77 research outputs found

    Spectral Shape of Check-Hybrid GLDPC Codes

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    This paper analyzes the asymptotic exponent of both the weight spectrum and the stopping set size spectrum for a class of generalized low-density parity-check (GLDPC) codes. Specifically, all variable nodes (VNs) are assumed to have the same degree (regular VN set), while the check node (CN) set is assumed to be composed of a mixture of different linear block codes (hybrid CN set). A simple expression for the exponent (which is also referred to as the growth rate or the spectral shape) is developed. This expression is consistent with previous results, including the case where the normalized weight or stopping set size tends to zero. Furthermore, it is shown how certain symmetry properties of the local weight distribution at the CNs induce a symmetry in the overall weight spectral shape function.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Presented at the IEEE ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa. A minor typo in equation (9) has been correcte

    Growth Rate of the Weight Distribution of Doubly-Generalized LDPC Codes: General Case and Efficient Evaluation

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    The growth rate of the weight distribution of irregular doubly-generalized LDPC (D-GLDPC) codes is developed and in the process, a new efficient numerical technique for its evaluation is presented. The solution involves simultaneous solution of a 4 x 4 system of polynomial equations. This represents the first efficient numerical technique for exact evaluation of the growth rate, even for LDPC codes. The technique is applied to two example D-GLDPC code ensembles.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Proc. IEEE Globecom 2009, Hawaii, USA, November 30 - December 4, 200

    Stability of Iterative Decoding of Multi-Edge Type Doubly-Generalized LDPC Codes Over the BEC

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    Using the EXIT chart approach, a necessary and sufficient condition is developed for the local stability of iterative decoding of multi-edge type (MET) doubly-generalized low-density parity-check (D-GLDPC) code ensembles. In such code ensembles, the use of arbitrary linear block codes as component codes is combined with the further design of local Tanner graph connectivity through the use of multiple edge types. The stability condition for these code ensembles is shown to be succinctly described in terms of the value of the spectral radius of an appropriately defined polynomial matrix.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Presented at Globecom 2011, Houston, T

    Multilevel Block Coded Modulation with Unequal Error Protection

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    Multilevel block coded modulation (BCM) schemes with unequal error protection (UEP) are investigated. These schemes are based on unconventional set partitions that greatly reduce the error coefficients associated with multi-stage decoding of conventional BCM, at the expense of smaller intra-set distances

    Spectral Shape of Doubly-Generalized LDPC Codes: Efficient and Exact Evaluation

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    This paper analyzes the asymptotic exponent of the weight spectrum for irregular doubly-generalized LDPC (D-GLDPC) codes. In the process, an efficient numerical technique for its evaluation is presented, involving the solution of a 4 x 4 system of polynomial equations. The expression is consistent with previous results, including the case where the normalized weight or stopping set size tends to zero. The spectral shape is shown to admit a particularly simple form in the special case where all variable nodes are repetition codes of the same degree, a case which includes Tanner codes; for this case it is also shown how certain symmetry properties of the local weight distribution at the CNs induce a symmetry in the overall weight spectral shape function. Finally, using these new results, weight and stopping set size spectral shapes are evaluated for some example generalized and doubly-generalized LDPC code ensembles.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Coset Codes Viewed as Terminated Convolutional Codes

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    In this paper, coset codes are considered as terminated convolutional codes. Based on this approach, three new general results are presented. First, it is shown that the iterative squaring construction can equivalently be defined from a convolutional code whose trellis terminates. This convolutional code determines a simple encoder for the coset code considered, and the state and branch labelings of the associated trellis diagram become straightforward. Also, from the generator matrix of the code in its convolutional code form, much information about the trade-off between the state connectivity and complexity at each section, and the parallel structure of the trellis, is directly available. Based on this generator matrix, it is shown that the parallel branches in the trellis diagram of the convolutional code represent the same coset code C(sub 1), of smaller dimension and shorter length. Utilizing this fact, a two-stage optimum trellis decoding method is devised. The first stage decodes C(sub 1), while the second stage decodes the associated convolutional code, using the branch metrics delivered by stage 1. Finally, a bidirectional decoding of each received block starting at both ends is presented. If about the same number of computations is required, this approach remains very attractive from a practical point of view as it roughly doubles the decoding speed. This fact is particularly interesting whenever the second half of the trellis is the mirror image of the first half, since the same decoder can be implemented for both parts

