338 research outputs found

    Discusión sobre la distribución estratigráfica de "Pseudofurnishius murcianus" van den Boogaard (Conodonta) en la Península Ibérica, a partir de la sección de Calasparra (Murcia, España)

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    The biostratigraphy of Calasparra Section is well-estabished with an ammonoid biozonation and ranges from Lower to Upper Ladinian. The continuous presence of Pseudofurnishius murcianus van den Boogaard, a characteristic conodont species of the Sephardic realm, along the section makes it one of the most important sections in the Iberian Peninsula for the study of the species. The first apparition of P. murcianus in the section corresponds with the first of Eoprotrachyceras curionii taxon, which is the principal marker for the base of the Ladinian stage in the GSSP of the Anisian-Ladinian boundary, and the age of the youngest conodonts, based on ammonoids (Epigonus Zone) is Lower Ladinian (upper Fassanian). This is similar to the range of P. murcianus in the Saharonim Formation in Israel, where its earliest appearance is also Early Fassanian (Curionii zone) age.La bioestratigrafía de la Sección de Calasparra está bien establecida mediante biozonación de ammonoideos, con una edad que va desde el Ladiniense inferior hasta el Longobardiense. La presencia continua de Pseudofurnishius murcianus van den Boogaard, una especie de conodontos característica del Dominio Sephardí, a lo largo de la sección la hace una de las más importantes de la Península Ibérica para el estudio de la especie. La primera aparición de P. murcianus en la sección se corresponde con el taxón Eoprotachyceras curionii, que es el principal marcador para la base del piso Ladiniense en el GSSP del límite Anisiense-Ladiniense, mientras que la edad de los conodontos más recientes, basada en ammonites (Epigonus Zone) es Ladiniense Inferior (Fassaniense superior) Este rango es similar al de P. murcianus en la Formación Saharonim en Israel, de edad Fassaniense inferior (Zona Curionii)

    Sephardiellinae, a new Middle Triassic conodont subfamily

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    Sephardiellinae (nov. subfam.) encompasses a Middle Triassic Gondolleloid lineage that originated in the Sephardic realm, westernmost shallow Neotethys, from where, in the course of the Ladinian and earliest Carnian, some of its species spread to the world oceans, before extinction as a result of the Carnian salinity crisis. It is composed of two genera, Sephardiella and Pseudofurnishius. Differential criteria in its septimembrate apparatus are the basal cavity structure of P1 element and morphological variations in the P2 and S3 elements.La nueva subfamilia Sephardiellinae está comprendida dentro del linaje de Gondolellidae del Triásico Medio y se originó en el Dominio Sefardí, la parte más occidental del Neotetis. Durante el Ladiniense-Carniense Inferior, algunas de sus especies irradian y se distribuyen por todos los océanos. Su extinción está relacionada con la crisis de salinidad que tuvo lugar en el Carniense. La nueva subfamilia está constituida por dos géneros, Sephardiella y Pseudofurnishius las diferencias morfológicas de su aparato septimembrado, como son la estructura de la cavidad basal del elemento P1 y las variaciones morfológicas de los elementos P2 y S3, constituyen el criterio utilizado

    El puente sobre el Tajo de Eiffel en España

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    The text describes and analyses the bridge projected and constructed over the Tagus River in Spain by Gustave Eiffel, in the proximity of Cáceres. This is one of the most relevant works of the first stage of the notorious French engineer, and his biggest one built in Spain. After the analyses of the plans found in several archives, and of the other historic sources, the bridge and the construction process are described. Moreover, the importance of the structure after its construction is emphasized. Finally, the conclusions highlight the strong point of the article and suggest several questions concerning the historic public works.El texto describe y analiza el puente construido sobre el río Tajo por Gustave Eiffel en las cercanías de Cáceres, una de las obras más relevantes de la primera etapa del célebre ingeniero francés, y la mayor de las mismas construida en España. A partir de los planos hallados en diversos archivos, y de otras fuentes históricas, se analiza la obra y el proceso seguido para llevarla a cabo, y se repasa la importancia que tuvo tras su finalización. Al final del escrito, las conclusiones subrayan los puntos destacados del mismo y proponen distintas cuestiones relacionadas con las obras públicas históricas

