136 research outputs found

    Use of a stimulated echo sequence in the MRI study of the brain and spine

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    We describe in this paper how the STEAM sequence can be an efficient tool to obtain images free of flow artifacts in anatomical situation where the spin echo failed. The simplest way to eliminate flow artifacts is to exploit the dephasing induced by motion in magnetic field gradients and to reduce to zero the signal from moving tissues. This can be achieve by increasing the time elapsed between the spin excitation and the signal observed. Because of T2 relaxation, such an increase results in a signal decrease when the spin echo sequence is used. The STEAM sequence has the unique property that the time elapsed between observation and excitation can be increased without change in T2 value and so allows a good suppression of signals from the moving spins with short TE. Our results demonstrate that, although the stimulated echo intensity is only half that of a spin echo taken at the same read out time, the advantages of STEAM imaging can compensate for this partial loss in signal to noise in some particular clinical situations. The influence of mixing time on contrast has been evaluated using thoracic spine imaging and it has been shown that contrast between spine and CSF can be significantly improved (+ 60%) when TM is increased (from 17 ms to 50 ms). In the same time, the contrast between spine and fat issue decreases (40%). This last effect facilitates the adjustment of contrast window. Suppression of motion artifacts has first been evaluated with thoracic spine imaging, using a whole body coil. Suppression of artifacts was better than that obtained with a flow compensated spin echo sequence, especially in the case of kyphotic patients when a presaturation band was inefficient. In a second step suppression of motion artifacts has been evaluated from posterior fossa examination after injection of a paramagnetic contrast agent. The images obtained with the stimulated echo sequence show a dramatic reduction of signal from blood in the lateral sinus, and therefore an increase of quality by elimination of motion artifacts

    Caractérisation physico-chimique et bactériologique des eaux usées brutes du réseau d’égout de la ville d’Abidjan

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    La gestion des eaux résiduaires urbaines pose de nombreux problèmes environnementaux qui deviennent préoccupants pour la santé des populations d’Abidjan. Pour remédier à cela, il est souhaitable de mettre en place des stations d’épurations. Ainsi, notre étude se présente comme une étude préliminaire visant à caractériser sur le plan physico-chimique et bactériologique les effluents du réseau d’égout de la ville d’Abidjan. Pour ce faire, nous avons effectué six campagnes de  prélèvement d’eaux usées durant une  année (Décembre 2013-Novembre 2014) sur huit (8) sites spécifiques du réseau d’égout. Ces échantillons ont fait l’objet  d’analyses physico-chimiques et bactériologiques sur la base des normes Françaises, Canadiennes et celles décrites par Rodier. Les résultats obtenus indiquent qu’à l’exception du phosphore total (PT) dont les concentrations sont comprises entre 4,3±4 et 10,9±6,7mg/l, les autres principaux indicateurs de pollution que sont l’azote total (NTK, 73,3±32 à 118,2±37,6 mg/l), les matières en suspension (MES, 79±23,3 à325,2±270,3 mg/l), la demande biochimique en oxygène en 5 jours (DBO5, 127,3±87,7 à 863,7±262,2 mgO2/l) et la demande chimique en oxygène (DCO, 276,2±195,6 à 975,3±249,4 mgO2/l) sont au-delà des valeurs guidesrecommandées par l’Etat de Côte d’Ivoire à travers le service d’inspection des installations classées (SIIC) en matière de rejet des effluents en milieu récepteur. L’analyse de la flore bactérienne des effluents révèle que les concentrations de coliformes fécaux et les streptocoques fécaux excèdent les valeurs indicatives préconisées par l’OMS.Mots clés : Caractérisation, eaux usées, réseau d’égout, bactériologie, physico-chimie

    Macroinvertebrate Communities Associated with Hydrilla verticillata (Royle, 1839) and Relationship with Environmental Factors in Ono Lagoon, Southeast of Côte d’Ivoire

