833 research outputs found

    Analysis of HVSR Data Using a Modified Centroid-Based Algorithm for Near-Surface Geological Reconstruction

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    Recently, the use of microtremor techniques for subsoil investigation has increased significantly. The HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio) technique allows, in many cases, to obtain a seismo-stratigraphic reconstruction of the subsoil and to identify areas with similar seismic behavior. However, the stratigraphic interpretation of the HVSR peaks still remains a subjective choice and linked to a priori information. A non-hierarchical centroid-based algorithm was modified to group HVSR peaks of different measurements that can be attributed to the same generating seismic discontinuity. Some tests performed have shown that the proposed algorithm produces valid results even in the absence of a priori information to evaluate the choice of the optimal grouping. The results obtained for HVSR measurements acquired in the city of Modica (Italy) are presented. The cluster analysis of these data and the information on the lithologies outcropping in the area made it possible to reconstruct a 3D model of the main seismo-stratigraphic discontinuities

    From Geophysics to Microgeophysics for Engineering and Cultural Heritage

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    The methodologies of microgeophysics have been derived from the geophysical ones, for the sake of solving specific diagnostic and/or monitoring problems regarding civil engineering and cultural heritage studies. Generally, the investigations are carried out using different 2D and 3D tomographic approaches as well as different energy sources: sonic and ultrasonic waves, electromagnetic (inductive and impulsive) sources, electric potential fields, and infrared emission. Many efforts have been made to modify instruments and procedures in order to improve the resolution of the surveys as well as to significantly reduce the time of the measurements without any loss of information. This last point has been achieved by using multichannel systems. Finally, some applications are presented, and the results seem to be very promising and promote this new branch of geophysics. Therefore, these methodologies can be used even more to diagnose, monitor, and safeguard not only engineering buildings and/or large structures, but also ancient monuments and cultural artifacts, such as pottery, statues, and so forth

    Correlazioni tra le velocit\ue0 ultrasoniche e le caratteristiche petrografiche in ceramiche archeologiche: un primo approccio metodologico

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    L\u2019analisi delle velocit\ue0 degli ultrasuoni permette di investigare i caratteri tessiturali e strutturali e di individuare la presenza di eventuali difetti localizzati all\u2019interno del campione. La loro diffusione negli studi archeometrici \ue8 legata alla non distruttivit\ue0 e alla possibilit\ue0 di fornire risultati accurati in tempo reale. In questo lavoro sono state effettuate numerose analisi petrografiche in sezione sottile e misure di velocit\ue0 di propagazione degli ultrasuoni su reperti ceramici di interesse archeologico. In particolare sono stati selezionati ed analizzati ceramiche preistoriche ed anfore da trasporto del V-IV sec. a.C., caratterizzati da differente granulometria, composizione e struttura. Da questo primo approccio \ue8 stato possibile evidenziare che il parametro petrografico che influenza maggiormente la velocit\ue0 degli ultrasuoni \ue8 la forma e la disposizione spaziale dei pori, e la dimensione media degli inclusi, mentre correlazioni poco significative si ottengono prendendo in considerazione la percentuale e il tipo di inerte presente nell\u2019impasto ceramico

    Cascade feed forward neural network-based model for air pollutants evaluation of single monitoring stations in urban areas

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    In this paper, air pollutants concentrations for N O2 , N O, N Ox and P M 10 in a single monitoring station are predicted using the data coming from other different monitoring stations located nearby. A cascade feed forward neural network based modeling is proposed. The main aim is to provide a methodology leading to the introduction of virtual monitoring station points consistent with the actual stations located in the city of Catania in Italy.

    What drives the active involvement in business angel groups? The role of angels' decision-making style, investment-specific human capital and motivations

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    This paper sheds light over the operations and internal structure of business angel groups (BAGs), a leading actor inside the informal venture capital industry, due to its capability to build cognitive resources and shared competencies that are eventually provided to funded ventures alongside equity capital. We develop a framework based on the role of business angels' decision-making style, human capital and motivation as major determinants of their active involvement in the many different activities performed by angel groups, either investment related activities or group management activities. Our empirical analysis relies on a novel survey-based dataset containing qualitative and quantitative information provided by the members of two large and rather homogeneous business angel groups located in France and in Italy. Results show that business angels with a control-oriented decision-making style tend to be more actively involved in key angel group activities. Human capital built through investment experience, retirement status, as well as initial motivation to join an angel group are also significant drivers of angel involvement in several key BAG activities

    Coastal Groundwater Bodies Modelling Using Geophysical Surveys: The Reconstruction of the Geometry of Alluvial Plains in the North-Eastern Sicily (Italy)

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    The integration of various geophysical methodologies is considered a fundamental tool for accurately reconstructing the extent and shape of a groundwater body and for estimating the physical parameters that characterize it. This is often essential for the management of water resources in areas affected by geological and environmental hazards. This work aims to reconstruct the pattern and extent of two groundwater bodies, located in the coastal sectors of the North-Eastern Sicily, through the integrated analysis and interpretation of several geoelectrical, seismic and geological data. These are the Sant’Agata-Capo D’Orlando (SCGWB) and the Barcelona-Milazzo (BMGWB) Groundwater Bodies, located at the two ends of the northern sector of the Peloritani geological complex. These two studied coastal plains represent densely populated and industrialized areas, in which the quantity and quality of the groundwater bodies are under constant threat. At first, the resistivity models of the two groundwater bodies were realized through the inversion of a dataset of Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES), constrained by stratigraphic well logs data and other geophysical data. The 3D resistivity models obtained by spatially interpolating 1D inverse VES models have allowed for an initial recognition of the distribution of groundwater, as well as a rough geological framework of the subsoil. Subsequently, these models were implemented by integrating results from active and passive seismic data to determine the seismic P and S wave velocities of the main lithotypes. Simultaneous acquisition and interpretation of seismic and electrical tomographies along identical profiles allowed to determine the specific values of seismic velocity, electrical resistivity and chargeability of the alluvial sediments, and to use these values to constrain the HVSR inversion. All this allowed us to recognize the areal extension and thickness of the various lithotypes in the two investigated areas and, finally, to define the depth and the morphology of the base of the groundwater bodies and the thickness of the filling deposits
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