1,652 research outputs found

    Insights on star formation histories and physical properties of 1.2z41.2 \leq z \lesssim 4 Herschel-detected galaxies

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    We test the impact of using variable star forming histories (SFHs) and the use of the IR luminosity (LIR) as a constrain on the physical parameters of high redshift dusty star-forming galaxies. We explore in particular the stellar properties of galaxies in relation with their location on the SFR-M* diagram. We perform SED fitting of the UV-NIR and FIR emissions of a large sample of GOODS-Herschel galaxies, for which rich multi-wavelength observations are available. We test different SFHs and imposing energy conservation in the SED fitting process, to face issues like the age-extinction degeneracy and produce SEDs consistent with observations. Our models work well for the majority of the sample, with the notable exception of the high LIR end, for which we have indications that our simple energy conservation approach cannot hold true. We find trends in the SFHs fitting our sources depending on stellar mass M* and z. Trends also emerge in the characteristic timescales of the SED models depending on the location on the SFR-M* diagram. We show that whilst using the same available observational data, we can produce galaxies less star-forming than usually inferred, if we allow declining SFHs, while properly reproducing their observables. These sources can be post-starbursts undergoing quenching, and their SFRs are potentially overestimated if inferred from their LIR. Fitting without the IR constrain leads to a strong preference for declining SFHs, while its inclusion increases the preference of rising SFHs, more so at high z, in tentative agreement with the cosmic star formation history. Keeping in mind that the sample is biased towards high LIR, the evolution shaped by our model appears as both bursty (initially) and steady-lasting (later on). The global SFH of the sample follows the cosmic SFH with a small scatter, and is compatible with the "downsizing" scenario of galaxy evolution.Comment: 28 pages, 26 figures, one appendix, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Physical Activity and Adiposity Markers at Older Ages: Accelerometer Vs Questionnaire Data

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    Physical activity is critically important for successful aging, but its effect on adiposity markers at older ages is unclear as much of the evidence comes from self-reported data on physical activity. We assessed the associations of questionnaire-assessed and accelerometer-assessed physical activity with adiposity markers in older adults

    A Spinor Theory of Gravity and the Cosmological Framework

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    Recently we have presented a new formulation of the theory of gravity based on an implementation of the Einstein Equivalence Principle distinct from General Relativity. The kinetic part of the theory - that describes how matter is affected by the modified geometry due to the gravitational field - is the same as in General Relativity. However, we do not consider the metric as an independent field. Instead, it is an effective one, constructed in terms of two fundamental spinor fields Ψ\Psi and Υ\Upsilon and thus the metric does not have a dynamics of its own, but inherits its evolution through its relation with the fundamental spinors. In the first paper it was shown that the metric that describes the gravitational field generated by a compact static and spherically symmetric configuration is very similar to the Schwarzschild metric. In the present paper we describe the cosmological framework in the realm of the Spinor Theory of Gravity

    The contribution of Quasars to the Far Infrared Background

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    Recent observational results obtained with SCUBA, COBE and ISO have greatly improved our knowledge of the infrared and sub-mm background radiation. These limits become constraining given the realization that most AGNs are heavily obscured and must reradiate strongly in the IR/sub-mm. Here we predict the contribution of AGNs to the IR/sub-mm background, starting from measurements of the hard X-ray background. We show that an application of what we know of AGN Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) and the IR background requires that a significant fraction of the 10-150 micron background comes from AGNs. This conclusion can only be avoided if obscured AGNs are intrinsically brighter in the X-rays (with respect to the optical-UV) than unobscured AGNs, contrary to ``unified schemes'' for AGNs, or have a dust to gas ratio much lower (< 0.1) than Galactic. We show that these results are rather robust and not strongly dependent on the details of the modeling.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Molecular Gas, Dust and Star Formation in Galaxies: II. Dust properties and scalings in \sim\ 1600 nearby galaxies

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    We aim to characterize the relationship between dust properties. We also aim to provide equations to estimate accurate dust properties from limited observational datasets. We assemble a sample of 1,630 nearby (z<0.1) galaxies-over a large range of Mstar, SFR - with multi-wavelength observations available from wise, iras, planck and/or SCUBA. The characterization of dust emission comes from SED fitting using Draine & Li dust models, which we parametrize using two components (warm and cold ). The subsample of these galaxies with global measurements of CO and/or HI are used to explore the molecular and/or atomic gas content of the galaxies. The total Lir, Mdust and dust temperature of the cold component (Tc) form a plane that we refer to as the dust plane. A galaxy's sSFR drives its position on the dust plane: starburst galaxies show higher Lir, Mdust and Tc compared to Main Sequence and passive galaxies. Starburst galaxies also show higher specific Mdust (Mdust/Mstar) and specific Mgas (Mgas/Mstar). The Mdust is more closely correlated with the total Mgas (atomic plus molecular) than with the individual components. Our multi wavelength data allows us to define several equations to estimate Lir, Mdust and Tc from one or two monochromatic luminosities in the infrared and/or sub-millimeter. We estimate the dust mass and infrared luminosity from a single monochromatic luminosity within the R-J tail of the dust emission, with errors of 0.12 and 0.20dex, respectively. These errors are reduced to 0.05 and 0.10 dex, respectively, if the Tc is used. The Mdust is correlated with the total Mism (Mism \propto Mdust^0.7). For galaxies with Mstar 8.5<log(Mstar/Msun) < 11.9, the conversion factor \alpha_850mum shows a large scatter (rms=0.29dex). The SF mode of a galaxy shows a correlation with both the Mgass and Mdust: high Mdust/Mstar galaxies are gas-rich and show the highest SFRs.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication in A&

    Perturbations in Bouncing Cosmological Models

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    I describe the features and general properties of bouncing models and the evolution of cosmological perturbations on such backgrounds. I will outline possible observational consequences of the existence of a bounce in the primordial Universe and I will make a comparison of these models with standard long inflationary scenarios.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Further evidence for a quasar-driven jet impacting its neighbour galaxy: the saga of HE0450-2958 continues

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    HE0450-2958, an interacting quasar-starburst galaxy pair at z = 0.285, is one of the best known examples of strong star formation activity in the presence of a quasardriven jet. We present new multi-band JVLA-imaging covering 1 to 6 GHz and reaching an angular resolution of up to 0” . 6 (a 6-fold improvement over existing radio data). We confirm the previous detection of a spatially extended radio component around the quasar indicating that there is on-going star formation activity in the quasar host galaxy. For the first time, we directly detect a jet-like bipolar outflow from the quasar aligned with its companion star-forming galaxy (SFG) and several blobs of ionized gas in its vicinity identified in previous studies. Within the companion SFG we find evidence for a flattening of the synchrotron spectral index towards the point of intersection with the jet axis, further suggesting that the outflow may actually be impacting its interstellar medium (ISM). We discuss two possible mechanisms that could have triggered the starburst in the companion SFG: a wet-dry merger with the quasar and jet-induced star formation. While triggering through interaction-driven gas dynamics cannot be excluded with current data, our new observations make HE0450-2958 a strong candidate for jet-induced star formation, and one of the rare links between local systems (like Minkowski’s Object or Centaurus A) and the high-z regime where radio-optical alignments suggest that this phenomenon could be more common