476 research outputs found

    On the Control of Distributed Parameter Systems using a Multidimensional Systems Setting

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    The unique characteristic of a repetitive process is a series of sweeps, termed passes, through a set of dynamics defined over a finite duration with resetting before the start of the each new one. On each pass an output, termed the pass profile is produced which acts as a forcing function on, and hence contributes to, the dynamics of the next pass profile. This leads to the possibility that the output, i.e. the sequence of pass profiles, will contain oscillations which increase in amplitude in the pass-to-pass direction. Such behavior cannot be controlled by standard linear systems approach and instead they must be treated as a multidimensional system, i.e. information propagation in more than one independent direction. Physical examples of such processes include long-wall coal cutting and metal rolling. In this paper, stability analysis and control systems design algorithms are developed for a model where a plane, or rectangle, of information is propagated in the passto- pass direction. The possible use of these in the control of distributed parameter systems is then described using a fourthorder wavefront equation

    Design of Vedic ALU for 16-Bit Processor

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    The main objective of this project is to design a VEDIC ALU for a 16-bit processor. The Arithmetic operations in the ALU are performed using the few of the 16 sutras of Vedic Mathematics. Even though, addition and subtraction sutras are similar to the conventional methods, multiplication and division methods are derived and implemented successfully in ALU using the Vedic sutras. The advantage of implementing Vedic sutras for Multiplication and Division is the faster speed and reduced hardware. It also reduces the total power consumption as compared to the conventional ALU which is currently being used. The platform for designing the Vedic ALU is XILINX ISE and the preferred language is Verilog. Vedic Mathematics is the Ancient Indian technique of Mathematics, derived from ancient Vedas, that was rediscovered in 20th century by Swami Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj

    Reliability of two methods for identifying the postural phase of gait initiation in healthy and post-stroke subjects

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    This study aims to compare two methods of assessing the postural phase of gait initiation as to intrasession reliability, in healthy and post-stroke subjects. As a secondary aim, this study aims to analyse anticipatory postural adjustments during gait initiation based on the centre of pressure (CoP) displacements in post-stroke participants. The CoP signal was acquired during gait initiation in fifteen post-stroke subjects and twenty-three healthy controls. Postural phase was identified through a baseline-based method and a maximal displacement based method. In both healthy and post-stroke participants higher intra-class correlation coefficient and lower coefficient of variation values were obtained with the baseline-based method when compared to the maximal displacement based method. Post-stroke participants presented decreased CoP displacement backward and toward the first swing limb compared to controls when the baseline-based method was used. With the maximal displacement based method, there were differences between groups only regarding backward CoP displacement. Postural phase duration in medial-lateral direction was also increased in post-stroke participants when using the maximal displacement based method. The findings obtained indicate that the baseline-based method is more reliable detecting the onset of gait initiation in both groups, while the maximal displacement based method presents greater sensitivity for post-stroke participants

    UMA COVID-19_News_Directive from Chancellor Malloy_March 10, 2020

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    Screenshot of University of Maine at Augusta\u27s news webpage with a communication from Chancellor Dannel Malloy regarding the collective actions undertaken by the University of Maine System to prepare for COVID-19

    Interlimb relation during the double support phase of gait: an electromyographic, mechanical and energy based analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse the interlimb relation and the influence of mechanical energy on metabolic energy expenditure during gait. In total, 22 subjects were monitored as to electromyographic activity, ground reaction forces and VO2 consumption (metabolic power) during gait. The results demonstrate a moderate negative correlation between the activity of tibialis anterior, biceps femoris and vastus medialis of the trailing limb during the transition between midstance and double support and that of the leading limb during double support for the same muscles, and between these and gastrocnemius medialis and soleus of the trailing limb during double support. Trailing limb soleus during the transition between mid-stance and double support was positively correlated to leading limb tibialis anterior, vastus medialis and biceps femoris during double support. Also, the trailing limb centre of mass mechanical work was strongly influenced by the leading limbs, although only the mechanical power related to forward progression of both limbs was correlated to metabolic power. These findings demonstrate a consistent interlimb relation in terms of electromyographic activity and centre of mass mechanical work, being the relations occurred in the plane of forward progression the more important to gait energy expenditure

