349 research outputs found

    Burst Erasure Correction of 2D convolutional codes

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    In this paper we address the problem of decoding 2D convolutional codes over the erasure channel. In particular, we present a procedure to recover bursts of erasures that are distributed in a diagonal line. To this end we introduce the notion of balls around a burst of erasures which can be considered an analogue of the notion of sliding window in the context of 1D convolutional codes. The main result reduces the decoding problem of 2D convolutional codes to a problem of decoding a set of associated 1D convolutional codes

    An in-and-out-the-lab Raman spectroscopy study on street art murals from Reggio Emilia in Italy

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    The street art murals ‘The Big Mother’ by Gola Hundun, the ‘Big Sacral Bird’ by Kenor, the ‘Oriental Carpet” by H101 and “The Economy Subdues You” by Zosen, belonging to the Cooperative Popular Houses of Mancasale and Coviolo in Reggio Emilia (Italy), were investigated by the use of various mobile Raman spectrometers coupled to different lasers and by micro-Raman spectroscopy on selected samples. The study was made necessary by the evident fading of many colours, despite the young age of the paintings, realized in 2010. The first step of the investigation, realized by the on-site campaign, was the identification of the materials, and in particular of the dyes. The main chromophores were identified as polycyclic, monoazo- and disazo- organic pigments, with inorganic compounds as bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) together with the extensive presence of rutile (TiO2). The second step was devoted to the study of the degradation mechanism affecting the colourful layers of the murals. It required the use of laboratory micro-spectrometers and was carried out on a reduced set of samples, selected during the in-situ campaign. This combination of on-site and laboratory Raman spectroscopy allowed the obtaining of the complete identification of the palette used by the different artists in a single day of measurements, in a complete non-destructive day. In addition, it was possible to minimize the number of samples required for the study of the degradation process. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Input-state-output representations and constructions of finite-support 2D convolutional codes

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    Two-dimensional convolutional codes are considered, with codewords having compact support indexed in N^2 and taking values in F^n, where F is a finite field. Input-state-output representations of these codes are introduced and several aspects of such representations are discussed. Constructive procedures of such codes with a designed distance are also presented. © 2010 AIMS-SDU

    Composition codes

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    In this paper we introduce a special class of 2D convolutional codes, called composition codes, which admit encoders G(d1,d2) that can be decomposed as the product of two 1D encoders, i.e., G(d1,d2)=G2(d2)G1(d1). Taking into account this decomposition, we obtain syndrome formers of the code directly from G1(d1) andG2(d2), in case G1(d1) andG2(d2) are right prime. Moreover we consider 2D state-space realizations by means of a separable Roesser model of the encoders and syndrome formers of a composition code and we investigate the minimality of such realizations. In particular, we obtain minimal realizations for composition codes which admit an encoder G(d1,d2)=G2(d2)G1(d1) withG2(d2) a systematic 1D encoder. Finally, we investigate the minimality of 2D separable Roesser state-space realizations for syndrome formers of these codes.publishe

    Resolving the cosmic X-ray background with a next-generation high-energy X-ray observatory

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    The cosmic X-ray background (CXB), which peaks at an energy of ~30 keV, is produced primarily by emission from accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs). The CXB therefore serves as a constraint on the integrated SMBH growth in the Universe and the accretion physics and obscuration in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). This paper gives an overview of recent progress in understanding the high-energy (>~10 keV) X-ray emission from AGNs and the synthesis of the CXB, with an emphasis on results from NASA's NuSTAR hard X-ray mission. We then discuss remaining challenges and open questions regarding the nature of AGN obscuration and AGN physics. Finally, we highlight the exciting opportunities for a next-generation, high-resolution hard X-ray mission to achieve the long-standing goal of resolving and characterizing the vast majority of the accreting SMBHs that produce the CXB.Comment: Science White paper submitted to Astro2020 Decadal Survey; 5 pages, 3 figures, plus references and cover pag

    Nearest-neighbour distribution of distances in crystals from extended X-ray absorption fine structure

