On the basis of experiments at 275 GHz, we reconsider the dependence of the
continuous-wave EPR spectra of nitroxide spin-labeled protein sites in
sensory- and bacteriorhodopsin on the micro-environment. The high magnetic
field provides the resolution necessary to disentangle the effects of hydrogen
bonding and polarity. In the gxx region of the 275 GHz EPR spectrum, bands are
resolved that derive from spin-label populations carrying no, one or two
hydrogen bonds. The gxx value of each population varies hardly from site to
site, significantly less than deduced previously from studies at lower
microwave frequencies. The fractions of the populations vary strongly, which
provides a consistent description of the variation of the average gxx and the
average nitrogen-hyperfine interaction Azz from site to site. These variations
reflect the difference in the proticity of the micro-environment, and
differences in polarity contribute marginally. Concomitant W-band ELDOR-
detected NMR experiments on the corresponding nitroxide in perdeuterated water
resolve population-specific nitrogen-hyperfine bands, which underlies the
interpretation for the proteins