360 research outputs found

    Assessing costs and benefits of measures to achieve good environmental status in European regional seas: challenges, opportunities, and lessons learnt

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    The EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requires Member States to assess the costs and benefits of Programmes of Measures (PoMs) put in place to ensure that European marine waters achieve Good Environmental Status by 2020. An interdisciplinary approach is needed to carry out such an assessment whereby economic analysis is used to evaluate the outputs from ecological analysis that determines the expected effects of such management measures. This paper applies and tests an existing six-step approach to assess costs and benefits of management measures with potential to support the overall goal of the MSFD and discusses a range of ecological and economic analytical tools applicable to this task. Environmental cost-benefit analyses are considered for selected PoMs in three European case studies: Baltic Sea (Finland), East Coast Marine Plan area (UK), and the Bay of Biscay (Spain). These contrasting case studies are used to investigate the application of environmental cost-benefit analysis (CBA) including the challenges, opportunities and lessons learnt from using this approach. This paper demonstrates that there are opportunities in applying the six-step environmental CBA framework presented to assess the impact of PoMs. However, given demonstrated limitations of knowledge and data availability, application of other economic techniques should also be considered (although not applied here) to complement the more formal environmental CBA approach

    Automated structure discovery in atomic force microscopy

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) with molecule-functionalized tips has emerged as the primary experimental technique for probing the atomic structure of organic molecules on surfaces. Most experiments have been limited to nearly planar aromatic molecules due to difficulties with interpretation of highly distorted AFM images originating from nonplanar molecules. Here, we develop a deep learning infrastructure that matches a set of AFM images with a unique descriptor characterizing the molecular configuration, allowing us to predict the molecular structure directly. We apply this methodology to resolve several distinct adsorption configurations of 1S-camphor on Cu(111) based on low-temperature AFM measurements. This approach will open the door to applying high-resolution AFM to a large variety of systems, for which routine atomic and chemical structural resolution on the level of individual objects/molecules would be a major breakthrough

    Beta-decay in odd-A and even-even proton-rich Kr isotopes

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    Beta-decay properties of proton-rich odd-A and even-even Krypton isotopes are studied in the framework of a deformed selfconsistent Hartree-Fock calculation with density-dependent Skyrme forces, including pairing correlations between like nucleons in BCS approximation. Residual spin-isospin interactions are consistently included in the particle-hole and particle-particle channels and treated in Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation. The similarities and differences in the treatment of even-even and odd-A nuclei are stressed. Comparison to available experimental information is done for Gamow-Teller strength distributions, summed strengths, and half-lives. The dependence of these observables on deformation is particularly emphasized in a search for signatures of the shape of the parent nucleus.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figure

    Structure discovery in Atomic Force Microscopy imaging of ice

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    The interaction of water with surfaces is crucially important in a wide range of natural and technological settings. In particular, at low temperatures, unveiling the atomistic structure of adsorbed water clusters would provide valuable data for understanding the ice nucleation process. Using high-resolution Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, several studies have demonstrated the presence of water pentamers, hexamers, heptamers (and of their combinations) on a variety of metallic surfaces, as well the initial stages of 2D ice growth on an insulating surface. However, in all these cases, the observed structures were completely flat, providing a relatively straightforward path to interpretation. Here, we present high-resolution AFM measurements of several new water clusters on Au(111) and Cu(111), whose understanding presents significant challenges, due to both their highly 3D configuration and to their large size. For each of them, we use a combination of machine learning, atomistic modelling with neural network potentials and statistical sampling to propose an underlying atomic structure, finally comparing its AFM simulated images to the experimental ones. These results provide new insights into the early phases of ice formation, which is a ubiquitous phenomenon ranging from biology to astrophysics

    Spectroscopy of 34,35Si^{34,35}Si by β\beta decay: sd-fp shell gap and single-particle states