    Multilevel Coded Modulation for Unequal Error Protection and Multistage Decoding—Part II: Asymmetric Constellations

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    In this paper, multilevel coded asymmetric modulation with multistage decoding and unequal error protection (UEP) is discussed. These results further emphasize the fact that unconventional signal set partitionings are more promising than traditional (Ungerboeck-type) partitionings, to achieve UEP capabilities with multilevel coding and multistage decoding. Three types of unconventional partitionings are analyzed for asymmetric 8-PSK and 16-QAM constellations over the additive white Gaussian noise channel to introduce design guidelines. Generalizations to other PSK and QAM type constellations follow the same lines. Upper bounds on the bit-error probability based on union bound arguments are first derived. In some cases, these bounds become loose due to the large overlappings of decision regions associated with asymmetric constellations and unconventional partitionings. To overcome this problem, simpler and tighter approximated bounds are derived. Based on these bounds, it is shown that additional refinements can be achieved in the construction of multilevel UEP codes, by introducing asymmetries in PSK and QAM signal constellations

    Multilevel Coded Modulation for Unequal Error Protection and Multistage Decoding—Part I: Symmetric Constellations

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    In this paper, theoretical upper bounds and computer simulation results on the error performance of multilevel block coded modulations for unequal error protection (UEP) and multistage decoding are presented. It is shown that nonstandard signal set partitionings and multistage decoding provide excellent UEP capabilities beyond those achievable with conventional coded modulation. The coding scheme is designed in such a way that the most important information bits have a lower error rate than other information bits. The large effective error coefficients, normally associated with standard mapping by set partitioning, are reduced by considering nonstandard partitionings of the underlying signal set. The bits-to-signal mappings induced by these partitionings allow the use of soft-decision decoding of binary block codes. Moreover, parallel operation of some of the staged decoders is possible, to achieve high data rate transmission, so that there is no error propagation between these decoders. Hybrid partitionings are also considered that trade off increased intraset distances in the last partition levels with larger effective error coefficients in the middle partition levels. The error performance of specific examples of multilevel codes over 8-PSK and 64-QAM signal sets are simulated and compared with theoretical upper bounds on the error performance

    Coded Modulation for Satellite Broadcasting

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    In this paper, three-level block coded 8-PSK modulations, suitable for satellite broadcasting of digital TV signals, are presented. A design principle to achieve unequal error protection is introduced. The coding scheme is designed in such a way that the information bits carrying the basic definition TV signal have a lower error rate than the high definition information bits. The large error coefficients, formally associated with standard mapping by set partitioning, are reduced by considering a nonstandard partition of an 8-PSK signal set. The bits-to-signal mapping induced by this partition allows the use of suboptimal low-complexity soft-decision decoding of binary block codes. Parallel operation of the first and second stage decoders is possible, for high data rate transmission. Furthermore, there is no error propagation from the first-stage decoder to the second-stage decoder

    Bit Error Probability for Maximum Likelihood Decoding of Linear Block Codes

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    In this paper, the bit error probability P(sub b) for maximum likelihood decoding of binary linear codes is investigated. The contribution of each information bit to P(sub b) is considered. For randomly generated codes, it is shown that the conventional approximation at high SNR P(sub b) is approximately equal to (d(sub H)/N)P(sub s), where P(sub s) represents the block error probability, holds for systematic encoding only. Also systematic encoding provides the minimum P(sub b) when the inverse mapping corresponding to the generator matrix of the code is used to retrieve the information sequence. The bit error performances corresponding to other generator matrix forms are also evaluated. Although derived for codes with a generator matrix randomly generated, these results are shown to provide good approximations for codes used in practice. Finally, for decoding methods which require a generator matrix with a particular structure such as trellis decoding or algebraic-based soft decision decoding, equivalent schemes that reduce the bit error probability are discussed
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