708 research outputs found


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    The article defines the different types of depression, analyzes the factors that contribute to the development of depression in population of Ukraine and identifies possible methods of prevention of this disease.У статті подано визначення різних видів депресії; проаналізовано чинники, що сприяють розвитку депресії у населення України, та можливі методи профілактики цього захворювання

    Color transitions in coral's fluorescent proteins by site-directed mutagenesis

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    BACKGROUND: Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) cloned from jellyfish Aequorea victoria and its homologs from corals Anthozoa have a great practical significance as in vivo markers of gene expression. Also, they are an interesting puzzle of protein science due to an unusual mechanism of chromophore formation and diversity of fluorescent colors. Fluorescent proteins can be subdivided into cyan (~ 485 nm), green (~ 505 nm), yellow (~ 540 nm), and red (>580 nm) emitters. RESULTS: Here we applied site-directed mutagenesis in order to investigate the structural background of color variety and possibility of shifting between different types of fluorescence. First, a blue-shifted mutant of cyan amFP486 was generated. Second, it was established that cyan and green emitters can be modified so as to produce an intermediate spectrum of fluorescence. Third, the relationship between green and yellow fluorescence was inspected on closely homologous green zFP506 and yellow zFP538 proteins. The following transitions of colors were performed: yellow to green; yellow to dual color (green and yellow); and green to yellow. Fourth, we generated a mutant of cyan emitter dsFP483 that demonstrated dual color (cyan and red) fluorescence. CONCLUSIONS: Several amino acid substitutions were found to strongly affect fluorescence maxima. Some positions primarily found by sequence comparison were proved to be crucial for fluorescence of particular color. These results are the first step towards predicting the color of natural GFP-like proteins corresponding to newly identified cDNAs from corals

    Еndothelial dysfunction due to sodium nitrite

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    In the report of the World Health Organization from 1990 to 2016 to this day, Ukraine continues to occupy first place in the European region in morbidity and mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system. One of the predictors and key links in the development of CVD is endothelial dysfunction. In this work, it was shown that chronic loading with sodium nitrite provokes the development of oxidative stress (an increase in 2,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid), inflammation (an increase in the level of interleukin-1-beta, which, in turn, causes a sharp increase in iNOS activity), the development of endothelial dysfunction (increase in von Willebrand factor). L-arginine alone, and in conjunction with the drug “Vin-Vita” cause a decrease in the negative effect of sodium nitrite

    Monoclonal antibodies against metalloporphyrins. Specificity of interaction with structurally different metalloporphyrins

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    AbstractMonoclonal antibodies against Pd-coproporphyrin I have been obtained. The antibody specificity for free as well as for conjugated Pd-coproporphyrin I is characterized. Affinity constants are estimated for 3 monoclonal antibodies effectively interacting with free Pd-coproporphyrin I. A comparative study on the binding of monoclonal antibodies with analogues and derivatives of Pd-coproporphyrin I has revealed that the antigen is mainly located inside the antibody paratope. The protein adjoins complementary to the metalloporphyrin in such a manner that antibodies obtained discern only isomer I, and to some degree, isomer III of coproporphyrin

    Удосконалена система хірургічного лікування постраждалих з пошкодженнями таза та тазових органів при політравмі

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    Мета. Оцінити ефективність удосконаленої системи хірургічного лікування постраждалих з пошкодженнями таза та тазових органів при політравмі. Матеріали і методи. В основу дослідження покладено клінічні спостереження 406 постраждалих з нестабільними пошкодженнями таза (НПТ) при політравмі (оцінка тяжкості за шкалою ISS 17 балів і вище).  НПТ у 98 (24,1%) постраждалих з політравмою були поєднані з пошкодженнями тазових органів. Сформовано дві клінічні групи: основну – 137 (33,7%) постраждалих, із них у 37 (27,0%) НПТ були поєднані з пошкодженнями тазових органів, і контрольну – 269 (66,3%) постраждалих, із них у 61 (22,7%) постраждалого НПТ були поєднані з пошкодженнями тазових органів. У постраждалих основної групи застосована диференційована хірургічна тактика лікування, яка базувалась на оцінці тяжкості травми, прогнозі перебігу травматичної хвороби (ТХ) у залежності від її періодів, а також запропонованих сучасних методах діагностики і лікування пошкоджень таза й інших анатомічних ділянок (АД). Для лікування пацієнтів контрольної групи застосовували хірургічну тактику згідно з тимчасовими галузевими уніфікованими стандартами медичних технологій діагностично-лікувального процесу стаціонарної допомоги дорослому населенню в лікувально-профілактичних закладах України, затвердженими наказом МОЗ України №226 від 27 липня 1998 р. Результати. При травмі сечового міхура у 47 (83,9%) постраждалих зашили розрив стінки міхура з епіцистостомією і катетеризацією міхура катетером Фолея. При травмі уретри епіцистостомію поєднували з шинуванням уретри катетером у 27 (81,8%) хворих. У 3 пацієнтів основної групи використали первинний шов уретри в гострому періоді ТХ. У всіх пацієнтів з пошкодженнями прямої кишки накладали дводульну сигмостому. Операції на внутрішніх статевих органах виконані 3 (3,2%) постраждалим. Усього на тазових органах у гострому періоді ТХ виконано 94 оперативних втручання різної складності. Висновки. При політравмі переломи кісток таза були поєднані з травмою тазових органів у 24,1% постраждалих. Поєднане пошкодження тазових органів (за винятком пошкоджень прямої кишки) не є протипоказанням до виконання внутрішнього або комбінованого металоостеосинтезу нестабільного тазового кільця у постраждалих з політравмою в ранньому та пізньому періодах ТХ

