86 research outputs found

    Sea Beam Survey of an Active Strike-Slip Fault: The San Clemente Fault in the California Continental Borderland

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    The San Clemente fault, located in the California Continental Borderland, is an active, northwest trending, right-lateral, wrench fault. Sea Beam data are used to map the major tectonic landforms associated with active submarine faulting in detail unavailable using conventional echo-sounding or seismic reflection data. In the area between North San Clemente Basin and Fortymile Bank, the major late Cenozoic faults are delineated by alignments of numerous tectonic landforms, including scarps, linear trenches, benches, and sags. Character and spatial patterns of these landforms are consistent with dextral wrench faulting, although vertical offsets may be substantial locally. The main trace of the San Clemente fault cuts a straight path directly across the rugged topography of the region, evidence of a steeply dipping fault surface. Basins or sags located at each right step in the en echelon pattern of faults are manifestations of pull-apart basin development in a right-slip fault zone. Seismic reflection profiles show offset reflectors and a graben in late Quaternary turbidites of the Navy Fan, where the fault zone follows a more northerly trend. Modern tectonic activity along the San Clemente fault zone is demonstrated by numerous earthquakes with epicenters located along the fault\u27s trend. The average strike of the San Clemente fault is parallel to the predicted Pacific-North American relative plate motion vector at this location. Therefore we conclude that the San Clemente fault zone is a part of the broad Pacific-North American transform plate boundary and that the southern California region may be considered as a broad shear zone

    Coordination et qualité dans les filières agricoles du Sud

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    The objective of the project is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of different forms of coordination in the development of quality chains in developing countries. Such forms of coordination include: signs of quality (labels, brands, geographical references); horizontal coordination (producers' or traders' associations); vertical coordination (personalized relationships, contracts, integration). Our project is attempting to: (i) characterize problems with quality; (ii) characterize the diversity of forms of coordination to deal with quality problems; (iii) assess the effectiveness of forms of coordination and the potential role of government to strengthen it. The project is based on four case studies of specific quality commodity chains ("safe" vegetables in Vietnam, grain in Mali, special coffees in the Dominican Republic, palm oil in Côte d'Ivoire and Cameroon), as well as workshops that bring together researchers from CIRAD,INRA, universities and countries of the South. Setting up a framework to analyze the relationship between coordination and quality problems is one of the pillars of the project. Problems with quality have been characterized in the four case studies, highlighting the increasing costs and measurement errors between physical quality problems (found in all commodity chains), flavor (palm oil and coffee), safety (vegetables in Vietnam) and ethics (coffee). Despite the incentive for integration predicted by institutional theories dealing with quality problems, personalized relationships predominate in the four commodity chains. Such personalized relationships are very resilient but they are not an effective tool to promote the development of quality beyond a minimal level and only partially eliminate opportunism. The integration between production and marketing is observed to take place successfully in a number of vegetable cooperatives in Vietnam. Furthermore, the conditions for successful collective action have been developed more particularly in the case study involving Mali, revealing the effectiveness of coupling government (at the local level) and private sanctions in case of non-compliance with commitments on the requirements for membership in stakeholders' associations. The project has enabled fruitful exchanges between INRA and CIRAD researchers regarding the layout of analytical frameworks as well as on the research outputs. These exchanges led to the production of several papers, a supported thesis and two master science dissertations. In each case study, one type of coordination method was reviewed using an analysis approach (vertical integration in the case of Vietnam, collective action in the case of Mali, signs for palm oil, while the coffee study has not yet been completed). It would be advisable to continue analytical work on all methods of coordination for the four case studies. Cooperation arrangements could be maintained in the framework of the Moisa UMR (Joint Research Unit). ...French Abstract : L'objectif du projet est d'évaluer les forces et faiblesses de différents modes de coordination dans le développement de démarches qualité dans les pays du sud. Les modes de coordination recouvrent : les signes de qualité (labels, marques, référents géographiques) ; la coordination horizontale (associations de producteurs ou de commerçants) ; la coordination verticale (relations personnalisées, contrats, intégration). Notre projet cherche à : (i) caractériser les problèmes de qualité ; (ii) caractériser la diversité des modes de coordination répondant aux problèmes de qualité; (iii) évaluer l'efficacité des modes de coordination et le rôle potentiel de l'Etat pour la renforcer. Le projet s'appuie sur quatre études de cas de filières de qualité spécifique (légumes sains au Vietnam, céréales au Mali, cafés Spéciaux en République dominicaine, huile de palme en Côte d'Ivoire et au Cameroun), ainsi que sur des ateliers de mise en commun associant des chercheurs du CIRAD, de l'INRA, de l'université et des pays du Sud. La mise en forme d'un cadre d'analyse de la relation entre la coordination et les problèmes de qualité est un des acquis du projet. Les problèmes de qualité ont été caractérisés dans les quatre études de cas en mettant l'accent sur les coûts et erreurs de mesure qui vont croissant entre les problèmes de qualité physique (présents sur toutes les filières), gustative (huile de palme et café), sanitaire (légumes au Vietnam) et éthique (café). Malgré l'incitation à l'intégration prédite par la théorie en situation de problèmes de qualité, ce sont les relations personnalisées qui dominent dans les quatre filières. Ces relations personnalisées ont une grande résilience mais permettent difficilement le développement de la qualité au-delà d'un niveau minimal et n'éliminent que partiellement l'opportunisme. L'intégration entre production et commercialisation est observée avec succès dans le cas de quelques coopératives de légumes au Vietnam. Par ailleurs, les conditions de succès de l'action collective ont été particulièrement approfondies pour l'étude de cas du Mali, révélant l'efficacité du couplage des sanctions publiques (à l'échelle locale) et privées en cas de non-respect d'engagements sur la qualité des membres des associations de commerçants. Le projet a permis de fructueux échanges entre chercheurs INRA et CIRAD sur le plan des cadres d'analyse, ainsi que des résultats de recherche. Ces échanges se sont traduits par la rédaction de plusieurs articles, une thèse soutenue et deux mémoires de stage. Dans chaque étude de cas, un type de mode de coordination a fait plus particulièrement l'objet d'analyses (l'intégration verticale dans le cas du Vietnam, l'action collective dans le cas du Mali, les signaux pour l'huile de palme, tandis que l'étude sur le café est encore incomplète). Il serait intéressant de poursuivre le travail d'analyse de l'ensemble des modes de coordination pour les quatre études de cas. Les collaborations engagées pourront être maintenues dans le cadre de l'UMR MOISA.QUALITY; COORDINATION; INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS; COMMODITY CHAIN; FARMERS' ORGANISATIONS; DEVELOPING COUNTRIES

