1,662 research outputs found

    Higher dimensional Reidemeister torsion invariants for cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds

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    For an oriented finite volume hyperbolic 3-manifold M with a fixed spin structure \eta, we consider a sequence of invariants {\tau_n(M; \eta)}. Roughly speaking, {\tau_n(M; \eta)} is the Reidemeister torsion of M with respect to the representation given by the composition of the lift of the holonomy representation defined by \eta, and the n-dimensional, irreducible, complex representation of SL(2,C). In the present work, we focus on two aspects of this invariant: its asymptotic behavior and its relationship with the complex-length spectrum of the manifold. Concerning the former, we prove that for suitable spin structures, log(\tau_n(M; \eta)) grows as -n^2 Vol(M)/4\pi, extending thus the result obtained by W. Mueller for the compact case. Concerning the latter, we prove that the sequence {\tau_n(M; \eta)} determines the complex-length spectrum of the manifold up to complex conjugation

    Nota sobre les roques hipabissals de la Serra de Tramuntana de Mallorca: algunes característiques petrogràfiques y geoquímiques

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    Some diabase and more leucocratic dykes found in Mallorca demonstrate the existence of subvolcanic or hypoabyssal on this island. All these outcrops are always found inside the triassic materials, and and thus may be directly related to the upper triassic volcanism. Although some of the studied rocks have evident alkaline affinities (with ne and ol in the CIPW norm), others display greater diversity, from transitional (with ol and hy ) to subalkaline types (with hy and Q in the norm)

    A chemical approximation to the modal QAPF and normative Q' (F')-ANOR classification of the igneous rocks based on their SiO2-CaO-K2O content

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    Magmas can form plutonic or volcanic rocks of the same chemical composition. The modal composition of the plutonic rocks can be quantified but in the case of volcanic rocks this is not always possible, because of its aphanitic texture and presence of glass. These characteristics prevent a mineralogical classification in equivalent diagrams for both types of rocks. To resolve this problem, the IUGS recommends the use of chemical TAS diagram in cases where obtaining the modal composition is not possible, in an attempt to adjust its nomenclature to that represented in the QAPF modal diagram. A best approximation is obtained with the normative diagram Q'(F')-ANOR in which the anorthite and the orthoclase are used as a discriminating factor. In this work, the chemical SiO2-100·CaO/(CaO+K2O) diagram is presented, which largely reproduces the aforementioned normative classification but in a simplified form since it uses only three discriminating chemical components (SiO2, CaO and K2O). The delimitation and nomenclature of the fields has been undertaken empirically using as an example the normative diagram and plotting the analyses of typical igneous rocks. The approximate limit of silica saturation has been drawn as a straight line joining the feldspathic compositions, between orthoclase and anorthit

    Las rocas hipoabisales hercinianas y tardi-hercinianas del sector centro-oriental del sinclinal de Llavorsí (Pirineo Central)

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    Los materiales silricos, devnicos que constituyen el sinclinal de Llavors (Pirineo central) estn atravesados por dos grupos principales de rocas gneas hipoabisales. El primer grupo esta formado por rocas de composicin bsica e intermedis afectadas por un metamorfismo herciniano de grado muy bajo y forman parte, por tanto, de un episodio magmtico bsico anterior a las deformaciones principales hercinianas. Las transformaciones secundarias sufridas por estas rocas impiden deducir, apartir del estudio de 10s elementos mayores, su pertenencia a una serie ignea determinada si bien pueden distinguirse claramente dos asociaciones con distintas relaciones Mg/Fe. El segundo grupo, claramente postectnico, est constituido nicamente por rocas cidas (felsitas y prfidos granticos y granodioriticos), relacionadas aparentemente con el plutonismo calcoalcalino tardi-herciniano

    Comparative study of the classification of plutonic and volcanic rocks using the normative Q' (F')-ANOR and chemical SiO2-100·CaO/(CaO+K2O) diagrams

