658 research outputs found

    Report of the Horse Mackerel Exchange and Workshop 2006

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    Following a recommendation from PGCCDBS, a workshop on age calibration of horse mackerel was carried out. The workshop was preceded by an exchange. The objectives were: to improve the quality of horse mackerel readings by international calibration. In particular, attempt to resolve the observed differences between countries. Estimate the accuracy and precision of the age readings before and after the intercalibration. Take into account differences between areas and methods. Training of new horse mackerel readers

    LAF1, a MYB transcription activator for phytochrome A signaling

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    The photoreceptor phytochrome (phy) A has a well-defined role in regulating gene expression in response to specific light signals. Here, we describe a new Arabidopsis mutant, laf1 (long after far-red light 1) that has an elongated hypocotyl specifically under far-red light. Gene expression studies showed that laf1 has reduced responsiveness to continuous far-red light but retains wild-type responses to other light wavelengths. As far-red light is only perceived by phyA, our results suggest that LAF1 is specifically involved in phyA signal transduction. Further analyses revealed that laf1 is affected in a subset of phyA-dependent responses and the phenotype is more severe at low far-red fluence rates. LAF1 encodes a nuclear protein with strong homology with the R2R3-MYB family of DNA-binding proteins. Experiments using yeast cells identified a transactivation domain in the C-terminal portion of the protein. LAF1 is constitutively targeted to the nucleus by signals in its N-terminal portion, and the full-length protein accumulates in distinct nuclear speckles. This accumulation in speckles is abolished by a point mutation in a lysine residue (K258R), which might serve as a modification site by a small ubiquitin-like protein (SUMO)

    Thermodynamics of Mesoscopic Vortex Systems in 1+1 Dimensions

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    The thermodynamics of a disordered planar vortex array is studied numerically using a new polynomial algorithm which circumvents slow glassy dynamics. Close to the glass transition, the anomalous vortex displacement is found to agree well with the prediction of the renormalization-group theory. Interesting behaviors such as the universal statistics of magnetic susceptibility variations are observed in both the dense and dilute regimes of this mesoscopic vortex system.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, 6 figures included. Comments and suggestions can be sent to [email protected]

    A Formal Study of the Privacy Concerns in Biometric-Based Remote Authentication Schemes

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    With their increasing popularity in cryptosystems, biometrics have attracted more and more attention from the information security community. However, how to handle the relevant privacy concerns remains to be troublesome. In this paper, we propose a novel security model to formalize the privacy concerns in biometric-based remote authentication schemes. Our security model covers a number of practical privacy concerns such as identity privacy and transaction anonymity, which have not been formally considered in the literature. In addition, we propose a general biometric-based remote authentication scheme and prove its security in our security model

    Metastability and paramagnetism in superconducting mesoscopic disks

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    A projected order parameter is used to calculate, not only local minima of the Ginzburg-Landau energy functional, but also saddle points or energy barriers responsible for the metastabilities observed in superconducting mesoscopic disks (Geim et al. Nature {\bf 396}, 144 (1998)). We calculate the local minima magnetization and find the energetic instability points between vortex configurations with different vorticity. We also find that, for any vorticity, the supercurrent can reverse its flow direction on decreasing the magnetic field before one vortex can escape.Comment: Modified version as to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Observation of Individual Josephson Vortices in YBCO Bicrystal Grain-boundary Junctions

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    The response of YBCO bicrystal grain-boundary junctions to small dc magnetic fields (0 - 10 Oe) has been probed with a low-power microwave (rf) signal of 4.4 GHz in a microwave-resonator setup. Peaks in the microwave loss at certain dc magnetic fields are observed that result from individual Josephson vortices penetrating into the grain-boundary junctions under study. The system is modeled as a long Josephson junction described by the sine-Gordon equation with the appropriate boundary conditions. Excellent quantitative agreement between the experimental data and the model has been obtained. Hysteresis effect of dc magnetic field is also studied and the results of measurement and calculation are compared.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Incommensuration Effects and Dynamics in Vortex Chains

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    We examine the motion of one-dimensional (1D) vortex matter embedded in a 2D vortex system with weak pinning using numerical simulations. We confirm the conjecture of Matsuda et al. [Science 294, 2136 (2001)] that the onset of the temperature induced motion of the chain is due to an incommensuration effect of the chain with the periodic potential created by the bulk vortices. In addition, under an applied driving force we find a two stage depinning transition, where the initial depinning of the vortex chain occurs through soliton like pulses. When an ac drive is added to the dc drive, we observe phase locking of the moving vortex chain.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figure

    Orientation of Vortices in a Superconducting Thin-Film: Quantitative Comparison of Spin-Polarized Neutron Reflectivity and Magnetization

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    We present a quantitative comparison of the magnetization measured by spin-polarized neutron reflectivity (SPNR) and DC magnetometry on a 1370 \AA\ -thick Nb superconducting film. As a function of magnetic field applied in the film plane, SPNR exhibits reversible behavior whereas the DC magnetization shows substantial hysteresis. The difference between these measurements is attributed to a rotation of vortex magnetic field out of the film plane as the applied field is reduced. Since SPNR measures only the magnetization parallel to the film plane whereas DC magnetization is strongly influenced by the perpendicular component of magnetization when there is a slight sample tilt, combining the two techniques allows one to distinguish two components of magnetization in a thin film.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, It will be printed in PRB, Oct. 200

    Interstitials, Vacancies, and Supersolid Order in Vortex Crystals

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    Interstitials and vacancies in the Abrikosov phase of clean Type II superconductors are line imperfections, which cannot extend across macroscopic equilibrated samples at low temperatures. We argue that the entropy associated with line wandering nevertheless can cause these defects to proliferate at a sharp transition which will exist if this occurs below the temperature at which the crystal actually melts. Vortices are both entangled and crystalline in the resulting ``supersolid'' phase, which in a dual ``boson'' analog system is closely related to a two-dimensional quantum crystal of He4^4 with interstitials or vacancies in its ground state. The supersolid {\it must} occur for BB×B\gg B_\times, where B×B_\times is the decoupling field above which vortices begin to behave two-dimensionally. Numerical calculations show that interstitials, rather than vacancies, are the preferred defect for Bϕ0/λ2B\gg \phi_0/\lambda_\perp^2, and allow us to estimate whether proliferation also occurs for B\,\lot\,B_\times.The implications of the supersolid phase for transport measurements, dislocation configurations and neutron diffraction are discussed.Comment: 53 pages and 15 figures, available upon request, written in plain TE