298 research outputs found

    Multi-node approach for map data processing

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    OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a popular collaborative open-source project that offers free editable map across the whole world. However, this data often needs a further on-purpose processing to become the utmost valuable information to work with. That is why the main motivation of this paper is to propose a design for big data processing along with data mining leading to the obtaining of statistics with a focus on the detail of a traffic data as a result in order to create graphs representing a road network. To ensure our High-Performance Computing (HPC) platform routing algorithms work correctly, it is absolutely essential to prepare OSM data to be useful and applicable for above-mentioned graph, and to store this persistent data in both spatial database and HDF5 format.Web of Science8971049

    Population structure of Morpho helenor peleides Kollar, 1850 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in a tropical dry forest landscape, department of Bolivar, Colombia.

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    Teniendo en cuenta la alta tasa de destrucción de los bosques en la región Caribe colombiana y la escasa información disponible sobre la ecología poblacional de las mariposas del género Morpho, se analizó la variación de estructura poblacional de Morpho helenor peleides Kollar, 1850 en un paisaje de Bosque seco tropical (BST) en los Montes de María, Caribe colombiano. Metodología. Para el estudio de la mariposa, se utilizó el método de captura-marca-recaptura (CMR) en siete estaciones, en las cuales se instalaron trampas Van Someren-Rydon cebadas con una mezcla de frutas fermentadas. Resultados. La abundancia total fue de 287 individuos, con 59 recapturas (20,5%). Se obtuvieron tamaños poblacionales entre 8 y 339 individuos. La proporción sexual macho-hembra fue 3:1. Se capturaron mayores porcentajes de mariposas nuevas (41,8%) e intermedias (38,6%). El tiempo de residencia máximo registrado fue de 38 días. Se calcularon distancias totales de vuelo entre 149 y 1,231m, aunque las hembras presentaron los mayores promedios (303.7±189.4m) de distancia recorrida; pero no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las distancias recorridas entre sexos (U= 265,5, p>0,05). Conclusiones: La estructura poblacional de M. helenor peleides presentó una variación espacial y temporal en el paisaje de bosque seco estudiado. Adicionalmente, se determinó que la cobertura de dosel natural juega un papel importante en la dinámica temporal y la distribución de la abundancia de este grupo de mariposas en el bosque seco tropical y se resalta la importancia de este ecosistema en la conservación de esta especie.Considering the high destruction rate of forest in the Caribbean of Colombia and the lacking of available information about population ecology of butterflies from the genus Morpho, we analyzed the variation of the population structure of Morpho helenor peleides Kollar, 1850 in a Tropical Dry Forest (TDF) landscape on “Montes de María”, in the Caribbean of Colombia. Methodology. For the butterfly study, we used the capture-mark-recapture method (CMR) on seven stations, in which we installed Van Someren-Rydon traps, baited with a mixture of fermented fruits. Results. The total abundance was 287 individuals, with 59 recaptures (20,5%). The population size we obtained was between 8 and 339 individuals. Sexual proportion male-female was 3:1. We captured a higher percentage of new butterflies (41,8%) and intermediate butterflies (38,6%). The maximum residence time we registered was 38 days. We calculated total distances of flight between 149 and 1,231; although females presented the highest average distances (303.7±189.4m), there was not statistical significance in the distances of flight between sexes (U= 265,5, p>0,05). Conclusions. The population structure of M. helenor peleides presented a spatio-temporal variation in the dry forest landscape we studied. Additionally, we determined that natural canopy cover plays an important role in the temporal dynamic and distribution of the abundance of this butterfly group in tropical dry forest, and it is emphasized the importance of this ecosystem in the conservation of this species

    Technical Note: Reanalysis of upper troposphere humidity data from the MOZAIC programme for the period 1994 to 2009

