721 research outputs found

    Exoplanet atmospheres with GIANO II. Detection of molecular absorption in the dayside spectrum of HD 102195b

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    The study of exoplanetary atmospheres is key to understand the differences between their physical, chemical and dynamical processes. Up to now, the bulk of atmospheric characterization analysis has been conducted on transiting planets. On some sufficiently bright targets, high-resolution spectroscopy (HRS) has also been successfully tested for non-transiting planets. We study the dayside of the non-transiting planet HD 102195b using the GIANO spectrograph mounted at TNG, demonstrating the feasibility of atmospheric characterization measurements and molecular detection for non-transiting planets with the HRS technique using 4-m class telescopes. The Doppler-shifted planetary signal changes on the order of many km/s during the observations, in contrast with the telluric absorption which is stationary in wavelength, allowing us to remove the contamination from telluric lines while preserving the features of the planetary spectrum. The emission signal from HD 102195b's atmosphere is then extracted by cross-correlating the residual spectra with atmospheric models. We detect molecular absorption from water vapor at 4.4σ\sigma level. We also find convincing evidence for the presence of methane, which is detected at the 4.1σ\sigma level. The two molecules are detected with a combined significance of 5.3σ\sigma, at a semi-amplitude of the planet radial velocity KP=128±6K_P=128\pm 6 km/s. We estimate a planet true mass of MP=0.46±0.03 MJM_P=0.46\pm 0.03~M_J and orbital inclination between 72.5 and 84.79∘^{\circ} (1σ\sigma). Our analysis indicates a non-inverted atmosphere for HD 102195b, as expected given the relatively low temperature of the planet, inefficient to keep TiO/VO in gas phase. Moreover, a comparison with theoretical expectations and chemical model predictions corroborates our methane detection and suggests that the detected CH4CH_4 and H2OH_2O signatures could be consistent with a low C/O ratio.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Component-aware Orchestration of Cloud-based Enterprise Applications, from TOSCA to Docker and Kubernetes

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    Enterprise IT is currently facing the challenge of coordinating the management of complex, multi-component applications across heterogeneous cloud platforms. Containers and container orchestrators provide a valuable solution to deploy multi-component applications over cloud platforms, by coupling the lifecycle of each application component to that of its hosting container. We hereby propose a solution for going beyond such a coupling, based on the OASIS standard TOSCA and on Docker. We indeed propose a novel approach for deploying multi-component applications on top of existing container orchestrators, which allows to manage each component independently from the container used to run it. We also present prototype tools implementing our approach, and we show how we effectively exploited them to carry out a concrete case study

    Exoplanet atmospheres with GIANO. I. Water in the transmission spectrum of HD 189733b

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    High-resolution spectroscopy (R ≥\ge 20,000) at near-infrared wavelengths can be used to investigate the composition, structure, and circulation patterns of exoplanet atmospheres. However, up to now it has been the exclusive dominion of the biggest telescope facilities on the ground, due to the large amount of photons necessary to measure a signal in high-dispersion spectra. Here we show that spectrographs with a novel design - in particular a large spectral range - can open exoplanet characterisation to smaller telescope facilities too. We aim to demonstrate the concept on a series of spectra of the exoplanet HD 189733 b taken at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo with the near-infrared spectrograph GIANO during two transits of the planet. In contrast to absorption in the Earth's atmosphere (telluric absorption), the planet transmission spectrum shifts in radial velocity during transit due to the changing orbital motion of the planet. This allows us to remove the telluric spectrum while preserving the signal of the exoplanet. The latter is then extracted by cross-correlating the residual spectra with template models of the planet atmosphere computed through line-by-line radiative transfer calculations, and containing molecular absorption lines from water and methane. By combining the signal of many thousands of planet molecular lines, we confirm the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere of HD 189733 b at the 5.5-σ\sigma level. This signal was measured only in the first of the two observing nights. By injecting and retrieving artificial signals, we show that the non-detection on the second night is likely due to an inferior quality of the data. The measured strength of the planet transmission spectrum is fully consistent with past CRIRES observations at the VLT, excluding a strong variability in the depth of molecular absorption lines.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. v2 includes language editin