    Sea Beam survey of an active strike‐slip fault: The San Clemente fault in the California Continental Borderland

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    The San Clemente fault, located in the California Continental Borderland, is an active, northwest trending, right‐lateral, wrench fault. Sea Beam data are used to map the major tectonic landforms associated with active submarine faulting in detail unavailable using conventional echo‐sounding or seismic reflection data. In the area between North San Clemente Basin and Fortymile Bank, the major late Cenozoic faults are delineated by alignments of numerous tectonic landforms, including scarps, linear trenches, benches, and sags. Character and spatial patterns of these landforms are consistent with dextral wrench faulting, although vertical offsets may be substantial locally. The main trace of the San Clemente fault cuts a straight path directly across the rugged topography of the region, evidence of a steeply dipping fault surface. Basins or sags located at each right step in the en echelon pattern of faults are manifestations of pull‐apart basin development in a right‐slip fault zone. Seismic reflection profiles show offset reflectors and a graben in late Quaternary turbidites of the Navy Fan, where the fault zone follows a more northerly trend. Modern tectonic activity along the San Clemente fault zone is demonstrated by numerous earthquakes with epicenters located along the fault\u27s trend. The average strike of the San Clemente fault is parallel to the predicted Pacific‐North American relative plate motion vector at this location. Therefore we conclude that the San Clemente fault zone is a part of the broad Pacific‐North American transform plate boundary and that the southern California region may be considered as a broad shear zone

    Urban agriculture, dietary diversity and child health in a sample of Tanzanian town folk

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    Undernutrition and micronutrient deficiency continue to be two of the major health burdens in less developed economies. In this study, we explore the link between urban agriculture, dietary diversity and child health, using weight-for-age and height-for-age Z-scores. The study makes use of two rounds of observational data for urban Tanzania and employs an instrumental variables estimation approach. We show that practising urban agriculture leads to the consumption of a greater variety of food items and the health status of urban children living in households practising urban agriculture significantly improves in the short and, more importantly, long term