496 research outputs found

    Perancangan Aplikasi Informasi Multimedia Tanaman Buah Kebun Raya Bogor dengan Augmented Reality

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    Kebun Raya Bogor adalah salah satu tempat wisata botani, Selain sebagai tempat untuk mempelajari atau mendalami ilmu pengetahuan alam, Kebun Raya Indonesia merupakan salah satu lembaga yang bertanggung jawab terhadap konservasi ex-situ flora asli Indonesia mempunyai perananpenting dalam mempertahankan dan mengembangkan potensi tanaman buah yang ada. Terdapat tidak kurang dari 102 jenis tanaman buah. Media informasi yang terletak pada area perkebunan sudah tersedia namun untuk mencari informasi lebih lengkap tentang tumbuhan atau tanaman buah tersebut,pengunjung tidak bisa mendapatkannya secara langsung. Kurang lengkapnya informasi yang lebih detail pada area koleksi Kebun Raya Bogor membuat pengunjung tidak mengetahui manfaat lebih daritubuhan tersebut. Pengungjung harus mencari sendiri di perpustakaan atau informasi dari internet. Tanaman buah mempunyai rentang waktu dalam berbuah, pengujung akan sulit membayangkan jika pohon nya sedang tidak berbuah. Informasi lebih detail seperti ukuran, daun, bunga, buah secaramendetail tidak didapatkan di lokasi tumbuhan tersebut. karena media informasi yang ada hanya memaparkan informasi umum. Informasi multimedia dengan menerapkan teknologi augmented reality dapat menjadi solusi. Perancangan multimedia informasi ini mengunakan Metode Interactive Multimedia System Design Development (IMSDD) dengan penekanan bidang keilmuan desain antarmuka pengguna. Multimedia Informasi dengan memanfaatkan Augmented reality sebagai simulasi dari objek buah dapat memberikan informasi yang lengkap sesuai kebutuhan pengunjung. Informasi multimedia nantinya akan memanfaatkan aplikasi mobile sehingga pengunjung dapat melihat informasitersebut pada lokasi tubuhan buah dikebun yang sangat luas

    Recoding and multidimensional analyses of vegetation data: a comparison

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    Two simulated coenoclines and a real data set were differently recoded with respect to the Braun-Blanquet coding (including presence/absence) and analysed through the most common multidimensional scaling methods. This way, we aim at contributing to the debate concerning the nature of the Braun-Blanquet coding and the consequent multidimensional scaling methods to be used. Procrustes, Pearson, and Spearman correlation matrices were computed to compare the resulting sets of coordinates and synthesized through their Principal Component Analyses (PCA). In general, both Procrustes and Pearson correlations showed high coherence of the obtained results, whereas Spearman correlation values were much lower. This proves that the main sources of variation are similarly identified by most of used methods/transformations, whereas less agreement results on the continuous variations along the detected gradients. The conclusion is that Correspondence Analysis on presence/absence data seems the most appropriate method to use. Indeed, presence/absence data are not affected by species cover estimation error and Simple Correspondence Analysis performs really well with this coding. As alternative, Multiple Correlation Analysis provides interesting information on the species distribution while showing a pattern of relevés very similar to that issued by PCA

    Ensino em Ciências da Saúde, Meio Ambiente e esporte na natureza: um relato sobre as visitas técnicas no IFRJ-VR