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    Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) is a powerful probe of the distribution of nearest-neighbour distances around selected atomic species. We consider here the effect of vibrational disorder in crystals. The potential of EXAFS for the accurate evaluation of the coefficient of bond thermal expansion and its temperature dependence is discussed, with the aim of stimulating and facilitating the comparison with the results from total scattering experiments. The meaning of the distribution asymmetry in crystals and its connection with the effective potential anharmonicity and the bond expansion is quantitatively explored by comparing the results for a number of different systems. The extent of the relative atomic vibrations perpendicular to the bond direction and the perpendicular to parallel anisotropy are correlated with the extent of lattice negative thermal expansion as well as with the ionic mobility in superionic crystals

    Bringing faint active galactic nuclei (AGNs) to light: a view from large-scale cosmological simulations

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    The sensitivity of X-ray facilities and our ability to detect fainter active galactic nuclei (AGNs) will increase with the upcoming Athena mission and the AXIS and Lynx concept missions, thus improving our understanding of supermassive black holes (BHs) in a luminosity regime that can be dominated by X-ray binaries. We analyze the population of faint AGN (L_x (2-10 keV) < 10^42 erg/s) in the Illustris, TNG100, EAGLE, and SIMBA cosmological simulations, and find that the properties of their host galaxies vary from one simulation to another. In Illustris and EAGLE, faint AGN are powered by low-mass BHs located in low-mass star-forming galaxies. In TNG100 and SIMBA, they are mostly associated with more massive BHs in quenched massive galaxies. We model the X-ray binary populations (XRB) of the simulated galaxies, and find that AGN often dominate the galaxy AGN+XRB hard X-ray luminosity at z>2, while XRBs dominate in some simulations at z<2. Whether the AGN or XRB emission dominates in star-forming and quenched galaxies depends on the simulations. These differences in simulations can be used to discriminate between galaxy formation models with future high-resolution X-ray observations. We compare the luminosity of simulated faint AGN host galaxies to observations of stacked galaxies from Chandra. Our comparison indicates that the simulations post-processed with our X-ray modeling tend to overestimate the AGN+XRB X-ray luminosity; luminosity that can be strongly affected by AGN obscuration. Some simulations reveal clear AGN trends as a function of stellar mass (e.g., galaxy luminosity drop in massive galaxies), which are not apparent in the observations.Comment: Published version - MNRA

    Detectability subspaces and observer synthesis for two-dimensional systems

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    The notions of input-containing and detectability subspaces are developed within the context of observer synthesis for two-dimensional (2-D) Fornasini-Marchesini models. Specifically, the paper considers observers which asymptotically estimate the local state, in the sense that the error tends to zero as the reconstructed local state evolves away from possibly mismatched boundary values, modulo a detectability subspace. Ultimately, the synthesis of such observers in the absence of explicit input information is addressed

    Astro 2020 Science White Paper: Time Domain Studies of Neutron Star and Black Hole Populations: X-ray Identification of Compact Object Types

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    What are the most important conditions and processes governing the growth of stellar-origin compact objects? The identification of compact object type as either black hole (BH) or neutron star (NS) is fundamental to understanding their formation and evolution. To date, time-domain determination of compact object type remains a relatively untapped tool. Measurement of orbital periods, pulsations, and bursts will lead to a revolution in the study of the demographics of NS and BH populations, linking source phenomena to accretion and galaxy parameters (e.g., star formation, metallicity). To perform these measurements over sufficient parameter space, a combination of a wide-field (>5000 deg^2) transient X-ray monitor over a dynamic energy range (~1-100 keV) and an X-ray telescope for deep surveys with <5 arcsec PSF half-energy width (HEW) angular resolution are required. Synergy with multiwavelength data for characterizing the underlying stellar population will transform our understanding of the time domain properties of transient sources, helping to explain details of supernova explosions and gravitational wave event rates.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to the Astro2020 Decadal Surve

    Geometric techniques for implicit two-dimensional systems

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    Geometric tools are developed for two-dimensional (2-D) models in an implicitFornasini–Marchesini form. In particular, the structural properties of controlled and conditionedinvariance are defined and studied. These properties are investigated in terms ofquarter-plane causal solutions of the implicit model given compatible boundary conditions.The definitions of controlled and conditioned invariance introduced, along with the correspondingoutput-nulling and input-containing subspaces, are shown to be richer than theone-dimensional counterparts. The analysis carried out in this paper establishes necessaryand sufficient conditions for the solvability of 2-D disturbance decoupling problems andunknown-input observation problems. The conditions obtained are expressed in terms ofoutput-nulling and input-containing subspaces, which can be computed recursively in a finitenumber of steps
