149 research outputs found

    Role of infarct scar dimensions, border zone repolarization properties and anisotropy in the origin and maintenance of cardiac reentry

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    Cardiac ventricular tachycardia (VT) is a life-threatening arrhythmia consisting of a well organized structure of reentrant electrical excitation pathways. Understanding the generation and maintenance of the reentrant mechanisms, which lead to the onset of VT induced by premature beats in presence of infarct scar, is one of the most important issues in current electrocardiology. We investigate, by means of numerical simulations, the role of infarct scar dimension, repolarization properties and anisotropic fiber structure of scar tissue border zone (BZ) in the genesis of VT. The simulations are based on the Bidomain model, a reaction-diffusion system of Partial Differential Equations, discretized by finite elements in space and implicit-explicit finite differences in time. The computational domain adopted is an idealized left ventricle affected by an infarct scar extending transmurally. We consider two different scenarios: i) the scar region extends along the entire transmural wall thickness, from endocardium to epicardium, with the exception of a BZ region shaped as a central sub-epicardial channel (CBZ); ii) the scar region extends transmurally along the ventricular wall, from endocardium to a sub-epicardial surface, and is surrounded by a BZ region (EBZ). In CBZ simulations, the results have shown that: i) the scar extent is a crucial element for the genesis of reentry; ii) the repolarization properties of the CBZ, in particular the reduction of IKs and IKr currents, play an important role in the genesis of reentrant VT. In EBZ simulations, since the possible reentrant pathway is not assigned a-priori, we investigate in depth where the entry and exit sites of the cycle of reentry are located and how the functional channel of reentry develops. The results have shown that: i) the interplay between the epicardial anisotropic fiber structure and the EBZ shape strongly affects the propensity that an endocardial premature stimulus generates a cycle of reentry; ii) reentrant pathways always develop along the epicardial fiber direction; iii) very thin EBZs rather than thick EBZs facilitate the onset of cycles of reentry; iv) the sustainability of cycles of reentry depends on the endocardial stimulation site and on the interplay between the epicardial breakthrough site, local fiber direction and BZ rim

    Treatment plan comparison in acute and chronic respiratory tract diseases : an observational study of doxophylline vs. theophylline

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    BACKGROUND: The main objective of this article is to estimate the global cost related to the use of the two drugs (associated drugs, specialist visits, hospital admissions, plasma drug monitoring). METHODS: The drug prescriptions were extracted from the Information System of the Pharmaceutical Prescriptions of the Marche Region for each ATC code in the years 2008-2012 and the number of patients per year and other outcomes measure were obtained. RESULTS: 13,574 patients were treated with theophylline and 19,426 patients with doxophylline. The number of patients treated was approximately 5,000 per year. Co-prescription with other drugs, use of corticosteroids, mean number of visits and hospital admissions (per 100 patients) were lower for doxophylline vs theophylline (1.55vs5.50, 0.3vs0.7, 2.05vs3.73 and 1.57vs3.3 respectively). The annual mean cost per patient was €187.4 for those treated with doxophylline and €513.5 for theophylline. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, doxophylline resulted to be associated with a reduction of the overall cost

    Incorporating Inductances in Tissue-Scale Models of Cardiac Electrophysiology

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    In standard models of cardiac electrophysiology, including the bidomain and monodomain models, local perturbations can propagate at infinite speed. We address this unrealistic property by developing a hyperbolic bidomain model that is based on a generalization of Ohm's law with a Cattaneo-type model for the fluxes. Further, we obtain a hyperbolic monodomain model in the case that the intracellular and extracellular conductivity tensors have the same anisotropy ratio. In one spatial dimension, the hyperbolic monodomain model is equivalent to a cable model that includes axial inductances, and the relaxation times of the Cattaneo fluxes are strictly related to these inductances. A purely linear analysis shows that the inductances are negligible, but models of cardiac electrophysiology are highly nonlinear, and linear predictions may not capture the fully nonlinear dynamics. In fact, contrary to the linear analysis, we show that for simple nonlinear ionic models, an increase in conduction velocity is obtained for small and moderate values of the relaxation time. A similar behavior is also demonstrated with biophysically detailed ionic models. Using the Fenton-Karma model along with a low-order finite element spatial discretization, we numerically analyze differences between the standard monodomain model and the hyperbolic monodomain model. In a simple benchmark test, we show that the propagation of the action potential is strongly influenced by the alignment of the fibers with respect to the mesh in both the parabolic and hyperbolic models when using relatively coarse spatial discretizations. Accurate predictions of the conduction velocity require computational mesh spacings on the order of a single cardiac cell. We also compare the two formulations in the case of spiral break up and atrial fibrillation in an anatomically detailed model of the left atrium, and [...].Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Development of Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) Transgenic Plants Expressing a Bacillus Thuringiensis Endotoxin and Their Evaluation Against Alfalfa Caterpillar (Colias Lesbia)

