297 research outputs found

    The AlgZR Two-Component System Recalibrates the RsmAYZ Posttranscriptional Regulatory System To Inhibit Expression of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type III Secretion System

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes chronic airway infections in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. A classic feature of CF airway isolates is the mucoid phenotype. Mucoidy arises through mutation of the mucA anti-sigma factor and subsequent activation of the AlgU regulon. Inactivation of mucA also results in reduced expression of the Vfr transcription factor. Vfr regulates several important virulence factors, including a type III secretion system (T3SS). In the present study, we report that ExsA expression, the master regulator of T3SS gene expression, is further reduced in mucA mutants through a Vfr-independent mechanism involving the RsmAYZ regulatory system. RsmA is an RNA binding protein required for T3SS gene expression. Genetic experiments suggest that the AlgZR two-component system, part of the AlgU regulon, inhibits ExsA expression by increasing the expression of RsmY and RsmZ, two small noncoding RNAs that sequester RsmA from target mRNAs. Epistasis analyses revealed that increasing the concentration of free RsmA, through either rsmYZ deletion or increased RsmA expression, partially restored T3SS gene expression in the mucA mutant. Furthermore, increasing RsmA availability in combination with Vfr complementation fully restored T3SS expression. Recalibration of the RsmAYZ system by AlgZR, however, did not alter the expression of other selected RsmA-dependent targets. We account for this observation by showing that ExsA expression is more sensitive to changes in free RsmA than other members of the RsmA regulon. Together, these data indicate that recalibration of the RsmAYZ system partially accounts for reduced T3SS gene expression in mucA mutants

    Pressure reversal study through tensile tests

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    This paper is a summary of the results from a study of the variables related to pressure reversal and was sponsored by the US Department of Transportation, Office of Pipeline Safety. The circumferential pipe stress, which is the most significant variable in pressure reversal, was examined by using tensile specimens and then relating the results to pressurized pipe. A model is proposed that gives some insight into how pressure reversal can be minimized when a section of pipe is being hydrotested. Twenty tensile specimens from X-42 electric resistance welded (ERW) pipe and twenty specimens from X-52 ERW pipe were tested. Each specimen had a machined flaw. The flaw regions were monitored using strain gages and photoelasticity. These tensile tests represent the first phase of a research effort to examine and understand the variables related to pressure reversal. The second phase of this effort will be with pipe specimens and presently is in progress

    Modified Needle-Tip PcrV Proteins Reveal Distinct Phenotypes Relevant to the Control of Type III Secretion and Intoxication by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    The type III secretion system (T3SS) is employed to deliver effector proteins to the cytosol of eukaryotic hosts by multiple species of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Translocation of effectors is dependent on the proteins encoded by the pcrGVHpopBD operon. These proteins form a T3S translocator complex, composed of a needle-tip complex (PcrV), translocons (PopB and PopD), and chaperones (PcrG and PcrH). PcrV mediates the folding and insertion of PopB/PopD in host plasmic membranes, where assembled translocons form a translocation channel. Assembly of this complex and delivery of effectors through this machinery is tightly controlled by PcrV, yet the multifunctional aspects of this molecule have not been defined. In addition, PcrV is a protective antigen for P. aeruginosa infection as is the ortholog, LcrV, for Yersinia. We constructed PcrV derivatives containing in-frame linker insertions and site-specific mutations. The expression of these derivatives was regulated by a T3S-specific promoter in a pcrV-null mutant of PA103. Nine derivatives disrupted the regulation of effector secretion and constitutively released an effector protein into growth medium. Three of these regulatory mutants, in which the linker was inserted in the N-terminal globular domain, were competent for the translocation of a cytotoxin, ExoU, into eukaryotic host cells. We also isolated strains expressing a delayed-toxicity phenotype, which secrete translocators slowly despite the normal level of effector secretion. Most of the cytotoxic translocation-competent strains retained the protective epitope of PcrV derivatives, and Mab166 was able to protect erythrocytes during infection with these strains. The use of defined PcrV derivatives possessing distinct phenotypes may lead to a better understanding of the functional aspects of T3 needle-tip proteins and the development of therapeutic agents or vaccines targeting T3SS-mediated intoxication