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    O relato de experiência configura-se a partir de dois objetivos que se complementam: apresentar e divulgar as ações pedagógicas desenvolvidas no curso de Automação Industrial do Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro campus Volta Redonda no Ensino em Ciências da Saúde (Educação Física) e Meio Ambiente; segundo, discutir a interdisciplinaridade como um caminho possível para repensar a formação continuada de professores a partir do olhar reflexivo sobre as práticas pedagógicas no IFRJ-VR. A questão central funda-se na Educação ambiental e no entendimento da relação indissociável entre a sociedade e a natureza. O relato de experiência se estruturou por meio da ação interdisciplinar entre as áreas de Educação Física, Geografia, Biologia e Filosofia, implantadas no curso de Automação Industrial do IFRJ-VR na intenção de estabelecer outros olhares para a Educação Ambiental, acarretando possíveis alterações na concepção de currículo, dos processos teórico-metodológicos em decorrência da concepção do processo avaliativo e, finalmente, no processo de ensino no cotidiano escolar. As ações se estruturam a partir dos seguintes conceitos: modernidade, Lazer, Esporte na Natureza e Educação Ambiental, como eixos temáticos, e a interdisciplinaridade como método e como princípio filosófico-pedagógico norteador do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, a metodologia do trabalho se desenvolveu em dois momentos: Primeiro, na visita ao museu do Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, na intenção de permitir o acesso dos alunos a conhecimentos específicos e comportamentos adequados em uma Área de proteção Ambiental – APA; Segundo, na escalada do Morro da Urca na tentativa de uma interação dos múltiplos campos do saber envolvidos e a experiência da prática do esporte na natureza e toda a complexidade que envolve a referida prática esportiva

    LIMPRINT: a sociological perspective on "chronic edema"

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    Background: Chronic edema is a condition that is biologically complex, distressing for patients and sociopolitically weak. Like many other complex and chronic conditions, it has a low status within health care. The result is that it has a low priority in health policy and consequently is undervalued and undertreated. While evidence-based practice promotes a hierarchy of evidence, it is also the case that clinical practice is influenced by a hierarchy of social status. These are as much political as they are scientific. Methods and Results: This article will provide an explanation for why chronic edema is a low priority. It will do this through a critical review of the literature. We examine this through the theoretical lens of Pierre Bourdieu. The sociology of Bourdieu frames an understanding of power relations through habitus, field, and capital. We will employ these theoretical tools to understand the way that chronic edema is situated within the policy arena. We identify a number of social mechanisms that affect the status of chronic edema, including diagnostic uncertainty, social capital, scientific capital, cultural capital and economic capital. Conclusion: We argue that a whole system approach to care, based on human need rather than unequal power relations, is a prerequisite for the delivery of good health care. The specialty of chronic edema is not a powerless group and we identify some of the ways that the social mechanism that acts as barriers to change, can also be employed to challenge them. Methods: This paper will provide an explanation for why chronic oedema is a low priority. It will do this through a critical review of the literature. We examine this through the theoretical lens of Pierre Bourdieu. The sociology of Bourdieu frames an understanding of power relations through habitus, field and capital. We will employ these theoretical tools to understand the way that chronic oedema is situated within the policy arena

    Understanding organisational development, sustainability, and diffusion of innovations within hospitals participating in a multilevel quality collaborative

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Between 2004 and 2008, 24 Dutch hospitals participated in a two-year multilevel quality collaborative (MQC) comprised of (a) a leadership programme for hospital executives, (b) six quality-improvement collaboratives (QICs) for healthcare professionals and other staff, and (c) an internal programme organisation to help senior management monitor and coordinate team progress. The MQC aimed to stimulate the development of quality-management systems and the spread of methods to improve patient safety and logistics. The objective of this study is to describe how the first group of eight MQC hospitals sustained and disseminated improvements made and the quality methods used.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The approach followed by the hospitals was described using interview and questionnaire data gathered from eight programme coordinators.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MQC hospitals followed a systematic strategy of diffusion and sustainability. Hospital quality-management systems are further developed according to a model linking plan-do-study-act cycles at the unit and hospital level. The model involves quality norms based on realised successes, performance agreements with unit heads, organisational support, monitoring, and quarterly accountability reports.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It is concluded from this study that the MQC contributed to organisational development and dissemination within participating hospitals. Organisational learning effects were demonstrated. System changes affect the context factors in the theory of organisational readiness: organisational culture, policies and procedures, past experience, organisational resources, and organisational structure. Programme coordinator responses indicate that these factors are utilised to manage spread and sustainability. Further research is needed to assess long-term effects.</p