270 research outputs found

    Penilaian Kerentanan Pantai menggunakan Metode Integrasi CVI-MCA Studi Kasus Pantai Indramayu

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    The increasing of sea level due to climate change has been focused many research activities in order to know the coastal response to the change, and determine the important variables which have contribution to the coastal change. This paper presents a method for integrating Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI), Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) method and Geographic Information-System (GIS) technology to map the coastal vulnerability. The index is calculated based-on six variables: coastal erosion, geomorphology, slope, significant wave height, sea level change and tidal range. Emphasize has been made to the methodological aspect, essentially which is linked to: (i) the use of GIS technique for constructing, interpolation, filtering and resampling the data for shoreline grid, (ii) the standardization each rank of variables (0-1) and the use of several percentile (20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%) for each rank score, and (iii) the use of variable’s rank to map the relative (local) and standard (global) vulnerability of the coastline. The result show that for local, the index consist of four categories: very high (19.61%), high (68.63%), moderate (1,96%), and low (9.80%). Meanwhile, for global level, the index is constantly in low category

    Paradigma tauhid dalam pelaksanaan tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) / Norajila Che Man, Muhammad Rahimi Osman and Mohd Faizal P.Rameli

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    Tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) memainkan peranan yang signifikan dalam perkembangan sektor perniagaan dan korporat di seluruh dunia. Perbahasan dan perbincangan mengenai konsep ini telah melalui satu proses yang panjang bermula seawal 1930-an sehingga sekarang melibatkan ruang lingkup yang berbagai seperti hubungan CSR dengan prestasi syarikat, bentuk pelaksanaan CSR yang berkesan, manfaat yang diperoleh dari program CSR dan sebagainya. Konsep tanggungjawab sosial korporat ini bukan merupakan perkara yang asing dalam ajaran Islam kerana pada asasnya elemen-elemen kebajikan dan keprihatinan kepada sesama manusia telah diterapkan dalam Islam. Elemen-elemen seperti keadilan sosial, persaudaraan, tanggungjawab individu, kedermawanan dan sebagainya telah berakar umbi dalam Islam sebagai mana dinyatakan dalam al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan mengenai konsep dan teori CSR menurut Barat dan elemen-elemen asas ICSR serta menilai peranan tauhid yang menjadi asas kewujudan konsep ICSR. Kertas kerja ini akan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan daripada sumber primer dan sekunder bagi mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan CSR dan ICSR. Dapatan awal kajian mendapati elemen tauhid merupakan asas utama pembentukan konsep ICSR kerana penyaksian dan kepercayaan kepada Allah SWT akan membentuk individu bertakwa yang memelihara hubungannya dengan Allah SWT, sesama manusia dan makhluk yang lain

    Determinan Voluntary Nonfinancial Disclosure pada Perusahaan di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini menjelaskan pengaruh dari ownership structure dan tax disclosure pada voluntary nonfinancial disclosure di Indonesia.Ownership structureterdiri dari public ownership dan foreign ownership. Tax disclosure yang merupakan bagian dari mandatory disclosure. Voluntary nonfinancial disclosure diproksikan oleh jumlah skor dari strategic disclosure, labor disclosure, environment disclosure dan social disclosure. Penelitian ini menjelaskan praktik voluntary nonfinanial disclosure pada annual report Perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI tahun 2009-2012. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 102 Perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI tahun 2009-2012. Total annual report yang dijadikan sampel adalah 408. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Foreign ownership, public ownership, tax disclosure, size dan Asset turnover berhubungan dengan voluntary nonfinancial disclosure pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI


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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis which is still a major global health problem in the world and causes morbidity rates in millions of people each year. new cases of positive BTA in Central Java in 2017 amounted to 60.91 per 100,000 population. Meanwhile, based on the profile of the Cilacap District Health Office in 2018, the number of TB sufferers reached 5271 cases, around 1089 TB cases that have not been found and reported, while 34 of them died. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors for tuberculosis incidence in Cilacap Regency. The purpose of this study was to analyze House Environments As Risk Factors Of Tuberculosis In Cilacap District. This type of research is an observational analytic quantitative approach with a research design that is using case control and cross-sectional which was conducted from May 2020 to June 2020 in the work area of the RSUD Cilacap Paru Center. The Respondents this research is the person who lived in the work area of the public health center using total sampling technique so that it is obtained 30 respondents. This study concludes significant effect on floor types, natural ventilation and housing density. Meanwhile, the respondent's characteristic factors such as smoking habit, phlegm discharge habit and coughing and sneezing influenced the incidence of tuberculosis