    First-Pass Meconium Samples from Healthy Term Vaginally-Delivered Neonates : An Analysis of the Microbiota

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    Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the parents who consented to provide samples with limited notice at an emotional and stressful time. This work was supported entirely from personal donations to the neonatal endowments fund at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital and we thank families for their continued generosity, year-on-year. The Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health receives funding from the Scottish Government (SG-RESAS). Funding: This work was funded from NHS Grampian Neonatal Endowments. The Rowett Institute receives funding from the Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services programme of the Scottish Government. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Emoções e promoção da saúde

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    Ser capaz de gerir os próprios afectos bem como as relações inter-sociais ao longo do tempo, são a proposta do estudo que a seguir se apresenta. Parte-se do pressuposto que uma das formas mais profundas de assegurar a Promoção da Saúde intra e interpessoal, é aprender a tornar-se emocionalmente competente (Veiga Branco, 2004; 2007). Ser emocionalmente competente é ser capaz de encontrar soluções, a partir de recursos internos que emergem das emoções, e substancialmente da gestão das emoções e da automotivação que os sujeitos podem encontrar. Este conjunto de destrezas parece potencializar a percepção de uma vida psicoafectiva à qual parecem estar ligados o êxito social, individual, sucesso profissional e felicidade conjugal (Goleman, 1995; 2000). A Promoção e Educação para a Saúde insere o bem-estar da pessoa como um todo, o que envolve: o homem é razão, mas também emoção. Métodos Estudo exploratório, quantitativo e transversal. Utiliza o instrumento desenvolvido para estudos anteriores “Escala Veiga de Competência Emocional” (EVCE), (Veiga Branco, 2004, a),b) e 2007), cujas respostas – submetidas à Análise de Componentes Principais e analisadas por Alpha de Cronbach – foram tratadas através do programa SPSS 13.0. A amostra do estudo é constituída por 183 sujeitos, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e77 anos, residentes em Bragança. Destes, 58 eram do sexo masculino e 125 do sexo feminino. Objectivos: Conhecer e analisar o perfil de Competência Emocional de uma amostra da população de Bragança; Identificar as diferenças entre os estudos apresentados no construto e os dados recolhidos no trabalho empírico.Resultados Qual é o Perfil de Competência Emocional encontrado? Verifica-se que os estudantes Pouco Frequentemente vivem a Auto-consciência de Fenómenos Emocionais. Também fazem a Gestão de Emoções com Pouca Frequência tal como a Auto motivação. Mas têm a percepção que Por Norma, vivem a Empatia e a Gestão de Emoções em Grupo. Todavia é preocupante que ocorram frequentemente Alterações relacionadas e racionais (x 3,80+ dp1.6); e que Por norma, 25% dos estudantes vivam uma Percepção negativa de si: ruminação e absorção emocional (x 3.17+ dp 1,53); e sobretudo que 20% dos estudantes adopte por norma as Estratégias: isolamento, intrusão, explosão e percepção de perigos (x 3,27+ dp 1,60); e ainda que 20% se sintam Iliteratos e manipulados por pensamentos negativos (x 3,07+ dp 1,50). Estes resultados apontam para alguma necessidade de intervenção em Educação Emocional

    An integrated software system for geometric correction of LANDSAT MSS imagery

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    A system for geometrically correcting LANDSAT MSS imagery includes all phases of processing, from receiving a raw computer compatible tape (CCT) to the generation of a corrected CCT (or UTM mosaic). The system comprises modules for: (1) control of the processing flow; (2) calculation of satellite ephemeris and attitude parameters, (3) generation of uncorrected files from raw CCT data; (4) creation, management and maintenance of a ground control point library; (5) determination of the image correction equations, using attitude and ephemeris parameters and existing ground control points; (6) generation of corrected LANDSAT file, using the equations determined beforehand; (7) union of LANDSAT scenes to produce and UTM mosaic; and (8) generation of output tape, in super-structure format