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    The macroinvertebrates associated with Hydrilla verticillata was studied in Ono lagoon, South-eastern of Côte d'Ivoire. Monthly samples of macrophytes with their associated macroinvertebrates were collected in upstream, centre and downstreamusing a Van veen grab of 0.314 m2 internal area. The environmental variables (temperature, transparency, depth, conductivity, TDS, pH, dissolved oxygen, , , and ) were also recorded. A total of 71 taxa belonging to 28 families, 11 orders, 05 classes and 03 phyla of which 40 taxa were recorded in upstream, 45 taxa in centre and 44 taxa in downstream. Insects numerically dominated the capture, comprising 91.55% of the collectedtaxa with Odonata and Coleoptera being the most diverse and abundant groups. The density was higher in upstream (1407ind. per 100 g d.w.) and lower in downstream (1062 ind. per 100 g d.w.), whist theLibellulidae and Corduliidae exhibited the highest density communities. The rarefied richness did not show spatial variation but vary significantly between seasons. The Evenness did not show spatial and seasonal variations. However, Shannon diversity index varied significantly between sites and seasons. From the results of RDA analysis, conductivity and pH showed a strong environmental gradient and had a structuring effect on macroinvertebrate communities

    Evaluation de la fertilite femelle des arabusta par le niveau de ploidie et les generations d’hybrides

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    Les hybrides Arabusta sont caractérisés par une faible fertilité exprimée par des taux de caracolis élevés et des taux de loges vides importants induisant des productivités faibles. Pour une stratégie plus efficiente des sélections, il est important de connaître les niveaux de fertilité femelle des différents types de caféiers Arabusta. Ainsi donc, les fertilités femelles de quatre générations (G1, G2, G3, G4) de Coffea X arabusta et d’un rétrocroisement (back-cross) sur le parent arabica (BC) ont-elles été observées ainsi que celles de quatre groupes de caféiers de niveaux de ploïdie différents (diploïdes, triploïdes, tétraploïdes et pentaploïdes). Ces fertilités ont été déterminées par 4 paramètres ou estimateurs de fertilité : le taux d’écailles, le taux de caracolis, le taux de loges vides et le taux de remplissage des fruits. Les  valeurs  moyennes  de  ces  estimateurs  obtenues  chez  les  générations  et  le  back-cross  sont respectivement de : 35,16 % ; 59,70 % ; 30,37 % ; 45,34 %. En ce qui concerne les caféiers de différents niveaux de ploïdie, les valeurs moyennes des 4 estimateurs sont les suivants : taux d’écailles  31,66 % ; taux de caracolis  51,26 % ; taux de loges vides  20,13 % et taux de remplissage des fruits  55,33 %. Les résultats ont montré que la fertilité dépend de deux facteurs : un facteur génétique lié à la fertilité gamétique (écailles et caracolis), qui peut s’améliorer au cours des générations et un facteur physiologique lié à la fertilité zygotique (loges vides et fructification ou remplissage des fruits), qui est fortement influencé par l’environnement géo-morpho-climatique. Par ailleurs, le rétrocroisement des Arabusta sur le parent arabica n’est pas envisageable dans le contexte caféicole de Côte d’Ivoire. Enfin, cette étude a permis d’établir les normes d’utilisation des diploïdes, des triploïdes et des pentaploïdes. Ces derniers ont un niveau de fertilité comparable aux tétraploïdes et constituent une voie à explorer.Mots clés : Hybrides interspécifiques, fertilité femelle, génération

    Evaluation de la qualité des eaux de puits à usage domestique dans les quartiers défavorisés de quatre communes d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) : Koumassi, Marcory, Port-Bouet et Treichville

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    La qualité des eaux de puits à usages domestiques dans les quartiers précaires de quatre communes de la ville d’Abidjan a été étudiée à travers l’analyse des paramètres physico-chimiques et microbiologiques couramment utilisés pour la qualité de l’eau de consommation. Les concentrations en nitrates varient entre 0 et 286 mg/L et celles de l’ammonium entre 3,6 et 39,6 mg/L. Plus de 80% des puits ont des teneurs en nitrates supérieures à la norme de 50 mg/L requise, ce qui traduit que les eaux sont d’une mauvaise qualité pour la boisson, mais subissent l’impact d’une insalubrité urbaine. En plus, la qualité des eaux de puits est variable et dépend d’un certain nombre de facteurs tels que l’emplacement des puits par rapport aux sources de contamination urbaines endogènes. La dégradation de la qualité des eaux est fortement impactée par le défaut d’assainissement des quartiers précaires. L’interprétation des données d’analyse, la corrélation existante entre les eaux de puits et la répartition des eaux de puits en groupes sont réalisées en utilisant l’Analyse en Composante Principale Normée (ACPN). Plusieurs facteurs conditionnent la contamination des eaux de puits par les polluants minéraux tels que NO3 -, NH4 +, SO4 2- et Cl-. Le défaut d’assainissement dans ces quartiers, la mauvaise gestion des déchets urbains, la faible profondeur de la nappe, la nature des sols et la perméabilité de l’aquifère exploité sont les preuves de la vulnérabilité des eaux des puits. En effet, les résultats acquis font ressortir la forte influence de l’activité urbaine sur la qualité de ces eaux qui sont fortement chargées en ions nitrates et ammonium, signe d’une pollution urbaine. © 2010 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés : Pollution, eaux de puits, assainissement, analyse en composante principale normée, sels dissous