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    Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the most important forage crop in Argentina, with ca. 6 million cultivated hectares. The production of this crop is limited by the alfalfa caterpillar (Colias lesbia) which causes a loss equivalent to at least 10% of the biomass per year. No natural tolerance against this lepidoptera was found in alfalfa germplasm, hampering the development of tolerant cultivars by conventional breeding. This pest is usually controlled by using chemical insecticides but this has adverse effects on beneficial insects and the environment. Alternatively, low doses of commercial Bt insecticides (40 to 70 g/ha) also proved to efficiently limit the pest. This observation leads to us consider that the development of alfalfa transgenic plants expressing a suitable member of the B. thuringiensis cry gene family could be a useful tool for overcoming this alfalfa yield constraint. The aim of this work was to produce alfalfa transgenic plants expressing a Bt protein and to assess its biological activity against C. lesbia under laboratory conditions

    Standard (8 weeks) vs long (12 weeks) timing to minimally-invasive surgery after NeoAdjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer: A multicenter randomized controlled parallel group trial (TiMiSNAR)

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    Background: The optimal timing of surgery in relation to chemoradiation is still controversial. Retrospective analysis has demonstrated in the recent decades that the regression of adenocarcinoma can be slow and not complete until after several months. More recently, increasing pathologic Complete Response rates have been demonstrated to be correlated with longer time interval. The purpose of the trial is to demonstrate if delayed timing of surgery after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy actually affects pathologic Complete Response and reflects on disease-free survival and overall survival rather than standard timing. Methods: The trial is a multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled, unblinded, parallel-group trial comparing standard and delayed surgery after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for the curative treatment of rectal cancer. Three-hundred and forty patients will be randomized on an equal basis to either robotic-assisted/standard laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery after 8 weeks or robotic-assisted/standard laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery after 12 weeks. Discussion: To date, it is well-know that pathologic Complete Response is associated with excellent prognosis and an overall survival of 90%. In the Lyon trial the rate of pCR or near pathologic Complete Response increased from 10.3 to 26% and in retrospective studies the increase rate was about 23-30%. These results may be explained on the relationship between radiation therapy and tumor regression: DNA damage occurs during irradiation, but cellular lysis occurs within the next weeks. Study results, whether confirmed that performing surgery after 12 weeks from neoadjuvant treatment is advantageous from a technical and oncological point of view, may change the current pathway of the treatment in those patient suffering from rectal cancer. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT3465982

    Standard (8 weeks) vs long (12 weeks) timing to minimally-invasive surgery after NeoAdjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer: a multicenter randomized controlled parallel group trial (TiMiSNAR)

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    BACKGROUND: The optimal timing of surgery in relation to chemoradiation is still controversial. Retrospective analysis has demonstrated in the recent decades that the regression of adenocarcinoma can be slow and not complete until after several months. More recently, increasing pathologic Complete Response rates have been demonstrated to be correlated with longer time interval. The purpose of the trial is to demonstrate if delayed timing of surgery after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy actually affects pathologic Complete Response and reflects on disease-free survival and overall survival rather than standard timing. METHODS: The trial is a multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled, unblinded, parallel-group trial comparing standard and delayed surgery after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for the curative treatment of rectal cancer. Three-hundred and forty patients will be randomized on an equal basis to either robotic-assisted/standard laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery after 8\u2009weeks or robotic-assisted/standard laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery after 12\u2009weeks. DISCUSSION: To date, it is well-know that pathologic Complete Response is associated with excellent prognosis and an overall survival of 90%. In the Lyon trial the rate of pCR or near pathologic Complete Response increased from 10.3 to 26% and in retrospective studies the increase rate was about 23-30%. These results may be explained on the relationship between radiation therapy and tumor regression: DNA damage occurs during irradiation, but cellular lysis occurs within the next weeks. Study results, whether confirmed that performing surgery after 12\u2009weeks from neoadjuvant treatment is advantageous from a technical and oncological point of view, may change the current pathway of the treatment in those patient suffering from rectal cancer

    Hemodialysis vascular access options in pediatrics: considerations for patients and practitioners