    Interlimb coordination during the stance phase of gait in subjects with stroke

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    To analyze the relation between contralesional and ipsilesional limbs in subjects with stroke during step-to-step transition of walking. Observational, transversal, analytical study with a convenience sample. Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic. Participants: Subjects (nZ16) with poststroke hemiparesis with the ability to walk independently and healthy controls (nZ22). Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Bilateral lower limbs electromyographic activity of the soleus (SOL), gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, and vastus medialis (VM) muscles and the ground reaction force were analyzed during double-support and terminal stance phases of gait. The propulsive impulse of the contralesional trailing limb was negatively correlated with the braking impulse of the leading limb during double support (rZ .639, PZ.01). A moderate functional relation was observed between thigh muscles (rZ .529, PZ.035), and a strong and moderate dysfunctional relation was found between the plantar flexors of the ipsilesional limb and the vastus medialis of the contralesional limb, respectively (SOL-VM, rZ .80, P<.001; gastrocnemius medialis-VM, rZ .655, PZ.002). Also, a functional moderate negative correlation was found between the SOL and rectus femoris muscles of the ipsilesional limb during terminal stance and between the SOL (rZ .506, PZ.046) and VM (rZ .518, PZ.04) muscles of the contralesional limb during loading response, respectively. The trailing limb relative impulse contribution of the contralesional limb was lower than the ipsilesional limb of subjects with stroke (PZ.02) and lower than the relative impulse contribution of the healthy limb (PZ.008) during double support. The findings obtained suggest that the lower performance of the contralesional limb in forward propulsion during gait is related not only to contralateral supraspinal damage but also to a dysfunctional influence of the ipsilesional limb

    External fixator configurations in tibia fractures: 1D optimization and 3D analysis comparison

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    The use of external fixation devices in orthopedic surgery is very common in open tibial fractures. A properly applied fixator may improve the healing process while one improperly applied might delay the healing process. The several external fixator systems used in clinical today, can be categorized into uniplanar–unilateral, uniplanar–bilateral, biplanar and multiplanar. The stability on the fracture focus and, therefore, the fracture healing process, is related with the type of external fixator configuration that is selected. The aim of this study is to discuss the principles for the successful application of unilateral–uniplanar external fixation, the assembly of its components, for the case of a transverse fractures using computational models. In this context, the fixation stiffness characteristics are evaluated using a simplified 1D finite element model for the tibia and external fixator. The beams are modeled with realistic cross-sectional geometry and material properties instead of a simplified model. The VABS (the Variational Asymptotic Beam Section analysis) methodology is used to compute the cross-sectional model for the generalized Timoshenko model, which was embedded in the finite element solver FEAP. The use of Timoshenko beam theory allows accounting for several kinds of loads, including torsion moments. Optimal design is performed with respect to the assembly of fixator components using a genetic algorithm. The optimization procedure is based on the evaluation of an objective function, which is dependent on the displacement at the fracture focus. The initial and optimal results are compared by performing a 3D analysis, for which different three-dimensional finite element models are created. The geometrical model of a tibia is created on the basis of data acquired by CAT scan, made for a healthy tibia of a 22 year old male. The 3D comparison of the 1D optimal results show a clear improvement on the objective function for the several load cases and, therefore, it is shown that appropriate selection of the external fixator geometrical features can lead to an improvement on the stability of the external fixator. The results obtained show that the optimal position of the side beam and the first pin should be as close as possible to the bone interface and as close as possible to the fracture focus, respectively. Concerning the second pin, it should be placed away from the first pin in case of flexion loads, to axial and torsion loads the second pin should be placed near the first pin