    Acceptabilite´ du test VIH propose´ aux nourrissons dans les services pe´ diatriques, en Coˆ te d’Ivoire, Significations pour la couverture du diagnostic pe´diatrique

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    Proble`me: Le de´pistage VIH chez les enfants a rarement e´te´ au centre des pre´occupations des chercheurs. Quand le de´pistage pe´diatrique a retenu l’attention, cela a e´te´ pour e´clairer seulement sur les performances diagnostiques en ignorant meˆme que le test pe´diatrique comme bien d’autres peut s’accepter ou se refuser. Cet article met au coeur de son analyse les raisons qui peuvent expliquer qu’on accepte ou qu’on refuse de faire de´pister son enfant.Objectif: Etudier chez les parents, les me`res, les facteurs explicatifs de l’acceptabilite´ du test VIH des  nourrissons de moins de six mois.Me´thodes: Entretien semi-directif a` passages re´pe´te´s avec les parents de nourrissons de moins de six mois dans les formations sanitaires pour la pese´e/vaccination et les consultations pe´diatriques avec proposition syste´matique d’un test VIH pour leur nourrisson.Re´sultats: Nous retenons que la re´alisation effective du test pe´diatrique du VIH chez le nourrisson repose sur trois e´le´ments. Primo, le personnel de sante´ par son discours (qui de´note de ses connaissances et  perceptions meˆme sur l’infection) oriente´ vers les me`res influence leur acceptation ou non du test. Secundo, la me`re qui par ses connaissances et perceptions meˆme sur le VIH, dont le statut particulier, l’impression de bien-eˆtre chez elle et son enfant influence toute re´alisation du test pe´diatrique VIH. Tertio, l’environnement conjugal de la me`re, particulie`rement caracte´rise´ par les rapports au sein du couple, sur la facilite´ de parler du test VIH et sa re´alisation chez les deux parents ou chez la me`re seulement sont autant de facteurs qui influencent la re´alisation effective du de´pistage du VIH chez l’enfant. Le principe pre´ventif du VIH, et le de´sir de faire tester l’enfant ne suffisent pas a` eux seuls pour aboutir a` sa re´alisation effective, selon certaines me`res confronte´es au refus du conjoint. A l’oppose´, les autres me`res refusant la re´alisation du test  pe´diatrique disent s’y opposer ; bien entendu, meˆme dans le cas ou` le conjoint l’accepterait.Discussion: Les me`res sont les principales mises en cause et craignent les re´primandes et la stigmatisation. Le pe`re, le conjoint peut eˆtre un obstacle, quand il s’oppose au test VIH du nourrisson, ou devenir le facilitateur de sa re´alisation s’il est convaincu. Le positionnement du pe`re demeure donc essentiel dans la question de l’acceptabilite´ du VIH pe´diatrique. Les me`res en ont conscience et pre´sagent des difficulte´s a` faire  de´pister ou non les enfants sans avis pre´alable du conjoint a` la fois pe`re, et chef de famille.Conclusion: La question du de´pistage pe´diatrique du VIH, au terme de notre analyse, met en face trois e´le´ments qui exigent une gestion globale pour assurer une couverture effective. Ces trois e´le´ments n’existeraient pas sans s’influencer, donc ils sont constamment en interaction et empeˆchent ou favorisent la re´alisation ou non du test pe´diatrique. Aussi, dans une intention d’aboutir a` une couverture effective du de´pistage VIH des nourrissons, faut-il tenir compte d’une gestion harmonieuse de ces trois e´le´ments: La premie`re, la me`re seule (avec ses connaissances, ses perceptions), son environnement conjugal (de  proposition du test inte´grant 1- l’e´poux et / ou pe`re de l’enfant avec ses perceptions et connaissances sur l’infection 2- la facilite´ de parler du test et sa re´alisation chez les deux ou un des parents, la me`re) et les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques du personnel de l’e´tablissement sanitaire sur l’infection du VIH.Recommandations: Nos recommandations proposent une rede´finition de l’approche du VIH/sida vers des familles expose´es au VIH et une inte´gration plus accentue´e du pe`re facilitant leur propre acceptation du test VIH et celle de leur enfant.Mots cle´s: Acceptabilite´, Test VIH, Enfants, Nourrissons Problem: HIV testing in children had rarely been a central concern for researchers. When pediatric tracking retained the attention, it was more to inform on the diagnosis tools performances rather than the fact the pediatric test can be accepted or refused. This article highlights the parent’s reasons which explain why pediatric HIV test is accepted or refused.Objective: To study among parents, the explanatory factors of the acceptability of pediatric HIV testing among infant less than six months.Methods: Semi-structured interview with repeated passages in the parents of infants less than six months attending in health care facilities for the pediatric weighing/vaccination and consultations.Results: We highlight that the parent’s acceptance of the pediatric HIV screening is based on three elements.Firstly, the health care workers by his speech (which indicates its own knowledge and perceptions on the infection) directed towards mothers’ influences their acceptance or not of the HIV test. Secondly, the mother who by her knowledge and perceptions on HIV, whose particular status, give an impression of her own wellbeing for her and her child influences any acceptance of the pediatric HIV test. Thirdly, the marital environment of the mother, particularly characterized by the ease of communication within the couple, to speak about the HIV test and its realization for the parents or the mother only are many factors which influence the effective realization of the pediatric HIV testing. The preventive principle of HIV transmission and the desire to realize the test in the  newborn are not enough alone to lead to its effective realization, according to certain mothers confronted with the father’s refusal. On the other hand, the other mothers refusing the realization of the pediatric test told to be opposed to it; of course, even if their partner would accept it.Discussion: The mothers are the principal facing the pediatric HIV question and fear the reprimands and stigma. The father, the partner could be an obstacle, when he is opposed to the infant HIV testing, or also the facilitator with his realization if he is convinced. The father position thus remains essential face to the question of pediatric HIV testing acceptability. The mothers are aware of this and predict the difficulties of achieving their infant to be tested without the preliminary opinion of their partner at the same time father, and head of the family.Conclusion: The issue of pediatric HIV testing, at the end of our analysis, highlights three elements which require a comprehensive management to improve the coverage of pediatric HIV test. These three elements would not exist without being influenced; therefore they are constantly in interaction and prevent or support the realization or not pediatric test. Also, with the aim to improve the pediatric HIV test coverage, it is necessary to take into account the harmonious management of these elements. Firstly, the mother alone (with her knowledge, and perceptions), its marital environment (with the proposal of the HIV test integrating (1) the partner and/or father with his perceptions and knowledge on HIV infection and (2) facility of speaking about the test and its realization at both or one about the parents, the mother) and of the knowledge, attitudes and practices about the infection of health care workers of the sanitary institution.Recommendations: Our recommendations proposed taking into account a redefinition of the HIV/AIDS approach towards the families exposed to HIV and a more accentuated integration of the father facilitating their own HIV test acceptation and that of his child.Keywords: acceptability, HIV testing, children, infantsArticle in French