    Laki-laki dan Kesetaraan Gender Pada Organisasi Solidaritas Perempuan Komunitas Anging Mammiri Sulawesi Selatan; Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    The main problems in this research are: (1). What are the views of feminist men in the Women's Solidarity Organization for the Anging Mamiri Community on the issue of gender equality? (2). What are the forms of the women's feminist movement in the Anging Mammiri Community Women's Solidarity Organization on the issue of gender equality? The objectives of this study are (1). Knowing the mindset and point of view of men and women in Makassar. (2). Describe the activities and roles of feminist men in Makassar in gender problems in the life of the people of Makassar.This type of research is descriptive qualitative research with the research approach used is the Normative Sociology Approach and Historical Approach. The data sources of this research are primary data sources and secondary data sources. Furthermore, the data method used is the method of observation, interviews and documentation. Data processing and analysis techniques are processed in three stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and leveraging / drawing conclusions. The results of this study are: Men who have a feminist perspective view that the issue of gender equality is not only a problem involving women. More than that, this issue of equality in the global community because in practice it needs support and support from men because equality of speaking between relations between two sexes is different. The issue of gender equality exists because of a culture of male domination which is commonly referred to as a patriarchal culture. The gender equality movement carried out by feminist men in the Solidaritas Perempuan Anging Mammiri Community, South Sulawesi, implements programs within the organization. They also conduct regular reviews on gender equality issues published in Makassar so that they can take a little role for gender equality. They also began to apply equality in their own family roles. Thus they hope that this knowledge of gender equality can be widely practiced and initiated by members of their own familie

    Verifikasi Letak Segmen Batas Indikatif Berdasarkan Aspek Teknis Dan Non-teknis (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang)

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    Law No. 06/2014 about Village implies that the village must be autonomous in development, development requires planning, planning requires a map and one of the elements of the map is the exact and certainboundaries (definitive boundary).The boundary vagueness potentiallyinduces conflict even disputes. District Getasan which has 13 villages and indicative boundaries segment created by 2 different agencies such as BIG and Bappeda.Boundary regulation is the solution to the boundary vagueness problem which consist of determination and averment boundary. Minister of Home Affairs Law No. 27/2006 about Determination and Averment of Village Boundary and No. 76/2012 about Guidelinesof Averment Region Boundary mentioned about there are three steps in boundary determination, they are collecting document, creating base map, and delineating boundary line, which based on the technical aspects (geodetic principle) and non-technical aspects (administrative and geographical).The result showed the maximum scale that can be made is 1:5.000, with planimetric accuracy 0.5 mm above map tested using t-student,Ha = mean difference < 2.5 m and obtained t table = -1.691 and t statistic= -35.205 (in denial area) so Ha is accepted. The boundarylines in BIG and Bappeda version are not suitableobserved from the administrative aspect (block tax map) in all segments,there are two segments observed from geographical aspectsin natural element which showsthe RBI and Bappeda version are not suitable, in the artificial elements there are 2 segments of RBI and four segmentsof BAPPEDAversion are not suitable. There are changes in visual and quantitative wide of the area in BIG version (37.095 Ha larger) and Bappeda version (49.931 Ha smaller) compared to BPS 2015 data (10.207 Ha larger)

    Perencanaan Alternatif Struktur Non Komposit Hotel Neo Condotel Kota Batu

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    Di era saat ini pembangunan infrastruktur sangatlah penting untuk meningkatkan kemajuan ekonomi dan mengurangi kemiskinan yang ada di indonesia. Infrastruktur yang baik mampu meningkatkan produktivitas dan menurunkan biaya dalam kegiatan ekonomi. Oleh karena itu, pembangunan infrastruktur menjadi salah satu bagian paling penting untuk memajukan suatu negara. Keterbatasan lahan dalam membangun infrastruktur di indonesia ini sangatlah terbatas sehingga membutuhkan bangunan bertingkat. oleh karena itu bangunan tinggi yang mampu menahan gaya gempa merupakan salah satu solusi untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Sehingga tujuan penulisan skripsi ini untuk menjelaskan bagaimana perencanaan struktur komposit yang mampu menahan gaya gempa. Konsep perhitungan bangunan tinggi, memodel struktur menjadi portal ruang dengan pembebanan arah vertikal dan arah horizontal dengan mengacu pada SNI 03-1726-2012 tentang tata cara perencanaan ketahanan gempa untuk struktur bangunan gedung dan non gedung serta SNI 03-2847-2002 tentang tata cara perhitungan struktur beton. Berdasarkan perhitungan analisis dan desain menggunakan SAP 2000 v19 maka didapatkan dimensi balok induk dan balok anak. Balok induk menggunakan profil WF 350.350.12.19 dan balok anak menggunakan profil WF dengan melalui kontrol profil secara keseluruhan dengan syarat
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