543 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Accelerator “Kcl”, “Na2sio3”, Dan “Calseal” Sebagai Additive Semen Kelas a Terhadap Thickening TIME, Compressive Strength, Dan Rheology Bubur Semen Dengan Variasi Temperatur (Bhct) Di Laboratorium Pemboran Dan Produksi Universitas Trisakti

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    Salah satu problem yang terjadi pada perencanaan kegiatan penyemenan adalah penentuanformulasi bubur semen yang diharapkan sesuai dengan kondisi sumur yang menjadi targetpenyemenan. Bubur semen terlebih dahulu dirancang sedemikian rupa dan diuji kelayakannyasebelum digunakan untuk penyemenan, sehingga sesuai dengan karakteristik sumur targetpenyemenan. Berbagai additive digunakan untuk memaksimalkan formulasi bubur semen yangdisesuaikan dengan karakteristik sumur yang akan disemen.Penelitian ini dilakukan untukmengetahui pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi accelerator “KCl”, “Na2SiO3”, dan “Cal-Seal”Sebagai Additive Semen Kelas A Terhadap Thickening Time , Compressive Strength, danRheologi Bubur Semen Dengan Variasi Temperatur (BHCT)”. Temperatur yang digunakan adalah60°C, 70°C, dan 80°C, dengan variasi konsentrasi accelerator 0,5 %, 1,0 %, 1,5 % dan 2,0 %.Penelitian ini dilakukan sesuai standar kelayakan API 10A (specification for cement and materialsfor well cementing)

    Relation entre germination, mise à fleurs et niveau de prélèvement des semenceaux d'ignames du complexe Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata

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    La présente étude met en évidence la précocité des semenceaux de tête pour la levée de germination chez l'ensemble des variétés de #Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata$ étudiées. Chez la variété Afoubessou, on observe un gradient de levée, allant de la tête vers la base. Pour les autres variétés, il n'y a pas de différence signicative entre les semenceaux du milieu et de la base de la semence-mère. L'étude de l'ensemble des variétés indique une précocité de levée des femelles comparativement aux plantes mâles. Pour la mise à fleurs, un effet du niveau de prélèvement des semenceaux est mis en évidence chez les variétés Gnan et Afoubessou, avec une précocité marquée chez les plantes issues de la base. Les droites de régression suivies du test de parallélisme montrent clairement chez la variété Gnan, que le délai de floraison est plus court chez les plantes qui lèvent tardivement. Ainsi est mise en évidence l'existence d'"une programmation" fixe de la date d'initiation de la floraison, indépendamment des différents facteurs réglant la levée. Avec l'ensemble des variétés étudiées, la floraison est plus précoce chez les mâles que chez les femelles. Mais la grande variabilité des dates de floraison existant au sein des variétés permet une synchronisation de la mise à fleurs entre certaines variétés mâles et certaines variétés femelles. (Résumé d'auteur

    Dynamics and topographic organization of recursive self-organizing maps

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    Recently there has been an outburst of interest in extending topographic maps of vectorial data to more general data structures, such as sequences or trees. However, there is no general consensus as to how best to process sequences using topographicmaps, and this topic remains an active focus of neurocomputational research. The representational capabilities and internal representations of the models are not well understood. Here, we rigorously analyze a generalization of the self-organizingmap (SOM) for processing sequential data, recursive SOM (RecSOM) (Voegtlin, 2002), as a nonautonomous dynamical system consisting of a set of fixed input maps. We argue that contractive fixed-input maps are likely to produce Markovian organizations of receptive fields on the RecSOM map. We derive bounds on parameter β (weighting the importance of importing past information when processing sequences) under which contractiveness of the fixed-input maps is guaranteed. Some generalizations of SOM contain a dynamic module responsible for processing temporal contexts as an integral part of the model. We show that Markovian topographic maps of sequential data can be produced using a simple fixed (nonadaptable) dynamic module externally feeding a standard topographic model designed to process static vectorial data of fixed dimensionality (e.g., SOM). However, by allowing trainable feedback connections, one can obtain Markovian maps with superior memory depth and topography preservation. We elaborate on the importance of non-Markovian organizations in topographic maps of sequential data. © 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Gambaran Budaya Keselamatan Pasien di RS Roemani Muhamaddiyah Semarang

