9 research outputs found

    Diamond Detectors for the TOTEM Timing Upgrade

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    This paper describes the design and the performance of the timing detector developed by the TOTEM Collaboration for the Roman Pots (RPs) to measure the Time-Of-Flight (TOF) of the protons produced in central diffractive interactions at the LHC. The measurement of the TOF of the protons allows the determination of the longitudinal position of the proton interaction vertex and its association with one of the vertices reconstructed by the CMS detectors. The TOF detector is based on single crystal Chemical Vapor Deposition (scCVD) diamond plates and is designed to measure the protons TOF with about 50 ps time precision. This upgrade to the TOTEM apparatus will be used in the LHC run 2 and will tag the central diffractive events up to an interaction pileup of about 1. A dedicated fast and low noise electronics for the signal amplification has been developed. The digitization of the diamond signal is performed by sampling the waveform. After introducing the physics studies that will most profit from the addition of these new detectors, we discuss in detail the optimization and the performance of the first TOF detector installed in the LHC in November 2015.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables, submitted for publication to JINS

    Evidence for non-exponential elastic proton-proton differential cross-section at low |t| and sqrt(s) = 8 TeV by TOTEM

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    The TOTEM experiment has made a precise measurement of the elastic proton-proton differential cross-section at the centre-of-mass energy sqrt(s) = 8 TeV based on a high-statistics data sample obtained with the beta* = 90 optics. Both the statistical and systematic uncertainties remain below 1%, except for the t-independent contribution from the overall normalisation. This unprecedented precision allows to exclude a purely exponential differential cross-section in the range of four-momentum transfer squared 0.027 < |t| < 0.2 GeV^2 with a significance greater than 7 sigma. Two extended parametrisations, with quadratic and cubic polynomials in the exponent, are shown to be well compatible with the data. Using them for the differential cross-section extrapolation to t = 0, and further applying the optical theorem, yields total cross-section estimates of (101.5 +- 2.1) mb and (101.9 +- 2.1) mb, respectively, in agreement with previous TOTEM measurements.Comment: Final version published in Nuclear Physics

    Transition radiation measurements with a Si and a GaAs pixel sensor on a Timepix3 chip

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    Growing energies of particles at modern or planned particle accelerator experiments as well as cosmic rayexperiments require particle identification at gamma-factors () of up to∼105. At present there are no detectorscapable of identifying charged particles with reliable efficiency in this range of. New developments in highgranular pixel detectors allow one to perform simultaneous measurements of the energies and the emissionangles of generated transition radiation (TR) X-rays and use the maximum available information to identifyparticles. First results of studies of TR energy-angular distributions using gallium arsenide (GaAs) sensorsbonded to Timepix3 chips are presented. The results are compared with those obtained using a silicon (Si)sensor of the same thickness of 500μm. The analysis techniques used for these experiments are discussed

    Registration of the transition radiation with GaAs detector: Data/MC comparison

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    New developments of pixel detectors based on GaAs sensors offer effective registration of the transition radiation (TR) X-rays and perform simultaneous measurements of their energies and emission angles. This unique feature opens new possibilities for particle identification on the basis of maximum available information about generated TR photons. Results of studies of TR energy-angular distributions using a 500 um thick GaAs sensor attached to a Timepix3 chip are presented. Measurements, analysis techniques and a comparison with Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are described and discussed

    Measurement of elastic pp scattering at

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    The TOTEM experiment at the CERN LHC has measured elastic proton–proton scattering at the centre-of-mass energy s=8\sqrt{s}=8\,TeV and four-momentum transfers squared, |t|, from 6×1046\times 10^{-4} to 0.2 GeV2^{2}. Near the lower end of the t-interval the differential cross-section is sensitive to the interference between the hadronic and the electromagnetic scattering amplitudes. This article presents the elastic cross-section measurement and the constraints it imposes on the functional forms of the modulus and phase of the hadronic elastic amplitude. The data exclude the traditional Simplified West and Yennie interference formula that requires a constant phase and a purely exponential modulus of the hadronic amplitude. For parametrisations of the hadronic modulus with second- or third-order polynomials in the exponent, the data are compatible with hadronic phase functions giving either central or peripheral behaviour in the impact parameter picture of elastic scattering. In both cases, the ρ\rho -parameter is found to be 0.12±0.030.12 \pm 0.03. The results for the total hadronic cross-section are σtot=(102.9±2.3)\sigma _\mathrm{tot} = (102.9 \pm 2.3) mb and (103.0±2.3)(103.0 \pm 2.3) mb for central and peripheral phase formulations, respectively. Both are consistent with previous TOTEM measurements