    Search for Rayleigh scattering in the atmosphere of GJ1214b

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    We investigate the atmosphere of GJ1214b, a transiting super-Earth planet with a low mean density, by measuring its transit depth as a function of wavelength in the blue optical portion of the spectrum. It is thought that this planet is either a mini-Neptune, consisting of a rocky core with a thick, hydrogen-rich atmosphere, or a planet with a composition dominated by water. Most observations favor a water-dominated atmosphere with a small scale-height, however, some observations indicate that GJ1214b could have an extended atmosphere with a cloud layer muting the molecular features. In an atmosphere with a large scale-height, Rayleigh scattering at blue wavelengths is likely to cause a measurable increase in the apparent size of the planet towards the blue. We observed the transit of GJ1214b in the B-band with the FOcal Reducing Spectrograph (FORS) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) and in the g-band with both ACAM on the William Hershel Telescope (WHT) and the Wide Field Camera (WFC) at the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). We find a planet-to-star radius ratio in the B-band of 0.1162+/-0.0017, and in the g-band 0.1180+/-0.0009 and 0.1174+/-0.0017 for the WHT & INT observations respectively. These optical data do not show significant deviations from previous measurements at longer wavelengths. In fact, a flat transmission spectrum across all wavelengths best describes the combined observations. When atmospheric models are considered a small scale-height water-dominated model fits the data best.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Genova 2004: a test-bed for industrial design students to integrate cultural content and information technologies in cross-media platforms

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    Genova, European Capital of Culture 2004, is a tantalizing occasion to stimulate students to produce content that complements the official program and to experiment with a variety of media. Students choose one of the official calendar areas (the City of Arts, the Capital of the Sea, and the Contemporary City) and create cultural products and services related to their area. They are asked to consider the wide range of communication technologies available and to implement cross-media prototypes, with attention to the integration between classic television and new communication technologies, such as the internet or mobile phones. And they are asked to design interaction so virtual communities and peer-to-peer environments can share knowledge and experience. The students are enrolled in a five-year program in industrial design at Politecnico di Milano. The course is a fourth-year, semester-long laboratory. The presentation includes video of the student work

    CALET measurements with cosmic nuclei: expected performances of tracking and charge identification

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    CALET is a space mission currently in the final phase of preparation for a launch to the International Space Station (ISS), where it will be installed on the Exposed Facility of the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EF). In addition to high precision measurements of the electron spectrum, CALET will also perform long exposure observations of cosmic nuclei from proton to iron and will detect trans-iron elements with a dynamic range up to Z = 40. The energy measurement relies on two calorimeter systems: a fine grained imaging calorimeter (IMC) followed by a total absorption calorimeter (TASC) for a total thickness of 30 X0 and 1.3 proton interaction length. A dedicated module (a charge detector, CHD), placed at the top of the apparatus, identifies the atomic number Z of the incoming cosmic ray. In this paper, the IMC performances in providing tracking capabilities and a redundant charge measurement by multiple dE dx samples are studied for the case of proton and He identification with a preliminary version of the analysis. The CALET mission is funded by the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and NASA

    Aberrant E-cadherin staining patterns in invasive mammary carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: E-cadherin, a cell surface protein involved in cell adhesion, is present in normal breast epithelium, benign breast lesions, and in breast carcinoma. Alterations in the gene CDH1 on chromosome 16q22 are associated with changes in E-cadherin protein expression and function. Inactivation of E-cadherin in lobular carcinomas and certain diffuse gastric carcinomas may play a role in the dispersed, discohesive "single cell" growth patterns seen in these tumors. The molecular "signature" of mammary lobular carcinomas is the loss of E-cadherin protein expression as evidenced by immunohistochemistry, whereas ductal carcinomas are typically E-cadherin positive. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We report on E-cadherin immunostaining patterns in five cases of invasive mammary carcinoma RESULTS: These were five exceptional instances in which the E-cadherin immunophenotype did not correspond to the apparent histologic classification of the lesion. These cases which are exceedingly rare in our experience are the subject of this report. CONCLUSION: Findings such as those illustrated in this study occur in virtually all biologic phenomena and they do not invalidate the very high degree of correlation between the expression of E-cadherin and the classification of breast carcinomas as ductal or lobular type on the basis of conventional histologic criteria

