880 research outputs found

    Novel thick-foam ferroelectret with engineered voids for energy harvesting applications

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    This work reports a novel thick-foam ferroelectret which is designed and engineered for energy harvesting applications. We fabricated this ferroelectret foam by mixing a chemical blowing agent with a polymer solution, then used heat treatment to activate the agent and create voids in the polymer foam. The dimensions of the foam, the density and size of voids can be well controlled in the fabrication process. Therefore, this ferroelectret can be engineered into optimized structure for energy harvesting applications

    Design and experimental characterization of a tunable vibration-based electromagnetic micro-generator

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    Vibration-based micro-generators, as an alternative source of energy, have become increasingly significant in the last decade. This paper presents a new tunable electromagnetic vibration-based micro-generator. Frequency tuning is realized by applying an axial tensile force to the micro-generator. The dimensions of the generator, especially the dimensions of the coil and the air gap between magnets, have been optimized to maximize the output voltage and power of the micro-generator. The resonant frequency has been successfully tuned from 67.6 to 98 Hz when various axial tensile forces were applied to the structure. The generator produced a power of 61.6–156.6 ”W over the tuning range when excited at vibrations of 0.59 ms-2. The tuning mechanism has little effect on the total damping. When the tuning force applied on the generator becomes larger than the generator’s inertial force, the total damping increases resulting in reduced output power. The resonant frequency increases less than indicated from simulation and approaches that of a straight tensioned cable when the force associated with the tension in the beam becomes much greater than the beam stiffness. The test results agree with the theoretical analysis presented

    A new 2-D model of a thin annular disk using a modified assumption

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    The work describes an improved 2-D model for a thin annulus by using a modified assumption with regard to coupled vibration. With this approach, the impedance spectrum and displacements due to radial modes, both in radial and thickness direction of a thin ring, are obtained. Bending displacement is investigated by finite element analysis (FEA) and matches our model. The bending in the thickness direction is coupled to radial modes and shows several node circles in the high radial overtone frequency range. The model is validated by FEA with excellent agreement between the new theory and FEA result

    PDMS/PVA composite ferroelectret for improved energy harvesting performance

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    This paper address the PDMS ferroelectret discharge issue for improved long- term energy harvesting performance. The PDMS/PVA ferroelectret is fabricated using a 3D-printed plastic mould technology and a functional PVA composite layer is introduced. The PDMS/PVA composite ferroelectret achieved 80% piezoelectric coefficient d33 remaining, compared with 40% without the proposed layer over 72 hours. Further, the retained percentage of output voltage is about 73% over 72 hours

    Screen Printed PZT Thick Films Using Composite Film Technology

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    A spin coating composite sol gel technique for producing lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thick films has been modified for use with screen printing techniques. The resulting screen printing technique can be used to produce 10 ?m thick films in a single print. The resultant films are porous but the density can be increased through the use of repeated sol infiltration/pyrolysis treatments to yield a high density film. When fired at 710°C the composite screen printed films have dielectric and piezoelectric properties comparable to, or exceeding, those of films produced using a 'conventional' powder/glass frit/oil ink and fired at 890°C

    Scaling effects for piezoelectric energy harvesters

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    This paper presents a fundamental investigation into scaling effects for the mechanical properties and electrical output power of piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters. The mechanical properties investigated in this paper include resonant frequency of the harvester and its frequency tunability, which is essential for the harvester to operate efficiently under broadband excitations. Electrical output power studied includes cases when the harvester is excited under both constant vibration acceleration and constant vibration amplitude. The energy harvester analysed in this paper is based on a cantilever structure, which is typical of most vibration energy harvesters. Both detailed mathematical derivation and simulation are presented. Furthermore, various piezoelectric materials used in MEMS and non-MEMS harvesters are also considered in the scaling analysi

    Photoresist patterned thick-film piezoelectric elements on silicon

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    A fundamental limitation of screen printing is the achievable alignment accuracy and resolution. This paper presents details of a thick-resist process that improves both of these factors. The technique involves exposing/developing a thick resist to form the desired pattern and then filling the features with thick film material using a doctor blading process. Registration accuracy comparable with standard photolithographic processes has been achieved resulting in minimum feature sizes of <50 ?m and a film thickness of 100 ?m. Piezoelectric elements have been successfully poled on a platinised silicon wafer with a measured d 33 value of 60 pCN?1

    A study of the macro-invertebrates of Lakes Naivasha, Oloidien and Sonachi, Kenya

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    Des prélÚvements de macro-invertébrés ont été faits dans le lac Naivasha en décembre-janvier 1982-83 et en juillet-août 1984, et dans les deux lacs avoisinants, Oloidien et Sonachi, seulement en 1984. On a remarqué une différence considérable dans les listes faunistiques obtenues au cours des deux visites. La comparaison avec les listes obtenues par les expéditions de Percy Sladen (1929) and Cambridge (1930-31) a aussi révélé un changement majeur à long terme, y compris un changement complet des faunes d'oligochÚtes et de mollusques. Le changement à court terme de 1982/83 à 1984 est attribué aux importantes fluctuations naturelles du niveau de l'eau. Parmi les autres facteurs qui ont pu causer les changements à long terme, on cite la disparition des macrophytes submergés, broutés par des espÚces introduites, Coypou (#Myocaster coypus) et écrevisse (#Procambarus Clarkii), l'introduction des espÚces étrangÚres et des pratiques agricoles entraßnant l'enlÚvement d'une grande quantité de papyrus et l'emploi toujours croissant de l'eau du lac pour l'irrigation. (Résumé d'auteur

    Excursion to Stamford, Collyweston, and Ketton

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    Multilayer ferroelectret-based energy harvesting insole

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    This paper reports a flexible energy harvesting insole made of multilayer ferroelectrets, and demonstrates that this insole can power a wireless signal transmission. We have previously studied the energy harvesting characteristics of single and 10-layer ferroelectrets under compressive forces with quantified amplitudes and frequencies. In this work, we fabricate a flexible insole using multilayer ferroelectrets, and increase the number of layers from 10 up to 80, then use this insole to harvest energy from footsteps. We use this insole to power a commercial ZigBee wireless transmitter, and successfully demonstrate that an 8-bit data transmission can be solely powered by the energy harvested from this insole for every 3 to 4 footsteps. It confirms the anticipation from our previous work that the multilayer ferroelectrets are capable of powering the start-up and transmission of a low-power chipset, and shows a potential of using this energy harvesting insole in wearable applications
