10,906 research outputs found

    3D-2D crossover in the naturally layered superconductor (LaSe)1.14(NbSe2)

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    The temperature and angular dependencies of the resistive upper critical magnetic field Bc2B_{c2} reveal a dimensional crossover of the superconducting state in the highly anisotropic misfit-layer single crystal of (LaSe)1.14_{1.14}(NbSe2_2) with the critical temperature TcT_c of 1.23 K. The temperature dependence of the upper critical field Bc2ab(T)B_{c2\parallel ab}(T) for a field orientation along the conducting (ab)(ab)-planes displays a characteristic upturn at 1.1 K and below this temperature the angular dependence of Bc2B_{c2} has a cusp around the parallel field orientation. Both these typical features are observed for the first time in a naturally crystalline layered system.Comment: 7 pages incl. 3 figure

    An XMM-Newton observation of the young open cluster NGC 2547: coronal activity at 30 Myr

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    We report XMM-Newton observations of the young open cluster NGC 2547 which allow us to characterise coronal activity in solar-type stars at an age of 30 Myr. X-ray emission peaks among G-stars at luminosities (0.3-3keV) of Lx~10^{30.5} erg/s and declines to Lx<=10^{29.0} erg/s among M-stars. Coronal spectra show evidence for multi-temperature differential emission measures and low coronal metal abundances (Z~0.3). The G- and K-type stars follow the same relationship between X-ray activity and Rossby number established in older clusters and field stars, although most solar-type stars in NGC 2547 exhibit saturated/super-saturated X-ray activity levels. Median levels of Lx and Lx/Lbol in the solar-type stars of NGC 2547 are similar to T-Tauri stars of the Orion Nebula cluster (ONC), but an order of magnitude higher than in the older Pleiades. The spread in X-ray activity levels among solar-type stars in NGC 2547 is much smaller than in older or younger clusters. Coronal temperatures increase with Lx, Lx/Lbol and surface X-ray flux. Active solar-type stars in NGC 2547 have coronal temperatures between those in the ONC and the most active older ZAMS stars. A flaring rate (for total flare energies [0.3-3keV] >10^{34} erg) of 1 every 350^{+350}_{-120} ks was found for solar-type stars, similar to rates found in the ONC and Pleiades. Comparison with ROSAT HRI data taken 7 years previously reveals that only 10-15 percent of solar-type stars or stars with Lx>3x10^{29} erg/s exhibit X-ray variability by more than a factor of two. The similar levels of X-ray activity and rate of occurrence for large flares in NGC 2547 and the ONC demonstrate that the X-ray radiation environment around young solar-type stars remains relatively constant over their first 30 Myr (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Electronic tables available from the autho

    Road blocks on paleogenomes - polymerase extension profiling reveals the frequency of blocking lesions in ancient DNA

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    Although the last few years have seen great progress in DNA sequence retrieval from fossil specimens, some of the characteristics of ancient DNA remain poorly understood. This is particularly true for blocking lesions, i.e. chemical alterations that cannot be bypassed by DNA polymerases and thus prevent amplification and subsequent sequencing of affected molecules. Some studies have concluded that the vast majority of ancient DNA molecules carry blocking lesions, suggesting that the removal, repair or bypass of blocking lesions might dramatically increase both the time depth and geographical range of specimens available for ancient DNA analysis. However, previous studies used very indirect detection methods that did not provide conclusive estimates on the frequency of blocking lesions in endogenous ancient DNA. We developed a new method, polymerase extension profiling (PEP), that directly reveals occurrences of polymerase stalling on DNA templates. By sequencing thousands of single primer extension products using PEP methodology, we have for the first time directly identified blocking lesions in ancient DNA on a single molecule level. Although we found clear evidence for blocking lesions in three out of four ancient samples, no more than 40% of the molecules were affected in any of the samples, indicating that such modifications are far less frequent in ancient DNA than previously thought

    Efficient Coupling between Dielectric-Loaded Plasmonic and Silicon Photonic Waveguides

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    The realization of practical on-chip plasmonic devices will require efficient coupling of light into and out of surface plasmon waveguides over short length scales. In this letter, we report on low insertion loss for polymer-on-gold dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides end-coupled to silicon-on-insulator waveguides with a coupling efficiency of 79 ± 2% per transition at telecommunication wavelengths. Propagation loss is determined independently of insertion loss by measuring the transmission through plasmonic waveguides of varying length, and we find a characteristic surface-plasmon propagation length of 51 ± 4 μm at a free-space wavelength of λ = 1550 nm. We also demonstrate efficient coupling to whispering-gallery modes in plasmonic ring resonators with an average bending-loss-limited quality factor of 180 ± 8

    How effective is the Forestry Commission Scotland's woodland improvement programme--'Woods In and Around Towns' (WIAT)--at improving psychological well-being in deprived urban communities? A quasi-experimental study

