105 research outputs found

    Directed motion of domain walls in biaxial ferromagnets under the influence of periodic external magnetic fields

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    Directed motion of domain walls (DWs) in a classical biaxial ferromagnet placed under the influence of periodic unbiased external magnetic fields is investigated. Using the symmetry approach developed in this article the necessary conditions for the directed DW motion are found. This motion turns out to be possible if the magnetic field is applied along the most easy axis. The symmetry approach prohibits the directed DW motion if the magnetic field is applied along any of the hard axes. With the help of the soliton perturbation theory and numerical simulations, the average DW velocity as a function of different system parameters such as damping constant, amplitude, and frequency of the external field, is computed.Comment: Added references, corrected typos, extended introductio

    ADAM8 signaling drives neutrophil migration and ARDS severity

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) results in catastrophic lung failure and has an urgent, unmet need for improved early recognition and therapeutic development. Neutrophil influx is a hallmark of ARDS and is associated with the release of tissue-destructive immune effectors, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and membrane-anchored metalloproteinase disintegrins (ADAMs). Here, we observed using intravital microscopy that Adam8–/– mice had impaired neutrophil transmigration. In mouse pneumonia models, both genetic deletion and pharmacologic inhibition of ADAM8 attenuated neutrophil infiltration and lung injury while improving bacterial containment. Unexpectedly, the alterations of neutrophil function were not attributable to impaired proteolysis but resulted from reduced intracellular interactions of ADAM8 with the actin-based motor molecule Myosin1f that suppressed neutrophil motility. In 2 ARDS cohorts, we analyzed lung fluid proteolytic signatures and identified that ADAM8 activity was positively correlated with disease severity. We propose that in acute inflammatory lung diseases such as pneumonia and ARDS, ADAM8 inhibition might allow fine-tuning of neutrophil responses for therapeutic gain

    Role of ADAM and ADAMTS metalloproteinases in airway diseases

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    Lungs are exposed to the outside environment and therefore to toxic and infectious agents or allergens. This may lead to permanent activation of innate immune response elements. A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinases (ADAMs) and ADAMs with Thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS) are proteinases closely related to Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs). These multifaceted molecules bear metalloproteinase and disintegrin domains endowing them with features of both proteinases and adhesion molecules. Proteinases of the ADAM family are associated to various physiological and pathological processes and display a wide spectrum of biological effects encompassing cell fusion, cell adhesion, "shedding process", cleavage of various substrates from the extracellular matrix, growth factors or cytokines... This review will focus on the putative roles of ADAM/ADAMTS proteinases in airway diseases such as asthma and COPD

    SheddomeDB: the ectodomain shedding database for membrane-bound shed markers

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    Theoretical comparison of innovative window daylighting devices for a sub-tropical climate using radiance

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    Daylighting in tropical and sub-tropical climates presents a unique challenge that is generally not well understood by designers. In a sub-tropical region such as Brisbane, Australia the majority of the year comprises of sunny clear skies with few overcast days and as a consequence windows can easily become sources of overheating and glare. The main strategy in dealing with this issue is extensive shading on windows. However, this in turn prevents daylight penetration into buildings often causing an interior to appear gloomy and dark even though there is more than sufficient daylight available. As a result electric lighting is the main source of light, even during the day. Innovative daylight devices which redirect light from windows offer a potential solution to this issue. These devices can potentially improve daylighting in buildings by increasing the illumination within the environment decreasing the high contrast between the window and work regions and deflecting potentially glare causing sunlight away from the observer. However, the performance of such innovative daylighting devices are generally quantified under overcast skies (i.e. daylight factors) or skies without sun, which are typical of European climates and are misleading when considering these devices for tropical or sub-tropical climates. This study sought to compare four innovative window daylighting devices in RADIANCE; light shelves, laser cut panels, micro-light guides and light redirecting blinds. These devices were simulated in RADIANCE under sub-tropical skies (for Brisbane) within the test case of a typical CBD office space. For each device the quantity of light redirected and its distribution within the space was used as the basis for comparison. In addition, glare analysis on each device was conducted using Weinold and Christoffersons evalglare. The analysis was conducted for selected hours for a day in each season. The majority of buildings that humans will occupy in their lifetime are already constructed, and extensive remodelling of most of these buildings is unlikely. Therefore the most effective way to improve daylighting in the near future will be through the alteration existing window spaces. Thus it will be important to understand the performance of daylighting systems with respect to the climate it is to be used in. This type of analysis is important to determine the applicability of a daylighting strategy so that designers can achieve energy efficiency as well the health benefits of natural daylight

