85 research outputs found

    Corrosion properties of chromia based eco - friendly coatings on mild steel

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    Ceramic nanocrystalline coatings of chromium oxide (III) on steel S235JRH-1.0038 (EN 10025-1) were prepared using the liquid precursor plasma spraying (LPPS) method from ammonia dichromate (VI). Their structure and anti – corrosion properties were compared to the standard chromium oxide (III) coating prepared by thermal spraying. The newly prepared coatings had very high adhesion and minimal porosity. Anticorrosion properties were characterized by the means of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), measuring the charge transfer resistance Rct and capacitance of electrical double layer CPEdl in the 0,5 mol/l NaCl. Coatings of Cr2 O3 prepared by the LPPS method showed unambiguously improved anti - corrosion properties

    Boronized steels with corundum-baddeleyite coatings

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    The paper describes preparation and properties of anti-corrosion and anti-abrasive coatings from corundum-baddeleyite ceramics deposited on surface of low-carbon boronized steel S235JRH-1.0038 (EN 10025-1) by plasma spraying method. Adhesive interlayers Fe2B reaches bond strength of up to 20 MPa in the pull-off tests, the ZrO2 - Al2O3 - SiO2 coatings have a value of fracture adhesion of 4 - 6 MPa. Hardness of these ceramic coatings on steel is as high as 1 800 HV100 and its polarization resistance is 1 600 Ω/cm2 to 4 000 Ω/cm2

    Chronic T cell receptor stimulation unmasks NK receptor signaling in peripheral T cell lymphomas via epigenetic reprogramming.

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    Peripheral T cell lymphomas (PTCLs) represent a significant unmet medical need with dismal clinical outcomes. The T cell receptor (TCR) is emerging as a key driver of T lymphocyte transformation. However, the role of chronic TCR activation in lymphomagenesis and in lymphoma cell survival is still poorly understood. Using a mouse model, we report that chronic TCR stimulation drove T cell lymphomagenesis, whereas TCR signaling did not contribute to PTCL survival. The combination of kinome, transcriptome, and epigenome analyses of mouse PTCLs revealed a NK cell-like reprogramming of PTCL cells with expression of NK receptors (NKRs) and downstream signaling molecules such as Tyrobp and SYK. Activating NKRs were functional in PTCLs and dependent on SYK activity. In vivo blockade of NKR signaling prolonged mouse survival, demonstrating the addiction of PTCLs to NKRs and downstream SYK/mTOR activity for their survival. We studied a large collection of human primary samples and identified several PTCLs recapitulating the phenotype described in this model by their expression of SYK and the NKR, suggesting a similar mechanism of lymphomagenesis and establishing a rationale for clinical studies targeting such molecules

    Cardiomyocyte Specific Ablation of p53 Is Not Sufficient to Block Doxorubicin Induced Cardiac Fibrosis and Associated Cytoskeletal Changes

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    Doxorubicin (Dox) is an anthracycline used to effectively treat several forms of cancer. Unfortunately, the use of Dox is limited due to its association with cardiovascular complications which are manifested as acute and chronic cardiotoxicity. The pathophysiological mechanism of Dox induced cardiotoxicity appears to involve increased expression of the tumor suppressor protein p53 in cardiomyocytes, followed by cellular apoptosis. It is not known whether downregulation of p53 expression in cardiomyocytes would result in decreased rates of myocardial fibrosis which occurs in response to cardiomyocyte loss. Further, it is not known whether Dox can induce perivascular necrosis and associated fibrosis in the heart. In this study we measured the effects of acute Dox treatment on myocardial and perivascular apoptosis and fibrosis in a conditional knockout (CKO) mouse model system which harbours inactive p53 alleles specifically in cardiomyocytes. CKO mice treated with a single dose of Dox (20 mg/kg), did not display lower levels of myocardial apoptosis or reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) compared to control mice with intact p53 alleles. Interestingly, CKO mice also displayed higher levels of interstitial and perivascular fibrosis compared to controls 3 or 7 days after Dox treatment. Additionally, the decrease in levels of the microtubule protein α-tubulin, which occurs in response to Dox treatment, was not prevented in CKO mice. Overall, these results indicate that selective loss of p53 in cardiomyocytes is not sufficient to prevent Dox induced myocardial ROS/RNS generation, apoptosis, interstitial fibrosis and perivascular fibrosis. Further, these results support a role for p53 independent apoptotic pathways leading to Dox induced myocardial damage and highlight the importance of vascular lesions in Dox induced cardiotoxicity

    Iron mineralogy and aqueous alteration from Husband Hill through Home Plate at Gusev Crater, Mars: Results from the Mössbauer instrument on the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover

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    Spirit’s Mössbauer (MB) instrument determined the Fe mineralogy and oxidation state of 71 rocks and 43 soils during its exploration of the Gusev plains and the Columbia Hills (West Spur, Husband Hill, Haskin Ridge, northern Inner Basin, and Home Plate) on Mars. The plains are predominantly float rocks and soil derived from olivine basalts. Outcrops at West Spur and on Husband Hill have experienced pervasive aqueous alteration as indicated by the presence of goethite. Olivine-rich outcrops in a possible mafic/ultramafic horizon are present on Haskin Ridge. Relatively unaltered basalt and olivine basalt float rocks occur at isolated locations throughout the Columbia Hills. Basalt and olivine basalt outcrops are found at and near Home Plate, a putative hydrovolcanic structure. At least three pyroxene compositions are indicated by MB data. MB spectra of outcrops Barnhill and Torquas resemble palagonitic material and thus possible supergene aqueous alteration. Deposits of Fe3+-sulfate soil, located at Paso Robles, Arad, and Tyrone, are likely products of acid sulfate fumarolic and/or hydrothermal activity, possibly in connection with Home Plate volcanism. Hematite-rich outcrops between Home Plate and Tyrone (e.g., Montalva) may also be products of this aqueous activity. Low water-to-rock ratios (isochemical alteration) are implied during palagonite, goethite, and hematite formation because bulk chemical compositions are basaltic (SO3-free basis). High water-to-rock ratios (leaching) under acid sulfate conditions are implied for the high-SiO2 rock and soil in Eastern Valley and the float rock FuzzySmith, which has possible pyrite/marcasite as a hydrothermal alteration product

    The Leukemia-Specific Fusion Gene ETV6/RUNX1 Perturbs Distinct Key Biological Functions Primarily by Gene Repression

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    -positive leukemic cell lines.-positive ALL samples underline the relevance of these pathways and molecular functions. We also validated six differentially expressed genes representing the categories “stem cell properties”, “B-cell differentiation”, “immune response”, “cell adhesion” and “DNA damage” with RT-qPCR. fusion gene interferes with key regulatory functions that shape the biology of this leukemia subtype. E/R may thus indeed constitute the essential driving force for the propagation and maintenance of the leukemic process irrespective of potential consequences of associated secondary changes. Finally, these findings may also provide a valuable source of potentially attractive therapeutic targets

    Structural basis for DNA damage-induced phosphoregulation of MDM2 RING domain

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    Phosphorylation of MDM2 by ATM upon DNA damage is an important mechanism for deregulating MDM2, thereby leading to p53 activation. ATM phosphorylates multiple residues near the RING domain of MDM2, but the underlying molecular basis for deregulation remains elusive. Here we show that Ser429 phosphorylation selectively enhances the ubiquitin ligase activity of MDM2 homodimer but not MDM2-MDMX heterodimer. A crystal structure of phospho-Ser429 (pS429)-MDM2 bound to E2–ubiquitin reveals a unique 310-helical feature present in MDM2 homodimer that allows pS429 to stabilize the closed E2–ubiquitin conformation and thereby enhancing ubiquitin transfer. In cells Ser429 phosphorylation increases MDM2 autoubiquitination and degradation upon DNA damage, whereas S429A substitution protects MDM2 from auto-degradation. Our results demonstrate that Ser429 phosphorylation serves as a switch to boost the activity of MDM2 homodimer and promote its self-destruction to enable rapid p53 stabilization and resolve a long-standing controversy surrounding MDM2 auto-degradation in response to DNA damage

    Improving ecosystem health in highly altered river basins: a generalized framework and its application to the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin

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    Continued large-scale public investment in declining ecosystems depends on demonstrations of “success”. While the public conception of “success” often focuses on restoration to a pre-disturbance condition, the scientific community is more likely to measure success in terms of improved ecosystem health. Using a combination of literature review, workshops and expert solicitation we propose a generalized framework to improve ecosystem health in highly altered river basins by reducing ecosystem stressors, enhancing ecosystem processes and increasing ecosystem resilience. We illustrate the use of this framework in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB) of the central United States (U.S.), by (i) identifying key stressors related to human activities, and (ii) creating a conceptual ecosystem model relating those stressors to effects on ecosystem structure and processes. As a result of our analysis, we identify a set of landscape-level indicators of ecosystem health, emphasizing leading indicators of stressor removal (e.g., reduced anthropogenic nutrient inputs), increased ecosystem function (e.g., increased water storage in the landscape) and increased resilience (e.g., changes in the percentage of perennial vegetative cover). We suggest that by including these indicators, along with lagging indicators such as direct measurements of water quality, stakeholders will be better able to assess the effectiveness of management actions. For example, if both leading and lagging indicators show improvement over time, then management actions are on track to attain desired ecosystem condition. If, however, leading indicators are not improving or even declining, then fundamental challenges to ecosystem health remain to be addressed and failure to address these will ultimately lead to declines in lagging indicators such as water quality. Although our model and indicators are specific to the MARB, we believe that the generalized framework and the process of model and indicator development will be valuable in an array of altered river basins