    Enzymatic Depilation of Animal Hide: Identification of Elastase (LasB) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa MCM B-327 as a Depilating Protease

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    Conventional leather processing involving depilation of animal hide by lime and sulphide treatment generates considerable amounts of chemical waste causing severe environmental pollution. Enzymatic depilation is an environmentally friendly process and has been considered to be a viable alternative to the chemical depilation process. We isolated an extracellular protease from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain MCM B-327 with high depilation activity using buffalo hide as a substrate. This 33 kDa protease generated a peptide mass fingerprint and de novo sequence that matched perfectly with LasB (elastase), of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In support of this data a lasB mutant of MCM B-327 strain lacked depilatory activity and failed to produce LasB. LasB heterologously over-produced and purified from Escherichia coli also exhibited high depilating activity. Moreover, reintroduction of the lasB gene to the P. aeruginosa lasB mutant via a knock-in strategy also successfully restored depilation activity thus confirming the role of LasB as the depilating enzyme

    Drosophila melanogaster as an Animal Model for the Study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Infections In Vivo

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen capable of causing both acute and chronic infections in susceptible hosts. Chronic P. aeruginosa infections are thought to be caused by bacterial biofilms. Biofilms are highly structured, multicellular, microbial communities encased in an extracellular matrix that enable long-term survival in the host. The aim of this research was to develop an animal model that would allow an in vivo study of P. aeruginosa biofilm infections in a Drosophila melanogaster host. At 24 h post oral infection of Drosophila, P. aeruginosa biofilms localized to and were visualized in dissected Drosophila crops. These biofilms had a characteristic aggregate structure and an extracellular matrix composed of DNA and exopolysaccharide. P. aeruginosa cells recovered from in vivo grown biofilms had increased antibiotic resistance relative to planktonically grown cells. In vivo, biofilm formation was dependent on expression of the pel exopolysaccharide genes, as a pelB::lux mutant failed to form biofilms. The pelB::lux mutant was significantly more virulent than PAO1, while a hyperbiofilm strain (PAZHI3) demonstrated significantly less virulence than PAO1, as indicated by survival of infected flies at day 14 postinfection. Biofilm formation, by strains PAO1 and PAZHI3, in the crop was associated with induction of diptericin, cecropin A1 and drosomycin antimicrobial peptide gene expression 24 h postinfection. In contrast, infection with the non-biofilm forming strain pelB::lux resulted in decreased AMP gene expression in the fly. In summary, these results provide novel insights into host-pathogen interactions during P. aeruginosa oral infection of Drosophila and highlight the use of Drosophila as an infection model that permits the study of P. aeruginosa biofilms in vivo

    Hijacking of the Pleiotropic Cytokine Interferon-γ by the Type III Secretion System of Yersinia pestis

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    Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of bubonic plague, employs its type III secretion system to inject toxins into target cells, a crucial step in infection establishment. LcrV is an essential component of the T3SS of Yersinia spp, and is able to associate at the tip of the secretion needle and take part in the translocation of anti-host effector proteins into the eukaryotic cell cytoplasm. Upon cell contact, LcrV is also released into the surrounding medium where it has been shown to block the normal inflammatory response, although details of this mechanism have remained elusive. In this work, we reveal a key aspect of the immunomodulatory function of LcrV by showing that it interacts directly and with nanomolar affinity with the inflammatory cytokine IFNγ. In addition, we generate specific IFNγ mutants that show decreased interaction capabilities towards LcrV, enabling us to map the interaction region to two basic C-terminal clusters of IFNγ. Lastly, we show that the LcrV-IFNγ interaction can be disrupted by a number of inhibitors, some of which display nanomolar affinity. This study thus not only identifies novel potential inhibitors that could be developed for the control of Yersinia-induced infection, but also highlights the diversity of the strategies used by Y. pestis to evade the immune system, with the hijacking of pleiotropic cytokines being a long-range mechanism that potentially plays a key role in the severity of plague