    Puentes, sociedad e ingeniería

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    The article focuses on the disaffection for the aesthetics of civil engineering. Taking the case of bridges as example, the text includes opinions from different stakeholders, such as bridge designers, researchers and university professors; moreover, key parameters for the conception of a bridge project are described, and the importance of the landscape parameter is considered. Furthermore, it explain the existence of four approximation routes to bridges and society which demonstrates the importance of bridges in our culture and its potential relevance as landscape marks. The last section summarizes the conclusions.El presente texto reflexiona sobre el desapego de la sociedad hacia la estética de las obras civiles ubicadas en el territorio. Tomando los puentes como ejemplo, se analiza la visión que de ellos tienen los propios ingenieros; a continuación se relacionan los principales parámetros que rigen su concepción y se evalúa la importancia de la componente paisajística del proyecto, advirtiéndose una divergencia de opiniones entre unos autores y otros. La existencia de cuatro vías de aproximación social hacia el elemento constructivo «puente» -descritas asimismo en el texto- demuestran tanto la fuerte presencia de éste en la cultura como su potencia en tanto que elemento paisajístico. El último apartado del texto sintetiza las conclusiones resultantes de la reflexión

    Puentes, sociedad e ingeniería

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    Acquiring, archiving, analyzing and exchanging seismic data in real time at the Seismological Research Center of the OGS in Italy

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    After the 1976 Friuli earthquake (Ms = 6.5) in north-eastern Italy that caused about 1,000 casualties and widespread destruction in the Friuli area, the Italian government established the Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS). This is now a department of the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), and it is specifically devoted to the monitoring of the seismicity of north-eastern Italy. Since its inception, the North-East Italy Seismic Network has grown enormously. Currently, it consists of 14 broad-band and 20 short-period seismic stations, all of which are telemetered to and acquired in real time at the OGS-CRS data center in Udine. Data exchange agreements in place with other Italian, Slovenian, Austrian and Swiss seismological institutes lead to a total number of 94 seismic stations acquired in real time, which confirms that the OGS is the reference institute for seismic monitoring of north-eastern Italy. Since 2002, CRS has been using the Antelope software suite as the main tool for collecting, analyzing, archiving and exchanging seismic data. SeisComP is also used as a real-time data exchange server tool. A customized web accessible server is used to manually relocate earthquakes, and automatic procedures have been set-up for moment-tensor determination, shaking-map computation, web publishing of earthquake parametric data, waveform drumplots, state-of-health parameters, and quality checks of the station by spectra analysis. Scripts for email/SMS/fax alerting to public institutions have also been customized. Recently, a real-time seismology website was designed and set-up (http://rts.crs.inogs.it/)

    Designers initiating open innovation with multi-stakeholder through co-reflection sessions

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    This paper explores a designerly approach to open innovation initiation as start of the PhD research of the third author. More specifically, it presents the application of co-reflection sessions by designers in a healthcare open innovation project to initiate multi-stakeholder participation. Integrating co-reflection in open innovation initiation provides designers with the opportunity to a) negotiate with and function in multi-disciplinary environments consisting of stakeholder representatives and stakeholder customers (possible end-users); b) analyze complexity and structure of stakeholder ambitions, wishes, concerns and restrictions in order to frame a collaboration space; c) synthesize, visualize and materialize the value proposition to communicate the benefits to multi-stakeholder networks in order to define a design space and motivate their participation; and what is more important, keeping the balance between design thinking and design action. Lessons learned from this study a) can be used to provide a set of skills and practical guidance to designers when initiating open innovation b) define a spectrum for research on how designers can initiate innovation

    Designers initiating open innovation with multi-stakeholder through co-reflection sessions

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    This paper explores a designerly approach to open innovation initiation as start of the PhD research of the third author. More specifically, it presents the application of co-reflection sessions by designers in a healthcare open innovation project to initiate multi-stakeholder participation. Integrating co-reflection in open innovation initiation provides designers with the opportunity to a) negotiate with and function in multi-disciplinary environments consisting of stakeholder representatives and stakeholder customers (possible end-users); b) analyze complexity and structure of stakeholder ambitions, wishes, concerns and restrictions in order to frame a collaboration space; c) synthesize, visualize and materialize the value proposition to communicate the benefits to multi-stakeholder networks in order to define a design space and motivate their participation; and what is more important, keeping the balance between design thinking and design action. Lessons learned from this study a) can be used to provide a set of skills and practical guidance to designers when initiating open innovation b) define a spectrum for research on how designers can initiate innovation