46 research outputs found

    Neuropathic pain management after orthopaedic surgery

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    Relevant developments and new insights on Sonoelectrochemistry

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    AbstractSonoelectrochemistry is undergoing a reemerging activity in the last years with an increasing number of papers appearing in a wide range of peer review journals. Applied studies cover environmental treatments, synthesis and characterization of nanostructures, polymeric materials synthesis, analytical procedures, films preparations, membrane preparations among other interesting applications. Fundamental analyses are also carried out focused on electrochemical processes using unconventional solvents, elucidation of mechanisms and combination with other techniques. The interrelation between Electrochemistry and Acoustics presents mutual benefits for both disciplines, providing interesting information about the bubble dynamics for acoustics physicists and a higher number of possible applications for electrochemists. However, the vast majority of this research has been carried out at laboratory scale with individually designed systems based on ultrasonic horns dipped into traditional glass electrochemistry vessels. It is remarkable that even with this rudimentary experimental set-up many interesting results have been generated. However sonoelectrochemistry has suffered a few drawbacks related to reproducibility, scale-up and design aspects which have slowed its development. Almost certainly the reason for this is the lack of reactors that have been purpose built for sonoelectrochemistry. There have been many attempts to build lab-scale systems e.g. for electroanalysis, nanomaterials synthesis and the electrooxidation of organic pollutants but the results are often contradictory. A few groups have attempted to characterize lab-scale sonochemical reactors adapted as sonoelectrochemical reactors but the true optimization of such reactors requires contributions from many disciplines including physics, fundamental and applied electrochemistry, chemical engineering and material science

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de la escoliosis en el síndrome de Rett: sistema de instrumentación TRANSPINE

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    El Síndrome de Rett es una afectación neurológica que en los estadios últimos presenta deformidades evolutivas que suelen precisar cirugía. Se han revisado en este estudio 11 pacientes con Síndrome de Rett y deformidad en columna que precisaron cirugía. Se analizaron las magnitudes de las curvas con ángulo de Cobb, alteraciones del plano sagital (cifosis y lordosis), oblicuidad pélvica pre y postoperatoria, niveles de fusión y complicaciones postoperatorias. La corrección media fue del 65%. Se realizó una fusión posterior en todos los pacientes sin incluir sacro pelvis. Los montajes se realizaron principalmente con sistema híbrido de tornillos, ganchos, pinzas y cables laminares TRANSPINE®. Las escoliosis neuromusculares, como el síndrome de Rett, que precisan corrección, pueden controlarse de forma segura y efectiva mediante artrodesis posterior con instrumentación híbrida.Rett Syndrome is a neurological impairment with a typically long C scoliosis curve that often require surgery. In this study it has been reviewed 11 patients with Rett syndrome and spine deformity. We analyzed the magnitudes of the curves with Cobb angle, sagittal plane (kyphosis and lordosis), preoperative and postoperative pelvic obliquity, fusion levels and postoperative complications. The average correction was 65%. Posterior fusion was performed in all patients excluding sacrum pelvis. The assemblies are made mainly with the hybrid system of screws, hooks, clips and cables TRANSPINE®. Neuromuscular scoliosis, such as Rett syndrome, which needs correction, can be controlled safely and effectively by posterior fusion with hybrid constructs

    A photoredox-neutral Smiles rearrangement of 2-aryloxybenzoic acids

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    We report on the use of visible light photoredox catalysis for the radical Smiles rearrangement of 2-aryloxybenzoic acids to obtain aryl salicylates. The method is free of noble metals and operationally simple and the reaction can be run under mild batch or flow conditions. Being a redox neutral process, no stoichiometric oxidants or reductants are needed.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MAT2016-78625-C2-2-P, MAT2015-71727-R) and the Universidad de Alicante (VIGROB-173). N. P. R. thanks the Instituto de Sintesis Organica (ISO) for a grant

