environnement. Le CERN a bien respectĂ© en 2003 comme dans les annĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©dentes la valeur directrice de dose liĂ©e Ă  la source fixĂ©e Ă  0.3 mSv/an. L’impact rĂ©el reprĂ©sente en fait moins de 10% de cette valeur, comme l’indique l’estimation pour le groupe critique, qui est de l’ordre de 0.03 mSv/an

    A two-scalar model for a small but nonzero cosmological constant

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    We revisit a model of the two-scalar system proposed previously for understanding a small but nonzero cosmological constant. The model provides solutions of the scalar-fields energy ρs\rho_s which behaves truly constant for a limited time interval rather than in the way of tracker- or scaling-type variations. This causes a mini-inflation, as indicated by recent observations. As another novel feature, ρs\rho_s and the ordinary matter density ρm\rho_m fall off always side by side, but interlacing, also like (time)−2^{-2} as an overall behavior in conformity with the scenario of a decaying cosmological constant. A mini-inflation occurs whenever ρs\rho_s overtakes ρm\rho_m, which may happen more than once, shedding a new light on the coincidence problem. We present a new example of the solution, and offer an intuitive interpretation of the mechanism of the nonlinear dynamics. We also discuss a chaos-like nature of the solution.Comment: 9 pages plus 7 figure

    Protective Effect of Nasal Colonisation with ∆cps/piaA and ∆cps/proABCStreptococcus pneumoniae Strains against Recolonisation and Invasive Infection

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    RATIONALE: Nasopharyngeal administration of live virulence-attenuated Streptococcus pneumoniae strains is a potential novel preventative strategy. One target for creating reduced virulence S. pneumoniae strains is the capsule, but loss of the capsule reduces the duration of S. pneumoniae colonisation in mice which could impair protective efficacy against subsequent infection. OBJECTIVES: To assess protective efficacy of nasopharyngeal administration of unencapsulated S. pneumoniae strains in murine infection models. METHODS: Strains containing cps locus deletions combined with the S. pneumoniae virulence factors psaA (reduces colonisation) or proABC (no effect on colonisation) were constructed and their virulence phenotypes and ability to prevent recolonisation or invasive infection assessed using mouse infection models. Serological responses to colonisation were compared between strains using ELISAs, immunoblots and 254 S. pneumoniae protein antigen array. Measurements and Main Results: The ∆cps/piaA and ∆cps/proABC strains were strongly attenuated in virulence in both invasive infection models and had a reduced ability to colonise the nasopharynx. ELISAs, immunoblots and protein arrays showed colonisation with either strain stimulated weaker serological responses than the wild type strain. Mice previously colonised with these strains were protected against septicaemic pneumonia but, unlike mice colonised with the wild type strain, not against S. pneumoniae recolonisation. CONCLUSIONS: Colonisation with the ∆cps/piaA and ∆cps/proABC strains prevented subsequent septicaemia, but in contrast, to published data for encapsulated double mutant strains they did not prevent recolonisation with S. pneumoniae. These data suggest targeting the cps locus is a less effective option for creating live attenuated strains that prevent S. pneumoniae infections

    ALMS1 and Alström syndrome: a recessive form of metabolic, neurosensory and cardiac deficits

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    <p> </p><p class="titulo1" align="center"><strong>RESUMEN</strong></p> <p class="resumenyabstract" align="justify">Actualmente en el voleibol de alto nivel de competición, es incuestionable el papel que el ataque asume durante el partido y en el rendimiento de los equipos, lo que reivindica jugar con más velocidad, precisión y atacar más fuerte. El objetivo de este trabajo fue  analizar la relación entre el tiempo y el tipo de ataque con el efecto del ataque en selecciones nacionales juveniles de voleibol femenino. Para ello, se analizaran 1052 acciones de ataque de selecciones nacionales participantes del Campeonato Mundial Juvenil. Se Verificó que el efecto de ataque más frecuente fue el punto, siendo que el ataque más lento presentó sucedió más veces, así como los ataques potentes. El juego más lento favoreció la continuidad del partido y el ataque potente emanó de la necesidad de sobreponerse al sistema defensivo adversario. <br /><strong>Palabras Clave: </strong>Voleibol,  tiempo de ataque,  tipo de ataque,  efecto do Ataque</p> <p class="titulo1" align="center"> </p> <p class="titulo1" align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p class="resumenyabstract" align="justify">Currently in high-level of Volleyball Game, is unquestionable the place that the attack takes during the game and the performance of teams, what it claims to play with more speed, accuracy and attack stronger. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between tempo and type of attack with the effect of the attack on female youth teams in volleyball. To this end, we analyzed 1052 actions of attack of national teams that were present in the World Junior Championships. It was found that the most recurrent effect of attack was the point, with the slower attack happening with the highest frequency, as well as powerful attacks. The slower game favored the continuity of the game and the potent attack emerged from the need to overlap the opponent defensive system.<strong><br />Key Words: </strong>volleyball, tempo of attack, type of attack, effect of attack</p&gt

    Yield components and water use efficiency in coriander under irrigation and nitrogen fertilization

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    ABSTRACT Among the determining factors of yield, nitrogen (N) fertilization and the correct supply of water play an important role in the quality and yield aspects of coriander. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the yield components and the water use efficiency (WUE) in coriander subjected to different depths and N doses. A completely randomized design in split plot was used. Water depths were applied in the plots at the rates of 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125% of the Required Real Irrigation (RRI). N doses were distributed within the subplots at the following proportions: 50, 100 and 150% of the recommendation for the crop (70 kg ha-1). The N dose of 94 kg ha-1 and irrigation depth of 115% of RRI promoted the greatest yield (29.0 t ha-1) and number of bunches (29 bunches m-2). The highest number of leaves per plant was obtained with the N dose of 103.2 kg ha-1 and irrigation depth of 68% of the RRI. The maximum plant height (43 cm) was obtained with N dose of 105 kg ha-1 and irrigation depth of 121% of RRI. The highest WUE in coriander (71 kg m-3) occurred at the irrigation depth of 26% of RRI and N dose of 105 kg ha-1