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    The 34,35Alβ^{34,35}Al\beta decays were studied at the CERN on-line mass separator ISOLDE by βγ,βγγ\beta-\gamma, \beta-\gamma-\gamma and βnγ\beta-n-\gamma measurements, in order to corroborate thelow-level description of 34Si^{34}Si and to obtain the first information on the level structure of the N=21 isotope 35Si^{35}Si. Earlier observed γ\gamma lines in 34Al^{34} Al decay were confirmed and new gamma transitions following both beta decay and β\beta-delayed neutron emission were established. The first level scheme in 35Si^{35}Si, including three excited states at 910, 974 and 2168 keV, is consistent with Jπ=3/2J^{\pi} =3/2^{-} and 3/2+3/2^{+} for the first two states respectively. Beta-decay half-life of T1/2=38.6(4)T_{1/2} = 38.6 (4) ms and beta-delayed neutron branching PnP_{n} value (Pn=41(13)(P_{n} =41(13) %) were measured unambiguously. The significance of the single-particle energy determination at N=21, Z=14, for assessing the effective interaction in sd-fp shell-model calculations, is discussed and illustrated by predictions for different n-rich isotopes

    Proton instability of 73^{73}Rb

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    The steps of territorial intelligence are based on the emergence of new fashions of exchange within the territory . It acts thus on the territorial visibility and hustles the places of strategic reflexion; by doing this, it takes part within the country, to make move the bond sociétal. This paper subjects a posture of collection and mutualisation of information within the territory

    β\beta-decay half-life of 70^{70}Kr: a bridge nuclide for the rp-process beyond A = 70

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    The β\beta-decay half-life of 70^{70}Kr has been measured for the first time at the ISOLDE PSB Facility at CERN. Mass separated 70^{70}Kr ions were produced by 1 GeV proton induced spallation reactions in a Nb foil. The measured half-life is 57(21) ms. This value is consistent with the half-life calculated assuming a pure Fermi decay, but is clearly lower than the value used in a recent rp-process reaction flow calculation. The result shows that the reaction flow via two-proton-capture of 68^{68}Se is 2.5 times faster than previously calculated assuming an astrophysical temperature of 1.5 GK and a density of 106^{6}g/cm3^{3}

    β\beta- decay of the proton-rich Tz=1/2_{z} = -1/2 nucleus, 71^{71}Kr

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    β\beta- decay of the Tz_{z} = - 1/2 nuclide 71^{71}Kr has been studied at the ISOLDE PSB Facility at CERN. 71^{71}Kr ions were produced in spallation reactions in a Nb foil using the 1 GeV proton beam and studied by means of β\beta-delayed proton, β\beta- and γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy. The half-life and the β\beta-decay energy of 71^{71}Kr were determined using the decay of protons and positrons. These results: T1/2_{1/2} = 100 ± 3 ms and QECQ_\textrm{EC} = 1014^{14} ± 0.32 MeV and the first observation of the b-branch to the 207 keV level in 71^{71}Br makes the extension of the systematics of Gamow-Teller matrix elements of mirror nuclei up to A = 71 possible. Gamow-Teller strength of the same magnitude as that of the fpfp-shell mirror nuclei is observed for the ground state transition