    Reproductive Parameters in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Male Wistar Rats: Beneficial Role of Basella Alba Aqueous Leave Extract

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is widely reported to have adverse effect on most systems of the body. This study investigated the effects of DM on male reproductive parameters and possible role of aqueous leave extract from Basella alba in ameliorating such effects. Methods: Male rats (n = 40) aged 8-10 weeks were randomly divided into 4 equal groups: Healthy Control (HC), Diabetic Control (DC), Healthy Treatment (HT) and Diabetic Treatment (DT). Diabetes was induced in animal by using (STZ single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ), (55 mg/kg). Treatment was oral via gavage HC and DC groups received 0.5 ml/100 g normal saline daily via oral gavage, HT and DT groups received 200 mg/kg plant extract daily for 4 weeks. Fasting blood sugar and body weights were recorded weekly. Animals were sacrificed upon completion of treatments and tissues were collected for further analysis. Results: There was significant decrease in weights of the body, testis, and epididymis in DC compared to HC rats (P < 0.05). Relative testicular weight was significantly increased in both DC and DT compared to HC groups (P < 0.0001). Sperm concentration, viability and morphology, were all significantly reduced in DC versus HC rats (P<0.0001), but improved in DT versus DC (P < 0.05). Histopathological examination showed degenerative changes in DC specimens that were alleviated in DT rats. Conclusion: Aqueous extract of Basella alba plays a major role in ameliorating male reproductive complications due to streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus

    Reproductive Parameters in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Male Wistar Rats: Beneficial Role of Basella Alba Aqueous Leave Extract

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is widely reported to have adverse effect on most systems of the body. This study investigated the effects of DM on male reproductive parameters and possible role of aqueous leave extract from Basella alba in ameliorating such effects. Methods: Male rats (n = 40) aged 8-10 weeks were randomly divided into 4 equal groups: Healthy Control (HC), Diabetic Control (DC), Healthy Treatment (HT) and Diabetic Treatment (DT). Diabetes was induced in animal by using (STZ single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ), (55 mg/kg). Treatment was oral via gavage HC and DC groups received 0.5 ml/100 g normal saline daily via oral gavage, HT and DT groups received 200 mg/kg plant extract daily for 4 weeks. Fasting blood sugar and body weights were recorded weekly. Animals were sacrificed upon completion of treatments and tissues were collected for further analysis. Results: There was significant decrease in weights of the body, testis, and epididymis in DC compared to HC rats (P < 0.05). Relative testicular weight was significantly increased in both DC and DT compared to HC groups (P < 0.0001). Sperm concentration, viability and morphology, were all significantly reduced in DC versus HC rats (P<0.0001), but improved in DT versus DC (P < 0.05). Histopathological examination showed degenerative changes in DC specimens that were alleviated in DT rats. Conclusion: Aqueous extract of Basella alba plays a major role in ameliorating male reproductive complications due to streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus

    Kinsenas, Katapusan: The Lived Experiences and Challenges Faced by Single Mothers

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    A single mother is a person who is accountable for raising their children alone because they do not have a husband or live-in partner. Single mothers claim to have no co-parenting relationships at all, comparing single parents to those who are married, cohabiting, or without children, single parents experience the worst work-life balance. A single parent may feel overwhelmed by the demands of juggling child care, a career, paying bills, and maintaining household responsibilities. Single-parent households frequently deal with several extra obligations and possible complications that other families would not. The study also emphasizes the difficulties and coping mechanisms faced by contractual single parents as well as their lived experiences. The study's findings, which were based on an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, were as follows: (1) Work-life balance can be difficult for single parents. They struggle to keep their jobs while taking care of their family because they are the only ones in charge of the children. (2) Single contractual mothers face particular difficulties due to a lack of resources for basic expenses. (3) Contractual single women lean on their kids, the good people in their lives, and their faith in God to get through problems


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    Piliostigma reticulatum (Caesalpiniaceae) is used in Africa as a traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases, such as malaria, tuberculosis and diarrhoea. We investigated the antidiarrhoeal properties of a crude ethanol extract from the stem bark of Piliostigma reticulatum (EEPR) in Wistar albino rats to substantiate its traditional use and to determine its phytochemical constituents. The antidiarrhoeal activity of the plant extract was evaluated in a castor oil-induced diarrhoea model in rats and compared with loperamide. The effect of the extract on gastrointestinal motility was also determined by the oral administration of charcoal meal and castor oil-induced intestinal fluid accumulation (enteropooling). EEPR showed remarkable dose-dependent antidiarrhoeal activity evidenced by a reduction of defecation frequency and change in consistency. Extracts at 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight significantly reduced diarrhoeal faeces. EEPR also significantly inhibited gastrointestinal motility and castor oil-induced enteropooling at 500 and 1000 mg/kg, similar to the inhibition obtained in control rats treated by atropine. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of tannins, flavonoids, polyphenols and reducing sugars in the stem bark of P. reticulatum. No mortality or visible signs of general weakness were observed in the rats following administration of the crude extract in doses up to 6000 mg/kg body weight in an acute toxicity study. Our results show that the stem bark of P. reticulatum possesses antidiarrhoeal activity and strongly suggest that its use in traditional medicine practice could be justified
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