    Tratamiento antifúngico con posaconazol y anfotericina B en paciente con mucormicosis rinosinusal

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    Introducción: La mucormicosis es una infección fúngica con elevada morbilidad y mortalidad. Se requiere tanto tratamiento quirúrgico como antifúngico, siendo el antimicótico de elección anfotericina B. Posaconazol es un antimicótico derivado de triazol que presenta actividad in vitro e in vivo frente a zygomicetes y que se ha usado en pacientes refractarios o intolerantes a anfotericina B. Descripción del caso: Varón de 70 años con recidiva de mucormicosis rinosinusal ocular izquierda. Había recibido anfotericina B liposomal asociada a posaconazol 8 semanas; tras este primer ingreso fue dado de alta con dosis infraterapéuticas de posaconazol. Volvió a ingresar por recidiva de la enfermedad, se practicó cirugía y recibió anfotericina B liposomal asociada a posaconazol 5 semanas. Siete meses después del alta, el paciente estaba clínicamente estable y continuaba tratamiento con posaconazol. Discusión/Conclusiones: Anfotericina B es el tratamiento de elección en la mucormicosis. Posaconazol es una alternativa aceptable en pacientes refractarios o intolerantes, presentando un perfil de seguridad favorable

    Tratamiento antifúngico con posaconazol y anfotericina B en paciente con mucormicosis rinosinusal

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    Introducción: La mucormicosis es una infección fúngica con elevada morbilidad y mortalidad. Se requiere tanto tratamiento quirúrgico como antifúngico, siendo el antimicótico de elección anfotericina B. Posaconazol es un antimicótico derivado de triazol que presenta actividad in vitro e in vivo frente a zygomicetes y que se ha usado en pacientes refractarios o intolerantes a anfotericina B. Descripción del caso: Varón de 70 años con recidiva de mucormicosis rinosinusal ocular izquierda. Había recibido anfotericina B liposomal asociada a posaconazol 8 semanas; tras este primer ingreso fue dado de alta con dosis infraterapéuticas de posaconazol. Volvió a ingresar por recidiva de la enfermedad, se practicó cirugía y recibió anfotericina B liposomal asociada a posaconazol 5 semanas. Siete meses después del alta, el paciente estaba clínicamente estable y continuaba tratamiento con posaconazol. Discusión/Conclusiones: Anfotericina B es el tratamiento de elección en la mucormicosis. Posaconazol es una alternativa aceptable en pacientes refractarios o intolerantes, presentando un perfil de seguridad favorable

    Discovery of anaerobic lithoheterotrophic haloarchaea, ubiquitous in hypersaline habitats

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    Hypersaline anoxic habitats harbour numerous novel uncultured archaea whose metabolic and ecological roles remain to be elucidated. Until recently, it was believed that energy generation via dissimilatory reduction of sulfur compounds is not functional at salt saturation conditions. Recent discovery of the strictly anaerobic acetotrophic Halanaeroarchaeum compels to change both this assumption and the traditional view on haloarchaea as aerobic heterotrophs. Here we report on isolation and characterization of a novel group of strictly anaerobic lithoheterotrophic haloarchaea, which we propose to classify as a new genus Halodesulfurarchaeum. Members of this previously unknown physiological group are capable of utilising formate or hydrogen as electron donors and elemental sulfur, thiosulfate or dimethylsulfoxide as electron acceptors. Using genome-wide proteomic analysis we have detected the full set of enzymes required for anaerobic respiration and analysed their substrate-specific expression. Such advanced metabolic plasticity and type of respiration, never seen before in haloarchaea, empower the wide distribution of Halodesulfurarchaeum in hypersaline inland lakes, solar salterns, lagoons and deep submarine anoxic brines. The discovery of this novel functional group of sulfur-respiring haloarchaea strengthens the evidence of their possible role in biogeochemical sulfur cycling linked to the terminal anaerobic carbon mineralisation in so far overlooked hypersaline anoxic habitats.</p