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    Introduction: There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that green spaces may positively influence psychological well-being. This project is designed to take advantage of a natural experiment where planned physical and social interventions to enhance access to natural environments in deprived communities provide an opportunity to prospectively assess impacts on perceived stress and mental well-being.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Study design and methods: A controlled, prospective study comprising a repeat cross-sectional survey of residents living within 1.5 km of intervention and comparison sites. Three waves of data will be collected: prephysical environment intervention (2013); postphysical environment intervention (2014) and postwoodland promotion social intervention (2015). The primary outcome will be a measure of perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale) preintervention and postintervention. Secondary, self-report outcomes include: mental well-being (Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale), changes in physical activity (IPAQ-short form), health (EuroQoL EQ-5D), perception and use of the woodlands, connectedness to nature (Inclusion of Nature in Self Scale), social cohesion and social capital. An environmental audit will complement the study by evaluating the physical changes in the environment over time and recording any other contextual changes over time. A process evaluation will assess the implementation of the programme. A health economics analysis will assess the cost consequences of each stage of the intervention in relation to the primary and secondary outcomes of the study.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval has been given by the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh College of Art Research, Ethics and Knowledge Exchange Committee (ref. 19/06/2012). Findings will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications, national and international conferences and, at the final stage of the project, through a workshop for those interested in implementing environmental interventions.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt

    FermiFermi GBM Observations of V404 Cyg During its 2015 Outburst

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    V404 Cygni was discovered in 1989 by the GingaGinga X-ray satellite during its only previously observed X-ray outburst and soon after confirmed as a black hole binary. On June 15, 2015, the Gamma Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) triggered on a new outburst of V404 Cygni. We present 13 days of GBM observations of this outburst including Earth occultation flux measurements, spectral and temporal analysis. The Earth occultation fluxes reached 30 Crab with detected emission to 100 keV and determined, via hardness ratios, that the source was in a hard state. At high luminosity, spectral analysis between 8 and 300 keV showed that the electron temperature decreased with increasing luminosity. This is expected if the protons and electrons are in thermal equilibrium during an outburst with the electrons cooled by the Compton scattering of softer seed photons from the disk. However, the implied seed photon temperatures are unusually high, suggesting a contribution from another source, such as the jet. No evidence of state transitions is seen during this time period. The temporal analysis reveals power spectra that can be modeled with two or three strong, broad Lorentzians, similar to the power spectra of black hole binaries in their hard state

    Selective spin coupling through a single exciton

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    We present a novel scheme for performing a conditional phase gate between two spin qubits in adjacent semiconductor quantum dots through delocalized single exciton states, formed through the inter-dot Foerster interaction. We consider two resonant quantum dots, each containing a single excess conduction band electron whose spin embodies the qubit. We demonstrate that both the two-qubit gate, and arbitrary single-qubit rotations, may be realized to a high fidelity with current semiconductor and laser technology.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; published version, equation formatting improved, references adde

    Development of transparent microwell arrays for optical monitoring and dissection of microbial communities

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    Citation: Halsted, M., Wilmoth, J. L., Briggs, P. A., Hansen, R. R., Briggs, D. P., Timm, A. C., & Retterer, S. T. (2016). Development of transparent microwell arrays for optical monitoring and dissection of microbial communities. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 34(6), 5. doi:10.1116/1.4962739Microbial communities are incredibly complex systems that dramatically and ubiquitously influence our lives. They help to shape our climate and environment, impact agriculture, drive business, and have a tremendous bearing on healthcare and physical security. Spatial confinement, as well as local variations in physical and chemical properties, affects development and interactions within microbial communities that occupy critical niches in the environment. Recent work has demonstrated the use of silicon based microwell arrays, combined with parylene lift-off techniques, to perform both deterministic and stochastic assembly of microbial communities en masse, enabling the high-throughput screening of microbial communities for their response to growth in confined environments under different conditions. The implementation of a transparent microwell array platform can expand and improve the imaging modalities that can be used to characterize these assembled communities. Here, the fabrication and characterization of a next generation transparent microwell array is described. The transparent arrays, comprised of SU-8 patterned on a glass coverslip, retain the ability to use parylene lift-off by integrating a low temperature atomic layer deposition of silicon dioxide into the fabrication process. This silicon dioxide layer prevents adhesion of the parylene material to the patterned SU-8, facilitating dry lift-off, and maintaining the ability to easily assemble microbial communities within the microwells. These transparent microwell arrays can screen numerous community compositions using continuous, high resolution, imaging. The utility of the design was successfully demonstrated through the stochastic seeding and imaging of green fluorescent protein expressing Escherichia coli using both fluorescence and brightfield microscopies. (C) 2016 American Vacuum Society

    Air Traffic Simulation Technology for High-Population Metroplexes

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    IAI's MetroSim optimizes air traffic by simulating departures, arrivals, and activity in air and onthe ground in busy metroplexes, where flights impact each other at a single airport and among traffic at nearby airports. MetroSim evolved out of several NASA SBIR/STTR Awards and has since been used by NASA for flight simulation analysis. MetroSim has also been integrated with FAA and DOT technology, has produced studies for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and is under development to support the Nav