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    Recent data indicate that the incidence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in pediatric patients (age 0–19 years) has increased over the past two decades. Similarly, the prevalence of ESRD has increased threefold over the same period. Hemodialysis (HD) continues to be the most frequently utilized modality for renal replacement therapy in incident pediatric ESRD patients. The number of children on HD exceeded the sum total of those on peritoneal dialysis and those undergoing pre-emptive renal transplantation. Choosing the best vascular access option for pediatric HD patients remains challenging. Despite a national initiative for fistula first in the adult hemodialysis population, the pediatric nephrology community in the United States of America utilizes central venous catheters as the primary dialysis access for most patients. Vascular access management requires proper advance planning to assure that the best permanent access is placed, seamless communication involving a multidisciplinary team of nephrologists, nurses, surgeons, and interventional radiologists, and ongoing monitoring to ensure a long life of use. It is imperative that practitioners have a long-term vision to decrease morbidity in this unique patient population. This article reviews the various types of pediatric vascular accesses used worldwide and the benefits and disadvantages of these various forms of access

    Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Ventricular Activation Sequences: Implications for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

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    Next to clinical and experimental research, mathematical modeling plays a crucial role in medicine. Biomedical research takes place on many different levels, from molecules to the whole organism. Due to the complexity of biological systems, the interactions between components are often difficult or impossible to understand without the help of mathematical models. Mathematical models of cardiac electrophysiology have made a tremendous progress since the first numerical ECG simulations in the 1960s. This paper briefly reviews the development of this field and discusses some example cases where models have helped us forward, emphasizing applications that are relevant for the study of heart failure and cardiac resynchronization therapy

    Laboratory parameters of italian centenarians

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    A consortium of 20 university departments of geriatrics and gerontology conducted the Italian Multicentric Study on Centenarians (IMSC), in order to assess the socio-economic, clinical and biological conditions of the Italian centenarians. The investigation involved 382 subjects randomly selected from a total of 1162 centenarians (234 men and 928 women), recorded by a census carried out until 31 December, 1993. Their case history, clinical and socio-economic data were recorded on a computerized clinical case sheet. Blood samples for the purpose of the present investigations were drawn from 257 of them. A great proportion (79%) of these latter subjects displayed satisfactory general conditions in their laboratory parameters, 18.3% of them had fairly good clinical conditions even with slightly modified laboratory parameters. Only a low percentage (2.8%) had poor general conditions with a marked anemia, hyperazotemia and uric acid levels. Long duration diabetes was practically absent, and only 5.5% of our centenarians displayed hyperglycemia with a mean duration time of 9.3 years. The prevalence of subjects with hypercholesterolemia was 31.1%. Only 4.3% of centenarians was affected by mixed form of dyslipidemia (hypertriglyceridemia associated with hypercholesterolemia), confirming that elevated blood lipid contents jeopardize really long survival

    Rationale and design of a prospective substudy of clinical endpoint adjudication processes within an investigator-reported randomised controlled trial in patients with coronary artery disease: the GLOBAL LEADERS Adjudication Sub-StudY (GLASSY)

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    pragmatic and superiority randomised controlled trial designed to challenge the current treatment paradigm of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) for 12 months followed by aspirin monotherapy among patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. By design, all study endpoints are investigator reported (IR) and not subject to formal adjudication by an independent Clinical Event Committee (CEC), which may introduce detection, reporting or ascertainment bias. Methods and analysis We designed the GLOBAL LEADERS Adjudication Sub-StudY (GLASSY) to prospectively implement, in a large sample of patients enrolled within the GLOBAL LEADERS trial (7585 of 15 991, 47.5%), an independent adjudication process of reported and unreported potential endpoints, using standardised CEC procedures, in order to assess whether 23-month ticagrelor monotherapy (90mg twice daily) after 1-month DAPT is non-inferior to a standard regimen of DAPT for 12 months followed by aspirin monotherapy for the primary efficacy endpoint of death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke or urgent target vessel revascularisation and superior for the primary safety endpoint of type 3 or 5 bleeding according to the Bleeding Academic Research Consortium criteria. This study will comprehensively assess the comparative safety and efficacy of the two tested antithrombotic strategies on CEC-adjudicated ischaemic and bleeding endpoints and will provide insights into the role of a standardised CEC adjudication process on the interpretation of study findings by quantifying the level of concordance between IR-reported and CEC-adjudicated events. Ethics and dissemination GLASSY has been approved by local ethics committee of all study sites and/or by the central ethics committee for the country depending on country-specific regulations. In all cases, they deemed that it was not neces
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