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    Patient safety is the main foundation to patien safety. Patient safety culture is hospital shoud be apllied with safety system in order to decrease KTD significantly.RS Roemani Semarang has patient safety indicators in section of hospital but many are not carried out because of the low of check againts mistake made by nurses in Roemani Hospital Semarang. The purpose of the study is to see description of patient safety culture in Roemani Hospital based on 12 dimensions of patient safety culture according to AHRQ. This study uses quatitative methods and types of cross-sectional study with 72 respondents. The results of this research is description of patient safety cultureon nurse in Roemani Hospital categorized in a medium patient safety culture with percentage 71%, with detail to each dimension are dimension categorized in low culture with percentage 48,2% and 5 dimensions categorized in strong culture such us supervisor expectations promoting patient safety 84,7%, communication openness 88,9%, feedback and communication about error 88,9%, teamwork within units 86,1%, handoffs and transitions 86,1%. Dimension medium categorized are continuos improvement 72,6%, teamwork across units 71,2%, non punitive response to error 51,8%, staffing 62,3%, management support 67,6%, overal perceptions of patient safety 74,7%. Researches suggested that the the hospitals do a root cause analysis, develop briefing, buid culture of non blaming, do declaring the patient safety a priority, and management by walking around to control and disseminate patient safety

    Kinerja Koperasi Peternak Sapi Bandung Utara Lembang, Jawa Barat

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    At this moment, cooperative growth has experienced a very rapid development, which can be seen from the increasing number of diverse cooperative effort in Indonesia, especially in West Java. The ever-increasing needs of milk, added by milk production that has not met the needs of people in West Java makes a fierce competition among Cattle Ranchers Cooperative to produce milk. One of Cooperatives runs in this field is Cattle Ranchers Cooperative of North Bandung. The purpose of this study is (1) to analyze and evaluate management performance of KPSBU in West Java, (2) to analyze the level of liquidity, solvency, and profitability of KPSBU in West Java, (3) to develop business development strategy of KPSBU in West Java. The study used a descriptive survey approach, using primary and secondary data, as well as ratio analysis techniques (1) liquidity, (2) solvency, (3) profitability. Business development strategy will be prepared based on the analysis of the SWOT method and QSPM. Based on the analysis QSPM KPSBU has several strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The most powerful force possessed KPSBU is quality fresh dairy products and its main drawback is the marketing of products less than the maximum, while the factors that affect the greatest opportunity is cooperation with local and international companies and the biggest threat is the bad weather which disrupted production and milk quality. Therefore, Cattle Ranchers Cooperative of North Bandung needs to make improvements on internal factors. It also reinforced by the value of the financial ratios of liquidity, solvency, and profitability that indicates that the company does not have a good value to pay a long-term and short-term debt as well as to generate profits in the company. Thus, Cattle Ranchers Cooperative of North Bandung must continue to strive to maintain and repair the service quality attribute and keeping customer satisfaction levels continue to rise

    PET and MRI for the evaluation of regional myocardial perfusion and wall thickening after myocardial infarction

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    Deterioration of left ventricular (LV) function after myocardial infarction (MI) is a major cause of heart failure. Myocardial perfusion performance may play an important role in deterioration or improvement in LV function after MI. The aim of this study was to evaluate the myocardial perfusion reserve (MPR) and stress perfusion in deteriorating and non-deteriorating LV segments in patients after MI by PET and MRI, respectively. Regional wall thickening of 352 segments in 22 patients was assessed at 4 and 24 months after MI by cardiac MRI. PET was performed to evaluate MPR and adenosine stress N-13-ammonia perfusion 24 months after MI. Segments were divided into four groups according to deterioration or improvement in wall thickening. Normal functional segments at 4 months after MI that remained stable had a significantly higher mean MPR and mean stress perfusion PET value than deteriorated segments (p < 0.001). Furthermore, dysfunctional segments that improved had a significantly higher mean stress perfusion PET value than dysfunctional segments that remained dysfunctional (p < 0.001). This study demonstrated the additional value of myocardial perfusion assessment in relation to the functional integrity of the injured myocardium. Segmental functional LV improvement after MI was associated with better regional myocardial perfusion characteristics. Furthermore, the amount of wall thickening reduction was associated with regional myocardial perfusion abnormalities in patients after MI