422 research outputs found

    Calculating the Fine Structure of a Fabry-Perot Resonator using Spheroidal Wave Functions

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    A new set of vector solutions to Maxwell's equations based on solutions to the wave equation in spheroidal coordinates allows laser beams to be described beyond the paraxial approximation. Using these solutions allows us to calculate the complete first-order corrections in the short-wavelength limit to eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies in a Fabry-Perot resonator with perfectly conducting mirrors. Experimentally relevant effects are predicted. Modes which are degenerate according to the paraxial approximation are split according to their total angular momentum. This includes a splitting due to coupling between orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum

    Observing an invisible Higgs boson

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    Given its weak coupling to bottom quarks and tau leptons, the Higgs boson may predominantly decay into invisible particles like gravitinos, neutralinos, or gravitons. We consider the manifestation of such an invisibly decaying Higgs boson in weak boson fusion at the CERN LHC. Distinctive kinematic distributions of the two quark jets of the signal as compared to Zjj and Wjj backgrounds allow to restrict the Higgs branching ratio to 'invisible' final states to some 13% with 10fb^{-1} of data, provided events with two energetic forward jets of high dijet invariant mass and with substantial missing transverse momentum can be triggered efficiently. It is also possible to discover these particles with masses up to 480 GeV in weak boson fusion, at the 5 sigma level, provided their invisible branching ratio is close to 100%

    Rydberg Atom-Enabled Spectroscopy of Polar Molecules via Förster Resonance Energy Transfer

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    Non-radiative energy transfer between a Rydberg atom and a polar molecule can be controlled by a static electric field. Here, we show how to exploit this control for state-resolved, non-destructive detection and spectroscopy of the molecules, where the lineshape reflects the type of molecular transition. Using the example of ammonia, we identify the conditions for collision-mediated spectroscopy in terms of the required electric field strengths, relative velocities, and molecular densities. Rydberg atom-enabled spectroscopy is feasible with current experimental technology, providing a versatile detection method as a basic building block for applications of polar molecules in quantum technologies and chemical reaction studies

    Rydberg atom-enabled spectroscopy of polar molecules via F\"orster resonance energy transfer

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    Non-radiative energy transfer between a Rydberg atom and a polar molecule can be controlled by a DC electric field. Here we show how to exploit this control for state-resolved, non-destructive detection and spectroscopy of the molecules where the lineshape reflects the type of molecular transition. Using the example of ammonia, we identify the conditions for collision-mediated spectroscopy in terms of the required electric field strengths, relative velocities, and molecular densities. Rydberg atom-enabled spectroscopy is feasible with current experimental technology, providing a versatile detection method as basic building block for applications of polar molecules in quantum technologies and chemical reaction studies.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Internal-state thermometry by depletion spectroscopy in a cold guided beam of formaldehyde

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    We present measurements of the internal state distribution of electrostatically guided formaldehyde. Upon excitation with continuous tunable ultraviolet laser light the molecules dissociate, leading to a decrease in the molecular flux. The population of individual guided states is measured by addressing transitions originating from them. The measured populations of selected states show good agreement with theoretical calculations for different temperatures of the molecule source. The purity of the guided beam as deduced from the entropy of the guided sample using a source temperature of 150K corresponds to that of a thermal ensemble with a temperature of about 30 K

    Structure Determination of Disordered Metallic Sub-Monolayers by Helium Scattering: A Theoretical and Experimental Study

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    An approach based on He scattering is used to develop an atomic-level structural model for an epitaxially grown disordered sub-monolayer of Ag on Pt(111) at 38K. Quantum scattering calculations are used to fit structural models to the measured angular intensity distribution of He atoms scattered from this system. The structure obtained corresponds to narrowly size-dispersed compact clusters with modest translational disorder, and not to fractals which might be expected due to the low surface temperature. The clusters have up to two layers in height, the lower one having few defects only. The relations between specific features of the angular scattering distribution, and properties such as the cluster sizes and shapes, the inter-cluster distance distribution etc., are discussed. The results demonstrate the usefulness of He scattering as a tool for unraveling new complex surface phases.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Surf. Sci. Lett. Related papers available at http://neon.cchem.berkeley.edu/~dani/He-papers.htm

    Adsorption of rare-gas atoms on Cu(111) and Pb(111) surfaces by van der Waals-corrected Density Functional Theory

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    The DFT/vdW-WF method, recently developed to include the Van der Waals interactions in Density Functional Theory (DFT) using the Maximally Localized Wannier functions, is applied to the study of the adsorption of rare-gas atoms (Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) on the Cu(111) and Pb(111) surfaces, at three high-symmetry sites. We evaluate the equilibrium binding energies and distances, and the induced work-function changes and dipole moments. We find that, for Ne, Ar, and Kr on the Cu(111) surface the different adsorption configurations are characterized by very similar binding energies, while the favored adsorption site for Xe on Cu(111) is on top of a Cu atom, in agreement with previous theoretical calculations and experimental findings, and in common with other close-packed metal surfaces. Instead, the favored site is always the hollow one on the Pb(111) surface, which therefore represents an interesting system where the investigation of high-coordination sites is possible. Moreover, the Pb(111) substrate is subject, upon rare-gas adsorption, to a significantly smaller change in the work function (and to a correspondingly smaller induced dipole moment) than Cu(111). The role of the chosen reference DFT functional and of different Van der Waals corrections, and their dependence on different rare-gas adatoms, are also discussed

    Cold guided beams of water isotopologs

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    Electrostatic velocity filtering and guiding is an established technique to produce high fluxes of cold polar molecules. In this paper we clarify different aspects of this technique by comparing experiments to detailed calculations. In the experiment, we produce cold guided beams of the three water isotopologs H2O, D2O and HDO. Their different rotational constants and orientations of electric dipole moments lead to remarkably different Stark shift properties, despite the molecules being very similar in a chemical sense. Therefore, the signals of the guided water isotopologs differ on an absolute scale and also exhibit characteristic electrode voltage dependencies. We find excellent agreement between the relative guided fractions and voltage dependencies of the investigated isotopologs and predictions made by our theoretical model of electrostatic velocity filtering.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures; small changes to the text, updated reference

    Effect of Charged Scalar Loops on Photonic Decays of a Fermiophobic Higgs

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    Higgs bosons with very suppressed couplings to fermions ("Fermiophobic Higgs bosons", h_f) can decay to two photons (\gamma\gamma) with a branching ratio significantly larger than that expected for the Standard Model Higgs boson for m_{h_f}<150 GeV. Such a particle would give a clear signal at the LHC and can arise in the Two Higgs Doublet Model (type I) in which h_f -> \gamma\gamma is mediated by W^+ and charged Higgs boson (H^+) loops. We show that the H^+ loops can cause both constructive and destructive contributions with a magnitude considerably larger than the anticipated precision in the measurement of the photonic decay channel at future hadron and lepton colliders.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, clarifications added, one reference added, accepted by Physical Review
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