    Hydrogen bonding of nitroxide spin labels in membrane proteins

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    On the basis of experiments at 275 GHz, we reconsider the dependence of the continuous-wave EPR spectra of nitroxide spin-labeled protein sites in sensory- and bacteriorhodopsin on the micro-environment. The high magnetic field provides the resolution necessary to disentangle the effects of hydrogen bonding and polarity. In the gxx region of the 275 GHz EPR spectrum, bands are resolved that derive from spin-label populations carrying no, one or two hydrogen bonds. The gxx value of each population varies hardly from site to site, significantly less than deduced previously from studies at lower microwave frequencies. The fractions of the populations vary strongly, which provides a consistent description of the variation of the average gxx and the average nitrogen-hyperfine interaction Azz from site to site. These variations reflect the difference in the proticity of the micro-environment, and differences in polarity contribute marginally. Concomitant W-band ELDOR- detected NMR experiments on the corresponding nitroxide in perdeuterated water resolve population-specific nitrogen-hyperfine bands, which underlies the interpretation for the proteins

    Risk of breast cancer and other cancers in heterozygotes for ataxia-telangiectasia

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    Mortality from cancer among 178 parents and 236 grandparents of 95 British patients with ataxia-telangiectasia was examined. For neither parents nor grandparents was mortality from all causes or from cancer appreciably elevated over that of the national population. Among mothers, three deaths from breast cancer gave rise to a standardized mortality ratio of 3.37 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.69–9.84). In contrast, there was no excess of breast cancer in grandmothers, the standardized mortality ratio being 0.89 (95% CI: 0.18–2.59), based on three deaths. This is the largest study of families of ataxia-telangiectasia patients conducted in Britain but, nonetheless, the study is small and CIs are wide. However, taken together with data from other countries, an increased risk of breast cancer among female heterozygotes is still apparent, though lower than previously thought. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    The Association between ATM IVS 22-77 T>C and Cancer Risk: A Meta-Analysis

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: It has become increasingly clear that ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated) safeguards genome stability, which is a cornerstone of cellular homeostasis, and ATM IVS 22-77 T>C affects the normal activity of ATM proteins. However, the association between the ATM IVS 22-77 T>C genetic variant and cancer risk is controversial. Therefore, we conducted a systematic meta-analysis to estimate the overall cancer risk associated with the polymorphism and to quantify any potential between-study heterogeneity. METHODS: A total of nine studies including 4,470 cases and 4,862 controls were analyzed for ATM IVS 22-77 T>C association with cancer risk in this meta-analysis. Heterogeneity among articles and their publication bias were also tested. RESULTS: Our results showed that no association reached the level of statistical significance in the overall risk. Interestingly, in the stratified analyses, we observed an inverse relationship in lung and breast cancer. CONCLUSION: Further functional research on the ATM mechanism should be performed to explain the inconsistent results in different cancer types

    The Reputational Consequences of Failed Replications and Wrongness Admission among Scientists

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    Scientists are dedicating more attention to replication efforts. While the scientific utility of replications is unquestionable, the impact of failed replication efforts and the discussions surrounding them deserve more attention. Specifically, the debates about failed replications on social media have led to worry, in some scientists, regarding reputation. In order to gain data-informed insights into these issues, we collected data from 281 published scientists. We assessed whether scientists overestimate the negative reputational effects of a failed replication in a scenario-based study. Second, we assessed the reputational consequences of admitting wrongness (versus not) as an original scientist of an effect that has failed to replicate. Our data suggests that scientists overestimate the negative reputational impact of a hypothetical failed replication effort. We also show that admitting wrongness about a non-replicated finding is less harmful to one’s reputation than not admitting. Finally, we discovered a hint of evidence that feelings about the replication movement can be affected by whether replication efforts are aimed one’s own work versus the work of another. Given these findings, we then present potential ways forward in these discussions