    Doppler tomography as a tool for detecting exoplanet atmospheres

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    High-resolution Doppler spectroscopy is a powerful tool for identifying molecular species in the atmospheres of both transiting and non-transiting exoplanets. Currently, such data is analysed using cross-correlation techniques to detect the Doppler shifting signal from the orbiting planet. In this paper we demonstrate that, compared to cross-correlation methods currently used, the technique of Doppler tomography has improved sensitivity in detecting the subtle signatures expected from exoplanet atmospheres. This is partly due to the use of a regularizing statistic, which acts to suppress noise, coupled to the fact that all the data is fit simultaneously. In addition, we show that the technique can also effectively suppress contanimating spectral features that may arise due to overlapping lines, repeating line patterns, or the use of incorrect linelists. These issues can confuse conventional cross-correlation approaches, primarily due to aliasing issues inherent in such techniques, whereas Doppler tomography is less susceptible to such effects. In particular, Doppler tomography shows exceptional promise for simultaneously detecting multiple line species (e.g. isotopologues), even when there are high contrasts between such species – and far outperforms current CCF analyses in this respect. Finally, we demonstrate that Doppler tomography is capable of recovering molecular signals from exoplanets using real data, by confirming the strong detection of CO in the atmosphere of τ Boo b. We recover a signal with a planetary radial velocity semi-amplitude Kp = 109.6 ± 2.2 km s−1, in excellent agreement with the previously reported value of 110.0 ± 3.2 km s−1

    A search for He I airglow emission from the hot Jupiter tau Boo b

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    The helium absorption line at 10830 {\AA}, originating from the metastable triplet state 23^3S, has been suggested as an excellent probe for the extended atmospheres of hot Jupiters and their hydrodynamic escape processes, and has recently been detected in the transmission spectra of a handful of planets. The isotropic re-emission will lead to helium airglow that may be observable at other orbital phases. The goal of this paper is to investigate the detectability of He I emission at 10830 {\AA} in the atmospheres of exoplanets using high-resolution spectroscopy, providing insights into the properties of the upper atmospheres of close-in gas giants. We estimated the expected strength of He I emission in hot Jupiters based on their transmission signal. We searched for the He I 10830 {\AA} emission feature in tau Boo b in three nights of high-resolution spectra taken by CARMENES at the 3.5m Calar Alto telescope. The spectra from each night were corrected for telluric absorption, sky emission lines, and stellar features, and were shifted to the planetary rest frame to search for the emission. The He I emission is not detected in tau Boo b, reaching a 5 sigma contrast limit of 4×\times10−4^{-4} for emission line widths above 20 km/s. This is roughly a factor of 8 above the expected level of emission (assuming a typical He I transit absorption of 1% for hot Jupiters). This suggests that targeting the He I emission with well-designed observations using upcoming instruments such as VLT/CRIRES+ and E-ELT/HIRES is possible.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 9 pages, 9 figure

    A Wireless, Battery-Powered Probe Based on a Dual-Tier CMOS SPAD Array for Charged Particle Sensing

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    A compact probe for charged particle imaging, with potential applications in source activity mapping and radio-guided surgery was designed and tested. The development of this technology holds significant implications for medical imaging, offering healthcare professionals accurate and efficient tools for diagnoses and treatments. To fulfill the portability requirements of these applications, the probe was designed for battery operation and wireless communication with a PC. The core sensor is a dual-layer CMOS SPAD detector, fabricated using 150 nm technology, which uses overlapping cells to produce a coincidence signal and reduce the dark count rate (DCR). The sensor is managed and interfaced with a microcontroller, and custom firmware was developed to facilitate communication with the sensor. The performance of the probe was evaluated by characterizing the on-board SPAD detector in terms of the DCR, and the results were consistent with the characterization measurements taken on the same chip samples using a purposely developed benchtop setup
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