275 research outputs found
High Temperature 3D QCD: Dimensional Reduction at Work
We investigate the three-dimensional SU(3) gauge theory at finite temperature
in the framework of dimensional reduction. The large scale properties of this
theory are expected to be conceptually more complicated than in four
dimensions. The dimensionally reduced action is computed in closed analytical
form. The resulting effective two-dimensional theory is studied numerically
both in the electric and magnetic sector. We find that dimensional reduction
works excellently down to temperatures of 1.5 times the deconfinement phase
transition temperature and even on rather short length scales. We obtain strong
evidence that for , even at high temperature the colour averaged
potential is represented by the exchange of a single state, at variance with
the usual Debye screening picture involving a pair of electric gluons.Comment: 27 page
Faster subsequence recognition in compressed strings
Computation on compressed strings is one of the key approaches to processing
massive data sets. We consider local subsequence recognition problems on
strings compressed by straight-line programs (SLP), which is closely related to
Lempel--Ziv compression. For an SLP-compressed text of length , and an
uncompressed pattern of length , C{\'e}gielski et al. gave an algorithm for
local subsequence recognition running in time . We improve
the running time to . Our algorithm can also be used to
compute the longest common subsequence between a compressed text and an
uncompressed pattern in time ; the same problem with a
compressed pattern is known to be NP-hard
Improved Approximate String Matching and Regular Expression Matching on Ziv-Lempel Compressed Texts
We study the approximate string matching and regular expression matching
problem for the case when the text to be searched is compressed with the
Ziv-Lempel adaptive dictionary compression schemes. We present a time-space
trade-off that leads to algorithms improving the previously known complexities
for both problems. In particular, we significantly improve the space bounds,
which in practical applications are likely to be a bottleneck
Detecting One-variable Patterns
Given a pattern such that
, where is a
variable and its reversal, and
are strings that contain no variables, we describe an
algorithm that constructs in time a compact representation of all
instances of in an input string of length over a polynomially bounded
integer alphabet, so that one can report those instances in time.Comment: 16 pages (+13 pages of Appendix), 4 figures, accepted to SPIRE 201
Asymptotic Behavior of the Correlator for Polyakov Loops
The asymptotic behavior of the correlator for Polyakov loop operators
separated by a large distance is determined for high temperature QCD. It is
dominated by nonperturbative effects related to the exchange of magnetostatic
gluons. To analyze the asymptotic behavior, the problem is formulated in terms
of the effective field theory of QCD in 3 space dimensions. The Polyakov loop
operator is expanded in terms of local gauge-invariant operators constructed
out of the magnetostatic gauge field, with coefficients that can be calculated
using resummed perturbation theory. The asymptotic behavior of the correlator
is , where is the mass of the lowest-lying glueball in
-dimensional QCD. This result implies that existing lattice calculations
of the Polyakov loop correlator at the highest temperatures available do not
probe the true asymptotic region in .Comment: 10 pages, NUHEP-TH-94-2
Lattice Artefacts In The Non-Abelian Debye Screening Mass In One Loop Order
We compute the electric screening mass in lattice QCD with Wilson fermions at
finite temperature and chemical potential to one-loop order, and show that
lattice artefacts arising from a finite lattice spacing result in an
enhancement of the screening mass as compared to the continuum. We discuss the
magnitude of this enhancement as a function of the temperature and chemical
potential for lattices with different number of lattice sites in the temporal
direction that can be implemented in lattice simulations. Most of the
enhancement is found to be due to the fermion loop contribution.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, LaTe
The Nonabelian Debye Mass at Next-to-Leading Order
It is shown that after a resummation of leading high-temperature
contributions, a complete and gauge-independent result for the nonabelian Debye
screening mass at next-to-leading order can be extracted from the static gluon
propagator. In contrast to previous, incomplete results, the correction to the
Debye mass is found to be logarithmically sensitive to the nonperturbative
magnetic mass and positive, in accordance with recent high-statistics results
from lattice calculations.Comment: 8 pages, REVTEX v3.0, BI-TP 93/42 (minor corrections in text and
Aktinomykeettien ja homeiden esiintyminen verkostovedessä
Valtaosa Suomen talousvesistä täyttää kaikki asetetut normit ja kuluttajat pitävät talousveden laatua hyvänä, mutta myös suomalaisissa talousvesissä esiintyy mikrobiologisia ongelmia. Yksi tällainen ilmiö on verkostovesien haju- ja makuongelmat, jotka aiheutuvat verkostoissa tapahtuvasta mikrobikasvusta. Tässä oleelliset tekijät ovat putkistojen pinnoilla biofilmeillä kasvavat aktinomykeetit ja mikrosienet (homeet ja hiivat).
Aiempaa tutkimustietoa asiasta ei juuri ole, joten Kansanterveyslaitos aloitti vuonna 2004 Vesihuoltolaitosten kehittämisrahaston tukemana tutkimuksen, jossa selvitettiin homeiden ja aktinomykeettien esiintymisestä Suomen talousvesiverkostoissa. Tutkimus käynnistettiin valtakunnallisella kyselyllä, johon vastasi 405: vedenottamoa. Näistä n. 10%:lla oli homeisiin/aktinomykeetteihinmahdollisesti liittyviä haju- tai makuongelmia verkostovesissä
Practical Evaluation of Lempel-Ziv-78 and Lempel-Ziv-Welch Tries
We present the first thorough practical study of the Lempel-Ziv-78 and the
Lempel-Ziv-Welch computation based on trie data structures. With a careful
selection of trie representations we can beat well-tuned popular trie data
structures like Judy, m-Bonsai or Cedar
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