    Background studies for the national salmon strategy

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Tämä selvitys on kooste tutkimuksen keräämistä taustatiedoista, jotka toimitettiin Itämeren aluetta koskevan kansallisen lohistrategian valmistelua varten. Taustatietojen keräämiseen osallistui lukuisia tutkimuksen eri osa-alueiden asiantuntijoita. Lohta on tutkittu enemmän kuin meritaimenta, mutta lohen tutkimustietoja on tietyiltä osin mahdollista soveltaa myös meritaimeneen. Selvitys esittelee lohen ja meritaimenen elinkaaret, lajien elinympäristövaatimukset ja roolit Itämeren ja siihen laskevien jokien ekosysteemeissä. Selvityksessä kuvataan nykyiset lisääntymisjoet ja niiden luonnonkantojen tila. Lisäksi esitellään myös entiset lisääntymisjoet, joista osaan lohen ja meritaimenen lisääntyminen saattaa olla mahdollista palauttaa. Istutustilastojen, saaliin alkuperätietojen ja merkintätulosten pohjalta käsitellään istutusten vaikutuksia. Merkintätulosten ja kalastus- ja saalistietojen avulla kuvataan lohi- ja meritaimenkantojen vaellusalueita ja kalastuksen sekä saaliiden kehitystä. Selvitys kokoaa nykytiedot lohen ja meritaimenen merivaelluksen alkuvaiheen luontaisen kuolevuuden kasvusta, muutoksen mahdollisista syistä sekä muutoksen vaikutuksista kalastukseen ja sen säätelytarpeisiin. Lisäksi esitellään nykytiedot lohen kalastajamääristä, lohen taloudellisesta ja yhteiskunnallisesta merkityksestä sekä virkistysarvosta. Edelleen luodaan katsaus lohenkalastuksen säätelyjärjestelmiin ja lohikantojen hoitoon muualla maailmassa, sekä päätöksenteon pohjaksi tehtäviin kanta-arvioihin. Lisäksi tuodaan esille tarpeellisia toimenpiteitä lohi- ja meritaimenkantojen vahvistamiseksi. Selvityksen keskeisin sisältö on vedetty yhteen lajikohtaisesti aivan raportin lopussa.| SAMMANFATTNING Denna utredning är en sammanställning av bakgrundsfakta som forskningsexperterna samlat in för att användas vid beredningen av den nationella laxstrategin. I faktainsamlingen medverkade många experter inom forskningens olika delområden. Om lax har gjorts fler undersökningar än om havsöring, men forskningsrönen går också att tillämpa på havsöring till vissa delar. I utredningen finns en beskrivning av laxens och havsöringens livscyklar, livsmiljökrav och roller i ekosystemen i Östersjön och de älvar som utmynnar i Östersjön. Utredningen beskriver också de nuvarande lekälvarna och statusen hos de vilda bestånd som lever i dessa älvar. Därtill presenterar utredningen de tidigare lekälvarna av vilka vissa eventuellt kan återställas för lax och havsöring för lek. Effekterna av utplanteringarna ska behandlas utifrån utplanteringsstatistik, fångstens ursprungsuppgifter och märkningsresultat. Med hjälp av märkningsresultaten och informationen om fisket och fångsterna beskriver man lax- och havsöringsbeståndens vandringsområden samt utvecklingen av fisket och fångsterna. Utredningen innehåller aktuell information om ökningen av dödligheten hos havsöring under havsvandringens första tid, om eventuella orsaker till förändringen samt om konsekvenserna av förändringen för fisket och behoven av reglering. I utredningen ingår också information om antalet laxfiskare, laxens ekonomiska och samhälleliga betydelse och rekreationsvärde. I utredningen finns ytterligare en översikt över laxfiskets regleringssystem och förvaltningen av laxbestånden i övriga världen samt över beståndsuppskattningarna som utgör underlag för beslutsfattandet. Vidare presenteras det åtgärder som behövs för att stärka lax- och havsöringsbestånd. I slutet av rapporten finns sammanfattning av utredningens viktigaste innehåll artspecifikt.| SUMMARY This report is a summary of the background information collected from research and submitted for the preparation of the national salmon strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Many experts on the various sectors of research participated in compiling the background information. More research has been done on salmon than on sea trout, but the research results on salmon are in certain respects applicable to sea trout as well. The report presents the life cycles of salmon and sea trout, the habitat requirements of the species and their roles in the ecosystems of the Baltic Sea and the rivers discharging into it. The report describes the rivers where the species reproduce at present and the status of the wild populations in these. In addition, former spawning rivers are presented, some of which could be suitable for restoration of salmon and sea trout populations. The effects of stocking salmon and sea trout juveniles are discussed on the basis of stocking statistics, data on the origin of catches and fish tag recaptures. Tag recaptures and fishing and catch data are used to describe the migration areas of salmon and sea trout populations and trends in fishing and catches. The report provides current information on the increase in the natural mortality of salmon and sea trout in the early stage of sea migration. Possible reasons for the change in the natural mortality are discussed, as well as its impacts on fishing and regulation of fishing. Current knowledge is also given on the numbers of salmon fishers, economic and social significance of salmon and salmon fishing, and the recreational value of salmon. Information is also provided on the regulatory frameworks for salmon fishing and management of salmon populations in other parts of the world as well as population assessments made to serve as the basis for decision-making. In addition, certain measures necessary for strengthening the salmon and sea trout populations are put forward. The main content of the report as regards the individual species is summarised at the end of the report