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    To obtain a classification of igneous rocks, compatible with the QAPF classification, in the absence of modal analyses, a chemical diagram using the same discriminating elements as the Q'(F')-ANOR normative diagram has been proposed. These elements, Si, Ca and K, are essential constituents of quartz, feldspars and feldspathoids. The different proportions between these minerals are the basis of the QAPF modal classification but also those of the normative classification Q'(F')-ANOR. The chemical diagram SiO2100·CaO/(CaO+K2O) uses these same elements but with the important difference that they are treated as independent variables. This characteristic allows igneous rocks to be classified with a nomenclature equivalent to that obtained by modal analyses, using only Si, Ca and K analytical data. The plotting of a set of representative plutonic and volcanic rocks reveals a remarkable concordance between both diagrams. However, some discrepancies and overlaps occur in the subsaturated fields due to the inability of the method to determine whether the lower silica content is due to the presence of olivine or feldspathoids. The samples selected belong to igneous series from diverse geotectonic areas , thus helping to evaluate the results in a global context

    Expresión geomorfológica de la actividad reciente de la falla de Amer (NE de la Península Ibérica)

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    Triangular facets, related drainage basins, alluvial fans and subtle scarps reveal the recent activity of the normal Amer fault (NE Spain). The 1427 earthquakes which reached epicentral intensities ranging between VI1 and VI11 have been attributed to the Amer fault. However, the geomorphologic and geologic characteristics of this fault (30 km length) suggest that it might be capable of producing larger earthquakes than those occurred during de 15th century

    A new view on exoplanet transits: Transit of Venus described using three-dimensional solar atmosphere Stagger-grid simulations

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    Stellar activity and, in particular, convection-related surface structures, potentially cause fluctuations that can affect the transit light curves. Surface convection simulations can help the interpretation of ToV. We used realistic three-dimensional radiative hydrodynamical simulation of the Sun from the Stagger-grid and synthetic images computed with the radiative transfer code Optim3D to provide predictions for the transit of Venus in 2004 observed by the satellite ACRIMSAT. We computed intensity maps from RHD simulation of the Sun and produced synthetic stellar disk image. We computed the light curve and compared it to the ACRIMSAT observations and also to the light curves obtained with solar surface representations carried out using radial profiles with different limb-darkening laws. We also applied the same spherical tile imaging method to the observations of center-to-limb Sun granulation with HINODE. We managed to explain ACRIMSAT observations of 2004 ToV and showed that the granulation pattern causes fluctuations in the transit light curve. We evaluated the contribution of the granulation to the ToV. We showed that the granulation pattern can partially explain the observed discrepancies between models and data. This confirms that the limb-darkening and the granulation pattern simulated in 3D RHD Sun represent well what is imaged by HINODE. In the end, we found that the Venus's aureole contribution during ToV is less intense than the solar photosphere, and thus negligible. Being able to explain consistently the data of 2004 ToV is a new step forward for 3D RHD simulations that are becoming essential for the detection and characterization of exoplanets. They show that the granulation have to be considered as an intrinsic incertitude, due to the stellar variability, on precise measurements of exoplanet transits of, most likely, planets with small diameters.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Procesos de mezcla incompleta entre un magma granodiorítico y una intrusión diorítica parcialmente consolidada en Llafranc (Cordillera Litoral Catalana, NE de la Península Ibérica)

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    La presencia de rocas intrusivas heterogéneas originadas por mezcla de magmas es frecuente en distintos ámbitos geológicos. En este trabajo se estudian los posibles procesos que han dado lugar a la formación de las cuarzodioritas hercinianas de Llafranc. La morfología de los contactos entre las zonas granodioríticas y cuarzodioríticas y la distribución de los fenocristales sugieren que se produjo una inyección de magma granodiorítico, en una intrusión cuarzodiorítica parcialmente consolidada pero aún con fluidez suficiente para mezclarse de forma limitada. La evolución conjunta de los dos magmas a temperaturas decrecientes genera una secuencia en la tipología de los contactos que empieza con contactos difusos curvilíneos, con marcado intercambio de fases minerales, y acaba con contactos netos, rectilíneos sin intercambio cristalino apreciabl