    In-Vivo Expression Profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections Reveals Niche-Specific and Strain-Independent Transcriptional Programs

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a threatening, opportunistic pathogen causing disease in immunocompromised individuals. The hallmark of P. aeruginosa virulence is its multi-factorial and combinatorial nature. It renders such bacteria infectious for many organisms and it is often resistant to antibiotics. To gain insights into the physiology of P. aeruginosa during infection, we assessed the transcriptional programs of three different P. aeruginosa strains directly after isolation from burn wounds of humans. We compared the programs to those of the same strains using two infection models: a plant model, which consisted of the infection of the midrib of lettuce leaves, and a murine tumor model, which was obtained by infection of mice with an induced tumor in the abdomen. All control conditions of P. aeruginosa cells growing in suspension and as a biofilm were added to the analysis. We found that these different P. aeruginosa strains express a pool of distinct genetic traits that are activated under particular infection conditions regardless of their genetic variability. The knowledge herein generated will advance our understanding of P. aeruginosa virulence and provide valuable cues for the definition of prospective targets to develop novel intervention strategies

    Glucose Depletion in the Airway Surface Liquid Is Essential for Sterility of the Airways

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    Diabetes mellitus predisposes the host to bacterial infections. Moreover, hyperglycemia has been shown to be an independent risk factor for respiratory infections. The luminal surface of airway epithelia is covered by a thin layer of airway surface liquid (ASL) and is normally sterile despite constant exposure to bacteria. The balance between bacterial growth and killing in the airway determines the outcome of exposure to inhaled or aspirated bacteria: infection or sterility. We hypothesized that restriction of carbon sources –including glucose– in the ASL is required for sterility of the lungs. We found that airway epithelia deplete glucose from the ASL via a novel mechanism involving polarized expression of GLUT-1 and GLUT-10, intracellular glucose phosphorylation, and low relative paracellular glucose permeability in well-differentiated cultures of human airway epithelia and in segments of airway epithelia excised from human tracheas. Moreover, we found that increased glucose concentration in the ASL augments growth of P. aeruginosa in vitro and in the lungs of hyperglycemic ob/ob and db/db mice in vivo. In contrast, hyperglycemia had no effect on intrapulmonary bacterial growth of a P. aeruginosa mutant that is unable to utilize glucose as a carbon source. Our data suggest that depletion of glucose in the airway epithelial surface is a novel mechanism for innate immunity. This mechanism is important for sterility of the airways and has implications in hyperglycemia and conditions that result in disruption of the epithelial barrier in the lung

    Structural Basis of Cytotoxicity Mediated by the Type III Secretion Toxin ExoU from Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    The type III secretion system (T3SS) is a complex macromolecular machinery employed by a number of Gram-negative pathogens to inject effectors directly into the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. ExoU from the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most aggressive toxins injected by a T3SS, leading to rapid cell necrosis. Here we report the crystal structure of ExoU in complex with its chaperone, SpcU. ExoU folds into membrane-binding, bridging, and phospholipase domains. SpcU maintains the N-terminus of ExoU in an unfolded state, required for secretion. The phospholipase domain carries an embedded catalytic site whose position within ExoU does not permit direct interaction with the bilayer, which suggests that ExoU must undergo a conformational rearrangement in order to access lipids within the target membrane. The bridging domain connects catalytic domain and membrane-binding domains, the latter of which displays specificity to PI(4,5)P2. Both transfection experiments and infection of eukaryotic cells with ExoU-secreting bacteria show that ExoU ubiquitination results in its co-localization with endosomal markers. This could reflect an attempt of the infected cell to target ExoU for degradation in order to protect itself from its aggressive cytotoxic action