1,137 research outputs found

    On the chemical ladder of esters. Detection and formation of ethyl formate in the W51 e2 hot molecular core

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    The detection of organic molecules with increasing complexity and potential biological relevance is opening the possibility to understand the formation of the building blocks of life in the interstellar medium. One of the families of molecules with astrobiological interest are the esters, whose simplest member, methyl formate, is rather abundant in star-forming regions. The next step in the chemical complexity of esters is ethyl formate, C2_2H5_5OCHO. Only two detections of this species have been reported so far, which strongly limits our understanding of how complex molecules are formed in the interstellar medium. We have searched for ethyl formate towards the W51 e2 hot molecular core, one of the most chemically rich sources in the Galaxy and one of the most promising regions to study prebiotic chemistry, especially after the recent discovery of the P−-O bond, key in the formation of DNA. We have analyzed a spectral line survey towards the W51 e2 hot molecular core, which covers 44 GHz in the 1, 2 and 3 mm bands, carried out with the IRAM 30m telescope. We report the detection of the trans and gauche conformers of ethyl formate. A Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium analysis indicates that the excitation temperature is 78±\pm10 K and that the two conformers have similar source-averaged column densities of (2.0±\pm0.3)×\times1016^{16} cm−2^{-2} and an abundance of ∼\sim10−8^{-8}. We compare the observed molecular abundances of ethyl formate with different competing chemical models based on grain surface and gas-phase chemistry. We propose that grain-surface chemistry may have a dominant role in the formation of ethyl formate (and other complex organic molecules) in hot molecular cores, rather than reactions in the gas phase.Comment: Accepted in A&A; 11 pages, 6 figures, 7 Table

    High-resolution study of a star-forming cluster in the Cep-A HW2 region

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    Due to its relatively small distance (725 pc), the Cepheus A East star-forming region is an ideal laboratory to study massive star formation processes. Based on its morphology, it has been suggested that the flattened molecular gas distribution around the YSO HW2 may be a 350-AU-radius massive protostellar disk. Goal of our work is to ascertain the nature of this structure. We have employed the Plateau de Bure Interferometer to acquire (sub-)arcsecond-resolution imaging of high-density and shock tracers, such as methyl cyanide (CH3CN) and silicon monoxide (SiO), towards the HW2 position. On the 1-arcsecond (about 725 AU) scale, the flattened distribution of molecular gas around HW2 appears to be due to the projected superposition, on the plane of the sky, of at least three protostellar objects, of which at least one is powering a molecular outflow at a small angle with respect to the line of sight. The presence of a protostellar disk around HW2 is not ruled out, but such structure is likely to be detected on a smaller spatial scale, or using different molecular tracers.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Microbiological, biochemical and biogenic amine profiles of Terrincho cheese manufactured in several dairy farms

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    Terrincho is a Portuguese traditional cheese, bearing a protected denomination of origin (PDO) status, which is manufactured from raw ewes’ milk and ripened for a minimum period of 30 d. The objectives of this research effort were to characterize the microbiological and biochemical profiles of this cheese, manufactured in several dairy farms during the winter cheesemaking season (December through March), and establish tentative correlations between these profiles and formation of biogenic amines. For this goal, 29 cheeses from five batches, manufactured in as many dairy farms located throughout the PDO region, were analysed. The viable numbers of the total (mesophilic) microflora, enterococci, lactococci, lactobacilli, enterobacteria, staphylococci, pseudomonads, yeasts and moulds were determined by 30 d, following classical plate counting on specific media. Free amino acid and biogenic amine contents were determined by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. The concentration of biogenic amines correlated well with microbial viable numbers, in both qualitative and quantitative terms; significant correlations were observed between enterococci and phenylethylamine (r ¼ 0.868, po0.0001), and between lactococci and cadaverine (r = 0.646, p <0.002) and tyramine (r = 0.868, p<0.0001). On the other hand, 220 g of Terrincho cheese would have to be consumed at a given time if the threshold of worst case risk was to be attained, which appears unrealistic for a typically single-doses meal ingredient. This study has contributed to deepen the knowledge on the microbiological and biochemical features of a unique Portuguese cheese throughout ripening, and to rationalize its safe consumption in terms of biogenic amines

    Organic Molecules in the Galactic Center. Hot Core Chemistry without Hot Cores

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    We study the origin of large abundances of complex organic molecules in the Galactic center (GC). We carried out a systematic study of the complex organic molecules CH3OH, C2H5OH, (CH3)2O, HCOOCH3, HCOOH, CH3COOH, H2CO, and CS toward 40 GC molecular clouds. Using the LTE approximation, we derived the physical properties of GC molecular clouds and the abundances of the complex molecules.The CH3OH abundance between clouds varies by nearly two orders of magnitude from 2.4x10^{-8} to 1.1x10^{-6}. The abundance of the other complex organic molecules relative to that of CH3OH is basically independent of the CH3OH abundance, with variations of only a factor 4-8. The abundances of complex organic molecules in the GC are compared with those measured in hot cores and hot corinos, in which these complex molecules are also abundant. We find that both the abundance and the abundance ratios of the complex molecules relative to CH3OH in hot cores are similar to those found in the GC clouds. However, hot corinos show different abundance ratios than observed in hot cores and in GC clouds. The rather constant abundance of all the complex molecules relative to CH3OH suggests that all complex molecules are ejected from grain mantles by shocks. Frequent (similar 10^{5}years) shocks with velocities >6km/s are required to explain the high abundances in gas phase of complex organic molecules in the GC molecular clouds. The rather uniform abundance ratios in the GC clouds and in Galactic hot cores indicate a similar average composition of grain mantles in both kinds of regions. The Sickle and the Thermal Radio Arches, affected by UV radiation, show different relative abundances in the complex organic molecules due to the differentially photodissociation of these molecules.Comment: 18 pages, 10 Postscript figures, uses aa.cls, aa.bst, 10pt.rtx, natbib.sty, revsymb.sty revtex4.cls, aps.rtx and aalongtabl.sty. Accepted in A&A 2006. version 2. relocated figures and tables. Language editor suggestions. added reference

    On the evolution of the molecular line profiles induced by the propagation of C-shock waves

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    We present the first results of the expected variations of the molecular line emission arising from material recently affected by C-shocks (shock precursors). Our parametric model of the structure of C-shocks has been coupled with a radiative transfer code to calculate the molecular excitation and line profiles of shock tracers such as SiO, and of ion and neutral molecules such as H13CO+ and HN13C, as the shock propagates through the unperturbed medium. Our results show that the SiO emission arising from the early stage of the magnetic precursor typically has very narrow line profiles slightly shifted in velocity with respect to the ambient cloud. This narrow emission is generated in the region where the bulk of the ion fluid has already slipped to larger velocities in the precursor as observed toward the young L1448-mm outflow. This strongly suggests that the detection of narrow SiO emission and of an ion enhancement in young shocks, is produced by the magnetic precursor of C-shocks. In addition, our model shows that the different velocity components observed toward this outflow can be explained by the coexistence of different shocks at different evolutionary stages, within the same beam of the single-dish observations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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