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    In-situ observational data on the relative humidity (RH) in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere (UT/LS), or tropopause region, respectively, collected aboard civil passenger aircraft in the MOZAIC (Measurements of OZone, water vapour, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides by in-service AIrbus airCraft) programme were reanalysed for the period 2000 to 2009. Previous analyses of probability distribution functions (PDF) of upper troposphere humidity (UTH) data from MOZAIC observations from year 2000 and later indicated a bias of UTH data towards higher RH values compared to data of the period 1994 to 1999. As a result, PDF of UTH data show a substantial fraction of observations above 100% relative humidity with respect to liquid water (RHliquid), which is not possible from thermodynamical principles. An in-depth reanalysis of the data set recovered a calibration artefact from year 2000 on, while data of the previous period from 1994 to 1999 were found to be correct. The full data set for 2000–2009 was reanalysed applying the adjusted calibration procedure. Applied correction schemes and a revised error analysis are presented along with the reanalysed PDF of RHliquid and RHice

    3-D model simulations of dynamical and microphysical interactions in pyroconvective clouds under idealized conditions

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    Abstract. Dynamical and microphysical processes in pyroconvective clouds in mid-latitude conditions are investigated using idealized three-dimensional simulations with the Active Tracer High resolution Atmospheric Model (ATHAM). A state-of-the-art two-moment microphysical scheme building upon a realistic parameterization of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation has been implemented in order to study the influence of aerosol concentration on cloud development. The results show that aerosol concentration influences the formation of precipitation. For low aerosol concentrations (NCN = 200 cm−3), rain droplets are rapidly formed by autoconversion of cloud droplets. This also triggers the formation of large graupel and hail particles, resulting in an early onset of precipitation. With increasing aerosol concentration (NCN = 1000 cm−3 and NCN = 20 000 cm−3) the formation of rain droplets is delayed due to more but smaller cloud droplets. Therefore, the formation of ice crystals and snowflakes becomes more important for the eventual formation of graupel and hail, which is delayed at higher aerosol concentrations. This results in a delay of the onset of precipitation and a reduction of its intensity with increasing aerosol concentration. This study is the first detailed investigation of the interaction between cloud microphysics and the dynamics of a pyroconvective cloud using the combination of a high-resolution atmospheric model and a detailed microphysical scheme. This work has been supported by an International Max Planck Research School fellowship and the Max Planck Society.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/14/7573/2014/acp-14-7573-2014.html

    Об устойчивости движения математического маятника, взаимодействующего со струной

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    В линейной и нелинейной постановках решена задача об устойчивости стационарных движений однозвенного маятника в гибридной модели механической системы, состоящей из горизонтально закрепленной струны, нагруженной колеблющейся сосредоточенной массой.У лінійній і нелінійній постановках розв'язано задачу про стійкість стаціонарних рухів одноланкового маятника в гібридній моделі механічної системи, яка складається з горизонтально розміщеної струни, навантаженої коливною зосередженою масою.The problem of stability of the stationary motions of a single-mass pendulum in the hybrid model of one mechanical system is solved in the linear and nonlinear statements. The mechanical system consists of a string which is horizontally disposed and loaded by an oscillating localized mass

    Augmented Reality for Real-time Navigation Assistance to Wheelchair Users with Obstacles' Management

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    International audienceDespite a rapid technological evolution in the field of technical assistance for people with motor disabilities, their ability to move independently in a wheelchair is still limited. New information and communication technologies (NICT) such as augmented reality (AR) are a real opportunity to integrate people with disabilities into their everyday life and work. AR can afford real-time information about buildings and locations' accessibility through mobile applications that allow the user to have a clear view of the building details. By interacting with augmented environments that appear in the real world using a smart device, users with disabilities have more control of their environment. In this paper, we propose a decision support system using AR for motor disabled people navigation assistance. We describe a real-time wheelchair navigation system equipped with geological mapping that indicates access path to a desired location, the shortest route towards it and identifies obstacles to avoid. The prototyped wheelchair navigation system was developed for use within the University of Lille campus