    Das Modellvorhaben "Zeitvariabler Stromtarif". AbschluĂźbericht

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    In einem Modellversuch mit 1.500 Teilnehmerhaushalten wurden die Auswirkungen eines Zeitvariabel-linearen Stromtarifs im Saarland getestet. Als wesentliches Ergebnis wurdem Jahresmittel Verlagerungseffekte von rund 10% des Stromverbrauchs der Hochpreiszone (werktags 9 bis 13 Uhr) ermittelt. Stromeinsparungen durch den Modellverbrauch wurden nur bei GroĂźverbrauchern festgestellt (2-3%)

    Standby and Off Mode Energy Losses in New Appliances

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    The introduction of energy labels, together with MEPS, implemented with EU Directives over the past years, has produced a very positive trend in the sales of more energy efficient appliances. Consumers have responded positively to this mandatory information scheme at the point of sales enabling the comparison of the energy-efficiency of various models of the same appliance family through their ranking. Despite these improvements electricity demand has increased and it a considerable increase in is expected due to the increasing number of electronic components in appliances that offer more and more functionalities and to the increase of the size of some key appliances as fridges or TVs. This paper presents the preliminary results of the SELINA (Standby and Off-Mode Energy Losses In New Appliances Measured in Shops) project, focusing on office equipment. The main objective of the SELINA project is to identify effective market transformation policies targeted at all the key stakeholders involved in the manufacture, distribution, sales and operation of appliances with standby and off-mode losses in order to achieve electricity and carbon emissions savings. The paper presents the analysis of the data acquired up to now during the large scale monitoring campaigns regarding standby and off-mode consumption as well as the methodology developed for measurement of these data. Energy consumption of the measured appliances in low power modes will be compared to the standby and off-mode European legislation and compared to data available, international literature and databases. Another key issue of the project is to find out the commerce/retailer awareness of energy efficiency in general and of low power mode consumption modes. Are retailers active enough in promoting energy efficient products towards their customers? Are they aware of the impact of low power modes? A short questionnaire was designed in order to evaluate the awareness of retailers, e.g. their knowledge and interest on labeling, standby consumption, energy star, efficiency classes, etc. Information is being gathered on the presence of the labeling on the equipments (inside and outside EU countries) and also of policies and actions to accelerate the market penetration of energy-efficient electrical appliances. Preliminary results of this awareness survey being conducted in stores are presented on this paper. Possible generic measures to reinforce the EU legislation are discussed on the basis of these preliminary results

    Energieprognose bis 2010. Die energiewirtschaftliche Entwicklung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2010

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    In den 70er und 80er Jahren hat das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft in mehr oder weniger regelmäßigen Abständen Aufträge zur Abschätzung der zukünftigen Entwicklungen auf den Energieangebots- und -nachfragemärkten vergeben. Die letzte Untersuchung dieser Art, 'Die Entwicklung des Energieverbrauchs in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und seine Deckung bis zum Jahr 2000' wurde vor 5 Jahren durchgeführt. In der Zwischenzeit sind sowohl von den Rahmenbedingungen, als auch von den Problemschwerpunkten her eine Reihe von gravierenden Änderungen eingetreten. Sie betreffen vor allem die Energiepreise, die Knappheit der fossilen Energien, die energieverbrauchsbedingten Umweltbelastungen, die Rolle der regenerativen Energien, die Erwartung eines EG-Binnenmarktes bis 1992. In Bezug auf die besonders problematischen Fragenkomplexe Energiepreise und Energieressourchen war eine sorgfältige Analyse der internationalen und nationalen Verfügbarkeit von Energie und die Einbeziehung von Aspekten der langf ristigen Weltenergiebedarfsentwicklung unerläßlich. Die vor allem mit der Energienutzung verbundene Belastung der Umwelt und die zunehmende Bedrohung des ökologischen Gleichgewichts erforderten neben der Analyse der 'rein energiewirtschaftlichen' Zusammenhänge eine sorgfältige und detaillierte Untersuchung der damit verbundenen Schadstoff-Emissionen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurden erstmals vollständige Emissionsbilanzen erarbeitet. Umweltaspekte, aber auch die gegenwärtige energiepolitische Diskussion waren Anlass, erstmals auch die möglichen Einsatzpotentiale der erneuerbaren Energien genauer zu untersuchen
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